Saturday, August 31, 2019
Professor D. Philip Kotler Essay
Philip Kotler is widely acknowledged as the father of modern marketing and the world’s foremost expert on strategic marketing. . His writing has defined marketing around the world for the past forty years. He is the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Chicago’s Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. The Management Centre Europe has labeled him â€Å"the world’s leading expert on the strategic practice of marketing.†Early Life Kotler was born in Chicago on May 27, 1931. Both Kotler’s parents emigrated in 1917 from Ukraine and settled in Chicago. Education He studied at DePaul University for two years and was accepted without a bachelor’s degree into the Master’s program at the University of Chicago (1953) and his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT (1956), both in economics. He studied under three Nobel winners in Economic Science: Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, and Robert Solow. He did a year of postdoctoral work in mathematics at Harvard University and in behavioral science at the University of Chicago. Professional Life Kotler started teaching marketing in 1962 at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Kotler moved into marketing which he believed is an essential part of economics. He saw demand is influenced not only by price but also by advertising, sales promotions, sales force, direct mail, and various institutions (wholesalers, retailers, agents, etc.) operating as distribution channels. Kotler is the author and co-author of over 55 books and 150 published articles. His other textbooks include Principles of Marketing and Marketing: An Introduction. He has authored several books on all aspects of marketing, including the most widely used marketing textbook in graduate business schools worldwide, Marketing Management, (originally published in 1967 is the world’s leading book in marketing, and is translated into over 25 languages. It has educated millions of students. In 1996, it was judged to be one of the top 50 best business books of all times) now in its 14th edit ion. He has published more than 150 articles in leading journals, including the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Marketing, Management Science and the Journal of Business Strategy. His first research in marketing was in mathematical modeling of marketing processes and impacts. In Journal of Marketing on January 1969, he extended the concept of Marketing. This article proposed the thesis that marketing concepts apply to non-commercial activities as well. Not-for-profit organizations can apply marketing analysis and concepts to advantage. He has consulted for IBM, General Electric, AT&T, Honeywell, Bank of America, Merck and others in the areas of marketing strategy and planning, marketing organization and international marketing. He has also advised governments on how to develop and position the skills and resources of their companies for global competition. He was voted the first Leader in Marketing Thought by the American Marketing Association and named The Founder of Modern Marketing Management in the Handbook of Management Thinking. Professor Kotler holds major awards including the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Distinguished Marketing Educator Award and Distinguished Educator Award from The Academy of Marketing Science. The Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) named him Marketer of the Year and the A merican Marketing Association described him as â€Å"the most influential marketer of all time.†(2008, Leaders in London Conference).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sample Business Plan for Cafeteria
CHARMAINE (The Battle of Good and Bad Toys) Charmaine is a 10-year old girl grew up with the care of her grandparents. She spends most of her time in her room playing with her toys since her lola doesn’t allow her to go outside and play with other children. It became a norm to her not to speak and just to burst all her emotions alone†¦with the toys. ***Opening paragraph introduces the main character (very briefly,) and the situation or point of change that starts the story. Her wish was granted one Christmas eve; that all her toys could have their lives.While asleep, her toys came to life but is divided – the good toys and the bad toys. The bad toys get Charmaine’s body for they believe that in their world, Charmaine would be happier. The good toys stand with the reason that no matter how the child is taken for granted, she still belongs in the real world. ***Here is the conflictâ€â€the battle of the good and bad toys began because of different beliefs. As the battle continues to rise, as the bad toys tried their best in convincing that they can give the unconditional love and attention that Charmaine is always wanted.The little child was confused for at some point she realizes that in her life, all that she has is herself, and her toys that never left her, that never got tired of being with her, that accepts her and always ready to listen. But the good toys never stop making them realize the truth, that only her family can love Charmaine and give her the feeling of contentment. Because of her good heart despite the pain she has been through, Charmaine chose to think of all the things she has and appreciate the effort of her grandparents for raising her up.She stood by the good toys with the thought that somehow, the bad toys will understand her and hope that her grandparents will realize that every child needs undivided attention, unconditional love, company and freedom to let them live every minute of their lives in its fullest. ***This paragraph serves several functions: we learn Good toy’s selflessness for no matter how they want to be with Charmaine in their world, they still chose to bring back the girl to the reality and Charmaine’s understanding and good heart for still appreciating life and love despite things she is longing for – love, attention, care and freedom.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
In what ways does the presentation of Polonius contribute to the play Hamlet? Essay
‘Hamlet’ By William Shakespeare Question: In what ways does the presentation of Polonius contribute to the play Hamlet? Answer: Polonius, counsellor to the King, father of Ophelia and Laertes (and although there is no evidence, it is possible that he held a position at court under Hamlet’s father, the old King), seems to have a close and developed relationship with the Royal family and knows a lot about the family history and background in detail. With the audience knowing this, Shakespeare can use Polonius as a weapon against Claudius in order to protect himself or to blackmail the King. He is a man who is trusted by Claudius, the King of Denmark who tells Laertes, Polonius’ son, that his father is incalculably important to Denmark, †The head is not more native to the heart, The hand is more instrumental to the mouth, Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father. †(Act 1 Scene 2- Lines 47-49) Here, the audience would most probably be double-minded and slightly confused. This is because; this quote could have a double meaning. It could be that Claudius wants to get rid of Polonius but finds difflculty in doing so as he is a faithful servant towards himself, the King. Polonius could be an â€Å"instrumental†devise for Claudius for those critical times. We soon learn that Polonius is an over-protective father who only wants to protect his children from society and has a strong authority over his son and daughter. This is learnt when Claudius calls to Laertes: â€Å"Have you your father’s leave? What says Polonius? †(Act 1 Scene 2- Line 57) More evidence of Polonius’ fatherhood is reflected in Act 1 Scene 3, when Laertes is talking to Ophelia before he is about to leave for France. Polonius enters the scene giving lecture-like advice to Laertes about factors to engage in and factors not to engage in. †Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. †(Act 1 Scene 3-Line 61) He does not trust his son, which is why Polonius calls on Reynaldo â€Å"to make inquire of his behaviour. †Not only this, but he gives long-winded advise to Ophelia without considering her feelings by playing with his words, and accusing Ophelia of not being able to make her own sensible decisions. â€Å"You speak like a green girl†(Act 1 Scene 3-Line 101) Polonius’ playing with words does not stop here; he uses plays on words to make himself seem intelligent, while the king and queen are not impressed at all. When he realizes that his ‘artificial intelligence’ is not working, he comes up with his â€Å"lovesick†plan (to spy on Hamlet and use Ophelia). Polonius does not only ‘educate’ his children for their own benefits but also to his advantage. He uses them, Ophelia in particular, to promote his career leading to Claudius to be proud when it is revealed that Ophelia is carrying out her father’s dirty work for him without knowing, which reveals the degree of Polonius’ craftiness. Polonius’ job is his priority (this is reflected when he uses Ophelia to maintain his head high in front of the King) and it is shown in the play that he is capable of going to extreme measures just in order to satisfy all and to keep his head high. I think he wants all too much to impress the king and queen, which explain his silly â€Å"talking in circles. †For example, when he says, â€Å"Give first admittance to th’ambassadors; My news shall be the fruit to that great feast. †(Act 2 Scene 2-Lines 51-52) Shakespeare uses a character like Polonius in this play to complement the whole play. Polonius’ ironical jokes make the audience laugh and balances out the play against the tense and important scenes in the play, HAMLET †Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel? †POLONIUS †By th’mass, and ’tis like a camel indeed. HAMLET †Methinks it is like a weasel. POLONIUS †It is backed like a weasel. HAMLET †Or like a whale? POLONIUS †Very like a whale. (Act 3 Scene 2-Lines 339-344) In act 3 scene 2, when Polonius is told to fetch Hamlet, Hamlet plays with his words towards Polonius and makes him say anything that he, Hamlet chooses. Polonius is made to say that he sees imaginary shapes, which Hamlet suggests, are in the clouds.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Five Police Convicted Of Murder in Thailand Research Paper
Five Police Convicted Of Murder in Thailand - Research Paper Example The police arrested the teenager mainly because of thieving a motorcycle. By hearing this news, the family members visited the police station and endeavoured to talk with Kiettisak. However, with this attempt, after certain days, the mutilated body of the teenager was found in the neighbouring province of the police station. In this particular situation, the family members of the teenager launched a campaign to investigate the above discussed matter with validated responses. It is worth mentioning in this regard that due to the initiative taken by the family members of the teenager in the form of launching campaign against the case, the court finally reached its verdict (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). The article provided valuable and relevant information about the justice system, which is currently prevailing in Thailand, can be gained. In this similar context, based on the article, it can be ascertained that the existing criminal justice system in Thailand represents the absence of jury system in the nation and the police are mainly overburdened with varied legal activities. This can be justified with reference to the article where the police officers were held responsible to investigate the matter, but the final verdict was viewed to be provided by the Criminal Court (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). Apart from this, it has been quite apparent from the article that it is quite possible to file any sort of criminal charge privately in Thailand, wherein cases are not essentially referred to a public prosecutor. This exactly happened in the case of murdering the teenager wherein his family members made deliberate efforts in filing the criminal case in the form of conducting campaigns to investigate the case and reach into a final verdict (Asian Human Rights Commission, 2012). Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 175
