How to write a summary of a research paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Media and the War on Terrorism free essay sample
A paper which examines the medias control of the war on fear mongering. A paper which presents a point by point conversation about the war on fear mongering and the medias control of the war. The essayist plots the cultural perspectives on the US assaults on Middle Eastern soil. The author likewise portrays the manner in which the media has controlled society individuals in regards to the assaults by declining to cover certain issues and helping out the US government. Probably the most punctual ways that the media started to control the world sentiment about the United States assault in the Middle East was its inclusion of Bin Ladens response to the assaults on 9-11. The media on a practically overall premise started to guarantee in November that Bin Laden had announced credit was his for the attacks(Truth pg 10). We will compose a custom paper test on Media and the War on Terrorism or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Media in the United States, Britain, New Zealand and different countries demanded that he had conceded, we did it (Truth pg 10). It was accounted for that he admitted on a news arrange in England. This would have an exceptionally overwhelming effect in transit society would see Bin Laden and the war against the Middle East. Until this happened, America just as different countries were offended at the assaults on America which slaughtered a great many regular people yet there was a dithering about who to assault.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Works
How Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Works In the mission for ever-improving eco-friendliness and outflows decrease, an old and promising thought has discovered new life. HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) innovation has been around for quite a while yet has as of late got reestablished consideration and excitement. While the early years saw numerous difficult (at that point) deterrents whose answers would just come as modern PC controlled gadgets were formed and developed into dependable advances, progress slowed down. Time has, as it generally does, did something amazing and almost every issue has been understood. HCCI is a thought whose opportunity has arrived with about the entirety of the parts and bits of innovation and expertise set up to cause a genuine to go of it. What is HCCI? A HCCI motor is a blend of both ordinary flash start and diesel pressure start innovation. The mixing of these two structures offers diesel-like high proficiency without the troublesome and costly to manage NOx and particulate issue outflows. In its most fundamental structure, it essentially implies that fuel (gas or E85) is homogeneously (altogether and totally) blended in with air in the burning chamber (very much like a standard flash lighted gas motor), however with a high extent of air to fuel (lean blend). As the motors cylinder arrives at its most elevated point (top flawlessly focused) on the pressure stroke, the air/fuel blend auto-touches off (suddenly and totally combusts with no flash attachment help) from pressure heat, much like a diesel motor. The outcome is the best of the two universes: low fuel utilization and low outflows. How Does HCCI Work? In a HCCI motor (which depends on the four-stroke Otto cycle), fuel conveyance control is of vital significance in controlling the ignition procedure. On the admission stroke, fuel is infused into every chamber burning chamber by means of fuel injectors mounted legitimately in the chamber head. This is accomplished autonomously from air acceptance which happens through the admission plenum. Before the finish of the admission stroke, fuel and air have been completely presented and blended in the chambers burning chamber. As the cylinder moves back up during the pressure stroke, heat starts to work in the burning chamber. At the point when the cylinder arrives at the finish of this stroke, adequate warmth has aggregated to cause the fuel/air blend to unexpectedly combust (no flash is fundamental) and power the cylinder down for the force stroke. In contrast to traditional flash motors (and even diesels), the burning procedure is a lean, low temperature and flameless arrival of vitality over the whole ignition chamber. The whole fuel blend is scorched at the same time delivering comparable force, however utilizing substantially less fuel and discharging far less emanations all the while. Toward the finish of the force stroke, the cylinder inverts heading again and starts the fumes stroke, however before the entirety of the fumes gases can be cleared, the fumes valves close early, catching a portion of the inactive burning warmth. This warmth is safeguarded, and a little amount of fuel is infused into the ignition chamber for a pre-charge (to help control burning temperatures and outflows) before the following admission stroke starts. Difficulties for HCCI A progressing formative issue with HCCI motors is controlling the ignition procedure. In conventional sparkle motors, ignition timing is handily balanced by the motor administration control module changing the flash occasion and maybe fuel conveyance. Its