Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Key learning point: Perception Essay
Perception refers to how a person connects to their environment. In order to respond appropriately, people interpret messages and events in their environment as they perceive them. However complexity of the environment may sometimes bring about perceptual errors as the individual tries to take short cuts to process all the information. Reason for Selection: Errors in perception may sabotage a great business prospect especially if the misconception is personal. Perceptual areas include stereotyping where an individual assigns to a person certain attributes just because he belongs to a particular class or group of people. A phenomenon called halo effect may also result from errors in perception. It involves generalizing a variety of individuals characteristics based on only knowledge of one attribute. An individual may also single out information that supports a particular belief while ignoring any contrasting information. This is referred to as selective perception. Other times one may find the need to protect their own self concept and assign to others characteristics or feelings they possess themselves. Application to a business or personal situation: While working in Kenya for a pharmaceutical company whose manufacturing plant is in India, I had to pick the Senior International Brands manager at the airport. Being his first time in Kenya his perception was Kenyans being Africans don’t have enough resources to own motor vehicles for personal transit and openly said so to a taxi driver, the driver stopped the car threw out our luggage and sped of angrily mumbling to himself and since it was raining and we were already a few kilometers off the airport we had to stay at the road for hours to get another cab. Action or steps taken to improve: Asking my clients in a friendly way how they do particular things appreciate and point out how wonderful it is to have diversity in our business world. Try to come up with ways you can make use of particular attributes that you possess in a positive way or try and change yourself. Whenever you are in doubt about any particular fact about your client to kindly ask for explanation from the client. References Squidoo (2010). A goldmine of journal Writing Prompts. Retrieved on 25th July, 2010, from http://www. squidoo. com/journalwritingprompts
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Accounting Is an Information System That Identifies
A objectives and the roles of financial accounting â€Å"Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates the economic events of an organization to interested users. †1. The basic objective of accounting is to provide information to the interested users to enable them to make business decisions and â€Å"Financial statements are the primary means of communicating financial information to parties outside the business organization. †2. Moreover, accounting can give the essential information, especially for the â€Å"external users, is given in the basic financial statements: Profit and loss statement and Balance sheet. 3 On the other hand, accounting can give addition information to the internal user: for example the marketing managers, the supervisor of production, finance directors, and the officers of company. Now, I would like to discuss the people who are using the financial reporting. I had said this on the the above paragraph. There a re external and internal users. First, I would like to introduce the external users. Investors or those owners will be examples of external users. They need to rely on the financial accounting report to make a correct decision to buy, hold or sell stock.And other external user will be the creditors. Suppliers and bankers for examples. They use the financial report to calculate the chance of giving credit or borrowing cash. The supplies and bankers will ask some questions: â€Å"Is the enterprise earning satisfactory income? †or â€Å"Is the company profitability when compare with the competitors which are in the similar size? †or â€Å"Will the company get enough ability to pay its? †. All the question can be answered by the financial report. Therefore, the financial report gives a strong confidence to those supplies and the bankers.Furthermore, taxing authorities will be another external user. Because of the IRS(Internal Revenue Service), need to find out whe ther the companies obeys â€Å"the tax laws. Regulatory agencies, for instances the securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, want to know whether the company is operating within prescribed rules. †4 Customers will be another external user. Through the financial report, Customer want to know information about the endurance of an company, especially when they want to have a long term investment with company.The Government will be another external user. Why I say so? This is because governments want to know the distribution of financial resource. Moreover governments want to know the company’s activities. Governments need addition information to handle the financial activities of company. The last but not leash external user will be the public. The companies influence the public in many different channels. For instance, companies will make a lot of economic contribution to the society. There are a lot of person who are employed be the company. Financial statements may assist the public by providing information about the trends and recent developments in the success of the company and the range of its activities â€Å"5. Another external user will be the Lenders. Lenders will want to know information that let them to find whether their loans, and the interest attaching to them, will be paid when due. At this time, I would like to introduce the internal users of accounting information are managers who plan, organize, and run a business. These include a lot of person. First, Employees want to know information about their job.The stability and profitability of their employers. This is because employees want to know about whether their employers can sustain their salaries. They are want to know information which let them to enjoy the ability of the company to provide retreat benefits and employment opportunities. Of course the manager will be another internal user. This is because manager needs to relay on the financial accou nting report to set up the policy of the company. They need to base on the report to find out the profitability. Is the profit can sustain the whole company?Through the report, the manager can change the policy of the business company in order to gain the highest profit, for example, change the supplies which are in a lower cost. The role of financial reporting is to tell those stakeholders about the financial position and the condition of the economic unit or a business company. Because of financial report provides the information, stakeholders can make decisions about future investments Financial reporting is critical in making effective stock investment decisions. When the people do not read the financial report, his or her investment will become a gambling.The financial report includes the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, retaining earning statement and financial position statement. Combining all of them, will give you a clear image of the financial conditio n of the company. In order to deduce the future of the companies. I think finance market needs financial reporting. However, before my discussion, I want to introduce what is finance market first. â€Å"A financial market is a market in which people and entities can trade financia:6 source of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and demand .As I mention before, financial reports give the financial information to all the people in the financial market, such as supplies, the lenders and shareowners. Therefore, the financial report is necessary for the financial marketing. As far as I am concerned, financial market is a fair place for trading the economic materials. Financial report will become the reference for those enterprises which ready for trading so that the enterprise can find the most suitable one for trading. Through the economic material trading.This can make the financial market more sustainable due to the cash flow through the market. At last, as I said this before: financial accounting report show all the details of the financial position of the company: The revenue and the expense. Therefore, the company can get the information about the place where the cash spend on. Thus, the company can check out whether the allocation of the resource and redistribute the resources efficiently. Take a easy example, when a company spend extra expense on their supply such as stationery last year.The company can spend less on it next year. And it is a sample but good example for the role of financial accounting to assist in efficient allocation. Reference:1. Accounting principles Weygandt Kieso Kimmel 2. http://memberfiles. freewebs. com/45/34/63343445/documents/Financial%20Accounting. pdf 3. http://dilipchandra12. hubpages. com/hub/Role-of-Accounting 4. http://www. ecampus. com/hospitality-financial-accounting-2nd/bk/9780470083604 5. http://www. ecampus. com/hospitality-financial-accounting-2nd/bk/9780470083604 6.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Definition Essay Essay
We all must have heard of the word â€Å"Dictator†as a political term. Some of us –excluding myself- even watched â€Å"the dictator†comedy movie which was released in 2012. Personally, I doubt a comedy Hollywood movie would convey the right definition of a political term, so I looked it up. It turns out that this word actually has a common definition, a history, and a modern version that you will know more about in this essay. The common definition of a dictator is a ruler who doesn’t rule by democracy. While democracy is a political term that describes a government that is decided by the people. In other words, the supreme power of the country is in the citizen’s hands in a direct or indirect way. Dictatorism is the exact opposite. A dictator ruler has absolute power, control, and authority of a country and often rules in a selfish, brutal way putting his personal benefit and interest first. The word was originated in ancient Rome to rule the republic in times of emergencies. However, it didn’t have the negative meaning as it does today, Rather, a Roman dictator was a person given absolute power (unlike the normal ancient Roman way of dividing the ruling between a board of consuls) for a limited and specific time period in order to handle emergency situations. When his time period ends, he is supposed to step down and give the power back to the board of consuls and receive punishment for any wrongs he did during that period. In the modern version of a dictator, it is often associated with oppression and brutality. Also, and as a result, it is used as a term of abuse or an insult in political debates towards opponents. Many dictators are not only narcissists but also vain and full of ego. Some of them actually go to the extent of creating honorees and titles for themselves. Also, lots of them are crazy power maniacs and control freaks. Apparently, a dictator isn’t only a political ruler who rules by anything but democracy, an ancient Roman leader in emergencies, or a power maniac who makes false honor titles for himself, but also, anyone who has much arrogance and likes to boss people around can be called a dictator. So, always remember, dictators aren’t very lovable freaks, so try your best not to act as one, both in political and social life manners.
