Monday, September 30, 2019
Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers Essay
It’s very interesting that I find myself writing about something that not only is commonsense, but what is more, something that every one knows about in general but may not in particular. Alcohol use among teenagers is a serious problem and is responsible for death and injury in automobile accidents, physical and emotional disability, deterioration of academic performances, aggressive behavior that causes a number of other sociological problems in families and among friends. It is also the primary cause of criminal behavior and a leading cause of broken marriages. As we know it’s a broad topic therefore I’ll look at the role that alcohol plays in the society and it’s impact on teenage addiction. MATTER OF CONCERN (Causes and effects) The age when young people are taking their first drink is becoming lower each year. Many studies show that preteens are experimenting with alcohol and many are already heavy drinkers (Cahalan 1997). It may be difficult for parents and teachers to believe that a seventh grade student can have an alcohol problem, but a study of student drinking practices shows that 5% of seventh-grade boys and 4. 4% of seventh-grade girls are seriously abusing alcohol (Royce 1996). That’s why we see the consequences in terms of antisocial behavior, school failure, attention deficit, learning disabilities and road accidents among the teenagers. THE MAIN CAUSE ?.. MEDIA. Despite the problems caused to young and old by alcohol, society sends mixed signals to its youth. Media presents alcohol drinking with peers as not only acceptable but also to insure friendship and as a romantic beverage. Movies present a realistic picture of alcohol abuse. A report by â€Å"scientific analysis corporation†examined drinking practices on television and found that out of 225 programs 701 alcoholic drinking acts were recorded which were against the voluntary code (Jean Lennane,1995) of the liquor industry. The code states that: a) Any actor shown drinking must be over the age sixty. a) Any drinking shown should be natural, sensible and responsible. a) Ads should not suggest that drinking alcohol contributes toward social, sexual or supporting success or as being a pre-requisite of relaxation. a) Ads should not challenge or dare people to consume alcohol. We can see the ads any night and judge rather how many don’t breach the voluntary code. AVAIBILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY A leading cause is that alcoholic drinks can be easily obtained and these are socially more acceptable than other drugs. Parents, teenagers and educators often fail to realize the potential for problems that alcohol presents to the immature psyche and body(Kay Healey, 1997). At the time when body and emotions are maturing, frequent or excessive use of alcohol can cause irrapareable damage. MISCONCEPTION: Drinking alcohol is only viewed as an adult behavior in the society. Alcoholic beverages are advertised and marketed as being associated with sexuality and romance, but, infact alcohol is a depressant which decreases overall sexual performance and dulls pleasurable feelings. (Kay Healey,1997) FAMILY FACTORS: Parental attitude and behavior regarding alcohol use play important role in how their children view it’s use. Evidence exists that a family history of antisocial and poor parenting increases the risk of having children who use alcohol and other drugs. The home is the primary source of alcohol for the young adolescent. ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT: Teenagers report that they drink for enjoyment, to forget problems or to reduce stress and anxiety in their lives. Teenagers, however are at increased risk of becoming intoxicated while drinking less than adults because of their limited experience with alcohol and smaller body size. Depressed or those teenagers who have been physically or sexually abused may use alcohol in an attempt to cope with their psychological distress DRUNK DRIVING Inexperienced driving combined with inexperienced drinking is a deadly combination . A report from â€Å"National Centre For Health Statistics†shows that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among persons Between 15-23 years of age. Although they may reserve the right to drive, but, of course no right to put the others in danger while accidents. OTHER EFFECTS: Underage drinking has countless effects and therefore, it’s impossible to take all of them into account. Research shows that of those who began drinking at the age of 18,66% subsequently are classified with alcohol dependence and 7. 8% with alcohol abuse. If a person waits until the age of 21 before taking their first drink, these risks decreases by 60%. (Grant 103) Alcohol use can affect teenagers health, family relationships and can also place other members of the society in danger. It has a tendency to lower the productivity and the quality of work being done and can cause problems in both one’s school and career. Economic costs are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM: Identifying the teenager alcohol abuser is difficult but not impossible. Specific behavior and characteristics to watch for to determine if alcohol abuse is occurring include the following; a) frequent absenteeism. b) decline in academic performance. c) lack of interest in extracurricular activities d) problems with peers e) self destructive behavior f) lack of energy g) lack of concern about personal wellbeing. h) obvious signs of intoxication CONCLUSION: Alcohol abuse among teenagers and even younger children is a rapidly growing social problem. Alcohol is glamorized in movies and television. Beer commercials using sports figures try to convince teenagers. As a society we send mixed signals to our youth about alcohol use, on the one hand we talk about it, joke about it, and treat it as not only acceptable but also desirable. On the other hand we recognize the problems caused by alcohol abuse. Death and injuries in traffic accidents, loss of productivity, child abuse, broken homes and other serious societal problems linked to alcohol. REMEDY: In my suggestion, an intensive education program supported by the community with qualified persons and also supported by the government in terms of financial support can positively change the attitudes and cause significant change in knowledge about alcohol. Schools can play an important role to initiate education and preventive efforts because they reach more students than any other place. It also involves complete commitment with extensive planning. REFERENCES  · Grant 1996,adolescent drug abuse, vol 76, pgg 84,85.  · Cahalan 1997, underage use and abuse of alcohol, pg 87  · Royce 1996, alcohol,the national hangover, pg 44  · Jean Lennane 1995, alcohol, pg 56  · Alcohol, the facts, 1997, Australian government publishing service,pg148  · Key Healey, 1997,Alcohol, The facts, pg 176 ADDITIONAL READINGS  · Gall T. L. , 1996 , Statistics on alcohol use,gale research inc.  · Alcoholism, 1998,vol 64, Neil kessel and Henry Walton.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Business Plan for a Trade School
BUS 435 Business Plan for a Opening a Trade School ? Table of Contents I. Executive Summary3 II. Description of the business4 III. Marketing5 IV. Research, design, and development9 V. Operations segment10 VI. Management12 VII. Financial forcasting14 VIII. Harvest strategy16 I. Executive Summary This business plan is to open a door for young adults that want to learn a trade and earn their way in life.Not all high school aged students are eager to go onto a college or a university and this can be for many reasons: perhaps they are not ready to leave home; cannot afford; they are academically challenged; not sure what they want to major in; the list can go on and on. My wish for these young adults is for them to explore what their capabilities are through learning a trade. This trade school is the only one of its kind in this county, we want to offer a variety of skill sets to the students without them having to travel far or live elsewhere.We feel that instead of the undue stress that can wreak havoc on these young adults and their families as to what to do after high school if they are not ready to attend an academic college or university, why not offer them an option of a skill that will enable them to make money and be a prelude to an academic school. Currently, what I am seeing with these young adults that are stuck on what do to with their lives, is a huge increase in drug use, crime and horrifically death. II. Description of the businessOur school would offer barrage of choices from traditional trades for the students that are good with their hands should definitely consider a skilled trade