not almost so natural with HCCIs flameless ignition. Ignition chamber temperature and blend arrangement must be firmly controlled inside rapidly changing and exceptionally restricted limits that incorporate parameters, for example, chamber pressure, motor burden and RPMs and choke position, surrounding air temperature boundaries and climatic weight changes. A large portion of these conditions are made up for with sensors and programmed changes in accordance with in any case ordinarily fixed activities. Included are singular chamber pressure sensors, variable water powered valve lift and electromechanical phasers for camshaft timing. The stunt isnt to such an extent as getting these frameworks to fill in as it is getting them to coop erate, rapidly, and over a large number of miles and long stretches of mileage. Maybe similarly as trying however will be the issue of keeping these propelled control frameworks moderate. Points of interest of HCCI Slender burning returns 15 percent expansion in eco-friendliness over a regular flash start engine.Cleaner ignition and lower discharges (particularly NOx) than a customary sparkle start engine.Compatible with gas just as E85 (ethanol) fuel.Fuel is copied speedier and at lower temperatures, lessening heat vitality misfortune contrasted with an ordinary sparkle engine.Throttleless acceptance framework disposes of frictional siphoning misfortunes brought about in conventional (choke body) flash motors. Hindrances of HCCI High chamber pressures require more grounded (and increasingly costly) motor construction.More constrained force run than a customary sparkle engine.The numerous periods of ignition attributes are troublesome (and progressively costly) to control. Unmistakably HCCI innovation offers prevalent eco-friendliness and outflows control contrasted with the regular proven sparkle start fuel motor. Whats not really certain yet is the capacity of these motors to convey these attributes modestly, and, presumably more significantly, dependably over the life of the vehicle. Proceeded with headways in electronic controls have brought HCCI to the cliff of serviceable reality, and further refinements will be important to send it to the brink into regular creation vehicles.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
How to Monetize Your Blog Successfully
How to Monetize Your Blog Successfully © | Alex BrylovBlogging is an incredibly popular activity and is increasingly becoming a great source of income for many people. In this article, we will look at 1) the importance of blogging, 2) preparing to monetize and 3) tips and techniques on how to monetize your blog.THE IMPORTANCE OF BLOGGINGBlogging BackgroundBlogs are an abbreviation of the expression weblog and are a type of website on the internet. These websites host posts that provide information or initiate discussion. The blog has evolved from a single person or small group run format to multi-author blogs over the years. These blogs have multiple authors, are often professionally edited and used by newspapers, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups or other institutions.The word blog is also used as a verb, and used in the context of adding and maintaining content on a blog. Blogs allow for comments and messaging, which is what makes them different from other types of websites and more like a typ e of social media. Blog owners work towards creating and maintaining social relations with their audience, bloggers and often with relevant businesses. Typically, blogs will have a combination of text, photos and other media. There may also be links to other blogs or websites.As of February 2011, 156 million public blogs on the internet. In 2014, there were 172 million blogs on Tumblr and 75.8 million on WordPress. The most popular blog service is said to be Blogger, but the company does not share usage statistics.Popularity of BloggingAccording to a Social Media Marketing Industry Report from the Social Media Examiner for 2014, blogging is at the top in terms of importance and investment from businesses. The survey includes social media marketing professionals. Blogging overtook YouTube in the 2014 report with 68% of these professionals planning to increase blog investments in the same year. There is also an increased prioritization for blogs optimized for mobile devices.PREPARING TO MONETIZE YOUR BLOGAll this attention and focus means that bloggers are uniquely positioned to make more money from their blogs. There are several ways to monetize a blog, depending on the direction of the blog or the depth of a blogger’s interest.But before a blog can be monetized, there is substantial pre-work that needs to be put in to prepare. These basics are needed for the blog to gain traction, for a substantial number of engaged readers and regular traffic. Blogs are usually started for reasons other than making money, and the traffic that is built up over time is leveraged for monetization. These basics include:Developing a sound content map and strategy;Choosing the right blogging platform;Designing a great layout for the blog;Focusing on bringing in traffic.TIPS AND TECHNIQUES FOR MONETIZING YOUR BLOG1. AdvertisingThis is often the first avenue bloggers take to monetize their blog. The pre-requisite for this