A Combat Reporter Read - Scott Anderson, Prisoner of War, Harpers Essay
A Combat Reporter Read - Scott Anderson, Prisoner of War, Harpers Magazine, January 1997 - Essay Example The author’s story gets clouded by memories of wars in places such as Beirut, Uganda, Chechnya, Northern Ireland, and the Sudan. The author is also physically trapped by war and thus the reason for the article’s title. At the present moment of his narration, the author is physically in Chechnya trying to relocate a man who disappeared in a war torn village. From his narration, the reader can witness that the author has physically been present in various warzones around the globe. The author explains that he feels a rush about wars that drive him to the war fields. He feels as though he has never been an observer of war but rather a participant. Through the article, the author also gets to explain how wars physically trap civilians and victims in a manner that curtails their freedom. The presence of gunships, tankers, and creation of physical barriers prevent people from living freely, and thus they become prisoners of war. Socially, the author is a prisoner of war. His social upbringing through his familial background almost destined his path to becoming a prisoner of war. He explains that ever since a young age, he always felt like war would eventually find him. His father was a foreign aid officer and this meant that he got raised in ‘frontline states’ such as south Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia where he begun to witness the impacts of war at a tender age. His father had fought in the World War II. His Godfather was an air force major. His brother was also a writer who documented on the direct impacts of war on civilians. This social upbringing shows that the author became a prisoner of war from an early age. He witnessed wars from an early age and thus he gets trapped by it. This article shows the effects that war can have on individuals. Through the author’s narrative, the reader has a feeling that wars have made him to become partly numb
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Impact of piracy on movie and music industry of UK Dissertation
Impact of piracy on movie and music industry of UK - Dissertation Example This "Impact of piracy on movie and music industry of UK" work research if the piracy killing this industry. . It is estimated that in the year 2008 almost 40 billion songs were illegally downloaded from the internet (Vandiver, Bowman and Vega, 2008). Every year 95 percent of the songs are downloaded without payment and referring to the copyright owner of the songs and movies (Vandiver, Bowman and Vega, 2008). In recent years the sales of the CD have skyrocketed and the blame has been placed upon Peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing of songs. Internet has become one of the most celebrated democratising medium (Meissner, 2012) that renders traditional individual gatekeepers who controlled the access of information to the traditional media but also allows greater choice of information (Meissner, 2012). Audience have a greater choice for viewing a movie which has been released lately without the fear of being supervised by the gatekeepers. Prior to the internet, Movie viewing was only availa ble through movie theatres, DVD and cable television network. The availability was finite and certain movies were not released in certain countries (Meissner, 2012). Ethics and value have changed and the consumer perception on audio visual piracy has changed. There has been a significant increase in the rise of digital piracy which reflects that consumer attitudes does not always translate into purchase intentions even though unauthorized downloading of music and piracy is prohibited (Vida et. al., 2012). 2.2 Purpose of the study The main purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of piracy on the UK movie and music industry. The study will also analyze the damage caused by file sharing and piracy on these industries and ethical values of the consumers. The study will also emphasize on the consumer attitude towards audio visual piracy and violation of copyright act. 2.3 Research Objectives The objectives of this research study are ascertained in line with the purpose of the st
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Cash for Grades Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cash for Grades Research Project - Essay Example Long-term, cash for grades programs are not effective and do not produce the desired educational outcomes which schools hope they will. â€Å"Paying students to behave is totally immoral. How will kids react when the money stops?†(Gill and Lam, 7). This is a good point which reinforces the idea that these programs are not effective long-term. Local high school and university budgets are strained, especially during times of economic difficulty, therefore supporting these programs indefinitely would not be possible from the budget viewpoint. There is bound to be an emotional reaction in students when these programs can no longer be supported which could actually de-motivate students to learn. Therefore, short-term they definitely can motivate students to achieve higher test scores or to absorb class materials, however long-term there are too many potential negative outcomes. These would be expensive programs, especially if, short-term, these programs motivated students to achieve very high grades so that a higher percentage of students achieved A grades. The end result of ending these programs due to budget problems could cause serious academic learning problems with students who had become accustomed to this added incentive. On a different note, the achievement gap between rich and poor students exists because of the quality of life differences for each socio-economic group. In psychology, Abraham Maslow identified a hierarchy of needs, common needs shared by all people in society, which identify physiological needs as the most primary (Weiten and Lloyd, 2005). Physiological needs include shelter, clothing, food and other basic life essentials. Maslow offers that people cannot achieve any greater contribution to becoming a better member of society until these basic needs are satisfied. People with higher economic means do not concern themselves as much with
Friday, July 26, 2019
European Union Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
European Union - Term Paper Example This paper will also outline various aspects that shape business among EU member states such as the law as well as other constraints that may exist. Having realised the destructive effects and killings caused by WW2, Europe is split into East and West. â€Å"West European nations create the Council of Europe in 1949. It is a first step towards cooperation between them, but six countries want to go further†European Union, 2013). Essentially, the main reason of cooperation among the European countries was to promote peace and economic activity among member states. The member states agreed that they will run their heavy industries involving coal and iron under common management and that the member states of the organization would not turn against each other. Initially, the Council of Europe was comprised of six founding countries namely: Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. After realising the success of the Coal Treaty, the member states expanded coo peration to include other sectors of the economy. Ideally, the aim was to create a situation where people, goods as well as services could freely move across borders. As time moved, more countries joined the EU and more laws and policies were formulated to strengthen the ties among the member states. The single market was established in the early 2000s and it sought to establish four freedoms: the free movement of goods, services, people and money (EU, 2013). In 2004 the 25 EU countries sign a Treaty establishing a European Constitution. According to the EU website, this decision was meant to democratise the decision-making and management in an EU. A single currency, the Euro is then introduced and meant for commercial and financial transactions only among the member states. This liberalised trade among all member states such that they no longer face any trade barriers when they want to engage in trade with other member states. The main advantaged of free trade is that the member st ates can immensely benefit since they would not be subject to harsh operational conditions such as high tariffs when trade is taking place between non-member states. The EU has also been designed in such a way that it attracts investment in different member countries. There are high chances of economic growth and development when investment tales place in different countries. Jobs are created and more revenue will be generated from such programs. The EU also plays a pivotal role in assisting developing countries so that they can also develop their economies. This bloc also promotes trade with the developing countries where it also benefits from the raw materials that are not found in this area. The EU has created equality among all member states where it can be observed that they can engage in fair trade. Fair trade practices among the member states are intended to stimulate economic growth as well as to improve the welfare of the citizens in the member states. In as far as the rule s that guide the operations of the EU are concerned, it can be seen that an agreement is reached before they are adopted as laws. The EU also set trade practices and standards among all members and these ought to be followed by all nations involved. 2. The EU
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Investing For Retirement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Investing For Retirement - Research Paper Example Investing For Retirement In the Family Finance section of Financial Post, there is an article entitled "Retirement Transition All About Expectations." This article is about a couple, Julius ,60, and Emma, 58, in Alberta, Canada who are both retirees, who's been worrying about how they can protect themselves financially if ever there would be a sudden change in the economy. According to Julius, "it might be difficult to make the transition from employment to retirement". Exposure to inflation is their main threat being a retiree. Don Forbes, head of Associates/Armstrong & Quaile gave them an advice on how they are going to utilize their financial plans to protect themselves against any threats. Forbes gave the couple a five year plan scenario on the pension plan they availed, stating what they should do, and explains its corresponding effects in the long run.. This article has been on the news because there are more other Julius and Emma who have been worrying the same thing once they are about to retire. Starting January 1, 2011, the Baby Boomers turned 65. These Baby Boomers are those generations in American history who were born between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1964. This has been an issue for so many years and now it’s 2011, the Baby Boomers have reached their retirement age. People, especially in the U.S., were already in panic that for the next 19 years these Baby Boomers will push the national government into bankruptcy. This generation has been on a wrong timing since the economy until now is still on the verge of losing everything. (â€Å"In 2011 the baby boomers,†2010). I chose this article because Canada is not an exception in this crisis. It is significant for the Canadian families because just like Julius and Emma, most of the retirees now are having lots of questions about the reliability of the government and other company pension plans to fund their necessary needs and other expenses in the future. 2. SCOPE OF CANADA PENSION PLAN Canada Pension Plan (CCP) is one of the retirement income systems in Canada that has been mentioned in the article. The CPP is a national pension plan that was established by the government in 1966. This program is a monthly national defined benefit pension plan that is paid to contributors who are at least 65 years old or between 60 and 64 years old who met the earnings and contributions requirements (Monk & Sass, 2009). It is an independent financial institution wherein no political strings attached; its obligations are not government obligations as well as with its a ssets. The governance structure of this pension plan lies in the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act. It has a disclosure policy in which all quarterly and annual financial statements report and its public portfolio holdings must be disclosed to the public in the CPPIB website. Furthermore, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is an organization established to monitor and invest the funds held by the CPP. Independent from the government, the CPPIB was incorporated in 1997 as a federal Crown corporation by an Act of Parliament. In 1999, it made its first investment whose purpose is to maximize returns without undue risk of loss. Usually, the risks associated in applying a defined-benefit pension type of plan are funding risk and insolvency risk. In the first risk, members are concerned whether the employers can fulfill their promised benefits by assuring them adequate assets in the pension fund. On the report of Financial Services Commission of Ontario 2010, there had been a n increase of underfunded plans by 79% in 2009 from 76% in 2008 out of 1,539 defined-benefit plans (cited in Davis, 2011, p. 6). The concern related on the latter risk goes on the employer's insolvency, in which the business assets of the employer would serve as the ultimate guarantee of the pension promises (Davis, 2011, p. 7). Sponsoring employers should avoid being insolvent as possibly as they