such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, welding, and mechanical repair. Additionally, we would offer automotive repair and service certifications, as our vehicles become more complicated and there are more and more commuters in this region, this is a great avenue to consider getting certified in. Our automobiles are not the only thing that continues to change and get upgraded, our technology is forever changing and improving as well.With that stated we will offer industrial technology and machine technology programs. Industrial technology is somewhere between a business and an engineering degree; for the most part they take care logistic and operational problems in the industrial environment. Whereas machine technology students will have the ability to build a car on an assembly line, become a machinist by operating a precision grinder and a vertical milling machine, or even computerized robotic machine.And lastly, we want to branch out and offer the artistic talent in the community the option of developing their talent, be it in interior decorating, art work, or design. III. Marketing There are two target markets that I would start my focus on for my new venture of a trade school; one being high schools, the second being the surrounding businesses that are downsizing. I would visit the schools and set up career days to inform potential stud ents of the opportunities that are available and leave literature and a website address to visit for more information as well as fill out a short survey.Also, toward the end of senior year for these students, when the teachers and counselors give information on what to expect for college and forward thinking for their children; I would arrange being at this event to provide the same information to the parents that the students received. As most parents know not all informational pamphlets make it home. This will provide the data on what type of trades if any the students are interested in and how serious the interest is by the parents. The target of large businesses is basically to try to negotiate getting the people they are letting go on board to learn a new trade as an option.I would try to get these businesses to pay for the trade school tuition as part of a severance package; depending on the length of service. So, leaving information for employees to check out the website and fill out a short survey to provide me with the interest and in what field that interest is. After obtaining the data, analyzing it and working through my reports; the next step which is just as important is the immediate follow up with each interested party. Following up on leads when they are warm is essential when the topic is fresh in memory. After these new data are obtained, the owner/manager must know how to objectively arrange, analyze, and interpret them to draw valuable conclusions,†(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 137). Also offering a survey online on our website would be another way to conduct it. This can be done without costing a bundle by getting in touch with a graphics design student and hiring him/her to set up a our website that prospective students can go to and do the survey as well as learn about our school and all it has to offer.By conducting a survey sample to a small group of potential students it enabled us to gain insight as to what areas students were interested in getting their education in and if they were open to receiving knowledge of a trade school as an option for said interest. A request to participate in the survey was emailed to 5 individuals. The survey posed four questions to these recipients, as listed below. 1) What are your plans after you graduate? A. Attend community college B. Attend a university C. Work D. Other __________________ ) What career interests you and why? ______________________ 3) Are you interested in learning about our local trade school and what we offer our students? A. Yes B. No C. Maybe 4) What will the total annual costs be at the school you want to attend? A. 0. 00 – 5,000. 00 B. 6,000 – 15,000 C. 16,000 – 25,000 D. 30,000 and up The first question, there were 2 respondents that chose B) to attend a university; one that chose A) community college; 1 chose A) community college and C) work; and 1 choose C) work.From the answers to this question I can surmise that 4 of the p articipants are interested in continuing their education, and possibly 3 could be interested in a trade school if it offered the programs they are interested in. The second question, 3 out of the 5 chose something in the medical profession; health practitioner; medical esthetician; and a radiology technician. 1 respondent chose computer programming; and 1 chose unsure. From this information I would say there are possibly four potential students, the health practitioner would obviously need to obtain a degree from a medical school.On the Third question, 3 out of 5 chose no, they did not want to receive information on the trade school or what it had to offer, and 2 that did. The way I posed the question might have something to do with the negative responses, as most people are turned off to receiving more junk mail, and or get signed up for something they don't want. Perhaps if I had posed the question in a more inviting manner than as matter of fact as I did; for instance, we will be hosting an open house at our facility with refreshments and would like to extend an invitation to you.That could have made it more pleasing to read and thoughtful. And lastly, 3 of the respondents chose B) 6,000 to 15,000 for annuals costs, 1 respondent chose A) 0. 00 to 5,000, and 1 respondent chose 30,000 and up. It is clear that the majority expect to pay up to 15,000 a year in costs for education. The results are not completely positive from this survey; it seems that trade schools may have a stigma. And since we haven't had a trade school of this kind in our area for decades, it is time to reeducate people on what benefits come from trade/vocational schools.There are so many young adults that are not yet sure of which direction to go, this trade school is local so it keeps the costs down by not sending the children away to college to find that they are either not ready, drop out, change their major, etc. It is just another option one that allows the student to perhaps test the waters and in the process learn a trade and apply that experience to earn and income and further their education. IV. Research, design, and development Setting up a board of trustees for this school is my next step.This board will consist of a variety of people some with experience in each of the programs we have to offer as well as education, and the fundamentals of running a school. This group will be responsible for developing processes for the daily school functions, as well as the policies and procedures for the school. Obtaining an accountant and attorney will also be important to get their expertise when it comes to the licensing, operating permits, occupancy certifications and accreditations that may be required.Additionally, assessing what equipment and materials will need to be purchased for not only the administrative area like the copier, fax machine, etc. But also for the classrooms in what their programs are automotive, welding, sewing machines, art materials, etc. Al so any costs that are related to renovating the structure will need to be included. And then there are the start up costs of the school and its daily operations that need to be taken into consideration: utilities, payroll, postage, clerical help, maintenance staff, advertising and marketing.In hiring staff I want to look to the retirement community especially people that are seasoned in the trades that we offer and with the proper training can teach. This allows our retired workers to share their knowledge in their specialized career, and stay an active member of the community. Most of these retired teachers will have their insurance already and an established income. So, the cost of providing insurance for them will be little to none. V. Operations segment The sales budget is a new businesses main budget that when finalized is the baseline budget to build other budgets off of.The cash budget is factored on what type of daily and weekly cash needs the business will need for overhead operations. It involves the maintenance of the expenses as well to know what the allotment of monies there should be for that certain duration of time. â€Å"By linking the other budgets to sales, the owner/manager can adjust expenditures up or down depending on the status of operations. If sales are greater than expected, production can be raised and the number of personnel can be increased.Conversely, if sales are slower, production can be halted temporarily and some employees can be