technique is that there is a steady flow of substantial traf fic to your blog as well as engaged readers who comment regularly and message. These two things will be of interest to advertisers. Once these are in place, there are a number of advertising routes that can be taken. Some of these include:Pay Per ClickAs the name suggest, this method allows you to earn money whenever a reader clicks on an advertisement placed on your blog page. Once you select a provider for the service, you are given a code to put on the site. Contextual ads relevant to the website content are sent by the provider. These may be image or text based. The most popular service for this type of advertising in Google AdSense, but there are also other options out there such as Bidvertiser and Clicksor.Usually, a small percentage of site visitors will click on these ads. So a fairly substantial amount of traffic is needed to make a good amount of money. In addition to this, there are some parts on the website that are more visible than others. The space at the beginning of an article and that at the end are most visible, so an ad placed here will have a higher chance of being clicked on.Cost Per Mile Somewhat similar to Pay Per Click, payment is based on the number of page views. The payment is calculated based on a certain number of page views. There are several CPM providers that can be used to get these ads. These providers give different rates with better providers offering higher rates. The placement of these ads is also relevant in this type of advertising.In-Text AdsIn-text ads are also placed by a provider for your blog. These are sponsored links that are double underlined. This makes them stand out and when the cursor is hovered over them, a small pop-up appears. If a user decides to follow the link, the owner of the blog gets some money. The ads placed in this type of advertising are more obvious than other methods and can put some people off. The idea is to use the ads properly to make best use of them.Advertising WidgetsAnother popular me thod for advertising is to add widgets to the website. Widgets are designed to be hassle free and easy to use. They can be a mixture of pay-per-click, text-link ads and affiliate advertising.Advertising SpaceAnother way to bring in money from a blog is to sell ad space to display banners. This method allows the blogger to remove the fee paid to a middleman and directly transact with the business owner who wants to advertise. Banner deals are usually to display the banner for an agreed upon time period and an agreed upon fee. The only negative is that all the details of the transaction from the arrangement to banner changes etc. all have to be managed by the blogger themselves and that can take time away from developing content for the blog.RSS Adverts Another good way to make money from a blog is to place ads in the RSS feed. RSS feed generators now provide this service but it can also be set up on one’s own. A service provider may offer a CPM or PPC option and you could opt to se ll sponsored messages or banners directly. Some options to get started are BidVertiser and Google FeedBurner.Audio Advertising Audio advertisements are a somewhat intrusive form of advertising and should be used with caution. One way of using these ads is the pay-per-play ads. These are automatically played automatically as the page loads and cannot be paused or turned off by the viewer. This is what some might find irritating and even though the ad is usually very brief, you should weigh the pros and cons of the method. Another form is the podcast ad, where a regular podcast feature is added to the website. Ads can be featured in these podcasts. This is a less intrusive version of the method because the ads will work as a commercial break during a radio show.Pop-ups/LightboxesA well-known form of online advertising is the popup. These are fairly common online, but are annoying enough for there to be pop-up blocking extensions on most web browsers. But there are still ways to use th ese properly with success. One idea is to have only one pop-up for new visitors. It will capture attention but not bother repeatedly. Pop-ups can also be used to promote certain parts of your own website such as a webinar or a tutorial.2. Affiliate LinksThis is another way to make money from your blog if executed correctly. Many other forms of advertising can be used as affiliate marketing methods as well as product reviews. As an example, if you run a makeup blog, then you could research affiliate programs and find out who features clients related to makeup. You could feature the best mascaras or the most long lasting lipstick and finish by promoting this as an affiliate product. Commissions may be awarded for every sale that results from your promotion as viewers are directed from your blog to the product page. Some good places to find affiliate products are ClickBank, ShareASale, Skimlinks and AffiliateWindow.Affiliate links can be a great way to make money. Amazon Associates for example, pays up to 8.5% for Kindle Books and 5% for movies and music. Many bloggers make as much as 75% of their total income from affiliate links such as reviews and tutorials. Just remember to put in a disclaimers on the blog letting readers know that you use affiliate