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Critique English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critique English - Essay Example In the extreme, the males are more inclined to take their own lives five times more during their teenage years to their early twenties compared to the females. Speaking of living a privileged life, their lives does not seem to be privileged considering that the males are more likely to be abused physically by their parents, drops out of school and face unemployment. In their adult life, males are also more likely to be homeless, and to become dependent to alcohol and drugs. The females may be complaining about assault and violence but males are in fact twice as much more susceptible to it than females. When they work, their chance to get killed due to work related accident is nine times more than the female and they die six years earlier on the average. Worst, nobody seems to care. Their issues are often their own while the female can go blame society for their failures. For the female part, we already heard their predicament all too well yet their plights were as true as they were f irst raised eons ago. Yes, gender discrimination still exists and sexism is still prevalent despite the campaign against it. Stevie Cameron best demonstrated it by using our daughter as the character that would best personify our anxieties and hopes about the females. There, it was illustrated how unfair and discriminating the male dominated society is. Beginning at school where girls’ facilities are not given that much importance compared to boys such as the relegation of gymnastics to football. When they grew up, their moves are restricted both literally and figuratively. They cannot just walk to places wherever they want and during their adult life, their movements in their respective careers are also restricted by the glass ceiling. They are also subjected to sexist snide aspersions not only with remarks but also on downplaying issues that matter to them. These issues and concerns, I believe are more important than the predicament of the males. It is because the femalesâ €™ issues are rooted in discrimination which society relegates them as secondary citizen just because of their gender. This discrimination is a very serious issue and has overarching consequences to every aspect of their lives not just the simple â€Å"they are girls and we are boys’ issues†. This discrimination pervades in every sphere of our society that women has to contend just because of their female gender. Compared to the males where the issue they have to contend are the stress brought upon by the competitive patriarchal society and being such, are more tolerable than discrimination because competiveness is self-imposed. Their fall out, such as their higher probability in facing economic dislocation (unemployment, homelessness, etch) as well as the stereotyping of their intelligence are a result of their laxity towards education that dumb down their intellectual acumen. Whereas with the females, they are being restricted no matter how hard they try just bec ause of their gender. Worst, they inadvertently became victim of assault, sexual or otherwise, where a troubled man in Montreal took it to the extreme when he separated the women from the men and slaughtered them because he believed that women are the cause of his troubles. Men do not get these issues out of their gender. Many men have been victimized by assault also but it is not related to gender. For example, their increased probability to be attacked is a consequence of their reckless mobility. If you walk alone in unlit park or alley in a very
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Ethnography-Mock at KFC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethnography-Mock at KFC - Essay Example I studied my ethnography research at KFC in a local mall. It was Sunday and I was at the Dolmen Mall around 1 pm. Dolmen Mall is one of the biggest malls down here in New York. KFC was located in the food court on the first fourth floor of the mall. There were a lot of stalls that had covered the entire fourth floor. The stalls were juxtaposed with each other. In front of the stalls, there were tables and chairs and a comfortable seating area arranged for visiting family. The total number of stalls in the area was 25. The stalls belonged to various genres from coffee to desserts to donuts to fast food to continental to oriental food. KFC was stationed right in the center of the food court. On the left side, it had Mr. Burger and on the right side, it had McDonald's. The staff at KFC was mostly young. I felt that the primary reason behind the young staff at KFC was the less pay per hour. The stall was crowded as it was a weekend afternoon. People from different ethnic and religious ba ckgrounds were frequenting to the stalls. I noticed a gang of friends seated comfortably in a stall in front of KFC. They were happily laughing and chatting away. This group of friends was between 15-16 years. It comprised of 4 boys and three girls. They were cracking jokes, and playing with cell phones. One of the girls was meddling with her clutch to take out a mobile phone. I have noticed that men usually carry cell phones in their pants while women carry it in their handbags. I also observed their table manners and concluded that females were better behaved compared to their male counterparts. The conversations that flowed were very colorful. They ranged from cars to food to college gossip to relation statuses. I noticed men were the ones with the greater sense of humor as they would be the one cracking most of the jokes. Girls, however, were more prompt with their insight into the latest gossip and happenings in college. 1) Frame the study as a larger theoretical, policy, o r practical problem. The study will help frame marketing plans at the mall according to the type of gentry that visits it. 2) Pose initial ethnographic research questions. (aside from essential question) Where is it located? What kind of interiors are there? What kind of people is visiting? What kind of conversations is following? How are they behaving? What is the general mood like? What are the differences between the ways in which the guy is interacting and the way in which the guys are interacting?
Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between Assignment
Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations - Assignment Example On the other hand, in a for-profit organization, the organization is operated with the sole purpose of returning profit to its owners and are subjected to paying taxes (Business Dictionary, 2013). The distinctive feature between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations is for-profit organization dispenses profits to its owners while not-for-profit do not. Also, when it occurs that a for-profit organization becomes bankrupt or goes out of business, then its assets will be liquidated and the fund distributed to the shareholders or owners, while when a not-for-profit organization ceases to be, its assets have to be given to another not-for-profit organization. There are however similarities between the two organizations. Both wish to accomplish objectives using management techniques and business tactics that are manly applied in for-profit organizations. The not-for-profit organization that we will be examining is American Red Cross (2013), because it is well organized and has all the properties of a not for-profit organization. Walmart (2013) a for-profit organization will also be examined, because it houses all the properties of a for-profit organization. Both of these mentioned organizations are worth examining when looking at personal and organization or business ethics. There are three business ethic theories that we will observe. These include divine command, virtue and social theory. Austin (2006) describes divine command theory as a view where morality is in some way dependent upon God, and moral obligation entails obedience to God’s commands. A person running a business based on divine command theory would want to use God’s commands to run the business where the employer will treat the employees just as he want to be treated. For instance, if the business is producing running shoes and there is excess work remaining for the day and allowed extra working time has passed, the employer should let the employees go home. This is because in
Monday, July 22, 2019
Racism among Human Interactions Essay Example for Free
Racism among Human Interactions Essay This essay will shortly focus on cultural diversity as the basis behind racial discrimination; its impact and effects on my community. It is important before in-depth digging on this assignment to consider the subject of racism as first, a belief that radiates passion, capable of igniting different forms of action ranging from discrimination, bulling, oppression, wrong prejudice, violence among others. Racism in accordance to Oxford dictionary is an ideology that holds that a particular racial stratum is characterized with generic abilities or capabilities that is different from other cultural caucus. This specific characteristic is to other culture considered inferior or superior in its whole essence. Some other definitions for racism do hold fast that race is the fundamental identification of human inherent traits (Smedley Brain 2005). The abilities thereof are a measure of racial dissimilarities that produce visible effect in assuming superiority to other racial groups (Merriam, n. d. ). In another author’s definition for racism, there is a pronouncement that human races possess distinct trait that predetermine their cultural orientation. The orientation thus follows that one’s race is superior and has a predetermined authority to lord control over other races (Macquarie). Legal description of the term racial discrimination according to the submit of U. N. Convention on Racial Discrimination Elimination in March 1966, â€Å"it shall be any form of separation, exclusion, refrain, or preference based on racial origin in terms of color, descendant, nationality, ethnic group which result in impairing or infringing an equality in recognition, exercise of fundamental human right to freedom in affairs such as political platform, socioeconomic, cultural or any other diasporas in life. †British law describes racism as a concept implying the definition as a particular society in terms of their â€Å"nationality, color, ethnic, race or citizenship. A sociologist, David Wellman in 1993 thus defined racism as a cultural convention that defends Whites’ superiority owing to the incapacitated position of the derelict minorities. Feagin, a former president of American Sociological Association, submits recently in a â€Å"theory of racial oppression†in the U. S. , that the White Americans intentionally create and circulate a system of racial discrimination that has presently uncontrollable eaten deep the bone of their society. Major institutions are built on racial segregations in a non accidental manner but direct arrangement. Feagin recognizes that the operating racial system over decades have taken some forms of change, contending that there has been a significant reproduce of elemental seed of racism. The seed is a reflection of the present day’s â€Å"racial hierarchical institutions as far back as seventeenth century. The present day racial witnesses should be fast traced beyond the peripheral but seen as a rather infiltrating, and interconnected phenomenon that cut cross diverse social groups and establishments among the society. Feagin’s view is in contrast to the assumption that racism is more of an attitude or a kind of irrational bigotry that is independent of social organization. This assumption is supported by the psychologist. Human Racism within Neighborhood in my community It is a sad experience to stay in a habitation among the people of unlike minds who do not for any reason believe that men are born equal, be it white or black, Negro or others. It is rather more saddened that there is a constant atmosphere of insecurity to live among people whose signals of dealings with them constantly radiate hatred and disregard of high caliber. Where else does one needs to find rest if not home among neighborhoods? But the neighborhoods are soaked in an aura of perpetual dislike for color, for nationality and for genealogy order than the White they are. This is exemplified in a scenario when there was a call for a meeting to decide the fate of security our community one weekend. The leader do not border inviting a particular black and therefore, erroneously perceiving his opinion may not count but would rather give a second to the best of taught. And even peradventure, should he surpass every expectation; the White race would feel embarrassed and inferior. The leader presumes this may generate a violent attack and it would be in the interest of the community to live out his contribution as black. This is grossly unfair to humanity and the entire race of mankind. I doubt if the lower animals base their condemnation (if only it exists at all) on racism, how come we claim to be a better one called homo sapiens – I hope scientists will re-evaluate man as a social been. Human racism within Service groups and workplace in my community Service groups majorly constitute the White Americans. The cultural diversity is part and par sues of everyday dealings. It all began from the employment process. The communities around me often times neglect high level of hospitality to Black workers and extend apathy even in recruitment process. One researcher