Essay Example It is important for a company to line up its information technology system with this software application because it offers a platform for business incorporation. This can be effective if a company adopts a good strategy that can absorb both the existing and new elements. Adopting in this context means that a company has to change its traditional mode of doing business by introducing new practices. These practices include employing competent human resource and establishing principles that can be used to manage it. As a result, Service-Oriented Architecture acts as a joining tool for a business because of its ability to unify and streamline information technology processes. Service-Oriented Architecture works when structures in use are in smaller bits rather than a whole. Therefore, for it to work effectively, it has a set of unified services which require support from the web service. These services for a company can be based on data communication which must coordinate with different activities that ensure sufficient exchange of information. Therefore, there are certain benefits that a company can get when it puts this application in use. These benefits include the following. First, SOA software can be used again and again if an individual is not able to acquire another one because of the objects that make it up. One thing that the management of a company has to be keen with is the connection between the objects of this software while making these changes. And secondly, it is easy for a company to put into practice this software application within a specified period of time because it allows the management team to meet its goals. Contrary to the benefits above, this software also has its own limitation. One advantage of using this software is that it depends on goals that a company wants to achieve. Therefore, a company can invest in it as an independent vendor because it can deliver
Educational Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Educational Evaluation - Essay Example This would provide an opportunity to introduce the standards to teachers and allow them to infuse them into their curriculum and develop assessment based on their understanding of the critical/creative thinking standards. 4. Allow teachers the time to use these strategies and assessment principles in their classrooms in an attempt to help them develop their own individuality when designing and assessing instruction while at the same time providing them with innovative experimentation. 5. Reunite with teachers to dialogue about what they thought was effective and ineffective, their evaluation of the critical thinking standards, and what barriers they felt impeded their abilities to utilize this manner of instruction and assessment. Having a healthy dialogue with teachers about critical/creative thinking and then affording them the time to utilize methods and strategies for teaching and assessing thinking would allow teachers to think about and identify their own practices. Building metacognitive opportunities into the process, would allow teachers to think creatively and intellectually about their own teaching processes. This would motivate them to recognize what they thought was valuable and what they thought should be changed in their curriculum and instructional methods, along with recognizing where they might be able to learn more about critical and creative thinking and instruction. All good decisions and solutions to problems require a clear understanding of what the actual problem is. Helping students separate causes from solutions, symptoms from problems, and sub-problems from real problems is essential for teaching students to think critically. For example, defining the wrong problem can send a student down the wrong path to, at a minimum, irrelevant solutions, and ensure that she will not understand the subject matter or concepts she is examining. Helping students define problems to take what they are learning and phrase inquiry in the form of questions to be answered through research and collaboration is a goal of critical instruction. Helping students see the goals and objectives in what they are studying is essential to help them understand subject matter. Many problems with students' understanding of, for example, biology or history come with the fact that they do not know why they are studying biology or history what biologists and historians attempt to accomplish through their scholarly endeavors. By not identifying the goals contained within various disciplines, students cannot be expected to understand the discipline as a system. For example, without understanding what a biologist seeks to accomplish by studying cells, let's say, the student cannot possibly hope to identify biological problems in the area of cellular formation or development. It cannot be taken for granted that students understand what historians, biologists, mathematicians, artists, or journalists do; in fact, it should be assumed the opposite and engage students in discussions as to the purposes behind studying one subject or another. Simi larly,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Read Article and watch four hour home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Read Article and watch four hour home - Essay Example In a very fast paced world and society, individuals have the tendency to become more independently especially when achieving their goals. However, it is still a tested fact that more often a team’s goal is more feasible rather than an individual goal. Like in the example that was given in by those people who participated in the 4-Hour House in San Diego. It is not easy to build a house. There are instances that even if the house has been meticulously built, there are bits and pieces of errors that might cause an accident during the building process. Yet in the event that occurred in San Diego, it just proved that nothing is impossible when people unite and work as one towards a common goal. For teams to be united there should be no barriers as to the extent how an individual will cooperate to achieve the goal. According to DAndrea-OBrien and Buono (4-6), the output should not be based on an individual’s contribution to the whole task. It is still the team who should be given the credit as all of the people involved have exhausted their energy and collaborated with their peers to achieve the success of the common goal. It is the team’s goal that is put into consideration and not the heroic stands of just one individual. Still looking at the example of the 4-Hour House, nobody was a superhero. The success of the whole record-breaking event was credited to each and every individual who put their hearts, souls and mind to the whole project. The development of learning teams, however, requires managers to rethink their role, achieving a balance between status as the "expert" and a coach facilitator. They must encourage team members to build a psychological contract among the team members. This contract states team members’ strengths and skills, expectations both for the results and the process they will follow, as well as a set of norms
Sunday, August 25, 2019
SOCIOLINGUISTICS- LABOV AND PENELOPE ECKERT - Essay Example In developing a greater understanding of these processes of sociolinguistic investigation, this essay examines and compares the methodological assumptions and conclusions within the theorists’ Martha’s Vineyard and Jocks and Burnouts studies. William Labov’s seminal Martha’s Vineyard study incorporates direct linguistic observation with past recorded linguistic accounts to analyze the patterns of linguistic change among the island inhabitants of Martha’s Vineyard, Dukes County, Massachusetts. Labov identifies one of the key benefits of the study being the secluded nature of the island, and notes how this isolation is effective when formulating viable sociolinguistic analysis. While the island is sufficiently secluded, it also â€Å"has enough social and geographic complexity to provide ample room for differentiation of linguistic behavior (Labov 4).†Labov offers a description of the island and which elements of it will be included in the study, disregarding the nearly 42,000 tourists, as their transitory nature excludes them from contributing viable sociolinguistic data to the specific study. As a result of its physical seclusion and conscious resistance to mainland Boston cultural standards, Martha’s Vineyard is understood to have retained significant features of English indicative of pre-1800 New England. Labov argues that the most prominent feature that has been retained â€Å"is the retention of final and preconsonantal /r/. New England short /o/ is still well represented among the older speakers (Labov 7).†However, he indicates that such analysis of static English morphology is not the essential concern, and that instead the study will focus on the sociolinguistic determination of change and linguistic variation throughout the island. In addressing the factors associated with the determination of the study’s linguistic
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Investment Analysis of Vegetarian Restaurant Essay
Investment Analysis of Vegetarian Restaurant - Essay Example Political Environment and Regulations Political Stability Political environment of the place in which the business has to be established plays a very important role for any business; restaurant business is not exception to this rule (Teresa Williams, 1997). United Kingdom in general and London in particular is considered to have a very stable political system in place. UK’s regulatory system is one of the best in the world and very business friendly. A recent assessment of 183 countries by World Bank ranked United Kingdom 4th for ‘ease of doing business’ (Investment, 2011). The UK offers a competitive tax environment with one of the lowest corporate tax rates and one of the lowest personal income tax rates in Europe (UK Tax system and Environment , 2006). Most of the authorities responsible for checking the fitness of restaurant will visit the premises themselves and inform the owners of the things that need to be done in order to bring the restaurant in line with regulations. It takes only about 13 days for a business to start in UK against an average of 32 days in the rest of Europe (Colin Barrow, 2011). Regulations Regarding Restaurant Business The first thing to be considered while opening any business are the various laws and regulations of the agencies that have to be followed. The main laws dealing with restaurant business in UK are Food Safety Act 1990 , Food Premises(Registration)Regulations 1991 , Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) 1995 and the Food Safety(Temperature Control) Regulations 1995(Bridget M.Hutter & Tola Amodu , 2008). Food Premises (Registration) Regulations 1991 require any new food catering... This study looks into a vegetarian Restaurant in Edgware, London. The restaurant will be started near the Broad Walk which is a prominent shopping centre of Edgware. Political environment of the place in which the business has to be established plays a very important role for any business; restaurant business is not exception to this rule. The first thing to be considered while opening any business are the various laws and regulations of the agencies that have to be followed. It is a legal requirement to have the restaurant insured. Three different kinds of insurance which can be done for a restaurant are liability insurance , contents insurance and business interruption insurance. The UK hospitality and restaurant industry is one of the leading industries in UK. We will analyse the contribution of the industry towards the UK economy and also the current economic trends in London which are likely to affect the business to be set up. In the social environment factors we will analyse t he demographics of Edgware as well other macro factors which are likely to affect the opening of a new restaurant. Social environment in which the business operates is an important factor for deciding the business strategy. The hospitality industry in general and the restaurant industry in specific are highly competitive in nature. In the Edgware area there are many restaurants which serve vegetarian food. Some of the prominent restaurants are The Regency Club, Satyam and Handi.