released,†(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 226). The necessity of sales and cash budgeting management is crucial in my venture, knowing how many students would need to be enrolled to meet and exceed the costs to run the facility is imperative. Having the estimated sales figures and adjusting accordingly as the year progresses to see if the planning was off and if so, make the appropriate changes to the budget plan.I think the best choice for this school in the way of legal forms of business would be the Limited Liability Company (LLC). By choosing an LLC this protects me from personal liability. (In the case of injury like a resident slipping on water in the bathroom or choking on their meal, the lawyers can't go after your house. ) Also, only the amount of money you put into an LLC is at risk. LLCs have other qualities as well: they are not as complex and more flexible; they don't require a board of directors, shareholder meetings and other managerial formalities; they allow entrepreneurs to split up the profits any way they choose.With the type of facility I would like to have and under this form of business I would be able to draw in investors with offering maybe a bigger piece of the profits than their initial investment would warrant. This kind of flexibility could help raise the millions in start-up costs to open one of these facilities. â€Å"The disadvantages of the LLC are relatively few. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage is that LLC statutes differ from state to s tate, and thus any firm engaged in multistate operations may face difficulties.In an attempt to promote some uniformity among the states in respect to LLC statutes, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws drafted a uniform limited liability company statute for submission to the states to consider for adoption. Until all of the states have adopted the uniform law, however, an LLC in one state will have to check the rules in the other states in which the firm does business to ensure that it retains its limited liability,†(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 115). VI. ManagementBy setting up a clearly identified strategic organizational list of goals to ensure all employees are aware and understand the vision of the organization. In setting up these goals there needs to be a measuring metrics that is specific to real data that flows within the organization and set up for each specific department. So for instance, registering new students and their demographic data would be a measurement from the administrative department, and the students grades would be a measurement from the teaching department.This process of deciding what should be measured based on the goals of the organization should be a type of value stream mapping that should include all the employees as a group. This allows for excellent input and good communications and the old open door policy adage; which in turn makes for a better work environment and higher morale. Once each goal is clearly defined and the performance standards are set, they must be monitored on a periodic basis to see if the target is being met and if not why.This also allows employees to take accountability for their functions and to understand how their duties fit into the big picture, and this can be a realization of the importance of their function as they increase the ownership of their goals. When monitoring the progress and there is a low mark in a particular category, at this point it is imperative to perform something called a Relentless Root Cause Analysis (RRCA), this is a process that we used at a former job), and was quite handy on getting results.There is also the 5-why method or the fish bone analysis, all of which are good analytical methods to find the problem and resolve it. When measurements prove positive having a type of reward for the employee or department sends a positive message to the achievers that their efforts are valued. This is an ongoing process and whether the results are positive or not from the measuring metrics should always include all the employees so they understand where the hiccups are and what needs to be done to rectify them as well as enjoy the benefits of a job well done. VII. Financial forecastingIn order to obtain the start-up capital for my trade school, I would look into many different sources starting with foundations and nonprofits that are experienced committed to underwriting educational projects. â€Å"State grants help State and loc al schools offer programs to develop the academic, vocational and technical skills of students in high schools, community colleges, and regional technical centers. Funds from this program can be used for a broad range of programs, services, and activities designed to improve career–technical education programs and ensure access to students who are members of populations with special needs,†(ed. ov). The type of loan that would make sense for my venture is the Term Loan, and it has a maturity from 1 to 10 years, this enables me to take the time to build my business and pay back the loan over a longer period of time. I would additionally think about having a line of credit open for the just in case scenarios that can arise in a business. Seeking avenues of financing for my school will involve fundraising; this also gets our schools name out there.Write up a strategic professional business plan to present to local donors and once our school is able to start showing the su ccess rate of our students, use that data to gather more donors. Also, by getting in touch with local and national companies to determine if they will sponsor our school with supplies or funds, will help with costs. The necessity of sales and cash budgeting management is crucial in my venture, knowing how many students would need to be enrolled to meet and exceed the costs to run the facility is imperative.Having the estimated sales figures and adjusting accordingly as the year progresses to see if the planning was off and if so, make the appropriate changes to the budget plan. To set the costs for the services for the trade school, I would research the closest similar schools and calculate an average based on that data. One of the pricing strategies I would be using for the start up business is the sliding price strategy. This would allow students to enroll and have a payment plan established based on their financial support, be it their parents, financial aid, etc.Providing discou nts for hardship cases, and/or students that excelled in high school, or want to barter. â€Å"A sliding price strategy is a method of moving prices in relation to demand,†(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 148). The other pricing strategy would be price bundling, â€Å"a type of pricing in which customers acquire a â€Å"host of goods or services†along with the product they purchase, â€Å"(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 152). This would be like offering specialized subjects as add-ons to courses as a bundle package.For instance, taking water color painting, and adding oil painting would be a bundled course. VIII. Harvest strategy I would actually do both long-term debt and equity financing, and here is why. With a new venture I would choose long-term debt in the beginning. This allows me to be in control of the business, and therefore if there is a profit great; if there is failure then it will only affect me. Also, the interest on the loan is tax-deductible. I would feel t errible if I asked for assistance from family and friends then lost their monies. Debt capital is divided into three categories: (1) current or short term, (2) intermediate term, and (3) long term. Short-term liabilities (debt) include borrowed money that must be repaid within the next 12 months; intermediate term refers to loan-payback periods from 1 to 10 years; and long-term debt is payable sometime beyond 10 years, depending on the loan terms,†(Kuratko & Hornsby, 2009, p 171). Due to the large upfront money it will take to get my venture off the ground, having the ability to make payments over a long period of time is more feasible than trying to come up with it myself.Now once my business starts to show progress and is in the black for a historical period of time (1-5 years? ) that is when I would enlist investors. At that point in time I would assess a business strategy and see if the monies that are being invested should be applied to loans or used to grow the business . But at least at this point there would be a track record to show the investors why my business would be a good venture. â€Å"Inherent dangers lurk in family business investments, however.Unrealistic expectations or misunderstood risks have destroyed many friendships and have ruined many family reunions. To avoid such problems, an entrepreneur must honestly present the investment opportunity and the nature of the risks involved to avoid alienating friends and family members if the business fails,†(Zimmerer et el, 2008, p 468). †? References Cohen, Gail (nd). How to Open a Trade School. Retrieved from the Internet website www. ehow. com at http://www. ehow. com/how_4829389_open-trade-school. tml Anonymous (January 2012). Vocational Education–Basic Grants to States. Ed. gov. Retrieved from the Internet website http://www2. ed. gov/programs/ctesbg/index. html Kuratko, D. F. , & Hornsby, J. S. (2009). New Venture Management the Entrepreneur’s Roadmap. Uppe r Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Zimmerer, T. W. , Scarborough, N. M. & Wilson, D. (2008). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (5th Ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The copernican revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The copernican revolution - Essay Example They made arguments against Copernicus’ writings, whether they were Protestant or Catholic, and overall agreed to condemn them in a religious manner. In addition, these leaders found that Copernicus’ writings disagreed with the ancient theories of Aristotle and Ptolemy, giving their objections not only a religious aspect but an alternative scientific explanation that was more consistent with their beliefs. They showed quotations from the Bible such as Psalm 93 that indicated that the earth was station, also claimed that the science behind Copernicus’ arguments was impossible regardless of the scriptural conflict. Cardinal Bellarmine’s letter comes after Galileo supported Copernicus’ writings. The Cardinal writes to the leader of the Carmelites, who attempted to reconcile the Copernican theories with Catholic scripture. The Cardinal pointed out that making this claim was bound to cause more controversy, and could be dangerous. He also insisted that e ven if some conflicts could be resolved, it would be most difficult to reconcile all scriptural passages with the science, and thus the science would have to be wrong. He warns against the heresy of misinterpreting scripture, and says that there still is no real scientific evidence behind Copernican theory.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - a Remedy for Chronic Stuttering Coursework
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - a Remedy for Chronic Stuttering - Coursework Example Ahmed, a 13-year old student and the focus of my case, suffers from chronic stuttering due to untreated social fear. He shows difficulty in speaking whenever he is in front of other people; particularly those whom he knows have authority over him. Hence, the objective of this reflective paper is to narrate and discuss the essential practice issues and challenges that are involved in my social work experience with Ahmed. First, the essay will explain my rationale for choosing the cognitive-behavioral theory as a model for the treatment of chronic stuttering. Second, I will narrate the challenges of social work in Saudi Arabia, particularly with regard to working with women and families. And lastly, I will reflect on my own strengths and weaknesses as a social worker based on my experience with Ahmed. In principles, in cognitive-behavioral therapies, the manner and content of patients’ speech should manifest reforms in the cognitive processing of their core problem (Bothe 2004). Stein, Baird, and Walker (1996) propose that individuals who have social anxiety and stutter would gain from cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) sessions for social phobia. They described subjective substantiation of this in three subjects within their group who allegedly the encountered declines in avoidance, social phobia, and general disability throughout a 3-month CBT program (Stein et al. 1996). Moreover, a statement of a speech restructuring treatment course subjectively revealed the favorable outcomes of employing CBT processes along with speech restructuring therapy. Blood (1995 as cited in Onslow, Packman, Block, Menzies, O'Brien, & St. Clare 2008) merged a computer-assisted biofeedback system for easing stuttering with a relapse management course founded on the self-efficacy model of Bandura, CBT, and the relapse prevention model of Donovan and Marlatt (1980 as cited in Onslow et al. 2008). The relapse package of Blood (1995 as cited in Onslow et al. 2008) is composed of the following parts: ‘(a) problem solving, (b) cognitive restructuring/reframing, and (c) nondirective supportive counseling’ (p. 3) Four male individuals participated in the experiment, with a ‘multiple-baseline, across subjects’ (Onslow et al. 2008: 3) framework. All four subjects exhibited substantial and steady drops in stuttering throughout the trial, and these improvements were sustained at one-year follow-up. Inopportunely, the study’s design does not permit identification of the relative inputs of the psychological therapy and speech res tructuring course. No participants were given either a therapy module individually.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Homesexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Homesexuality - Essay Example n in the year 2006, the pension protection act gave protection to same sex couples and workers who choose to leave their retirement benefits to people who were not their spouses. As of September 2014, only 9 states have outlawed same sex marriages, and another 10 states that are awaiting court decisions. The other states (majority) have legalized gay marriages. Homosexuality was some time back branded as sexual deviancy. Sexual deviancy in this case is used to describe something abnormal. Hence homosexuality was branded as something abnormal and against the norms of the society. This is, however, is not the case anymore. As of the year 1960, homosexuality was illegal in all the American states. This has changed with time as only today 9 states have completely outlawed homosexuality. This shows that the society is embracing same sex marriages and not branding homosexuals as criminals or people who are mentally challenged. Therefore, I think that homosexuality is departing from
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
BA3-Inter-Professional Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
BA3-Inter-Professional Studies - Essay Example by members of different professions and/or agencies work together to provide integrated health and/or social care for the benefit of service users†(Barrett et al, 2005). Hence, such an agency collaborate the efforts of different professionals to build a safe zone, shelter and liveable environment for minority groups, underprivileged people or homeless population (due to immigration, family loss, orphanage or any other cause). The cause of such charitable organizations attracts my ethical, moral and social concerns. I personally feel motivated to work with them and make this world a better place to live for those who are not satisfied with their lives for being deprived of the basic human needs. I believe in equality, unbiased environment, equal human rights, needs and wants, grave diversity issues, anti-discrimination and legitimacy of human rights in the light of law and morality. Hence, I am a strong supporter of inter-professional work and agencies. I am going to explain my views about the charitable organizations and their duties and my personal experiences while working with Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) during my placement. This agency, where I am on my placement is an Immigration Legal Aid Unit called GMIAU. I had to work on some cases that were referred to me. During the practical experience, I learned about organizational structure, running mechanisms and issues that arose while conducting the social work. There are many complexities that I observed which relate to equality in providing the charitable services to all the people who deserve them. I am going to discuss organizational structure of GMIAU, its issues related to culture and other issues that were there regarding equality and diversity. I received case referrals from the legal team- caseworkers, senior caseworkers and solicitors. The cases that were referred to me are related to social issues that service users need. The primary role is to empo wer the service user and help
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Dimensions of Community Environmental Health Essay