links periodically.3. Social Media IconsAnother good way to easily monetize your blog is to use the social media icons. With the ever increasing popularity of social media, there are social sharing icons present on every page you visit online. Some of these buttons, usually through plug-ins, help change settings so that once a post is shared, there is a request to follow you or someone else. This option to follow someone else can be used as ad space and sold for profit to another party. A good idea is to try and make this link a related one so that it makes sense to people and increases the likelihood of them actually following or liking this other account.4. NewslettersNewsletters offer many different ways to mon etize your blog. The obvious choices are to sell ad spaces in the actual pages of the newsletter. But apart from this, there are a few other ways to use a newsletter as a source of revenue. One of these is what happens when a person signs up for a newsletter. When they do, you can just let that window close or let it redirect to your homepage. A good option for monetizing is to have an ad fill this space. Any confirmation emails or auto-responders are also good places for ad space. The smart strategy here is to identify related products or services that would be of interest to our readers. When these are shared as ads, there is more likelihood of it being received positively.5. Be a MerchantThe most difficult but also most rewarding way to make money from your blog is to become an entrepreneur and sell your own products or services. Though this is the most demanding way to make money, it can reap the most profits and increase traffic to the blog at the same time. Products could be d igital or physical, and services could be online or require you to be present in person. You can also sign up with a company to attract affiliates to help increase sales for a commission.6. Membership SitesAnother time-consuming way to monetize your blog is to setup a membership section. This is a method that requires dedication, commitment and a strict quality control. This is why it is a method that also requires research, preparation and a clear strategy for the blog. Newspapers are an example of websites that offer sections for members. NYTimes allow a user to read up to 20 articles a month free of charge. Beyond this, the reader has to pay a subscription fee and join up. A good business idea could be to offer brief tutorial videos free of charge to bring in traffic and offer extended support and downloads for site members. These members can be charged a monthly fee. Some examples of membership sites include:lynda.comâ€" charges a monthly membership for high-quality, HD, product ion house level instruction videos on training related to software products, technology, business, and skills that immediately help others make and â€" charge membership fees for training on Adobe Business Catalyst (Including technology, business aspects of running a BC business, and also Business Catalyst Templates).7. Hire Me PageSimilar to selling your products online, a blog could be your pathway to increase your clients in the real world. Professionals such as consultants, stock traders, architects, psychologists and trainers are just some of the people who could use a blog to make their views accessible to more people and hence bring in more clients. This could be limited to actual physical meetings or a service could be provided online.8. Add Call to ActionAnother good idea is to make sure that there is some kind of call to action at the end of every post. This could be to purchase an affiliate product, to follow a paid account or to purchase o ne of your own products or services. If your regular and new readers have enjoyed your article and the call to action is for a relate item, then there is a good chance of a successful sale. For example, if you review a certain software, you could add an affiliate link to purchase software as well as your own services to help use the software.9. Instant MarketplaceAn innovative way to make some money from a blog is to use a service such as Ubokia to add a miniature marketplace to your site. This service helps you add a small niche marketplace without the hassle of maintenance and management of the products or the transactions. A music blogger can add links to musical instruments from Ubokia. The website pays bloggers a two percent commission on sales for hosting the marketplace.You can read about an actual bloggers monetization experience here and some tips from other bloggers here.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effect of European Union Membership on the Political...