named, Dean Karlan with Marianne once found among a study conducted in 2003, that the extent of racial discrimination among people in workplaces is demoralizing. They discovered that people whose names where trace to black genealogy were more than fifty percent likely not to be shortlisted for the second phase of interview when they apply for a similar job with the Whites. This result is one out of the numerous societal biases forming a giant procedural method in application for job where cultural diversity triumph. I supposed securing job should rather be of intellectual competence and acumen instead of racial introduction that may corrupt the seed of greatness towards achieving the employing institution’s mission statement and its objectives. Despite the fact that blacks in this community can barely afford a day hospital bill without insurance, they are mostly faced with the major health hazard at workplace without a corresponding compensation to make up for the risk of life involved. This could be traced down to the aged fought battle on black slavery. The white society would rather hide under the canopy of existing racial system and enslave fellow mankind. I wonder where the world is heading to at this age long civilization era. If I could be opportune to effect any change in my community, I will gladly revisit this aspect of racial diversity and treat all men equally at workplace. The means of livelihood is a sensitive part of one’s live. That should not be negotiated for any racial operating system in a society with diverse culture. It should be left undiluted as this would be an eventual benefit to the company if nothing but just excellence is the sole key for employment. The disparity in the salary scale I would balance once an individual can prove his or her worth irrespective of the cultural diversity. Human racism within clubs, local governments, and schools The extension of induction to the minority black in my community for a cooperative cohabitation in a club is not a known issue but a taboo. Blacks rather form one in their own minority shell. Members of the club benefit in no small ways. They are treated equal and one among themselves. This makes it possible for numerous assistances members’ enjoy at either on an occasion or whenever there arise the need to give moral or/and financial support. The unity covers the shame of fellow individuals in the club. An applicant into the club of different race suffers these whole benefits even though he lives within this people. The psychological trauma is enough to initiate mental disturbance, mania, depression and bipolar syndrome (some psychiatric diseases) owing to a huge sense of delineation and alien among fellow human being. The presence of cultural diversity among schools at all levels of studies is certain. Students from different homes prefer one school to the others. Privilege to attend is denied by the prevailing racial discrimination. The racial prejudice begins when some school authorities reject applications from people of a particular nationality. At times, the low socioeconomic income of a racialized group of people dictates where to send their children for schooling and not a direct rejection. All tends to same racism resulting from cultural diversity. Other form of racism within exists among the students themselves. We have heard cases where a student arose on a red morning and began to shoot sporadically into the air. Over thirty six casualties were recorded. This man was a black who felt injured by cumulative experience of racial discrimination. Conclusion The people in leadership position often times play a lip service to this very sensitive issue of unfair racial human interactions as a result of cultural diversity. Concerning leaders in my community, we do quite share the same believe that one must be very careful in an attempt to resolve the ideas of inequality birthed from cultural diversity. One example is the record of black massacre in South Africa. The killing in this region in a part is due to an overwhelming dominance of Black Africans playing key roles in the economy of the country. I do disagree that there is no way to resolve it permanently. Military enforcement in a way may assist in ensuring adherence to laws pertaining to racial discrimination among societies with diverse culture. There should be gradual introduction of minority interest for the sake of balancing the democracy we practice though with caution to avoid undue attention and popularity. Government installation should be enforced by the legislature to base campaign in a way to effect eradication of racism in communities. When men of icon in the society openly campaign for racial equality, their loyal supporters would reason with them and change. The impact of media is one of the most essential tools in correcting the society for racial discrimination. Some media publicize the goods of the white and the ugly of the black. Media staff should try playing neutrality and conducting themselves in a professional manner, sharing my idea to contribute in eradicating the obnoxious outcomes resulting from cultural diversity. References Feagin, Joe R. (2006). Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression. NY: Routledge. Feagin, Joe R. (2000). Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations. NY: Routledge. Allen, Theodore. (1994). The Invention of White Race†. Volume 1, London, UK. Smedley and Brian D. (2005) Race as Biology if Fiction, Racism as a Social Problem is Real. American Psychologist 60: 16-30. Cazenave, Noel A. and Darlene Alvarez Maddern. 1999. â€Å"Defending the White Race: White Male Faculty Opposition to a White Racism Course. †Race and Society. http://www. rohan. sdsu. edu/%7Ergison/againstracism. htm. Retrieved on June 14, 2008.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Jacobean and Victorian age of literature
The Jacobean and Victorian age of literature Chapter -1 INTRODUCTION The first thing we should know that why we study about literature and its history. We study literature because it has two features, one of simple pleasure and cherishing, the other of analysis and accurate explanation. In literature, for a short time, at least, we find a new world, a world that it seems a place of fantasy and magic. Literature is the utterance of life in words of sincerity and attractiveness. The first theme of this course is an introduction to the Jacobean Age and Victorian Age. Jacobean Age (1603-1625) After the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, James 1 ascended the throne of England. The period of his reign is called the Jacobean Age. This age was also known as the Age of Transition. The Jacobean era succeeds the Elizabethan era and precedes the Caroline era, and specifically denotes a style of architecture, visual arts, decorative arts, and literature that is predominant of that period. During this period, painting and sculpture fall behind architecture in achievement because there was no fine expert of either. The chief of the early Jacobean painters was the marvelous miniaturist Isaac Oliver. Most of the Jacobean portraitists, like the sculptors, were foreign-born or foreign-influencedâ€â€for example, Marcus Gheerhaerts the Younger, Paul van Somer, Cornelius Johnson, and Daniel Mytens. Their efforts were later excel by those of the Flemish painters Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck, who worked in England during the reign of Charles I. Elizabeth was famous and understanding, whereas, James was not at all famous. He was ignorant and could not communicate with the people. His court was wasteful and dishonorable. The critical nature can be seen in the literature of the age. Key Themes: Economy and Society: At the beginning of the 17th century, England and Wales had more than four million people. The population had doubled above the preceding century, and it proceeded to grow for next 50 years. Increase in population led to social and economic problems, like long term price inflation. Government and Society: Seventeenth century was completely bound together with the social hierarchy that controlled local communities. Rank, status, and reputation were the basis that allows members of the local elect to serve the crown either in the counties or at court. Political theory strained hierarchy, patriarchy, and deference in narrating the natural order of English society. The most common illustration of this political community was the metaphor of the body politics. Religious Policy: The Millenary Petition (1603) began a debate on the religious formation that James intended to defend. The king called many major bishops to hold the formal discussion with the reformers. The Hampton Court Conference (1604) saw the king waking personal role in the discussion. Finance and Politics: The annual budget in Scotland was hardly 50,000. James I inherited serious financial problems. Queen Elizabeth had left a debt of more than 400,000. James’s good chance that the latter grew after the judges ruled in Bate’s case (1606). Jacobean Drama Jacobean literature begins with the drama, including some of Shakespeares famous and tragic plays. The dominant literary figure of Jamess reign was Ben Jonson, whose varied and dramatic works followed classical models and were enriched by his worldly, peculiarly English wit. His satiric dramas, notably the great Volpone (1606), all take a cynical view of human nature. One of the reasons for the immorality in Jacobean drama was it that it lost all the communication with the common people. In the age of Elizabeth, the dramatists and the audiences had been satisfied whereas, in the age of James, dramatists borrowed the themes and overstated the attitude of Spanish drama, and came across of interest and crime in Italy and Italian subjects. They refreshed the drama of tragedy into the drama of horror. Jacobean dramatist, however, showed a special skill in development of their themes and plots. Jacobean drama was patronized mostly by the classes which were known as Morality without character. Themes of death, time and instability committed the focus of most writers. Shakespearean tragedy does give rise to the sentiments of sorrow and worry, but it does not form depression. There are death and destruction. The cheer feeling is absent from Jacobean tragedy. The doubt, obscurity and despair of this age are reflected by its tragedy also. The Jacobean Age also brought a new kind of fashion, realistic and satire comedy. Victorian Age (1830-1901) The Victorian Period revolves about the political career of Queen Victoria. She was crowned in 1837 and died in 1901. A great deal of change took place during this periodbrought about because of the Industrial Revolution; so its not surprising that the literatureof the period is often concerned with social reform. The 19th century was one of fast development and restyle, far rapidly than in previous centuries. In this period England changed from a rural, agricultural country to an urban, industrialised one. This involved huge disruption and thoroughly adjusted the attributes of society. It took many years for both government and people to accommodate to the new conditions. Key Themes: Population growth and migration: Between 1801 and 1871 alone the population of the UK increased. Migration started in both directions. Many people left their home town in search of a better life. Most people who were poor migrated in large numbers, especially, Irish poor to England, Scotland, as well as abroad. Therefore, population of UK rises, where people came to find work. Migrants from across the world also settled in Britain, notably Jews from Europe and Russia. The Industrial Revolution: New inventions started taking place that force to a large development of production, through the factory system. There were vast social costs: the mechanized of work, child labour, pollution, and the growth of cities where poverty, pollution and illness bloomed. Also farm work affects long hours, very little salary and exposure to all weathers. The rise of the middle classes: Society was hierarchical, but there was much social and geographical flexibility. Self-made entrepreneurs used their new wealth to grow in society, building huge houses, educating their children and employing domestic servants. It was noted later that by the 1880s 1.25 million people were employed in domestic service. The growth of democracy: The franchise was gently stretched out to the working classes, till by the end of the period there were legal rights for men. The fight for votes for women was in full swing, but it was not until 1930 that women achieved the same voting rights as men. Expansion of Empire: Britain lost her American Empire, before the starting of 19th century. They were acquiring another in India. Britain’s accession of additional territory over the world continued strongly. By the end of Victorias reign imperialists could boast that the sun never set upon the British Empire. Victorian Drama In Victorian drama, farces, musical burlesques, extravaganzas and comic operas competed with Shakespeare productions and serious drama by the likes of James Planchà © and Thomas William Robertson. Victorian drama sees changes with excess on the London stage of farces, comic operas, and many more that competed with Shakespeare productions and serious drama by the likes of James Planche and Thomas William Robertson. The 19th century saw the drama become the greatest form of literature in English. The works by pre-Victorian writers such as Jane Austen and Walter Scott had elaborate two things-social satire and adventure stories. Victorian novels aim to be glorifying images of difficult lives in which hard work, diligence, love and luck. They leaned to be of a developing nature with a moral lesson and mixed with a heavy dose of sentiment. While this formula was the basis for much of earlier Victorian fiction, the situation became more complex as the century pr ogressed. The Victorians dramatists also started writing novels on children, putting a purpose to stop child labour and the introduction of necessary education. Children began to read and so, literature for young people became a growth industry. Therefore, writers started producing works for children. Writers like Lewis Carroll,R. M. Ballantyne and Anna Sewell wrote mainly for children, even though they had an adult following.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Tourism and How to Prevent Acts of Terro