Dimensions of Community Environmental Health - Essay Example Alcohol intake is a personal choice and the character exhibits the effect of this poison on his physical strength as well as his personality. Steady drinking of alcohol for a long period of time results in the dependence of the brain and also leads to withdrawal manifestation during episodes of abstinence. Alcoholism is a major health hazard and affects normal brain’s chemistry, blood flow to frontal lobes and the nerve cells. Over time, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine is depleted leading to mood problems, physical weakness, liver pathologies and increasing dependence (A.D.A.M) Smoking is another example of a voluntary source of health hazard that has an effect both on the environment and public health. The tobacco smoke contains 43 carcinogens which are known out of the thousands of chemicals present in it. Although, smokers are exposed to high incidence of lung cancer, voice changes, and other health hazards, but the people who are exposed to the smoke are also at risk. Lung cancer can also occur in non-smokers who are exposed to the tobacco smoke, and it can lead to childhood disorder such as bronchitis and heart disease (Brownson, Eriksen, Davis and Warner 163). Because of the very strong carcinogenic effects, public health measures have progressed over the years. This has resulted in workplace restrictions to smoking, bans on public smoking and even voluntary measures taken in private industries.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Occupy Wall Street Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Occupy Wall Street Movement - Essay Example The movements of OWS generally came into existence concerning the moral performance of the individuals and the unequal income distribution within the current socio-economic stature of the US. The moral implications which have been involved in the movement, in relation to OWS relates with the Primacy of Self-Interest and the Democracy progression. The Primacy of Self-Interest states the individual responsibility towards any kind of conduct. It is worth mentioning in this regard that the prevailing moral scenario within the US society indicates that the power of controlling depends largely on the wealthy group of population. In such circumstances, the distinct authorities regarding economic decision making is bestowed upon selected individuals belonging to that particular section; thus, segregating the society in terms of income (University of New Mexico, 2012). One of the notions initialized by the OWS protestors conveys the message that the nation and the economy should be controlled by the actual successor who deserves the right to control, based on their potentialities rather than their wealth. This symbolizes the leaders for the economy should be selected through fair and just elections. Furthermore, with regards to the democratic philosophy of politics, it has been connoted by the protestors that the economy should be democratic in power so that individuals can assist each other to a larger extent. Hence, government should offer active participation in protecting people from social threats.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 4
Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 01296 - Essay Example In this paper, role of anti-globalisation arguments in undervaluing benefits of globalisation has been critically assessed to determine its validity. According to different scholars, no specific definition of globalisation exists and consequently the debates initiates at this very point. However, in common language, globalisation can be defined as integration of several national markets into one common global forum where national boundaries are largely diminished (Das, 2010). It is an intensification of interconnectivity and movement of trade, finance, human and non-human resources, culture and investment (Robertson, 1992). According to studies, economic globalisation can be considered as the most influential force that has shaped the globe since the wars (Das, 2010; Huwart and Verdier, 2013). Over the time, globalisation became one of the drivers of structural changes with respect to global, regional and national economies. It is also referred to as a powerful transformative force on the face of world economy (Amin, 2004; Das, 2010). It was observed that globalisation has resulted in significant rise in value as well as volume of international trade in goods and services along with expansion in long and short periodic flow of capital (Amin, 2004; Huwart and Verdier, 2013). It was also gathered that liberalisation as a part of globalisation movement cause trade and financial integration and raised economic growth rate and earning rate. As the worldwide economic integration progressed and intensified, it caused increase in efficiency of various tangible and intangible resources and utilisation of inputs (Das, 2010). According to studies in 2007, the volume of goods and services in global multilateral trade was equivalent to $16.9 trillion and it was about 34 percent of total global gross domestic product (Huwart and Verdier, 2013). In the same year, private
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Ghost Writer Is Correct Essay Essay Example for Free
The Ghost Writer Is Correct Essay Essay In the late 1950’s novel The Ghost Writer, written by Philip Roth brings the story of Anne Frank. The protagonist Zuckerman tries to find a new muse to find more meaning in his stories. Zuckerman meets Amy, a girl with a mysterious background who resembles Anne Frank in more way then one. She was the same age as Anne frank and they both are writers, she avoids speaking about her past, and lastly she tried to escape to savor her childhood. From this Zuckerman conjures this idea that Amy could possibly be Anne Frank. Zuckerman tries to recover her past and create this Anne Frank. Furthermore, from the holocaust memoir, The Diary of Anne Frank, The memoir portrays Anne has with her father and wouldn’t have the anger and resentment to stay away from him after the war. This powerful relationship would never cause her to keep this from her father the only survivor from the frank family let alone try to take revenge on him for not getting them out when he could. It would not be possible for Amy Ballet to be Anne frank because it is not possible for a person with a strong relationship with their father like them to possibly do that. Zuckerman assumes that the rumors and speculations that Anne Frank resented her father for his naive idea that hiding would be suitable to outlast the war would cause her to keep her life from him is an overpowering stretch.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Marketing plan and analysis of Al Hilal foods
Marketing plan and analysis of Al Hilal foods The brand has great opportunity to grow in cities other than Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Faisalabad and Multan as they have created much credibility in big cities of Pakistan. 11 Also it has opportunity to GO GLOBAL. Customers outside Pakistan have more loyal behavior towards Pakistani products so there is a chance for this brand to grow globally. 11 Threats: 11 3.Understand the construction of a marketing plan 12 3.1 Produce the marketing plan for your organization 12 Executive summary: 12 Current market situation: 13 SWOT analysis: 13 Objectives and issues: 14 Marketing strategy: 14 Action programs: 15 Controls: 15 3.2 Risk in marketing plan and Mitigation strategies: 15 Risks: 15 Mitigation strategies: 15 3.3 Importance of each component of the plan: 16 4.Understand to Promote the Marketing Plan in Support of Strategic Objectives 16 4.1 How the plan supports strategic objective: 16 Plans of Fresher and their support to objectives: 16 4.2 Outline an approach to gain agreement of the marketing plan: 17 5.Conclusion 17 6.References 19 Introduction to Al-Hilal Foods Al-Hilal foods is a Pakistani company owned by Mr. Ch. Farrukh Sattar. The organization exited about 10 to 15 years ago. At that time it made only one product line i-e Sultan Ghee. After flourishing in that field it introduced its new product line i-e 100% pure juices a brand named as FRESHER in 2009. The brand flourished in just one year through WORD OF MOUTH marketing strategy and gave a tough competition to other big brands like Nestle, Minute Maid etc. Al-Hilal is listed a listed company. Fresher was first introduced in 5 flavors that are Mango Guava Peach Strawberry Orange After fabulous success of these all flavors Fresher introduced a new flavor called FALSA. As Fresher gained success within period of only one year they introduced new brands in 2010 names BOOMER and COOLER. Boomer is a fizzy drink and has 3 flavors Orange Lemon Cola While Cooler has 4 flavors that are Apple Orange Pineapple Grapes The Fresher company is working hard day by and moving forward in the field of 100% pure juices. Mission: Their mission is to promote locally. Vision: Their vision is prosperity of Pakistan. ( Ref. 7) Understand How The Marketing Plan Supports Strategic Objective 2.1 Explain how the strategy of