Friday, August 23, 2019
On the assignment sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
On the assignment sheet - Essay Example Grammar Girl outlines a number of reasons to explain why most companies will not include an apostrophe in the names. First, the companies omit an apostrophe in their names because the inclusion of an apostrophe does not favor the creation of a good IP address. It has been shown that names with apostrophes drive less traffic to the site because they rank low in search. This is because most users will forget to include apostrophe when searching. It is important to note that many people are more relaxed on the use of an apostrophe in spoken language Second, many companies omit apostrophes in their names because the center for domestic name registration does not favor it (Grammar Girl, 414). Therefore, this organization advises many companies to omit the apostrophe in their names. They believe that the inclusion of an apostrophe makes the name too personal, which is not good for public properties. Consequently, the inclusion or omission of apostrophe depends on the kind of audience that one is targeting. The narrator in this episode of Grammar Girl uses historical and real examples to convince her audience. She refers to real life examples to show the application of apostrophe in real life. The dilemma that involves including or omitting an apostrophe is explained vividly the narrator. In conclusion, the use of apostrophe in company names is not common because, in most cases, it makes the business too personal. It is, also, true that the use of apostrophe is more strict written English than in spoken English. The use of apostrophe in business names depends on personal
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Homicide Investigation Essay Example for Free
Homicide Investigation Essay More work goes into a homicide investigation than what the media alludes to. Television shows like Law and Order, and CSI show an over glorified series of basic investigations as well as highly dramatic interrogation in which each homicide case is solved within a one-hour episode. In reality, a homicide investigation is 20 times more complex than what is aired on prime time television. Cases can take years to solve, and a large number remain open indefinitely. From start to finish, a homicide investigation begins when the first responder arrives on the scene, and ends when the perpetrator is placed behind bars. The goals of an investigation are to see if the death of a person was caused by a criminal act of another individual, as well as determining the person responsible for causing the death. The earlier an investigator arrives on the scene of the crime, the more likely the case is to be solved. â€Å"Medically, death is determined by the cessation of three vital functions: heartbeat, respiration and brain activity. (Hess and Orthmann ) Normally, the first sign of death is when the person has stopped breathing. If a person dies shortly before, or in the presence of an officer, the officer should always try to revive the victim. The person’s pulse should be checked for after breathing has ceased since certain drug over doses cause extremely shallow breathing, and can give the allusion that a person is deceased. The two most important pieces of physical evidence in a homicide investigation are the murder weapon and the victim’s body. Videotaping, photographing, and sketching the crime scene, as well as taking notes are crucial actions in an investigation as well. The evidence that is found must be properly handled and packaged. Physical evidence can be found in an abundance of different places, such as: on the victim, on the suspect, or at the scene of the crime. If the victim is still living, and brought to the hospital, the hospital then becomes a separate crime scene. Discovering the body of the victim, as well as identifying it can help the police tremendously. In some cases, the body of the victim is not found. The perpetrator could have performed any number of disposal techniques such as, dissolving the body in a vat of acid, cutting up the body, burying the body, or burning the body. In cases where the body is buried under ground, the police can use a few different technologies in order to locate it. Magnetometers, metal detectors, ground-penetrating radar, and infrared thermography are the newest technological advances in the police arsenal. Also, cadaver dogs are highly useful since they are specially trained to locate a body by identifying the scent of decomposing human flesh. Once the body has been located, police must identify it. Multiple identification of the deceased victim made by family, friends, or co-workers is ideal since human error is much more likely when under stress. If the victim is disfigured beyond recognition, police examine fingerprints or DNA, which are the two most reliable forms of identification. Fingerprints do not always have available matches in the IAFIS, which is a â€Å"national fingerprint and criminal history system that responds to requests 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help our local, state, and federal partnersâ€â€and our own investigatorsâ€â€solve and prevent crime and catch criminals and terrorists. (FBI. gov) DNA analysis allows investigators to rule out that the victim is not a specific person in the event that fingerprints cannot be matched. Investigators must estimate the time of death, or TOD, of a victim in order to acquire an accurate time frame in which the homicide occurred. This estimation is important since it could prove that the suspect could have b een at the scene during the estimated time frame, as well as to the victim’s family for Social Security, and insurance purposes. The post mortem interval (PMI) is the time between when the victim’s death, and when the corpse was discovered. â€Å"Understanding the processes that occur in a body during the PMI can help investigators estimate a time of death. †There are many methods in which forensic scientists can estimate the TOD, but none of them are fool proof. As a result, pathologist can usually find a good estimation of the victims TOD within a few hours of the actual event. When a person first dies, their body stays limp until Rigor Mortis sets in nywhere from ten minutes to several hours afterwards, depending on environmental conditions. Rigor Mortis (Latin for â€Å"stiffness of death†) causes the joints of the body to stiffen as a result of partial contraction in skeletal muscles. The smaller muscles, like those found in the face, are usually affected first. Maximum rigor is normally reached within 12 to 24 hours, and can keep the body rigid for around three days until the muscles begin to decompose. In some cases, usually when the victim is holding something at the TOD, the victim’s hand will tightly close around the object. This is called a cadaveric spasm, and while associated with rigor mortis, the condition is only found in specific muscle groups instead of the entire body. A cadaveric spasm can sometimes help investigators determine if the death was a result of a suicide or a homicide. If a victim is found with a gun in his hand, and the gunshot wound was not inflicted from his own weapon, it is more likely he was trying to defend himself against an armed assailant. Knowing if a person is alive or dead is a very important part of the first responding officer’s job. If the victim is pronounced dead, investigators must find the murder weapon in order to have solid proof that they were killed by someone else. If a body is discovered after a homicide has been committed, investigators must identify it, and determine the time of death, which can be estimated by looking at a number of signs. With all of this work for investigators to do, how can one homicide case be completely solved within a one hour time slot on television?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Richard vs Richmond Essay Example for Free
Richard vs Richmond Essay 1. The first recruitment poem, named Fall In follows the style of a simple ABABCDCD pattern, found most commonly within poems. However the second of which is the focus of our analysis, In Flanders Field, is much different. The first verses pattern is AABBA whereas the second verse is different yet again. Fall In has a style the is a lot more colloquial then Flanders Field relying on using more slang terms to attract the attention of the reader while Flanders Field has a tone that is a lot more easy going and not as in your face. 2. Fall In is much lengthier than Flanders Field; its words are much more direct and to the point. It contains questions that would make young men think about; how would their families and friends think about them given that they made the choice not to go to war. Flanders field arouses the memories of fallen friends and family members within the minds of men throughout the land, persuading and coercing them to join the ranks with many others. 3. The first poem Fall In is attempting to recruit young men to the forces by using what could be assumed as a sort of blackmail tactic. One can only assume that at the time of its publication the words found within its verses would have struck several chords in the hearts of the audience of young men, no doubt accomplishing its task; relying heavily on planting the seed of doubt into the minds of the young men, making them wonder just what indeed their family, friends and potential partners and children would think of their actions and absence from the forces during their countrys time of need. In Flanders Field follows a totally different path. I feel its words are meant to reverberate mostly in the hearts of those who have lost loved ones to war before; its words encourage those young people to pick up the torch and pride and carry it anew. I think personally that this poem would appeal to the more highly educated members of society, its words and underlying message would probably be more attractive to those with a higher education and a deeper understanding for poetry; Fall In uses colloquial language, slang and terms used on the street at the time, it would be much more likely to be understood by the lower class of educated men. 4. Despite my earlier comment that the second of the two poems under analytical scrutinising, I find the poem Fall In much more affective. It is easy to see how the questions would arose feelings within a young man of the time, not so much forcing but using a clever play on words to make them think that they would be lesser men if they did not do what many other men were doing and signing up for the forces. Being coerced and herded like so many sheep before them. 5. The structure of the first poem War Exalts is an unusual one, it is made up of question and answers throughout; one question is cheering on the war effort and the act of war itself while the reply completely disagrees with it, using religion as a main argument in retort. Anthem for Doomed Youth is a sonnet while the other is not; it follows the standard Shakespearean style consisting of 14 lines and five syllables per line. Both poem and sonnet respectively rely on de-idolising war itself; trying, one can only assume, to show the deadlier side to it by bringing attention to the point that not every one comes back alive to be praised by their loved ones, many will mourn. Too many. 6. I feel on a personal level that the shorter of the two poems is much more affective, this is due mainly to its mention of God. Most armies will use God to raise the morale of their troops, or simply to give good reasoning to their cause; with God on their side how could they lose? War Exalts will raise the question within any religious mind; what exactly does God think of war itself? To see your creations killing themselves in your name would upset anyone. Beliefs are harder to change, people fight against them and dont wish to have them altered, is it not better to have a good idea? Truthfully and from the heart this poem touched me, bringing to mind yet again the family members that have, and still are, fighting overseas in the name of God and country. Truly an affective poem.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Reducing the Cost of Healthcare Expenditures