The Effect of European Union Membership on the Political Parties in the UK The issue of the European union has been one which has dramatically shaped the course of British politics. Most significantly, it has affected the political parties, in various ways. It might be assumed that each party would be required to create firm and coherent policies on Europe, to provide choices for the electorate. However, in Britain, the issue of the European Union serves to divide the parties internally and leads to fluctuating and irresolute policies. Within both major parties, there has been intense division since the establishment of even the most basic European Union. Originally, the Labour Party was†¦show more content†¦This exact problem has lead to the major change within political parties, inner division. For example, in the Labour Party, this very issue has seen the Deputy PM, Roy Jenkins, in 1979, to resign, the party to split into a fragment called the Social Democratic Party in 1981 taking up an anti-European agenda, and even the exact issue was bypassed due to the division and contrasting views of the government and the party by the use of the 1975 EU referendum. This pattern is a similar one which can be seen in the Conservative Party. Traditionally, the Party were anti-European and were well known for their objections to any sort of European connections. This was reversed between 1961 and 1975 when they were actively positive towards the EU. After 1975, this was overshadowed by the severe split within the party, which is a major effect of the EU. The aftermath of Mrs Thatchers terms in office where she was rigidly a Eurosceptic, so much so as many resigned such as Michael Heseltine, meant that the party adopted a far less controversial and potentially vote-losing stance of Britain being run with Europe and not by Europe. This again echoes the Labour approach of avoiding the issue, and not making clear decisions on the basis it might alienate the majority, and combines traditional Conservatism with a less-rigid angle toShow MoreRelatedUnited Kingdom Of The European Union And The Political, Economical, And Social Consequences1694 Words  | 7 Pagestheir countries’ fate: whether they should leave the European Union. What makes this important is that it would be the first country to leave the European Union in a time when other European countries are either in negotiation or planning to join. It would be a big deal as the United Kingdom is Europe’s third largest economy. 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Be sure to explain why you see them as gaining or losing, using economic reasoning. You should suggest which of these gains and losses you think are likely to be most important. Throughout this essay I am going to be exploring the current issues surrounding the decision of whether or not the UK should leave the European Union. I will be researching and lookingRead MoreThe European Union983 Words  | 4 Pages Thus, the leading party of the United Kingdom has approved a referendum on UK’s membership of the European Union. Opinion polls show that British citizens have a different perspective on the issue. A recent study conducted by center for European reform showed that â€Å"The younger generation of Britons favors European Union because it offers a good economic prospect. At the same time, the older generation perceives the EU as an anti-democratic institution. 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Not only will the European Union will lose the economic powerhouse the UK is, but the UK will lose the multitude of benefits, regarding trade, finance, free movement of people, etc., the EU membership affords. This loss poses the need to represent the interest of the UK and theRead MoreThe Ideas Of Creating A Unified Europe1735 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of creating a unified Europe were in the minds of many European writers, Intellectuals, philosophers of the last centuries, such as, Immanuel Kant, Aristide Briand and Victor Hugo (The French author) who wrote in 1849: A day will arrive, where all nations of this continent will come toge ther closely and create a higher community and big European brotherhood and there will be no other battlefields than the markets, which open for trade. However, On the 9 May 1950 after the Second World WarRead MoreReasons For Britain To Leave The EU1108 Words  | 5 PagesReason for Britain to leave the EU – POLITICAL and FINANACIAL The UK have been a part of the EU since 1973. Since the accession of the country in 1973, Europe has completely changed its nature. For years, Euro sceptics have been campaigning for a referendum on the membership on the UK in the EU. The British has officially voted to move away from the EU. The market is in crisis after the revelation that the united kingdom is a broken nation. On June 23, 2016, in a referendum organized by former PrimeRead MorePolitical And Economic Impacts Of The British Voters985 Words  | 4 PagesBritish voters have spoken on the June 23 referendum that they want their country out of the European Union. The leave side has prevailed with 52 percent voters supporting Brexit, or Britain s exit, while the remain side getting 48 percent. Some of the political and economic impacts have been already felt in the United Kingdom and registered in Europe and across the world. The others will come as political and economic uncertainties continue. In the United Kingdom, the Conservative Prime MinisterRead MoreA Brief Note On The United Kingdom And The European Kingdom2007 Words  | 9 Pagespopulation are becoming eurosceptic. Euroscepticism in the UK is the distrust and scepticism of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union and is considered a controversial and important concept in British Politics. This increase in Euroscepticism in the UK has contributed to an EU referendum on the 23rd June 2016, during which the United Kingdom will either decide to continue as a member state or to leave the European Union. Euroscepticism within the United Kingdom is an increasingly