your organization Impacts Upon marketing planning: Strategy: Strategy is a long term actions/plans which are made by some organization to achieve their peculiar targets/goals. (Ref- 1) According to Michael Porter the strategy is all about the mixture of different activities which are differentiated from competitors to pronounce unique mix of value. To him its all about differentiating yourself from customers as well as competitors. (Ref-2) Without a strategy the organization is like a ship without a rudder, going around in circles Joel Ross Michael Kami Marketing strategy: A marketing strategy is a process or model to allow a company or organization to focus limited resources on the best opportunities to increase sales and thereby achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. (Ref-3) The set of objectives which an organization allocates to its marketing function in order to support the overall corporate strategy, together with the broad methods to achieve these objectives Chartered institutes of marketing The above two examples show that , marketing strategy is actually the strategy that support overall corporate and which a company has to use efficiently to market its products on best opportunities while converging the limited resources to achieve its goal. Marketing planning: Marketing planning is a logical sequence and a series of activities leading to the setting of marketing objectives and the formulation of plans for achieving them (Ref-4) Now we can interrelate all the above terms with the help of diagram below. Business Goals Market Strategy Marketing Mix Marketing Plan The above diagram shows that an organization has to set business goals which are actually the target of company or mission statement. The next level comes of marketing strategy which is esteemed rule that company has acquired to market their products. After establishing the market strategy company moves forward towards marketing mix in which it define the whole marketing mix i-e Product, Pricing, Place and Distribution. Afterwards the process of writing of marketing plans comes in which company has to describe the whole market activities which are used to acquire business goals. (Ref-3) 2.2 Impacts of strategy on marketing planning: Under this heading the strategies of organization will be discussed and the impacts of that strategies on the marketing of organization will be noticed. What effect that strategies will throw on organizations long run and short run will also be discussed. Here we are talking about Fresher marketing plans. As described earlier it is a Pakistani local company that is making 100% pure juices and this is one of the marketing strategy of Fresher that make it distinguishes from others. The company has many competitors in the same line of 100% pure juices i-e Nestle, Shezan, Minute Maid etc. But the Fresher is successful yet to maintain the no. 1 position in the brands of 100% pure juices. And also Fresher is successful to maintain its positioning against Nestle and other strong brands like Minute Maid. The benefit what Fresher will get due to this strategy is that competitors are not attaching it from all the sides. Only fresh juice companies are interested to attach its strategies. It has no concern with any other product line of competitors. Another strategy of Fresher is that they are using PET BOTTLES instead of juice boxes which made their product easy to use for the customers and the look of their brand product is totally different from others. They are also using SHRINK WRAPS for the packaging of their products. The one more thing that makes their product discriminate is tags hanged with the bottle of juice on which a little description of brand and ingredients are written. These tags make the look of the product more elegant and it again helps to make a strong positioning of the brand. The promotion strategy that Fresher following is WORD OF MOUTH. They are using any other strong promotion strategy which again differentiate the brand from others in market. But as they are not focusing the advertisement strategy now when they that much stabled in market, they can spoil their positioning as well. Fresher has strong distribution strategy which has been helping the brand to be strong so far i-e they used ROLL OUT strategy of distribution. They started the distribution of their product from their own city and then they spread it in other cities with the passage of time when they had grown enough in the market. The strategy has a benefit that other strong competitors like Nestle, Minute Maid etc didnt notice such small brand and didnt take action for that. In the meanwhile Fresher entered in the market and had got a strong market positioning. Fresher had got another benefit of this strategy that is they maintained their resources with it. They started distributing their product in their city only and when they have earned enough money they spread it over other cities of Pakistan as well. 2.3 Component parts of a marketing plan: Parts/Categories with which a marketing plan is made up of are called components of marketing plan. Here the heading will elaborate all of its parts one by one. Executive Summary: It is the first component of the marketing plan which explains the summary of the whole marketing plan for the quick review by the management of the company. Mostly three issues are mentioned in this part. The Challenge Challenge consists of a little elaboration of product for which marketing plan is made and the summary of goals such as sales figures and strategic goals.. Company Analysis Company analysis mostly consists of the answers to following questions What are goals of the company? To what thing it focuses more? What are the strengths of that company? From what culture it belongs? What are weaknesses of the company? And in what market shares it exists? etc. Competitor Analysis In competitors analysis a short report about competitors weaknesses, strengths, market position and market shares is presented. (Ref-5) Current marketing situation: Its a marketing audit which shows the current market situation of the company by comparing it with the past situation of its own and with the market situation of competitors. It presents data about the market, product, competition and distribution. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis is basically the analysis in which strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the product (to be marketed) are given to have a complete look on companys analysis. The firms internal environment presents strength and weaknesses while external provides opportunities and threats. Objective and issues: This heading defines the objectives of company in different areas such as market share, sales, profit etc. Also this category will deal with all the issues and problems that effect these objectives. Marketing strategy: In this category a marketing strategy or approach is recommended to achieve the particular objective. It is the main and important part of marketing strategy structure. The strategies will elaborate the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion) as well. Action programs: In this step a report is given about details of marketing strategy. The report answers such questions like how will all plan start? Who will do it? What will be the cost of all plan? Etc. Controls: Indicates how the progress of the plan will be monitored. 2.4 Risks and advantages in the devised marketing plan: Risks: Fresher is having a big threat in the market due to its lack of advertisement strategy now when it has gain that much credibility. Other competitors in the market has built strong image through their advertisement promotion strategy. Now it is the time when Fresher might think of making a strong and highly attractive advertisement to throw behind all the competitors. Fresher is not having a properly educated team of employees and it dont have proper departments such as HR department, RD department, Marketing department etc. So the employees working in the competitors firm are more competent and they can make proper decision at proper time. Fresher has to work on it as well. It may form a proper team so that they can compete in the leading market. As Fresher employees are not that educated in their particular field, they have disagreement in the selection of strategies. This is the major risk for the Fresher in the market as it can lead to fall of the company. Advantages: Fresher has specialized workers only in the field of making juices. Their worker knows the formula and they are best trained workers in juice making as they have to make only one product line at one time and they concentrate fully on it while competitors of Fresher have more than one product line so their workers have less command on juice making. The earlier promotion strategy of Fresher (word of mouth strategy) is quite impressive as no competitor can concentrate on upcoming new brand in this way. It gave Fresher to expand rapidly in market. The different packaging of Fresher bottle made them different and they expand undoubtedly in the fresh juice market. The biggest advantage to Fresher was the introduction of 100% fresh juice first in the market which make them differentiate from the competitors and thus they expand rapidly. 