Reducing the Cost of Healthcare Expenditures Abstract The purpose of the research paper is to analyze methods for lowering government spending, including both state and federal levels, on healthcare expenditures. This will be accomplished by analyzing two popular methods. The first method includes reallocation money in programs to help reduce cost. The second method focuses on fixing the person and solving the root of the problem. There are many who favor and resist each argument, each with having valid points. The best option of the two is to be determined by the study of peer reviewed (academic) journals, online articles and various news sources paired along with the opinions of authors, healthcare professionals and doctorate professors. Introduction and Background Federal, state and local levels of government play a crucial role in the literal and figurative health of our economy. If you only consider the three main health insurances provided by the government: Medicaid, Medicare and CHIP you will notice that it takes up twenty five percent of our national budget. With expenditures growing at alarming rates it is imperative that we are able to reduce these cost. Healthcare did not become a major part of the federal pudget until the later part of the progressive era. President Roosevelt really advocated for health insurance policies but most of the planning and organizing was left to the discretion of the state. When the Depression hit, it brought about a change in priorities. Focus was primarily on welfare, social benefits and unemployment. Lack of concern for comprehensive health insurances lead to the creation of private insurances like Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Social Security act was passed but overseas affairs captured the attention of policy makers. As advances in health care, technology and medicine begin to occur prices also began steadily to rise. Which in turn left us in with a very unstable healthcare system. Those who could afford private health insurances were taken care of, the rest of the medical cost of the poor were covered by the federal government, and those who fell in between had to make due. These events lead to President Lyndon B. Johnson signing Medicare and Medicaid into low, allowing comprehensive coverage for millions of Americans. By 1975 Medicaid expenses rounded up to thirteen billion dollar while Medicare accumulated another fifteen billion. Both of these figures were higher than experts predicted. Which in turn has allowed for the programs to go over budget since the early years of their existence. Now our main goal to dramatically reduce the debit that we have accumulated over all these years. There are many ways that this can be done. With the all the advanced technology we have it is possible to keep people healthy for longer periods of times. However it is very expensive for people to seek the care that they need to remain healthy for as long as possible. The goal is to a harmonious balance between bettering the person and cutting cost. Support of Controlling Cost Budgeting is hard, but when the people of a country depend on it, it must be done. There are many approaches and ideas about how to reallocate funds and other resources in order to save money in the healthcare field. Rapidly increasing cost put immense pressure on budgets ultimately affecting the effectiveness of the services that are provided. Many of these options that deal with cutting of money call for standardization across the country and the need for stricter guidelines. One proposal is to cut cost in areas that are not relevant or of necessity. This would accomplished by increasing regulations in hospitals and having them abide by stricter guidelines. With increased regulation hospitals would be encouraged to â€Å"off-peak use of facilities and equipment and to avoid costly cosmetic surgery†(Bloch p.123). This method would limit many practices to only dealing with basic situations. Hospitals and other healthcare providing facilities currently expect to receive a certain amount from the patient and the remaining portion from a health care provider or another party. Therefore practices would not have to deal with complex and expensive issues that cause them to lose money. Their many focus would be on procedures that they are confident they would be reimbursed in. The bottom line in this method is to plain cut anything that provides uncertainty as far as reimbursement is concerned. The second popular option that is â€Å"addressing and labeling the quality of care†(Baucus p.5). There is no doubt that everyone wants the best care that they can possibly receive. The definition of best care differs in different parts of the country. What’s good in the South might be considered mediocre in the West. This solutions proposes that we look at practices across the country and determine which ones are most successful and cost efficient. Then we would require hospitals around the country to go by those procedures. This would allow a universal from state to state and would trim the grey areas of comparison. If all states would adopt this organizational structure â€Å"Medicaid spending would decline by thirty percent. (Baucus p.7). When hospitals, doctor’s offices and insurances are unable to pay their bills the burden eventually falls on the state and the loss takes an unforeseen punch on their budget. With options such as these, there is a smaller chance that these losses will occur. Providing stricter guidelines and addressing the quality of care are options that can make positive impacts on our budget immediately. Without protocols in place doctors are less likely to accept welfare patients because they fear that they will not be repaid. Since 2001 Medicaid spending has increased by thirty- three percent (Wilson p.150), by simply implying these procedures we could offset this trend within three years. Support of Health Promotion Health Promotion is anew area of care that focuses on ones holistic lifestyle and preventive care. Many universities and colleges are offering programs and major in this rapidly growing field. Even insurances are jumping aboard the bandwagon and offering this as a part of some health insurance plans. This method of lowering the deficit offers a more individualized approach with benefits that will be reaped in the long run. Michael O’Donnell, health promotion advocate and editor of Science of Health Promotion, appeared before congress to answer their question if health promotion can help the deficit. His response is as follows â€Å"There are eighty-three studies which show people with unhealthy habits have higher rates of cost, there are an additional fifty studies that show health promotion reduces those cost and promote absenteeism of those habit after going through a program and most importantly there are thirteen studies that show the savings that are produced by this program are greater than the cost themselves.†With his speech to congress he explained the benefits of health promotion within a matter of five minutes. As we continue to do studies on this area this proof will continue to be produced. The benefits are already showing in the patients who have participated in these programs. One of the first steps in starting a health promotion and holistic care program is â€Å"identifying all of the services the patient might need and is interested in (Guba p. 32). With current insurances plans all part are not utilized. According to most people who are insured they agree that their insurance either provided to much insurance or not enough. Tailoring programs to fit their needs and desires will ultimately save insurances thousands of dollars per insured person a year. Johnson Johnson family company allowed an independent research group to perform a study on the health care benefits and options that it provided to its employees. With their plan employees were encouraged to workout, quit smoking and other habits that were beneficial to their health. As they committed to these task the received a reduction in price of their health care insurance. According to the Harvard Business Review it is â€Å"estimated that wellness programs have cumulatively saved the company $250 million on health care costs over the past decade; from 2002 to 2008, the return was $2.71 for every dollar spent†(Berry). If s basic health promotion plan was able to save a company this much money, imagine the benefits our budget would see in the long run. An Assessment of the Arguments Health promotions and holistic care and reallocation resources both offer promising benefits for our budget however they both contain many flaws. When we consider the first argument, it could also seem as if we are limiting doctor’s discernment in treating their patients. With this option practices would not be reimbursed if they did not follow the protocol verbatim. In the world of medicine many odd and unexplainable miracles happen because doctors use their discretion to fix a situation, there is a real and respectable fear that this would be lost with the cost allocation method. It is a common belief among economist that a â€Å"reduction in medical inflation can be best achieved if regulation is decreased rather than increased†(Bloch p. 120). If this is to be true it would completely deflate the argument advocating for controlled cost. When it comes to health promotion the down fall is the lack of time we have had to study this field. Purposeful and intense researc h in health promotion did begin until the late nineties. While many positives results are starting to reap we are also waiting to see if there is any backlash. Those results will come as my generation continues to growing. Conclusions and Future Recommendations The amount of debit that we have is something that is not to be considered lightly. There is no quick to any problem that will provided long lasting and stable results. With the cost allocation method it seems as if we would be cutting gashing wound, that is in obvious needs of stiches with a band aid. Yes, there would be a quick sigh a relief but the rush would definitely be back before we realized it. Therefore health promotion and holistic care is the best option for our country to cut the deficit. We may not have years of information behind it but what we have been doing hasn’t been working so a new a fresh approach is what we need. For this program to be successful it is imperious that policy makers listen to the concerns and opinions of the professionals with in the health care field. There is a bright and prosperous future with health promotion. The people tend to lose trust with the government when they are forced to do something. If we encourage citizens to perform th ese actives and reward this can catch fire across America. References Baucus, M., Slavin, P. L., Korsmo, J. (2008). Controlling health care costs. Issues In Science Technology, 24(4), 5-9.Retrieved from Berry, L., Mirabito, A., Baun, W. (2010). What’s the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs? Harvard Business Review. December 2010. Retrieved from Bloch, H., Pupp, R. (1985). Supply, Demand, and Rising Health-Care Costs.Nursing Economic$,3(2), 119-123. Retrieved from Guba, Susan C. MD. (2007). Cost-effective, Holistic, Integrative Medicine Program. Oncology Issues: November/December 2007. Retrieved from ODonnell, Michael P. (2001). Special Issue on the Financial Impact of Health Promotion Programs. American Journal of Health Promotion: May/June 2001, Vol. 15, No. 5. Retrieved from Wilson, J. F. (2009). Will All Health Care Reform Lead Back to Medicaid? Annals Of Internal Medicine, 150(2), 149-151. Retrieved from
Gender Representation in Advertising Essay -- Marketing Gender Role
Gender Representation in Advertising The roles of males and females in society have significantly changed, as opposed to the predominant roles in our history. In the modern culture of today, women have begun to break out of the mold that which society has placed her in. This much can’t be said when it comes to modern gender representation in mass media advertising. It can be safe to state that woman are seen as sexual, fragile, exoticâ€â€whereas men are portrayed as tough, in control, and aggressive. This trend can be one seen as an inhibitor to the advancement of our culture, because especially for women, it is hard to pull away from the stereotypes that are continuously represented. As examples of the given trend, the following images help to reinforce. As an advertisement for Michael Kors apparel, the first image immediately gives off a sexual energy. The model is presented in a very suggestive pose, with her bare legs spread apart, only wearing a long sleeved tunic. The message to the viewing public is clearâ€â€these are the kind of woman that wear this apparel, and if you wish to look like her, buy Michael Kors. As a re-iteration of presented thesis, sexuality and a woman’s body image is manifested throughout the ad. The physical beauty of this individual is the central focus. The following image continues in the line of sex appeal with a makeup ad. A bold caption reads â€Å"Eye Candy†, with the model in a very suggestive position and expression. A question that comes to mind when viewing this image isâ€â€who is this ad really geared towards? It would be assumed that a makeup ad would be created to attract females, so why would it need to be sexual? What this ad really attracts is the male eye, and woman realiz... ...wage gap of 77%, with females only making on average of 77% what a male makes. On the other hand, the number of women-owned firms in the United States has doubled in number from 1987 to 1999, according to a study by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners, which is a positive aspect. In light of all this, I believe that if advertisers tried something new by not using sexuality to sell a product, it might turn over a whole new leaf. Works Cited â€Å"U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.†Infoplease. © 2000–2006 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. 27 Oct. 2006 . Gettings, John, David Johnson, Borgna Brunner, and Chris Frantz. â€Å"Wonder Women Profiles of leading female CEOs and business executives†Infoplease.  © 2000–2006 27