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Idea of the “American Dream†- 1101 Words
The American Dream Final Exam By: Uday Govindswamy Period 2 The idea of the â€Å"American Dream†was first used in the book The Epic of America, written by James Truslow Adams, in 1931. Adams stated that the American Dream is, â€Å"the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†¦(31) â€Å". The key elements of the American Dream include: access to a college education, owning a home, enjoying political freedom and being economically independent (Clinton American Dream Initiative 3). Every newly arrived immigrant believes that with hard work he or she will achieve all or most of the elements of the American Dream. The fundamental thesis of the†¦show more content†¦In particular, the typical African-American family had 60% as much income as a Caucasian family in 1968, but only 58% as much as a Caucasian family in 2002 (â€Å"New Report†). This exemplifies that economic discrimination of African-Americans has be en deteriorating rather than improving. Regardless of the economic growth, the economic position of African-Americans has worsened. Thus the American Dream remains a myth for an important part of American society. Economic discrimination of Hispanics can be viewed through the gap between their unemployment rates and those of Caucasians. Hispanics have twice the unemployment rate compared to Caucasians (â€Å"Category C†201). The statistic suggests that Hispanics have a higher chance of being unemployed because they are not Caucasian. Being unemployed means no income, no health insurance, and no money to educate your children. So, the American Dream stays out of reach of the next generation as well. Moreover, according to a new poll from Xavier University, only 60% believe the American Dream is getting harder, also 68% believe that the dream will be harder to achieve for their children (Good The Atlantic). This proves that the American Dream will only get harder to achieve over time. The above all point to the fact that today for many - the American Dream is a myth. According to the, The American Dream Initiative, a college education is one of the key pillars of the American Dream
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rudolf Virchow Free Essays
Rudolf Virchow was born on October 13, 1821, in Schivelbein, as the only child of a farmer. His early interest in the natural sciences and broad humanistic training helped him get a high marks throughout school. In 1839, he earned a military fellowship to study medicine at the Freidrich Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, Germany. We will write a custom essay sample on Rudolf Virchow or any similar topic only for you Order Now Virchow had the opportunity to study under Johannes Muller, gaining experience in experimental laboratory and diagnostic methods.In 1843, he received his medical degree from the University of Berlin and went on to become company surgeon at the Charite Hospital in Berlin. He was one of the first to describe white blood witch is also known as Leukemia. Later he became professor and director of the pathological institute. Virchow’s was known for his findings that a whole organism does not get sick. Only certain cells or groups of cells get the infection.In 1855, at the age of 34, he published his now famous aphorism â€Å"omnis cellula e cellula†(â€Å"every cell stems from another cell†). With these resuts, Virchow launched the field of cellular pathology. He stated that all diseases involve changes in normal cells, that is, all pathology ultimately is cellular pathology. This insight led to major progress in the practice of medicine. It meant that disease entities could be defined much more sharply. Diseases could be characterized not merely by a group of clinical symptoms but by typical anatomic changes.Rudolf has changed how doctors can find out when a person is sick. His main point is that only certain cells or groups of cells are the ones that make the person sick. I have learned that now thanks to Rudolf’s invention in the medical field, we now know where to locate the infection to make it easier for doctors to cure you. This really helps because without these findings people would still be sick and die from whatever they have been infected with. How to cite Rudolf Virchow, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas free essay sample
Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (promoted theatrically as The Grinch) is a 2000 American fantasy comedy Christmas film from Universal Pictures and Imagine Entertainment, based on the 1957 book of the same name by Dr. Seuss. It was the first Dr. Seuss book to be adapted into a full-length feature film. Because the film is based on a childrens picture book, many additions had to be made to the storyline to bring it up to feature-length, including some information about the backstory of the titular character. Most of the rhymes used in the book were used in the film, though some were slightly changed, and new rhymes were put in as well. The film was directed by Ron Howard, produced by Howard and Brian Grazer, and starring comedian Jim Carrey. The film received mixed reviews from critics, but spent four weeks as the number-one film in the United States. The Grinch is the second highest-grossing holiday film of all time with $345,141,403 worldwide, only behind Home Alone. Plot In the city of Whoville, everyone celebrates Christmas with much happiness and joy, with the exception of the cynical and misanthropic Grinch (Jim Carrey), who despises Christmas and the Whos with great wrath and occasionally pulls dangerous and harmful practical jokes on them. As a result, no one likes or cares for him. The postmasters daughter, Cindy Lou (Taylor Momsen), who is six years old, believes everyone is missing the point about Christmas. After finding him messing up the mail in the post office, Cindy Lou becomes aware of the Grinchs existence, and starts to become interested in the Grinch and his history, asking everyone what they know about him, and soon discovers that he has a tragic past. He actually arrived in Whoville by mistake, due to a wrong wind when he was a baby, and was adopted by two elderly sisters. Although he showed some sadistic tendencies as a child, he was not the cruel and selfish person who he later became; he was ridiculed by classmates (particularly by Augustus May Who, who is currently the Mayor of Whoville) because of his appearance with the exception of Martha May Whovier, a much-admired Whoville beauty who was pursued by both the Grinch and May Who. Before he shaved his chin after remembering what all the kids said, he made a gift for Martha by smashing some heirlooms of the spinster sisters and machining them into a metal angel. When everyone saw the Grinchs face covered with shaving tape the next morning, due to cutting himself repeatedly with the shaver, he became isolated. He lost his temper, caused havoc in the classroom, and ran away to live on Mt. Crumpit. He never returned home, and became an urban legend due to brief sightings. Cindy, touched by this story, decides to make the Grinch the main participant of the Whobilation, to the great displeasure of May Who, who reluctantly agrees after pressure from the townspeople who have been warmed by Cindys generous spirit. But when she offers an invitation to the Grinch, he turns down her offer. He gradually changes his mind, however, due to the promise of a gift and arrives late to the proceedings, dressed in a stolen Alpine mountain climber outfit. But just as the Grinch is enjoying himself, and is almost won over, May Who not only proposes to Martha in marriage, but also gives the Grinch an electric shaver as a bad joke. This causes the Grinch to lambast the Whoss Christmas celebrations for gifts they will dispose of later anyway, in the hopes of making them too ashamed to celebrate the holiday. He then goes on to ruin the party and upset Cindy Lou. The Grinch is pleased with his actions, but much to his dismay, he soon realizes that his attack does not remove the spirit of Christmas from the Whos, and that they will celebrate the commemoration of the Christmas tomorrow (also getting out a spare Christmas Tree for the town square). Outraged with the idea of spending another Christmas alone in his cave, the Grinch, who is convinced that the Whos only celebrate Christmas because of their extravagant gifts, decides to steal all their belongings while they sleep. Creating a Santa suit and sleigh, and running a test course that fails, the Grinchs burglary is successful despite again being surprised by Cindy-Lou and having to fabricate an explanation as to why he is stealing the family Christmas tree. He forces Max, his dog, to pull all the stolen things, when his flying sleigh runs out of fuel. The next day, the Whos discover the Grinchs scheme, and May Who denounces Cindy Lou as the root of the whole catastrophe. However, her father, Lou Lou Who, reminds everyone that they still have the Christmas Spirit the one thing that does not come from a store and that the principal meaning of Christmas is to spend it with family and friends, and not about giving or receiving gifts and putting up decorations. The people accept his speech, and begin to sing. This scene explains why the Whos celebrated Christmas despite the theft of all the gifts. Cindy Lou went to Mt. Crumpit to find the Grinch. The Grinch reveals that he intends to destroy all the stolen gifts after he hears the Whos crying, which he anticipates would be the result of his actions. However, he hears the joyful singing of the Whos. Frustrated at the failure of his plan, the Grinch realizes that Christmas means much more than mere material gifts, an insight that profoundly touches him and makes his heart grow three times its original size. However, the stolen gifts nearly fall off the cliff, and the Grinch desperately tries to save them to no avail. However, when he realizes Cindy Lou has come to wish him a Merry Christmas, the Grinch with enough strength to lift the gifts and Cindy Lou right over his head. After a long descent, the Grinch appears along with Cindy and the gifts, He explains the schemes and apologizes for his actions towards them. The Whos reconcile with the Grinch, while Martha turns down May Whos proposal and decides to stay with the Grinch instead, much to The Grinchs delight. The