2.5 SWOT analysis of Fresher Juices: The company is new in market and has no good setup so they have not worked on their SWOT analysis by themselves. I made its SWOT analysis by my own conclusions and analysis of the company. Here are some strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the company. Strengths: They have short brand name which a basic strength of Fresher. Brand name is thus easy to remember by customers so its demand in market increases. And it is also flourishing in middle and low class segmentation of customers (as the customers in such classes are mostly uneducated) just because of its short brand name and easy memorizing quality. Short brand name also creates word of mouth easily. The highest market share in the product line of 100% pure juices is gained by Fresher. It has best attractive packaging of its juice bottles so far that is a main strength and attraction of customers towards this brand. Its availability is much good as compared to other brands in the market. Weaknesses: The brand is new in the market so it is not financially strong as compared to competitors. It will take some time to become financially strong for which it has to strong its marketing. Advertisement is weak and now when the brand has earned much credibility its essential for it to make powerful advertisement to make it more strong and reliable as brand has less or near to no TVC recall. Positioning is the major weak point of the brand. They have to make it strong to further grow in the market. Opportunities: The brand has great opportunity to grow in cities other than Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Faisalabad and Multan as they have created much credibility in big cities of Pakistan. Also it has opportunity to GO GLOBAL. Customers outside Pakistan have more loyal behavior towards Pakistani products so there is a chance for this brand to grow globally. They can launch more brands as well which is again a great opportunity for the company to grow. Threats: Fresher has promoted its products only through word of mouth so its a great threat for it. Other competitors that are promoting their products through advertisement and other strategies of promotion can gain more repute. If a pre-established brand of outside the country launches its product here in Pakistan, there would be a great threat for Fresher as it is a new brand here. The strengths and weaknesses come from internal origin of organization while opportunities and threats come from external origin of organization. Helpful to achieving goals Harmful to achieving goals Strengths: Short brand name Highest market share Packaging strength Availability strength Weaknesses: Financially weak Weak advertisement Weak positioning Opportunities: Growth in small cities of Pak Go global Launch more brands Threats: Lack of promotion strategies Other brands Understand the construction of a marketing plan 3.1 Produce the marketing plan for your organization Executive summary: Challenges: The companys product is 100% pure juices and its target customers are mainly diet conscious people, children, upper class, upper middle class and middle class society. But it can also target to lower class customers easily as juice is a thing which a normal person use in everyday life. The product is already differentiated from others because it falls in 100% pure juice category. And Fresher was the first to start this category in Pakistan. Company analysis: The Fresher is a new company in 100% pure juices product line. The company has high market share due to its previous marketing strategies in which main one is word of mouth through which it was promoted and gained the high market share rank. The companys weaknesses are finance, weak advertisement and weak positioning. Here we are designing some strategies by which its growth rate can increase and it can maintain its market share. It can make its advertisement strong and so its positioning too. Competitors analysis: Freshers competitors are companies who make 100% pure juices like Nestle, Minute Maid etc. Now if we come to Nestle, the company has a big weakness that it is dealing with 100% pure juice as well as nectars on the same time which make their focus diverted to both lines in the same time. While its strength is, it has a strong brand positioning earned by other product lines first. Market share of Nestle is lower than that of Fresher but market position is strong enough. Current market situation: The current market situation of Fresher is going not that bad when we talk about its distribution in big cities. The Fresher has the highest market share in product line of 100% pure juices while all other competitors have left behind. The demand of Fresher is also increasing day by day due to its good taste and flavors. Its giving a tough competition to its competitors in the market. Competitors didnt notice it first because it used only word of mouth marketing strategy first and took benefit of this strategy to achieve its goals. But in promotion the other companies (competitors) are moving forward to it now as it is lacking its interest in promotions. The Fresher has best packaging as well. SWOT analysis: Strengths: Short brand name Highest market share Packaging strength Availability strength Weaknesses: Financially weak Weak advertisement Weak positioning Opportunities: Growth in small cities of Pak Go global Launch more brands Threats: Lack of promotion strategies Other brands Objectives and issues: The main objective of Fresher is to maintain its market share in the line of 100% pure juices. Then it also wants to expand its business in other cities as it is a good opportunity for it to grow more in the market. The increase of sales is required for the increase in profit. To make strength of positioning. Now the main issue is that the other companies in the same product line are also struggling hard to compete the market share of Freshers. The Fresher has to maintain its demand by which it can maintain its market share. The issue concerning the expansion of the brand in other cities is to face the other local brands in those cities. Marketing strategy: Fresher makes following marketing strategies to achieve its goals. Fresher has to focus on advertising strategies such as TVC, radio commercials, Print media ads etc. Ads can be made more attractive by using advertisement marketing strategies such as humor, fun, models or TV actors etc. The attractive the advertisement will be the more the customer will be attracted towards the product. They can use different distribution strategies to promote their brand more e.g they can distribute free samples in the areas where product is not known enough. They can fit stalls in main areas/markets of different cities for the promotion. As children are more attracted towards juices and pure juices are good for their health, they can conduct different activities for children to attract this group of consumers. Also the fresh juices are mostly used by diet conscious people so Fresher can also use the same strategy of activity conductance for these consumers as well. In this way they attract their most targeted customers. All these strategies can help to achieve goals of company. Attractive advertisement and free sample distribution can help to expand business in small cities and activity based strategy can help to increase sales. Hence all these type of strategies can be used to increase sales, increase in profit and to maintain the high market share. Action programs: Now it is turn to plan the actions. Fresher can appoint workers to fulfill these strategies. First of all Fresher has to maintain proper departments such as HRM department, RD department, Marketing department, Finance department and so on like this. Then Fresher has to assign them their duties. Human resources department will manage human resources which are one of the major sources Fresher needs. Marketing department will implement these strategies and will check the results. Finance department will assign finances to each department and make a check and balance on it. Plan can be started from distribution of the products as free samples. So that more and more people in other cities can know about the brand. It will increase sales and profit as well. Now this finance can be invested on advertisement and other strategies and so on. The cost of all the strategies will be planned by finance department and marketing department as these are marketing strategies. Controls: The system cant be effective and efficient until and unless it is supervised and controlled properly. So the control in implement of these strategies is also very important. Here marketing managers of Fresher will be the persons who look after all these things and implement strategies. 