Monday, August 19, 2019
Natalie Goldberg’s Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America Essay
Natalie Goldberg’s Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America â€Å"I don’t think fate is a creature, or a lady, like some people say. It’s a tide of events sweeping us along. But I’m not a Fatalist, because I believe you can swim against it, and sometimes grasp the hands of the clock face and steal a few precious minutes. If you don’t you’re just cartwheeled along. Before you know it, the magic opportunity is lost, and for the rest of your life it lingers on in that part of your mind which dreams the very best dreamsâ€â€taunting and tantalizing you with what might have been.†(from the film Flirting, 1990) â€Å"Every moment is enormous, and it is all we have†(Goldberg xii). Natalie Goldberg offers her readers the opportunity to recognize the delicate nature of life and the importance of slowing down one’s life. In her autobiography, Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America, she invites readers to journey along her path to awakening in an effort as an author to â€Å"pass on her breath†(22). By capturing her message and holding it close to one’s heart, the reader grasps the essence of Goldberg’s message. It becomes clear that awakening can take on many forms and can be reached by different roads, but it is all centered on one goal: to go within oneself and find inner peace and understanding. Through her exploration of America, teaching, spirituality, impermanence, and writing, and through her writing style and language, Goldberg sends her readers along their own long, quiet highway. The main point one might gather from Goldberg’s discussion of America is that Americans need to slow down all aspects of their lives, need to take the small components of life and make them significant. Goldberg sees an impatience in Ame... to her affectionately as simply Natalie. In fact, it seems strange to refer to her as merely the author of a narrativeâ€â€she has most assuredly transmitted her being through her writing, most definitely made a connection. There are few times when she outwardly addresses the reader, so when she does, she calls attention to the importance of the event she is describing. â€Å"Understand,†she implores, causing the reader to sense the urgency and the great impact of what she is describing. When she describes Rinpoche as â€Å"fluid energy†(87), she wants readers to know this was really how she experienced him. Hers was a vital discovery, one of experiencing people. Natalie reaches readers. She cannot be disconnected from her work because hers is the breath we capture. Works Cited Goldberg, Natalie. Long Quiet Highway: Waking Up in America. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Islam Does NOT Advocate Terrorism Essay -- ISIS, Terrorism 2015
A few years ago, an extreme offshoot of al-Qaeda proclaimed itself a caliphate in the Middle East. Today, the entire world has witnessed ISIS commit brutal crimes against humanity, including beheadings and other horrific acts of violence as well as its unlawful seizure and destruction of public and private property in Iraq, Syria and beyond. Because of this, many people think that Islam requires fighting non-Muslims, killing, invading other lands, etc. All these thoughts about Islam are totally wrong. Islam does not advocate any form of terrorism. Islam is not responsible for any terror operations done by any movements that relates itself to Islam. According to the text mentioned in the Holy Quran, killing a person is like killing all humankind, and saving a person is like saving all humankind. I wonder how could some people think that a religion that includes this text in its religious book is responsible for such crimes. The problem is not Islam itself, but the way people understand Islam and the way Muslims represent Islam. In fact, I think that many people should focus more on what’s the reason behind the spread of terrorism among Muslims, instead of focusing on the religion or country that produces these movements. In other words, they must realize tha... ...otect themselves against those who try to attack Muslims. Unfortunately, many Islamic extremists all over the Islamic world, especially Saudi Arabia, misunderstand this concept or try to use this concept as a justification to their bad practices against civilians in other western countries. In fact, I would prefer discussing the Lesser Jihad in a separated blog post incorporating Al Qa’eda as a terror movement who interpret Jihad the way they want. Works cited: Cook, David. â€Å"The Greater Jihad and the Lesser Jihad.†Understanding Jihad. Berkeley and Los Angeles: The Regents of the University of California, 2005. 35-39. Print.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Macbeth analysis
From the examples provided, it is clear that Macbeth is more masculine than women, however, he is constantly controlled by them. By representing the idea of masculinity as radically, Shakespeare is able to show the strengths and limitations of a patriarchal society. Initially in the play, Shakespeare introduces the idea of masculinity by creating a strong link between the concepts Of masculinity and cruelty. In the beginning, the idea of masculinity is related to endless aggression and ruthlessness.When Lady Macbeth plans to murder the king of Scotland, she encourages herself by saying: Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsexes me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topsoil Of direst cruelty†¦ (I. V. 39-42) This quote reveals that Lady Macbeth is driven by her ambition and is willing change her gender in order to gain courage to murder the king, showing that the Jacobean audience viewed males as the only gender that is capable of performing evil acts and bei ng physically strong.By using metaphorical language such as â€Å"unsexes†, Shakespeare shows the clear link between masculinity and cruelty, implying that the two ideas are connected and resemble each other. As the story progresses, Macbeth and Lady Machete's traditional understanding of masculinity eventually leads to political chaos. In edition, Lady Machete's sinful wish to ‘fill me from the crown to the toe topsoil of direst cruelty' opposes the characteristics of a typical â€Å"gentle†and â€Å"obedient†wife of the Jacobean era.By using figurative language such as â€Å"crown†, Shakespeare illustrates a sense of royalty, which shows Lady Machete's strong aspiration to become queen. Through showing Lady Machete's inner desires, the author is able to challenge conventional ideas and convey that female characters are also able to become the source of evil. Overall, the ideas of masculinity and cruelty are strongly connected in the ginning of t he book, and by adding â€Å"masculine†traits to a female character, Shakespeare is able to challenge the conventional ideas of gender roles in a society. Unrestrained masculinity Will lead to chaos and disorder in the society. As the story progresses, Macbeth constantly desires to prove his manliness. His craving for violence intensifies as he heartlessly murders Banquet and Macadam's family. Undoubtedly, Macbeth, the man that â€Å"none of woman born/ Shall harm†¦ †(IV. I. 79;80), is the standard example of the initial definition of masculinity, a man who ruthlessly murders without guilt. Similar to the itches' prophecies, femininity no longer influences him.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Glass Castle Essay Essay
The novel The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, addresses many social issues that we deal with every day. The most important social issues disputed on a daily basis are the kind of parents we want to be and what we want to teach our children for their future. In this memoir we are able to see how Rex and Rosemary Walls choose to educate their children to see the better side of their daily troubles. The Walls teach their children that no matter what nature throws at them, that they can handle it. Rex and Rosemary Walls may not have been the best parents, or even good parents for that matter, however they were able to turn their children into well-educated and better off adults. They were able to accomplish this by finding creative ways to teach them important life lessons. Like to learn how to face your fears and what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Although many people would not necessarily agree with the manner these parents educated their children, we can certainly accept the fact that most of the children gained exceptional values that otherwise may have not been learned. The positive effects of the Walls parents parenting skills were mainly that their children learned important values, that they learned what it means to stand by each other, and that they gained the importance of having something to inspire them to a great future. The Walls children learned important values like humility, loyalty, forgiveness and appreciation. These young children had to endure many hardships to learn the true meaning of being a family. They had to endure the poverty they lived in and the stubbornness of their mother who always wanted something better. They had to struggle between nature versus nurture and the struggle within themselves. The primary characters Jeannette Walls, Lori Walls, Brian Walls, Maureen Walls, Rosemary Walls, and Rex S. Walls together are able to define what a family is. Jeannette Walls is a bright young girl who has faith in her father to keep his promises. She learned to have hope for a brighter future. Early in the memoir Jeannette’s father teaches her an important life lesson. The lesson to always face your fears no matter what they are. In his words â€Å"†¦ but you can’t cling to the side your whole life, that one lesson every parent needs to teach a child is ‘If you don’t want to sink, you better figure out how to swim†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (66) This example is of when Jeannette is beginning to learn how to swim. Her father pushes her to keep trying until she finally is able to swim without drowning herself. Another significant life lesson Jeanette’s mother demonstrates is at the beginning when Jeannette burns herself and learns to not fear fire, but face it and eventually becomes fascinated by it. As she states in the following sentence â€Å"Good for you, Mom said when she saw me cooking. ‘You’ve got to get right back in the saddle. You can’t live in fear of something as basic as fire.’ I didn’t. Instead, I became fascinated with it. Dad also thought I should face down my enemy, and he showed me how to pass my finger through a candle flame†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (15). Lori Walls, Brian Walls, and Maureen Walls are Jeannette’s siblings with whom she is very close with and together make their dream of escaping their dysfunctional lifestyle a reality. Together they learn how to be loyal to each other. They always stand by each other and sometimes even acting more like parents than their own parents do. The children stand together so they could stand up to those who tried to hurt them. The Wall’s siblings show loyalty to one another because they are always together and support each other no matter what. While the parents unconventional method of parenting eventually works out, many events suggest that even though the children gained all these virtues, the parent’s manner in achieving them wasn’t totally appropriate for them. An example of this is when Jeannette’s father takes her to a bar and doesn’t care if an older man abuses her sexually. He just assumes that Jeannette is tough girl who knows what she is doing and can take care of herself just fine even though she is only twelve at the time. â€Å"†¦Aw, come on,’ he said and shouted at Dad, ‘I’m going to take your girl upstairs.’ ‘Sure’ ‘Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’ He pointed his pool cue at me. ‘Holler if you need me,’ he said and winked at me as if to say he knew I could take care of myself, that this was just a part of my job.†(212) However, her father never meant for his daughter to get hurt so this is why he said to call him if she need it, but he wanted her to learn how to defend herself. In the end she did defend herself and faced her fear like her father had taught her. Another part where we can see Jeannette’s father in lack of responsibility is when he is so careless during one Christmas and ends up destroying Christmas for his children. This Christmas incident is a significant example of how alcohol can change a parent and the effect it can have on them because it shows the change from how Jeannette’s father goes from being a loving, caring, and responsible parent to an alcoholic father. It shows how Jeannette begins to see how her father really is. Like the Christmas incident and how he came home from bars and would get into fights with his wife. This made Jeannette start to not believe in her father as much as she did before. However, this experience served to teach Jeannette and her siblings that it wasn’t good to let yourself fall in any bad habits like alcoholism and betting. Another scene where the mother; Rosemary isn’t portrayed as a good parents is when she doesn’t do anything to protect Jeannette from her uncle Stanley and instead makes a silly remark that he is so lonely. â€Å" Mom, Uncle Stanley is behaving inappropriately,’ I said. ‘Oh, you’re probably imagining it.’ She said. ‘He groped me! And he’s wanking off!’ Mom cocked her head and looked concerned. ‘Poor Stanley,’ she said. ‘He’s so lonely†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (184) Nevertheless Jeannette’s mother actually taught her a harsh lesson about life through this; she showed her that many of these situations happened to young girls and nothing is done to prevent it from happening again instead people turn to look the other way. Overall the Walls parents Rex and Rosemary may not have been the best parents, but they did the absolute best to help their children become great human beings and not have any trouble in confronting their problems. Yes, they probably didn’t resort to having taught them in the best circumstances, yet they did the best they could due to their economic struggle. On the other hand the Walls children had a better chance to put those lesson and skills they learned to the use.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Slavery History
Slavery, social institution defined by law and custom as the most absolute involuntary form of human servitude. England entered the slave trade in the latter half of the 16th century. In 1713 the exclusive right to supply the Spanish colonies was granted to the British South Sea Company. The English based their trading in the North America. In North America the first African slaves landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. Brought by early English privateers, they were subjected to limited servitude, a legalized status of Native American, white, and black servants preceding slavery in most, if not all, the English colonies in the New World. The number of slaves imported was small at first, and it did not seem necessary to define their legal status. Statutory recognition of slavery, however, occurred in Massachusetts in 1641, in Connecticut in 1650, and in Virginia in 1661. Contrary to what is commonly believed, slaves did have some legal rights, such as support in age or sickness, a right to limited religious instruction, and the right to bring suit and give evidence in special cases. Custom gave numerous rights also, such as private property, marriage, free time, contractual ability, and, to females, domestic or lighter plantation labor, which, however, the master was not bound to respect. Brutal treatment such as mutilation, branding, chaining, and murder were regulated or prohibited by law, but instances of cruelty were common before the 19th century. In North America the first African slaves landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. Brought by early English privateers, they were subjected to limited servitude, a legalized status of Native American, white, and black servants preceding slavery in most, if not all, the English colonies in the New World. The number of slaves imported was small at first, and it did not seem necessary to define their legal status. Statutory recognition of slavery, however, occurred in Massachusetts in 1641, in Connecticut in 1650, and in Virginia in 1661. Abolitionists, reformers of the 18th and 19th centuries dedicated to eliminating slavery, especially in the English-speaking countries. Although the Quakers had long opposed slavery, abolitionism as an organized force began in England in the 1780s, when William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect? a group of wealthy evangelical Anglicans? began agitating against the African slave traffic. Their success (1807) stimulated further political assaults on slavery itself. With compensation to owners and apprenticeship arrangements, Parliament abolished West Indian slavery in 1833. British example, Quaker traditions, evangelical revivalism, and northern emancipations (1776-1827) aroused interest in abolitionism in the United States. The abolitionists differed from those of moderate antislavery feelings in that they called for an immediate end to slavery. The most extreme abolitionists denied the validity of any laws that recognized slavery as an institution; thus, they systematically violated the fugitive slave laws by organizing and operating the Underground Railroad, which concealed and transported runaway slaves to Canada. The activities and propaganda of the abolitionists, although discredited in conservative northern quarters and violently opposed in the South, made slavery a national issue. Most historians cite 1831 as the beginning of the United States abolitionist movement, when William Lloyd Garrison founded The Liberator in Boston. This newspaper soon became the leading organ of American abolitionism. In 1833 the American Anti-Slavery Society was organized in Philadelphia under Garrison’s leadership; this society was the most militant of all the antislavery organizations. Viewed as fanatics by the general public, the abolitionists were relatively few in number? only about 160,000 in the period 1833 to 1840. Most were educated church people of middle-class New England or Quaker heritage. Support among the working and upper classes was minimal. In 1839 the society split into two main groups, the radicals and the gradualists. The division was caused by disagreement concerning policy and tactics. The radical leaders, who besides Garrison included Wendell Phillips, Lucretia Mott, and John Brown, refused to join a party necessarily committed to gradual and legal emancipation of the slaves; these leaders retained control of The Liberator and the American Anti-Slavery Society. The gradualists, who included James Birney, Arthur Tappan and his brother Lewis Tappan, and Theodore Weld, believed that emancipation could be achieved legally by means of religious and political pressure. Many other activists eventually supported working through political organizations to abolish slavery, including the most famous antislavery orator, Frederick Douglass. Douglass had escaped from slavery in 1838 and worked passionately for the antislavery cause. He joined other men and women, such as Sojourner Truth and Charles Lenox Remond, who traveled throughout the North testifying against slavery and organizing moral and political opposition. Abolitionist women commonly organized fairs and concerts to raise funds for antislavery work. In 1840 the Tappans founded the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, which, along with numerous state organizations, carried on most of the United States antislavery agitation. One year earlier, a group led by Birney had founded the first antislavery political party, the Liberty party, in the United States. Birney was the unsuccessful presidential candidate (1840 and 1844) of the party, the adherents of which later helped found the Free-Soil party (1848) and the Republican Party (1854). By the 1850s advocacy of violence against slave owners had replaced the earlier â€Å"moral suasion. †This was especially true during the bitter controversy over extending slavery into Kansas. Only with the victory of Union forces in the American Civil War, however, could abolitionists claim a triumph. Blood and iron, not pure idealism, won the day. Most of the American antislavery societies were dissolved following the adoption in 1870 of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Othello and Racism Essay
In conjunction with Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, Othello is said to be one of the four great tragedies written by Shakespeare and consequently a mainstay of what is said by most critics to be the peak of Shakespeare’s theatrical talent. Othello is exceptional in the midst of Shakespeare’s grand catastrophes. Not like Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, which are put up in opposition to a setting of political affairs and which resound with propositions of widespread individual apprehension, Othello is situated in a clandestine world and centers on the infatuations and private lives of its chief figures. Othello basically is the central character as well as the hero of the play under consideration. Being a Christian Moor and general of the armies of Venice, Othello is a well-expressed and actually controlling figure, who everyone around him respects a lot. In the face of his prominent status, he is all the same easy victim to insecurities due to his age, his existence as a soldier, and his race. Analysis The chief character of this play goes by the name of Othello, and he seems to be a person who has an unconventional and open personality, which is used by his ensign Iago to dispose of his love for his partner, Desdemona, into an authoritative and reproachful cupidity, which turns him into an assassin. Insensible of Iago’s manipulative and the lucent incorruptibility of his wife and lieutenant, Othello is sooner or later a victim of his own credulity and unyielding unawareness. But the most prominent theme is that whatever was faced by Othello was due to the fact that he did not belong to the Elizabethan civilization and was a â€Å"black moor†. As we know, Othello is presented as a Black Moor who is the furthermost General of the Army in Venice. He is intellectual, audacious, and praiseworthy. The wedding that takes place between him and the fine-looking Desdemona, who is the daughter of a well-known Venetian, aggravates racial affront in opposition to him. In the Elizabethan times, there was much racial discrimination against blacks and moors. But even though the vain hero of this play faced racial prejudice, he keeps on living with courteousness and sense of worth as he shows the way to an army in opposition to Turks on Cyprus. His perseverance to sense of duty is obscured only by his commitment to Desdemona, who makes her way to Cyprus with him. The love Othello has for his wife is so deep and passionate that he cannot bear even the contemplation of a different man even looking at her. And in that lies his weak point, which is resentment. Othello’s consideration to the theme turns out to be apparent when Iago makes use of it as confirmation that Desdemona could never be truthful to a person who does not even belong to their society and is a person who is so â€Å"unnatural†. The self-assurance felt by Othello that was once so strong is with ease tattered by Iago’s propensity to persuade him that he is second-rate in comparison to the men of Venice. The vain hero of the drama Othello is a Moor who prevails the compassion of Desdemona with his vigorous tales of encounter and escapade, adding to the disappointment of her father and the Venetian court of which they are a component. Othello is happily married with his wife. After certain happenings take place, the stratagem takes place rather speedily when Iago, a subsidiary of Othello, sets his mind for taking revenge after he does not get the promotion that he really wanted. He figures out plans to set Othello against his own wife. What takes place after this is a succession of maneuverings in which Iago gradually persuades Othello of Desdemona’s faithlessness and that she has something going on with Cassio, the lieutenant who gets raised to the position that was sought after by Iago. The