redeemed Grinch starts a new life with the Whos, and commemorates the Christmas feast with them in his cave. Cast Jim Carrey as the Grinch, a green creature who always hated Christmas since he was an 8-year-old child. It was revealed in his origin that he started to hate Christmas after his school classmates laughed at him when he tried to shave his chin. Before Jim Carrey was cast to play as The Grinch, Jack Nicholson and Eddie Murphy were considered to play, but both actors were scrapped. [citation needed] Jeffrey Tambor as Mayor Augustus May Who, Whovilles rude, arrogant, and judgmental mayor and the main antagonist of the film. He is revealed to be the school bully who picked on the young Grinch over his shaved chin, which motivated the Grinch to hate Christmas in the first place. He also denounces the Grinch every chance he gets and wants to have a Grinch-less Christmas. Christine Baranski as Martha May Whovier, the Grinchs lifelong crush and the romantic interest of May Who. She ultimately rejects the Mayor and chooses the Grinch. Bill Irwin as Lou Lou Who, Cindy Lous father and the postman of Whoville. Molly Shannon as Betty Lou Who, Cindy Lous mother and a rival to Martha May in a house-lighting contest. Taylor Momsen as Cindy Lou Who, a young Who who thinks the Christmas spirit in Whoville is lost. (In this version, she is six years old, whereas in the book and TV special she was no more than two). Kelley as Max the Dog and Frank Welker as his voice, who is the Grinchs pet dog and only companion on Mt. Crumpit. It is unknown how or when The Grinch got him. Clint Howard as Whobris, the mayors sycophantic aid. Mindy Sterling as Clarnella Who, one of the Grinchs childhood caretakers Jeremy Howard and T. J. Thyne as Drew Lou and Stu Lou Who, troublesome sons of Lou and Betty, and brothers to Cindy Lou. Jim Meskimen as Officer Wholihan, the chief of police. Josh Ryan Evans as an 8-year-old Grinch; his humiliation at school by May Who is what drives him into a hatred of Christmas. Anthony Hopkins as the Narrator. Bryce Dallas Howard as a surprised Who. Ben Bookbinder as an 8-year-old Augustus May Who; he tormented the young Grinch, which then motivated the Grinch to hate Christmas. Landry Allbright as an 8-year-old Martha May Whovier. She shows compassion towards the young Grinch. Reid Kirchenbauer as an 8-year-old Whobris. Soundtrack 1. Kids Today – Jim Carrey and Taylor Momsen * 2. Grinch 2000 – Busta Rhymes and Jim Carrey 3. Green Christmas – Barenaked Ladies 4. Christmas of Love – Little Isidore and the Inquisitors 5. Lonely Christmas Eve – Ben Folds 6. Grinch Schedule – Jim Carrey * 7. Better Do It Right – Smash Mouth 8. Whoville Medley (Perfect Christmas Night/Grinch) – Trans-Siberian Orchestra 9. Reindeer – Jim Carrey * 10. Christmas Is Going to the Dogs – The Eels 11. Youre a Mean One, Mr. Grinch – Jim Carrey 12. Christmas Means More – Anthony Hopkins and Jim Carrey 13. You Dont Have to Be Alone – *NSYNC 14. Where Are You, Christmas? – Faith Hill 15. The Shape of Things to Come – James Horner 16. Memories of a Green Childhood – James Horner + 17. Christmas, Why Cant I Find You? – James Horner and Taylor Momsen 18. Stealing Christmas – Anthony Hopkins, James Horner, Jim Carrey, and Taylor Momsen ~ 19. The Big Heist – James Horner + 20. Does Cindy Lou Really Ruin Christmas? – James Horner + 21. A Change of Heart – James Horner + 22. The Sleigh of Presents – James Horner + 23. He Carves the Roast Beast – James Horner ^ Legend:? *Dialogue? + Instrumental? ~ Includes Narration and Dialogue? ^ Includes Welcome Christmas Reception Box office Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas was a financial success at the box office, opening at number-one with a weekend gross of $55,082,230, for an average of $17,615 from 3,127 theaters and staying at #1 for a total of 4 weeks. It closed on April 30, 2001, after five months, with a final gross of $260,044,825 in the United States and Canada and an additional gross of $85,096,578 in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $345,141,403. Critical reception The film received mixed reviews from critics. Rotten Tomatoes lists the film with a 53% rating,[2] while Metacritic lists the film with a 46/100 rating, indicating mixed or average reviews. Roger Ebert criticized the film, referring it a dank, eerie, weird movie about a sour creature who lives on top of a mountain of garbage, scares children, is mean to his dog, and steals everyones Christmas presents, and saying, There should be. . . a jollier production design and a brighter look overall. . . Its just not much fun. Awards The film garnered three Academy Award nominations, including Best Costume Design and Best Art Direction, and nominees Rick Baker and Gail Ryan won the Academy Award for Best Makeup. At the Golden Globes, Carrey was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, losing the award to George Clooney for O Brother, Where Art Thou?. The film won a Saturn Award for Best Music. However, it was also nominated for two 2000 Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Remake or Sequel and Worst Screenplay, but lost to Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 and Battlefield Earth respectively. [citation needed]
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