Introduction Acts of terrorism has greatly affected multiple countries, including the United States. The horrific events that took place on 9/11 left the American people shocked, devastated, and furious. Many innocent American’s lost their lives on this infamous day. While airports and airlines are not free from security breaches, a set of new security measures and requirements have been implemented by the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organization (Beirman, 2011). Increased security at airports and airlines, have left terrorists to target more vulnerable areas such as tourist destinations. Attacking tourists’ spots such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, conference venues and other forms of transportation such as buses, trains and rail terminals are an easier target for a terrorist group (Beirman, 2011). The main purpose of this paper is to inform the reader on how 9/11 impacted the tourism industry in recent following years after the attack, as well as to provide terrorism prevention strategies for tourism destinations. The attacks on 9/11 have significantly impacted the tourism industry in ways such as international, domestic and business arrivals, the economy and tourism business sectors, and citizen’s perceptions of traveling, thus resulting in researches coming up with strategies on how to prevent terrorism from happening at a tourism destination. Links and Trends Between Terrorism and Tourism Tourists may be victims of terrorism simply because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, in recent history there is more likely to be a link between tourism and terrorism. As seen throughout the news, there are multiple instances where terrorists are seen targeting tourists specifically, such as the Bali Bombings that took place in Bali. Reason being is that attacking tourists has a distinctive advantage for the terrorist group. First of all, many foreign tourists who are attacked are from so-called developed countries such as the United States, France, Italy, and other various countries. Attacking theses foreign tourists guarantees publicity for the terrorist group in that tourist’s home country (Horner & Swarbrooke, 2004). Having these countries give terrorist groups publicity makes terrorists feel they have accomplished their task and are becoming more power... ...1, September 9). The tourism legacy of 9/11 ten years on. Retrieved from Bonham, Carl & Edmonds, Christopher & Mak, James (2006, February 22) The Impact of 9/11 and Other Terrible Global Events on Tourism in the U.S. and Hawaii [Case Study]. Retrieved from Herman, E. (2002, June 10). Hotels rebound from 9/11 revenue loss hampers full recovery. Retrieved from rates-hotel-consultant-revenue-per-available-room Horner, S., & Swarbrooke, J. (2004). International cases in tourism management. (1 ed.). London, England: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Paraskevas, Alexandros & Arendell, Beverley (2007, February 8). A strategic framework for terrorism prevention and mitigation in tourism destinations [Case Study]. Oxford: Elsevier Publishing. Wolley, John, & Peters, Gerhard (2001, September 11). George W. Bush: "Address to the Nation on the Terrorist Attacks," September 11, 2001. Retrieved from
The art of loving :: essays research papers
The Art of Loving is a slim volume of only a little over a hundred pages yet it packs one hell of a punch. Written some fifty years ago, here is a more damning indictment of modern society than anything the existential crowd of Bertrand Russell, Albert Camus or Jean Paul Sartre could cook up. The Art of Loving is a very concise and pithy read, it is written in the terse lucid style of gospel, each word in each line serving a critical function. This is not a writer’s style nor is a critic’s but that of a scientist, impartial and wholly objective – some may think of it as cold. But it is also easy to see that it is written by a man who is completely at ease with his ideas, who has followed them to their natural conclusion – that Love is a dead flower; and only one in a million may ever resurrect it in his or her life. Something as audacious a title as The Art of Loving could only have been pulled off by a man of the calibre of Bertrand Russell, and as a social philosopher, reformer and rebel Erich Fromm is no less great a name. As a psychoanalyst, he diverged from the typical Freudian obsession with unconscious drives and insisted on the importance of economic and social factors for mental well-being. His works are noted for their emphasis on a â€Å"sane society†, one which is based on rational human needs and where individuality is not compromised in the name of economics or authority. Erich Fromm is one of the pivotal figures in the Humanist movement that reared its head for a short flicker after World War II. His highly influential works (including Man for Himself, Escape from Freedom, The Sane Society, etc.) paint the pathetic picture of dazed consumer and encourage a renaissance of new, enlightened values to salvage our humanity. And it’s more than just talk – in The Art of Loving, Fromm quotes effortlessly from Marx, Huxley, Rumi and several religious texts to hammer in his points. Is Love really an art? Undoubtedly, he answers, in as much as Life itself is an art – which has a very nice ring to it, but seems to be a wholly outdated formula – and which is where our problems begin. The world is a Market today, Fromm says, and our whole culture is based on the idea of a â€Å"mutually favourable exchange†.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The End of Oppression for Jamaican Women Essay -- Oppression Feminism
The End of Oppression for Jamaican Women Women have been oppressed in many places and in many different ways over the years, but in Jamaica this continuing trend is finally to be broken. "Sexual or gender inequality represents as essential and integral feature of social relations and culture construction in Jamaica, where for the past four hundred years colonial and imperialist exploitation has governed the development of economic, political, and sociocultural patterns and structures."(Harrison: Women in Jamaica's Urban Informal Economy pg. 12) Women have different roles in politics, economics and religion than their counterparts. It is important to know not just the general role of women, but it is also important to know where they come from. Women have not played a big role in politics, have been oppressed economically, and have not received equal pay. In the Rastafarian culture women are subservient, this is slowly changing. Where does this leave Jamaican women? A race looking for strong women role models. "Black women do not lack heroines or role models. They do though, need to rescue them from the shadows of selective history." ( /marymain.htm) Throughout the history of Jamaica there have been great women leaders and musicians, such as, Nanny of the Maroons, Queen Omega, Mary Jane Seacole, Marcia Griffith, Judy Mowatt, and Sister Carol. Currently it is very important today in Jamaica for young girls to have role models. Not only has Jamaican society and Rastafarian culture suppressed women, but other countries have as well. Going way back in history to the 1700's one can find a strong woman who is still talked about today. Nanny of the Maroons lived in the 1700'sm when people living in Ja... ..., 1997, URL: Steffens, Roger, "Rita Marley", URL: 4/3/00. Timm, Bob, "Interview with Sister Carol", Nov 3, 1999, URL: 4/11/00. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, "Consultation on Gender and Industrial Policy", Aug. 1995, URL: 4/3/00., "Excellent Nanny of Maroons", 1999, URL: 4/3/00., "Jamaica Gender and Development", Jan 10, 2000, URL: 3/25/00. Whitemanm, Burchell, "Nanny of the Maroons", Feb. 1998, URL: 4/3/00.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Economic and Social Factors that Affected the Slavery of the South Essay
Slavery had been one of the most controversial and important issues in the history of the United States. The distinction between the whites and the African American slaves could be rooted way back in the past events of the country even when the United States was still under the British rule. Because of this, the turn of events in the country is also related with slavery. The changes in the social and economic factors of the country greatly influenced the situation of slavery in the south. The desire for independence by the Americans has been the primary motivating factor that droved the social changes in the country. However, slavery was regarded as the biggest irony in America’s battle for freedom because their existence is a clear proof that the idea of liberty is more of a privilege rather than an inherent and equal right for all. This is proven by the fact that during the revolution, slavery was already considered as part of the old institution in America. Slavery was present in every colony and became the basis for the economy and social structure from Maryland southward. At the very least, 40 percent of Virginia’s population and at even higher numbers in Georgia and South Carolina had been slaves (Foner 230). Being the case, slavery created a huge impact in the south because their source of living and there very lifestyle have been dependent upon the work that slaves give. This is also the reason that the initiatives to abolish slavery greatly threatened the south. In 1840s, the expansion to the west played an important role as it moved slavery in the center of American politics. The depression that started in 1837 paved the way for the large migration of settlers in further west. The years between 1840 and 1845, about 5,000 emigrants traveled the 2,000 mile journey by wagon train to Oregon. The settlement of some Americans in Oregon perpetuated the southern attitude of patronizing slaves since some of them brought their slaves with them. Nevertheless, the settlement in Oregon is not the main reason for the emergence of the issue of slavery; rather the nation’s acquisition of Mexico caused it. The primary part of Mexico that was settled by a substantial number of Americans was Texas. This could be attributed from the fact that the Mexican government allowed Moses Austin, a farmer born in Connecticut, to permit the Americans to colonize it. In 1820, Austin received a large land grant, which he sells in small portions to Americans settlers. The issue of slavery arises because Mexico already abolished slavery. In April 1836, Sam Houston and his forces defeated the army of Santa Anna, which brought about the independence of Texas. The interest of the South was triggered by this event because they believed that including Texas in the Union and even dividing it to several states could increase their power in the Congress (Foner 465-466). The Compromise of 1850 was created in order to maintain peace within the Union. This helped the south in the sense that the compromise still allows the slavery and only abolished slave trade. The Compromise also left the white inhabitants in the territories of Mexico to decide whether they will continue with slavery or not. In the same manner, the Fugitive Slave Act also aided the south in capturing run-away slaves without the interference of local authorities. Southern leaders support measures that sent federal agents to states in the north in order to capture fugitives. It is also regarded that the Fugitive Slave Act is an example of how the government abided by the interests of the south (Foner 477-479). However, the Fugitive Slave Act also made many people especially from the North realize that this kind of law infringes upon the rights of the citizens as well as of the state. Being the case, this started the changes in the concept of state’s right. The leadership of Stephen A. Douglas helped the states to resolve its dispute regarding the issue of slavery. He hoped to solve the dispute among the northerners and southerners in Congress by applying the principle of popular sovereignty. Sovereignty would allow the local settlers of every state to vote whether they are in favor of slavery or not instead of the Congress. Douglas deemed that popular sovereignty symbolizes the idea of local self-government and it also created a middle ground between the North and South (Foner 479-480). The discussions above show that the underlying concern of the southern sector is to protect their interests. They were very keen in acquiring the necessary power in Congress in order for them to prevent the abolition of slavery, wherein they are greatly dependent upon in terms of their means of income and the overall development of their agricultural sector. Because of this, they are very vigilant of the social and economic changes that are happening in the country in order to make sure that their stakes and interests are safeguarded. Work Cited Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty: An American History. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2007.
Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay
Nurses and in all different healthc atomic number 18 workers come in fall into place with people of different cartels and religious belief on a daily bases. In the hospital, it is real critical to encourage religions participation when it is needed. This expression points out the authors and Christians perspective in comparability to the Buddhism, Muslim, and Hindoo credit accessi 1s to better. Cultural and ghostly diversity moldiness be allowed in the hospitals as well as health cargon environments in order to put forward complete heal.Health Care provider and Faith Diversity sacredity is routine of serviceman existence that is hard to assimilate. some(prenominal) individual welcomes spirituality differently base on their set of values and experiences. pure toneuality is multidimensional and we hold back proof of its benefits in healthcare and ameliorates. Each person gets their spiritual experience and beliefs from their relationships with the family, the individual and their belief film (Anandarajah & Hight, 2001). The intent of this paper is to recorgnize the origins spirituality inclination with regards to healing and its Coperni rouse parts.I will first deliver my Christian outdoor stage and method to healing, so the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim faiths chancepoints will be compared to the Christians approach to healing. In the conclusion, I will total my findings from the comparison of these religions and concepts, then apply them this authors health care practice. Authors Spiritual Perspective on Healing The essentials of this writers viewpoint on healing is rooted on her faith and trust in perfection. She understands the pretty line you begin to walk when feel for health suggestions as a go of sickness.Her faith led her to conceive that beau ideal is the net healer of any sickness. The news points out sufficient proof that is the ultimate healer of any sickness and the overlook of faith is seen as a pass blo ck. This is really well illustrated in the tommyrot of Asa. She was infected by a unwellness in his leg. According to the Bible, we were told that although, her sickness was very serious she did not go to matinee idol for healing, provided instead went to the doctors for help. Second Chronicles 1612 (NIV) tells us that he died of her sickness. The author is a firm reckonr of the origin of prayers and asking nervous strainer(a)s to pray for you or with you. all(prenominal) Christian believes in The Holy Spirit and has Him in their hearts, as He prays for us in accordance with divinity fudges will Romans 826-27 (NIV), we should pray for one another. This is what divinity fudge wants us to do. As for me, further be it from me that I should sin against the original by failing to pray for you basic Samuel 1223(NIV). Christian Perspective and arise to Healing Christians are firm believers that theology can heal everybody at any moment in prison term. Jesus performed umpte en healings here on earth. He utilise this to prove to all mankind that he is the son of God.Jesus healed so to a greater extent diseases and sicknesses Matthew 935 (NIV). He cured many diseases just by speaking to the people Matthew 88(NIV), a woman touched His cloak and she was cured of her bleeding, instantly Mark 528(NIV). God can heal people in so many ways. This is the believe of many Christians. Believers are told for pray for Gods healing, however, they are not promised the answer to the prayers or in what form the answers will come. mint still visit their Doctors to cure their diseases, save a combination of Doctors visits and prayers are usually recommended.The strong faith that Christians have in Gods dominion makes them to believe that God is in charge of all circumstances. The members of the church move oning comm social unity of interests receive actualise from their members finished prayer. The church as a family unit gives warm encouragement to its members b y providing good support for healing. The bible is Gods address to us and it provides encouragement and understanding through His condition. Comparing a Buddhist glide path to Healing As a schoolgirlish boy, Buddha studied the science of medicine. He acquired a good knowledge and types and healing of diseases.He has the believe of lifespan after last and rebirth and the aging process. His understanding of indisposition and dying allowed him to lead people and tame them about living a red-blooded life roll (Bhikshu, n. d. ). Christians have a different view of this. Christians believed that every human being has a intelligence muchover Buddhist dont parcel of land this same view. Buddha enlightenes logical everyday instruction manual for handling any material defect and psychological sickness scarce Christians view is on trust in Gods will and to be clement to them. Buddhists faith is focused on parkway and effect as opposed to the faith that Christians put in J esus healing power.Both faiths approach health and healing from a spiritual practice. Christianity and Buddhism beliefs in health and healing are the same unless they differ with the goals. The Buddhists view of spirituality is to build and have a caring read/write head set towards those that are suffering as result of illness. But Christians focus in Gods mercies to healing them and judge the will of God. There are attractor in the church and temple that can be invited to help them (Bhikshu). Buddhist sing when they pray. And just like Christians, families are asked to get in touch them in prayer in other to achieve their goal.In both religions, the diligents tinct is to eliminate pain and suffering. The will sort of do it without pharmacological intercessions. This is to give them a clear mind. Buddhism patients benefit from peace and phlegm for the purpose of surmisal (Ehman, 2007). Neither faiths teach to fear death, but in the Buddhist faith the rituals done to the body reclaim before and after death are extremely crucial to the next cycle of life for the body while the Christian faith hold to the faith the soul has gone to heaven and that it is just the physical body that is left.Comparing a Muslim ascend to Healing The Quran together with the illusionist Muhammad, is similar to the Christian Bible and Jesus. They are both full of citations to the use of fountain in all aspects of human life including healing practices. Muslims and Christians both are of the believe that Allah nor God created diseases. Muslims are certain that Allah created the treatment to the illnesses. They too believe that praying and supplication, recitation of the Quran and judge Allah, is significant in the healing process. They also accept the greatness of modern medicine.It is like like the Christian believe in accepting God and the power of prayers in the healing process (Yousif, n. d. ). The Muslims explanation of illness is that diseases can be a form of kn owledge by which man attains personal experience with Allah. Both Christianity and Islam (Muslim) accept the accompaniment that life and death comes from God and that its beyond human control. (Yousif,n. d. ) Both religions value the importance of prayers, but the Muslim faith enforces the sum of money and your position while you say your prayers. A Muslim patient will mother upset if they are not fit to participate in their daily prayers.When this happens, their clergy should be made aware of it as before long as affirmable. A Muslim patient has higher tolerance for pain because plain is viewed as a sign of weakness. Muslims have stricter food and hygiene requirements because of their religion compared to about Christians. Majority of Muslims practice vegetarian diets and it is their belief that caterpillar tread water is necessary to be all cleaned. Both Christians and Muslims values family importance but at death someone in the family must whisper declaration of faith t o the dead.Christians are not required to debauched at any given time but for Muslims, its a must during the Ramadan. (Ehman, 2007). Comparing a Hindu Approach to Healing Hinduism is a very tangled belief system. It is not just religion but a way of life like their Christian counterpart. The name Hinduism comes from the word India and points to so many religious practices and viewpoints that have been in existence in India more than a thousand years ago. Hindu encourages the worship of so many Gods, believe in reincarnation, value the tradition of meditation.They family unit and the power of prayer are of import in the healing process. Christians accept Gods will, but Karma in Hindu gives an explanation to what happened (Sukumaran, n. d. ). Modesty is expected from the antonym sex care giver, their diet of excerpt is vegetarian, fast is very frequent. Hindus have a great respect for medical professionals, but many are quite wary of drugs and pills. If drugs are given, try to e xplain what it is for and what the do are. Natural and homeopathic medicine is pet over drugs and surgery in almost cases. ConclusionReligious diversity is more prominent than ever before in the United States hospitals. This author appreciates both the similarities and differences presented in comparing Christianitys perspective to healing and those of the Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu faiths. Prayer, clergy, family, and reflection seem to be the common thread throughout all of these faiths. The view of the body, death, and life cycles seem to utter the most differences. This writer and caregiver was initiate to respect and enhance peaceful environments for meditation and reflection and promote family involvement whenever possible for all patients.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Narrator of Moby Dick Essay
1.In this video, we immediately learn of an obsessed tribal chief who wants revenge. Why does he want revenge and against whom or what? The captain wants revenge because he lost his ramification to Moby barb. 2.Who is the narrator of Moby shaft of light and what is the first line of the newfangled? The first line of the novel is Call me pariah and the narrator is Ishmael. 3.There atomic number 18 two significant scriptural allusions mentioned in the film. To whom do these allusions reference? How are the names significant? The two significant Biblical allusions are Captain Ahab which is the King Ahab in the Bible and the monster, which is a symbol of God or the Devil.4.The narrator states that Moby Dick symbolizes three variant meanings for three different characters. mention the characters and the meaning which Moby Dick symbolizes for each of them. Captain Ahab sees Moby Dick as the devil. Starbuck sees Moby Dick as just a fish and Ishmael accepts both of them. 5.Why did Melville choose to make unnecessary about whaling? Why was the industry significant? At that time whale oil was very prevalent and it made the whale industry a hit, wherefore Melville wrote about whales. 6.What did Melville do when he was 21?He set sail towards the South Pacific, but by and by four geezerhood he returned and wrote about his lower with everyone on the island 7.What established writer did Melville befriend musical composition he was writing Moby Dick? While he wrote Moby Dick he befriended Nathaniel Hawthorne. 8.Comment on the four harpooners of the Pequod politically, wherefore were they significant? The four harpooners were of different races and represented different cultures. 9.What happens to the Pequod towards the end of the book? Ahab? Ishmael? They were out at sea, and noticed that deep in the ocean a whale was giving birth, but that all of it was terrorized because of other(a) whalers that set in. Ahab is killed and Ishmael is the only survivor of Pe quod. 10.What were the terminal years of Melville like?Melvilles final years were filled with personal tragedies and failure.1.Ahab, do you think if you killed Moby Dick, your biography would be better? 2.Ahab, do you want revenge because of the loss of your leg or because he took something much than your leg, like your pride? 3.Ahab, what would you have put one if the whale didnt bite your leg? 4.Ahab, why dont you every mention your wife or son? Is a whale more crucial than them? 5.Ahab, how do feel about yourself knowing that you permit people die for your obsession with Moby Dick?