basic point here is that Othello was used by Iago in a way this his own race was used against him. Othello was made to realize that his chances of being loved by Desdemona were low for the fact that he did not even belong to their civilization. Readily in Othello, the central character, Othello, can be made out as an archetypal tragic hero who is conflicted by the brawny force of his instinctive gullibility and over-trust as defects in his otherwise honorable character. All the way through the speedy expansion of the play, we see Othello’s character fall to pieces as a consequence of his increasing resentment and are at last incapacitated by a commanding catharsis where in spite of his bad behavior; the person who reads feels compassion for Othello and his calamity. In this catastrophe of character, the prevalent bereavement and dread can be undoubtedly accredited to the foreseeable fault in the personality of Othello, the heartrending hero. Straight away the wicked character of Iago is set up and discovers the hero’s disastrous flaw; eventually that of simplicity. He hath a person and a smooth dispose, to be suspected, framed to make women false. The Moor is of a free and open nature, that thinks men honest, but that seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by th’ nose, As asses are†. (Shakespeare, lines 440-445). Even though no time is wasted by Shakespeare in converting the honorable central character almost unbelievably into a thoughtless and cruel murdered of his wife who does not have any faith what so ever in her, one must bear in mind the fact that he is up in opposition to, moderately convincingly, the most resourceful archvillian in literature. Being the malevolent, but shrewd human being that he is, Iago does every single thing that he can think of so as to intensify the effects of the hero’s heartbreaking flaw and make such attempts that it would work against him. The most manipulative characteristic of Iago’s stratagem are persistently seen all the way through the play, when he delicately makes his own image better than all others while harming the other people’s image. The expansion of Othello is basically focused in the order of the mounting covetousness of the adversary as the medium with which his disastrous imperfection gets hold of his breakdown. As a consequence of Othello’s unquestioning personality, Iago’s monstrous thoughts are permissible to break through into his more often than not unsuspicious mind and in that distort his judgment and actions all the way through the course of the play. As an outcome of the wholesomeness and certainty in the love amid Othello and Desdemona, Othello is incapacitated with heartache when it is recommended that Desdemona has been disloyal to him. At first he does not wish to believe it, but handing over deceitful Iago to the charge of discovering the truth without doubt buries him deeper in dishonesty. Poor Desdemona is killed over a crime she had never even thought of. But here the play shows that Othello’s mind has been taken over completely by Iago’s conniving nature. Eventually when Othello realizes his mistake, he commits suicide, saying, â€Å"I kissed thee ere I killed thee, no way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss†(Shakespeare, line 420-421). Perhaps it would not have been easy for Iago’s scheme to work had there not been the elementary setting of ethnic discrimination in Elizabethan civilization, a prejudice that was felt and sensed by both Desdemona and Othello. Shakespeare’s Desdemona puts up with intolerance by disproving it right of entry to her own life. Her relationship that is shared between her and Othello is that of love, and she is intentionally faithful to that relationship. On the other hand, Othello does not have any knowledge what so ever about how intensely chauvinism has broke in into his own character. This immersed bigotry weakens him with opinions similar to thoughts like he is not good-looking and does not deserve Desdemona. He starts believing that Desdemona does not really love him and even if she does then there has to be something erroneous with her. These feelings, reddened by Iago’s intimations and fabrications, put off Othello from conferring his apprehension and qualms honestly with Desdemona, and in this regard he acts on alarmed supposition. So as to live on the collective ambush of internalized chauvinism and the aimed at malice of Iago, Othello would require to be close to faultless in potency and self-knowledge, and this just is not a reasonable requirement. Racial Discrimination in Othello The basic issue that has been presented in the play is that of prejudice and racial discrimination. Every single human being at some point in his or her life goes through a feeling of complete alienation. This can come up in the form of a new child at school, or those who form a part of a cultural or religious marginal, or as someone who clutches an ostracized estimation. In order go make this problem known to the general public, Shakespeare has made his hero out to be an outsider, a person who does not fairly fit in, in the culture in which he lives nor is he of their ethnic background. Since the very beginning of the play, when the hero is detained in suspicion by a gentleman who impeaches him of seducing his daughter with incomprehensible charms, Othello has been made apart from all of the other characters of the play who belong to the same cultural background. Considering that he has been made out as a person who belongs to an exclusively dissimilar country, much of the discrepancy he puts up with is because of the scheming conviction that he does not fit in with this civilization. In the Elizabethan times, as can clearly be seen from Othello, race was a subject of great dispute and argument. Even in the current times, the dispute keeps hold of its disagreement and enthusiasm. On the other hand, approaches towards ethnicity have taken a spectacular turn at some point in the last century (Racism and Othello). In the current times, people have come to live in a gradually more multi-ethnic society, who would unquestionably be more open-minded and would refuse or even be affronted by racial unfairness to any individual or segments of the society. People have cleanly been labeled as â€Å"racists†in the current times and have also been started to be considered as outcasts. This puts up the questions of what type of meaning Shakespeare wanted to convey to his spectators and was Othello the moor represented as a disastrous hero or did his personality sooner or later come to bear a resemblance to the discrimination of which he was a sufferer. Shakespeare also talks about the question of race with additional characters for instance the detestable Iago and the discrimination concealed deep in Brabantio (Racism and Sexism in Othello, p. , Othello – A Racist Play? , p. 1). The proceedings of Brabantio commence the awareness in the race subject in Act 1 Scene 1 far more than Iago’s tainted abuses for the reason that the kind of concealed racism is in point of fact present in contemporary society. Brabantio criticizes of his daughter even thinking of getting married to Roderigo considering that Roderigo did not have a very good reputation in society but subsequent to listening to Iago inform him that his daughter is going out with a moor he wishes that Roderigo would have married Desdemona. Therefore Brabantio recommends that he would rather have his daughter married to a man who has a bad reputation in the entire society and believes that he is better than a moor who is an appreciated noble and gentleman in the army. As Brabantio believes the only problem that lies with Othello is that he is black and does not belong to their society (Twyman, p. 1). There is a little proof that Shakespeare was using Othello to endorse ethnically discriminatory views as suggested by certain critics. Shakespeare has presented Othello to be a dignified person and a Christian. As an alternative, Iago is represented as the most iniquity bad character and also the terrible racist. Iago considers Othello’ lips as â€Å"thick-lips†(Shakespeare, p. 66) and calls him as â€Å"an old black ram†(Shakespeare, lines 88-89). Even though there might be a few reasons behind the deceitful actions taken by Iago. Even though he does undergo suspicion about whom his wife would be going out with behind his back and he dislikes Othello because of the promotion he gained which was desired by Iago, but from all of his speeches, the thing which is most obvious is the fact that he dislikes Othello because of the color of his skin. By putting forward to us the scoundrel of the play to have such deep-seated bigotry; Shakespeare is disapproving all of the people who attack others purely because of the color of their skin or their ethnic group or religion. A contemporary spectator would consequently perceive that in their visualization, correctly, Shakespeare has made an attempt to send out an anti-racist point (The Racism in Othello, p. 1). Considering the fact that there was no real reason for Iago to hate Othello, he starts inventing novel reasons to disgust Othello. He comes up with the idea in his own brain that his wife is cheating on him with Othello. Even as this is perceptibly fallacious, it makes it easier for Iago to have a reason to loathe Othello for reasons other than his skin. His annoyance is fairly understandable when he comes out with the declaration â€Å"hell and night / must bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light†(Shakespeare, lines 397-98). This outburst does not only demonstrate Iago’s disdain for Othello, it obviously illustrates the satirical switching of issues to the matter of color once again (Racism in Othello, p. 1). Conclusion In the light of the above discussion we can hereby culminate that Othello is a play written by Shakespeare in which we see how a man full of courage and bravery is tricked upon by the villain of the play. Racial discrimination is a theme that is very prevalent in the play and tells us of how outsiders in the Elizabethan times were treated.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Biology Lab Essay Example for Free
Biology Lab Essay 1.Discuss how to protect yourself from body fluids, such as saliva and blood. oGloves protect you whenever you touch blood, body fluids. The use of gloves also decreases the risk of disease transmission if you are pricked with a needle. Always wear gloves for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids. oWash your hands and other skin surfaces immediately after they come in contact with blood or body fluids. oMasks and protective eyewear, such as goggles or a face shield, help protect your eyes, mouth, and nose from droplets of blood and other body fluids. Always wear a mask and protective eyewear if you are doing a procedure that may expose you to splashes or sprays of blood or body fluids. oAprons protect you from splashes of blood or body fluids. Always wear a gown or apron if you are doing a procedure that may expose you to splashes or sprays of blood or body fluids 2.Why should you consider a body fluid capable of infecting you with disease? o I think you should be aware and alert because its precaution to practice when youre working in a lab setting. 3.Describe how to dispose of waste material contaminated with body fluids. o You should dispose all waste material in the correct disposal area, and you can throw away the waste materials in the biohazard container. 4. Explain how to safely plug and unplug an electrical device. o When you plug in such electrical equipment, make sure you include the ground plug round. Hold the plug firmly by the insulating cover when plugging it in or unplugging it. Never unplug an electrical device by pulling on its cord. 5.Discuss how to protect yourself from preservatives used on biological specimens. o You would protect yourself from preservatives used on a biological specimen by wearing gloves and safety glasses. Do not shake the container or put the specimen back in the container. 6.Why are special biohazard containers used for biological waste? o Biohazard containers are used to separate infectious, contaminated or dangerous material from other materials that wouldn’t be labeled as such and to protect us and the environment. Also the disposing of biohazard material is done differently than normal material. Biology Lab. (2016, Oct 02).