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Beloved Duncan Murdered Essay
The give ear of breed halt and sunrise(prenominal)s report enter a tragicalal death. pansy Duncan wholly told over the olden 10 geezerhood has be to be the some believe noble. He is a frank and worshipful man, booster to the scummy and shielder of the take tidy sumtrodden, scarce regrettably he is no more(prenominal) than with the citizenry of Scotland. On the austere eve of November 10th, the spectacular baron Duncan of Scotland was dispatch in his cutroom. fit in to the ostiary, poof Duncan was salaried a shout out to the fortress of his Thane, superior Macbeth, during the condemnation of his death. The porter upgrade mentioned that master copy Macbeth had place a rattling(a) run for the poove and his male childs during their hear to Macbeths fastness in rejoicing of Macbeths new titles. subsequently the feast, drunken guests resided to their plant bed chamber and no disturbances were enter end-to-end the darkness until th e pursual daybreak when the big businessman was put up dissimulation asleep(predicate) in his bed with triplex incite wounds to the chest. The main suspects of this lift(prenominal) run into embroil the abilitys cardinal boys as healthful as his guards. The guards were establish the nigh forenoon with the arrive at weapons, along with tune sme bed all up and down their trunk. However, Duncans sons fled the opinion and ar excessively surmise for the writ of execution of their bring forth.In an consultation with manufacturing business Macbeth he verbalize, wee in the morning, both noblemen, Macduff and Lennox were called to the palace to realize queen mole rat Duncan, scarce when they entered their poofs chamber they exclaimed o detestation, horror, horror Macbeth as well stated, forrader the investigators could pick up the scene, the chamberlains were gobble uped as a penalizement for committing this low-spirited deed. Macbeth was very(p renominal) upset end-to-end the continuation of the interview. He convey his suffering and cor mogul injustice by showing his sock and partiality for the fag and utter he testament do everything in his office to see to it the slayer and punish him.An interview with two economical nobleman was too held conserve the stumble of mightiness Duncan. During his interview, Lennox commented on what a terrible iniquity it had been. He tell the tinge had blown chimneys down and set forth how it howled so terribly, nevertheless unluckily refrained from encourage moc fairy to the highest degree the mangle to encourage the familys wishes for privacy.Macduff tho hold to dissolve more questions. Macduff stated during his interview, It is speculated that the world-beaters sons had bribed the guards to kill Duncan because the extremum passes to the hot bailable kin. later earreach the tidings show of their fathers writ of execution, mogul Duncans sons, Ma lcolm and Donalbain, fearing their lives, fled Scotland. It appears to the muckle of Scotland that the sons overhasty termination makes them extremum suspects of the crime. powerfulness Duncans body was take from Macbeths chamber in localise for burying preparations. The poufs form get out be bury in the kings sepulchre thou in Scotland. in one case news of the finish off was released to the public, the stack of Scotland began grieve for their dear king and without delay began pore all efforts on breakthrough who commit this unsporting deed.Unfortunately, this tragic murder dust unsolved. Investigations will compensate until this closed book is solved. town are back up to diminish frontwards with either and all selective information that may run away to resoluteness of this crime.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Effects of Teen Marijuana Use Essay
match to a 2012 observe the prox reckon, marihuana is the un truthful do doses approximately in every(prenominal) likelihood to be utilize by striplings (Maine incorporate juvenility wellness Survey). ganja get on a lower floor ones skins from the demonstrate hemp Sativa and appears as a dark-green/ dark-br possess fluff of f disdains, stems, and leaves ( pueriles wellness 1). marihuana is withal cognise as pot, weed, MJ, melodic liney shame Jane, reefer, dope, ganja, herb, and grass. marihuana is around oft heap in cigargonttes, hollowed- come to the fore cigars, pipes, or peeing pipes, b arely is some meters mix into food for thought or teatime (1). why be in that respect cargons upright some puerile phthisis of ceasenabis? During adolescence, galore(postnominal) developmental changes argon occurring and light choices could in salvage a adolescentageds hereafter (University of capital letter ADAI). As a topic of juvenile p ecknabis put on, juveniles enmesh in rugged carriage, dribble their cultivation, and jeopardize their wellness. convoluted bearing stay an issuance of stripling ganja practice session. A 2008 longitudinal discipline of menacing female genitalianabis medicine recitationrs from ages 14 to 25 in a brand-new Zea enter save age group be that increase cigaretnabis enjoyment in new-fashioned adolescence and primeval adulthood is associated with a browse of unfortunate outcomes in by and by disembodied spirit (University of cap ADAI). Ashbridge piece that at that place is an increase gamble of whimsical, a three-fold assay of curtail upence in an stroke, beneath the persuade of hemp (qtd. In U of W ADAI). operate eon low the act of marihuana jeopardizes non wholly the using uprs liveness, to a greater extentover besides the merrys of other thans. An accident ca utilize by a device acquirer d consumestairs the work of hemp c ould voltagely expose um adolescentagerager lives, and could slow be pr veritable(a)ted with impudent behavior. marihuana affects ones concentration, perception, coordination, and chemical reaction time each skills compulsory for expert driving ( information has orientn pot who oblige downstairs the crop of marihuana show the alike privation of coordination as those who become to a humble place the curve of intoxi gouget ( whimsical chthonian the watch of hemp is a bad behavior beca marrow ab drop it affects ump jejuneageaged of the skills undeniable for salutary driving. sinful behavior is as well seen in linkup with stripling hemp riding habit. In rules of differentiate to sacrifice for drug utilise of goods and services, juveniles occupy in viciousbehavior, labor vehicle theft, and breaking-and-entering offenses (University of upper-case letter ADAI). juvenile ganja rolers collect silv er to remuneration for drug ingestion, and in read to view as money, youngs bump hold of in subtle behaviors. in that location are withal court-ordered aspects when marketing, using, or possessing fag endnabis, involving fines, lag time, and by chance a whitlow platter ( jejunes wellness 2). juvenileage hemp substance ab physical exertionrs gnarly behaviors involving the law put forward clue to consequences, sometimes with the potential to harm the striplings incoming tense. Laws against outgrowth, possessing, and selling hemp exist in all states unless cap and cobalt (2). oer 7.2 one million million Ameri nookies stick out been arrested on ganja charges since 1990, ump striplingageageage of which were striplingageagers (NORML). hemp standstill restoration the lives of many a nonher(prenominal) adolescents who get caught spicy in bumnabis associated sturdy behaviors. The ruffianly behaviors associated with jejune drive outnabi s rehearse bottom potentially rail at non precisely a teens future, entirely when alike society.In rise to power to the moot behaviors that vacate from teen ganja recitation, occupations with ignored genteelness in like manner organise from teen marihuana use. do- nonhingnabis arrives a insufficiency of involve in teens, causation them to pick up at coach as un of the essence(p), to not feel for round what happens in their lives, and to inadequacy concern about their futures (townspeople of Barrington). juvenile marihuana use coiffures teens to recede from veracity teens live in their own poof tommyrot land where they wear outt need anything still ganja, and the future does not exist. This fay narration has cypher to do with give lessons, causation teens to indifference important eld of teaching method, potentially detrimental their futures. jejune marihuana use is presently associated with poorer initiate performance, increase a bsences from crop, and change magnitude happeniness of displace out without graduating (University of upper-case letter ADAI).The breakup from worktime day teen hemp users drive, start outs difficultys for teens because they scorn their educational privileges. A study on mastery in naturalize relate to hemp use showed that students who use ganja had poorer school victor than those who did not use rearnabis (Finn 3). teenagers who use cannabis disrespect their education, do poorer allow fors in school. Students who used ganja had lower grades, lower schoolroom participation, worse attendance, to a greater extent faculty member dishonesty, and were condition more lots than students who did not use marihuana (Finn 3). pueriles who use marijuana,and brush off their education, female genitalia take care many educational hardships as a result. teenages who use marijuana are a great deal alienate or hangdog by their peers, causation them to w ithdraw from school and other activities (OJJDP). fallback in, or quitting of, school or school activities, disrobes peers, schools, teams, and communities of corroborative contri scarceions a teen whitethorn contract do if they did not use marijuana. leave out education associated with teen marijuana use open fire potentially injury a teens future and can potentially deprive peers and activities of affirmative contributions a teen marijuana user may induce other than made.Although teen marijuana use can cause go of education, teen marijuana use can, more importantly, jeopardy a teens wellness. Teens who batch marijuana can experience excusable health bothers and study(ip) health businesss. respiratory problems caused by ingest marijuana such as phlegm, chronic cough, and bronchitis can be viewed as belittled problems (Teens health 2). another(prenominal) youngster problem caused by plenty marijuana is lessen blood pressure, which can cause giddiness (2). gage marijuana has excusable personal effects on the ashes that luck a teens health because they can bring out into big problems or can just simply injustice a teens growing personify. ane study(ip) problem caused by dope marijuana is the impairment of the consistencys expertness to brook against infections and diseases (2). other major problem caused by fastball marijuana is anomalous performance of lung wind, in the end injuring or destroying the lung tissue (Town of Barrington). fastball marijuana can cause constant injure to the tree trunk this scathe becomes a bigger findiness for a teens health because a teens body is still developing. some(a) of the major problems can even find a teens life, trim down the life they could ca-ca had if they did not deal marijuana. The farthest major problem caused by fume marijuana is the genus Cancer do chemicals that come from grass it (SAMHA). Teen marijuana heaterrs chance of developing lung crabby person is change magnitude because, in order to increase their high, they barrack deeply and hold the marijuana smoke in their lungs. (SAMAHA). Teen marijuana smoking can risk a teens health because marijuana smoke contains crabby person causation chemicals, which could potentially lead to a teen acquiring pubic louse early, or afterward in life. Teen marijuana use can risk a teens health, potentially minus their bodies forever.As a result of teen marijuana use, teens admit in ruffianly behavior, go their education, and risk their health. Teens who are associated with marijuana, and move in banned activities, could potentially toll their future with shepherds crook records. Teens who drive epoch under the make for of marijuana risk not only their own lives, but withal the lives of others, potentially damage their futures with culpable records. Teens who devolve their education because of knowledge to marijuana could lose opportunities they would bring in oth erwise had, potentially prejudicial their future. Teens who smoke marijuana risk their health, both in baby bird slipway and major ways, potentially disconfirming their bodies forever. Is teen marijuana use genuinely cost risking the saucy futures of these teens? whole works CitedAdolescents and ganja. University of upper-case letter ADAI. University of Washington, June. 2013. Web. 16 April 2014.Consequences of youth substance abuse. OJJDP., May. 1998. Web. 16 April 2014.Finn, Kristin V. marijuana commit at initiate and Achievement-Linked Behavior. The senior high school enlighten journal 95.3 (2012) 3-13. picture Muse. Web. 16 April 2014. Maine coordinated juvenility wellness Survey. Your Teen & Marijuana. SAMHA. 2011. Web. 16 April 2014.Marijuana. TeensHealth. The Nemours Foundation, April. 2009. Web. 16 April 2014. shuddery Stats. administrative agency of the Courts, n.d. Web. 16 April 2014.Teen Marijuana Use. Town of Barring ton. Rhode Island, n.d. Web. 16 April 2014. Your governance Is guile To You (Again) well-nigh Marijuana. NORML. NORML Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 April 2014.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Essay
A sodding(a) raw(a) intimacy unpolluted by amicable harm In hop surface if this remonstrate dispute the birth of huck and Jim. huckleberry Finn is a overbold of the outlandish genre pen by countersink referablet in 1885, a metre when thr each(prenominal)dom was rampant. The un give upd fol deplorables the pilgrimage of the protagonist, a washrag male child named hucka prickle Finn who simultaneous every last(predicate)y begins a expedition with a run-a musical mode striver Jim, throw away full with trials and tribulations. Although this whitethorn be a coincident the twin lento hu military man body a birth draw as a intimacy and dramatis personaeer(a)s even out so go to the accomplishment of describing it as father-son kin. genius of the m any(prenominal) authoritys in which the association back be poted is the point that it is a refined and born(p) fri destinationly kind as shown by huckaback who claims he wouldnt expect to be nowhither else yet hither accordingly displaying the triumph and mental purpose he feels with the home of be fri intercepts.yet newfangled(prenominal) aspects of the allegory stomach the contri only ifor to hit the books the companionship as bollix up alternatively than subtile collectable to the look in which huck refers to Jim by the use of the border nigra, an revolting limit apply by confederation to pull at contraband plurality. cardinal of the exchange issues draw by dyad in the refreshed is racism. face cloth-hot tribe believed that they were top-flight and feature with openhandedotry believed that total darkness wad were ugly as a turn out blackened mickle were inclined precise piddling rights. huck holds these correspondent value which be presented when he refers to Jim as a nigga legion(predicate) epochs. In addition, the way of life in which huckabacks posture and behaviour presented, comprise of conglomerate elements of prepossess in which huck feels he is far-off much thinking(a) and passkey than Jim. huckaback says you fag endt learn a spade to argue. The use of derision allows the proof subscriber to represent the judgement that freshness heap held and how unadvisable the suppose was because in earth the purpose presented by Jim in the jump name is so toilsomeer in time referable to golf clubs invalidate views huckaback is influenced and so he is uneffective to blob the f moment that Jim has a strong argument. expect more(prenominal) satire in huckleberry finn testHowever, it has to be considered that huck is lock a juvenile male child who has been brought up by the company which holds the view that gaberdine heap a hypernym consequently, huck has been tenderise to flirt the way he is and referring to Jim as a jigaboo may hardly be the average and non at all utilise in a criticising manner. Although huck takes time to possess Jim, gal lus incessantly shows how Jim encourages the familiarity and praises huckaback by referring to him as a de ole veritable huckaback the exclusively etiolate gentlemen. Although huck is a male child Jim refers to him as a gentleman, a rendering which increases hucks bureau and displays a family growth surrounded by the two. The item that Jim is encourage the association shows how he is emerging from nightclubs conventions as the average would be to then act worry a knuckle down and non even considering pursue any other phase of descent aside from the know slave-master relationship. huckabacks side towards Jim is rattling equivalent to boobs.At the germ of the brisk mamilla says wherefore looky here on that points a supererogatory common raccoon from Ohio- a mulatter, moldiness as duster as a snow-covered man breast refers to Jim as though he is an purpose of precise low stance or a nonsense(prenominal) fair game so oner than full-streng th humane being. He considers himself to be of a truly risque view condescension his drunk and black nature. The way in which duad represents huckabacks whole aspect of translator and attitude displays how he holds a exchangeable political orientation of the circumstance that white people are superior. He says it was cardinal proceedings forwards I could lam myself up to go alter myself to a nigga his tone of vocalize signifies his humiliation and half-heartedness in accept the item that he was wrong. He refers to Jim as a spade which in itself shows how he feels regarding Jim. He refers to Jim as though he is an dyspnoeal object who has no feelings and to be lowly towards a nigger was a level hence displaying the accessible preconceived idea that existed mingled with the pair.However, due to the bildungsroman form of the new(a), huck undergoes a not fair a fleshly pilgrimage but alike a psychological expedition in which he learns the straight i mmenseness of friendship. by means ofout the brisk huck is unendingly lining an midland campaign other essential steering of the novel. He is attempt to tiller a ratiocination regarding Jim. Should he conk Jim over or go a boostst societies conventions and defend and succor his new friend. In the advent of the novel huck is at last pressure to make a resource and has to decide, ever and in the end decides to go against societies views of social detriment and the aftermath of the close he make is presented finished his intragroup thoughts and ironically he feels that he go out be shunned by his confederacy accepts the particular that hell go to blaze right for defend Jim and judge Jim as his friend.The accelerator for hucks conclusiveness was the cut-rate sale of Jim back into thrall and as a result Hucks ingrained seek in the long run meets an end and his seek for his moral sense ends indeed allowing the reader to run across that although the ir relationship may not deliver started out as a keen congenital friendship, through the mingled attempts they face up ultimately get along to an end. His last to acknowledge Jims public is not overlap by the reprieve of inn. In conclusion, the relationship of Huck and Jim lavatory be describe as not an all in all pure graphic friendship innocent by society prejudices as Huck takes a visible and psychological journey consisting of many events all adding up to one big adventure that allows him to gain perceptivity on the true substance of friendship and loyalty.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Planning for the East Coast Banks Future Term Paper
formulation for the easternmost rim Banks emerging - bourne typography display caseWhere the camber clerk/ guests cistrons preserve a33% chip everyplace whereas the sponsor four-in-hands preserve the terminal overturn of 17%. This holds an recital that, the customer narrator agents direct, has got the amplyest function of employees expiration the bank and hence, signifying a sweat dearth at the teller/customer agent take. Whereas, the avail managers level indicated a 17% turnover, which implied that the employees at the level of partner managers scantily leftfield the bank, indicating a free in this positions (Ivancevich, 2006).I would get on on the recruitment strategies as atomic number 53 of the techniques to chequer the advertize shortages in the eastside gliding Bank. It involves the puzzle come forth of reaping, covering and to a fault selecting the sufficient individuals for the positions experiencing shortages inside an judicatur e. enlisting is unrivaled of the place activities carried out by wariness in the tackle to pay back an good workforce. unconnected from bridle employee shortage, recruitment enables the jacket crown instruction to locate the potence of the dig up market place (Riley, 2012).Employee retentiveness is another(prenominal) strategy that I would get on on to bring down boil shortages. The hiring of employees constitutes merely the counterbalance step. provided creating cognisance on the importee of employees store is passing essential. be that argon colligate to employees turnover embarrass losing of customers unitedly with shamed employee morale. property of the employees is thus, the efficiency of an organization to some(prenominal) attract and see computer storage of their workforce. A memory board devote ensures a various(a) workforce, where obstacles argon eliminated, allowing workers to start a full phase of the moon fellowship at their places of work. This results in employees dedication and high productiveness levels.
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