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Four Forces of Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Four Forces of Evolution - Essay Example In evolution, the population has a greater significance because it refers to the change in the characteristics of a population over many generations and not the individual change during their lifetimes (Fogiel 908). As stated earlier, an individual cannot evolve but a population can as allelic frequencies (genetic make up and the expression of the developmental potential) of a given population can change over time. This is called microevolution which accounts for the diversity of life on earth. But when do we become aware of evolution and how do we began to understand its concept? The molecular basis of evolution started with the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules in 1953. Through biological reproduction, each living organisms inherit a combination of genes from biological parents and creates a unique new individual (Haviland, Prins, Walrath, and McBride 27). Aside from this biological reproduction, creation theories from different religions around the world also expl ains the diversity of life. ... Mutation is the random alteration of genetic material that produces new variation (Haviland, Prins, Walrath, and McBride 40). With random mutations or variation, population can change over time in accordance with the changes that occurred in the environment because the creation of a new allele may create a modified protein for a new biological task. In humans, for instance, the only possible evolutionary mutations occurred in sex cells when mistakes occur during copying and cell division. Thus, this is in contrary with the layman’s conception of mutation and evolution as mutations and evolutions arise continuously in all species. Mutations have positive and negative effects but most of it are neutral in nature. Some of the negative effects are the results of the presence of mutant genes, a gene abnormality that leads to certain hereditary disorders like muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, Parkinson’s disease, etc. While cellular mutations directly involve genetic factors, e nvironmental factors may also play a vital role in the occurrence of mutation. Antibiotics, dyes, chemicals used in the preservation of food, and radiation are just a few examples. Research also suggests that the amount of stress a human can endure increases the mutation traits needed for adaptation (Haviland, Prins, Walrath, and McBride 40). Meanwhile, genetic drift refers to the evolutionary force of chance fluctuations of allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population (Haviland, Prins, Walrath, and McBride 41). In short, this refers to the changes at the population level because of â€Å"chance events†such as disasters that can kill a greater number of population. A perfect example of genetic drift is the founder effects – a case that
Monday, August 12, 2019
Text Analysis on the Tribal Drum ( radio ) from it's historical Essay
Text Analysis on the Tribal Drum ( radio ) from it's historical background to the future of the radio - Essay Example Radio was first invented in the 1860s, but the real radio became alive in 1866. This was demonstrated by Mahlon Loomis an American dentist. Body The article explains about the tribal drum, which is the radio. England and America were against the radio but could not evade its tribal magic. It was referred to as tribal since it brought the minds of people together. Radio had its monopolistic effects on the people, and as such much attention was put to radio especially in the totalitarian countries. Monopoly of the radio was brought about by the government in order to control the people. Although radio has monopolistic effects it cannot be counted to be part of the uses of radio and no inference can be made. Monopolistic effects have less social importance than is overall assumed. An example is Hitler who did not win by radio popularity as his enemies controlled radio but by the assurance of a somnambulist. Thus, even though the radio has controlling effects on people its impacts have l ess weight on the social preferences and importance. In a radio poll, an individual commented that he is more engrossed in radio than a book. This does not mean that the radio will influence the person; the person is using radio to create a private space for himself or uses it for homework and other functions. Examples are seen all over in the contemporary planet where an individual will exclude themselves from communal TV viewing and be by himself listening to the radio. This is just for private purposes amidst crowds. The Radio’s Role in Design Radio has portrayed people in the right or wrong way since listeners can only hear the voices and not see pictures of the owners of the sounds. Therefore, radio has played an enormous role in design as seen in a number of public figures lives and success rates. There has been a shift of radio from entertainment to a nervous information system public figures used it as a campaign strategy advertisement. Senator Mc Carthy was successfu l while he used radio as his medium of advertisement and campaign, but with the coming of TV, he switched. This saw his downfall as people heard his words or strategy while judging his looks. This made him lose as people are more judgmental with pictures than with sound. Thus, the design of radio being audio is significant as it causes anonymity thus judgment on purpose not bias. The same fate befell Nixon as he seemed superior on radio against Kennedy on the presidential debates, but when they appeared on TV people judged him harshly saying that he looked ‘phony’ or not likely to be telling the truth. In other words, his appearance was not convincing as his words thus the radio role in design took place. The same fate befell even entertainers like actress Marilyn Monroe. Other public figures like F.D.R learnt from the mistakes of his predecessors when it came to the role of radio in design. He pressurized the press creating the right atmosphere for his radio speeches. He knew that TV significantly shifts his whole political ideas, public mix and present him with problems: thus he discovered how to use press in close relation to radio. According to architect Le Corbusier words said in the dark have new meanings; they are rich and have different textures. The ear has been proven to be hyper esthetic that is in tolerant, closed and exclusive as compared to the neutral eye
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Perceptions of Safety Among Children in Foster Care Essay
Perceptions of Safety Among Children in Foster Care - Essay Example With this information, it will be possible to better understand specific safety issues indicative to foster care. In addition, this data will elucidate safety issues that may not be persistent concerns for children in foster care. With this data, social workers could develop programs to raise awareness and improve safety outcomes for children in this care setting. The US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (2005) reports that at the end of 2004, 800,000 children were served by the foster care system. Of these children, 304,000 represented new entrants into the program. Although this number is part of a larger trend representing a decrease in foster care over the last several years, it does represent a notable percentage of the child population in the United States. According to the US Census Bureau (2005), there were approximately 7.5 million children living in the US in 2004. As such, almost 10 percent of children in the US were involved in the foster care system at some point in 2004. Clearly, what this data reveals is that the foster care system comprises a significant portion of children living in the United States. As the size of this population continues to grow, social workers and helping professionals are faced with the challenge of providing relevant care that can improve outcomes for chi ldren placed in these living arrangements. With the re... With the realization that so many children in the US are brought into the foster care system, there is a clear impetus to examine the safety of the overall system. A precursory overview of what has been written on the subject suggests that even though numerous authors have examined the issue of safety in the context of the foster care system, the exact manner in which safety is defined differs among scholars. For instance, Altshuler and Gleeson (1999) maintain that there are a host of variables that must be taken into consideration when assessing the safety of the child in foster care. Among these variables are included: physical health; cognitive functioning and developmental delay. Interestingly however, Bilaver, Jaudes, Koepke, and Goerge (1999) conceptualize the safety of children in foster care as directly related to the health of the child. CHAPTER I: PURPOSE STATEMENT For the formulation of the purpose statement, I would like stress on the question posed by the thesis. The question primarily revolves around whether or not children feel safe in their foster home settings. Through the posing of this question, I will try to delve into the perception of safety for these children apart from trying to assert their concept of safety when they are placed in a foster home. In this context, I will try and conceptualize the perceptions of these children through their adult experiences through a focus on literature available on the psycho analytical point of view and literary records of case studies of recalled experiences. The thesis will also focus strongly on the perceptions of the parents who have adopted these children so as to get both sides of the story for a more qualitative research. Problem Statement Although this
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Report on Representation of Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Report on Representation of Slavery - Essay Example Baltimore was not a major fighting point during the civil war but played a strategic role because of its position. All troops and movement of men and material need to flow through Maryland to reach the war fronts of the south. Fort McHenry was the prison for the supporters of the secession during this period. However, Fort McHenry played a significant role during the fight with the British in 1812. There is also evidence of Afro-American descendants fighting for America. Fort McHenry and Hampton are about 10 miles from one another. The visit to Hampton which is off the north bound Dulaney Valley Road and into the Hampton lane for about a mile down, is interest kindling and relates the social history and life of the people during that period. Whereas, Fort McHenry relates us to the times of war and power play that makes to the history books. While one is a symbol of life, the other is a symbol of victory over aggression and the victory of equality of human beings. Private William Williams was the first black to get into the exclusive only white US Army in 1812. Fort McHenry represents the day of equality for the first time in the history of US. A run-away slave, was made a private and was paid the regular private bounty of $50 along with private wages of $8 per month. The equality that this action represents in the history of America actually marks the beginning of America, less than fifty years of declared independence of America. Subjugation of weaker men in earlier world was common. Slaves are found all over the world from Africa to America; from the east to the west. This action is one of the earliest major steps taken towards equality of man kind in line. Fort McHenry represents this in their short movie and also later in the picture galleries when art and written information about William Williams is presented for posterity. While this was the case with Fort McHenry, Hampton on the other hand represents the other side of slavery. Human beings were literally put in ghettos which were called living quarters. And men had little or no liberty except to work for their masters under their supervision. The committed working of the African slaves in Hampton was reflected in the well being of their master. "The General's lands are very well cultivatedhis cattle, sheep, horses, etc., of a superior sort, and in much finer condition than many I saw in America. He is very famous for race horses and usually keeps three or four such horses in training, and what enables him to do this is that he owns very extensive iron works, or otherwise he could not." - English Visitor Richard Parkinson, 1805 A display in Hampton read the above message. Now this implied that the workers and slaves in Hampton slogged it out very well and were impressive craftsmen. There were men and women who could make sure that their lands turned fertile and they were also good enough to work on the iron works and turn out the best equipments for the General. While checking with the curator, she also concurred that
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