3.2 Risk in marketing plan and Mitigation strategies: Risks: Risks in above strategies are only few. As company is not financially strong as compared to its competitors so might it cant afford advertisement expenses. The other risk could be short term effect (which is never been required) of some strategies like activity based strategy etc. Mitigation strategies: If finances do not allow Fresher to make an attractive advertisement then Fresher can go for rank purchasing in commercial complexes like Hyperstar, Metro etc as it costs less than that of advertisement. The benefit of this strategy will be that the people of every targeted market of Fresher can gain knowledge about the product easily. It would be a long term effect of marketing strategy. Activity based strategy would be short term strategy so instead of this we can use another strategy in which Fresher can appoint some of its employees ( sales persons) to sale their product at low price or less profit by going door to door in different colonies of different cities. It could have a long term effect on consumers mind. 3.3 Importance of each component of the plan: First component is executive summary. The summary explain the whole summarize data of the plan in short form so that the reader or to which report is being presented can save his/her time and he/she can found what is written inside the report and whether the report is meaningful or not? The executive summary has a lot of importance in marketing plan as it contains companys challenges, companys analysis and competitors analysis. 2nd component of the plan is current market situation. It is necessary to provide so that a marketer or person who has to act upon the plan should know that at what level the company stands and what level they have to move to increase growth rate of the company. The third component of the plan is SWOT analysis. Mentioning it in the plan in necessary because it helps to analyze the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats of the business with the help of which a person can make marketing strategies. The forth component of the plan is objectives and issues which explains all the goals and their related problems in plan. The fifth component of the plan is marketing strategies. This is the main step in the plan to which company has to work to achieve goals. The sixth step is action programs. The step is important as it tells that how to implement these strategies and who will implement them and what will be the cost of all strategies. The final step is of control. This is also one of the major step of the plan as it is necessary to tell how to control the whole strategic system and who will control it? Understand to Promote the Marketing Plan in Support of Strategic Objectives 4.1 How the plan supports strategic objective: Plans of Fresher and their support to objectives: Fresher is assigned following plans. Attractive advertisement The attractive advertisement of fresher can attract more and more customers towards the brand which will help to increase the sales. Increasing sales maximize profit and when company earns more profit it will be able to expand its business. The advertisement can help in building strong positioning as it contains slogan and jingles through which an image that is different from its competitors can build up. The better positioning will help to maintain market share. Streghthen positioning, profit maximization, expansion of business Distribution of free samples Again its the marketing strategy that will help to maximize sales when people around will try the samples and will be attracted. Maximize profit will lead expansion of business and strong market share. Activity based marketing Activity based marketing strategy can only help to achieve goals in targeted consumers market by increasing sales at that category of customers. Rank/Shelves booking This strategy can be useful for better positioning of brand as it creates a good image of the brand. The most visible shelves will be booked by Fresher, the more consumers will be attracted towards the brand. Personal sales Again this marketing strategy will increase Freshers sales and its demand and again the profit will be increased. Actually all the strategies are made up to maximize the profit first and then other effects accompany it. 4.2 Outline an approach to gain agreement of the marketing plan: Conclusion In this assignment we learned about strategic marketing, How marketing plans supports strategic objectives, How a marketing plan is constructed and How to promote the marketing plan in support of strategic objective? We chose Fresher, A Pakistani 100% pure juice company and looked upon its marketing strategies, what Fresher is using now and what should it use in future to promote itself more. Fresher is well known company of Pakistan whose marketing system is not that good while it needs a perfect marketing system now when it has gain that much credibility. Though marketing managers are working in the company but company is not showing enough results in this field due to which there are chances of their fall down in future. Fresher is using some excellent marketing strategies such as WORD OF MOUTH, ROLL OUT strategy, SHRINK WRAPS, PET BOTTELS, TAGS, 100% pure juices etc But we suggested some more marketing strategies to them by our own study and analysis. We made a marketing plan in which some marketing strategies were suggested such as ATTRACTIVE ADVERTISEMENT, ACTIVITY BASED PROMOTIONS, SHELVES BOOKING in markets, PERSONAL SALES and DISTRIBUTING FREE SAMPLES to increase its sales and profit. As Fresher has high market share so these strategies will help it to sustain the market share and to increase growth rate of it. At the last we made a marketing plan and saw that how these plans support objectives. We also discussed the SWOT analysis of the company which tell us that company less threats and less weaknesses and more strengths. We also discussed risks regarding strategies but they very low.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Excel Spreadsheet Use and the Strategic Corporate Plan :: essays papers
Excel Spreadsheet Use and the Strategic Corporate Plan Introduction In years past, every well-run corporation undoubtedly had a written business plan. Oftentimes, these plans were considered by many to be an exercise in frustration, as they were laboriously considered, written, then stored on the company's library shelf until the next business planning cycle. The last few decades have seen a radical change in the way companies do their planning. More often than not, the "old" business plan - though still produced and of value in its own right - is given less attention than the newer Strategic Plan. Unlike the Business Plan, which tends to be a very short document, the Strategic Plan is likely to be much more substantial and detailed. The Business Plan provides the foundation and framework for the Strategic Plan.1 Senior business managers are often so occupied with immediate issues that they can easily lose site of the long-term objectives of the business - objectives upon which the business can thrive if attained or fail completely if not. Because of this, a Strategic Plan today is a virtual necessity. Most managers tend to see the Strategic Plan as a 'living' document; one that, with careful foresight, consideration and development is written at the start of a business planning period, then reworked as circumstances within the company and business climate change throughout the planning period.2 The writing and preparation of a Strategic Plan is an important effort, demonstrating that careful consideration has been given to the business's development; however, the ultimate goal of the Strategic Plan is its own realization. With the advent of the personal computer and spreadsheet development, the Strategic Planning process today is made easier with the many current spreadsheet programs available to aid in the Plan' A Short History of the Spreadsheet. The term "spread sheet" (nowadays "spreadsheet) has a long history, beginning with the non-computerized version, a reference to which was made in accounting books from the early 1950's to describe a worksheet providing a two-way analysis of accounting data (i.e. an accounting matrix in which the columns and rows constitute either debit and credit sides)3 In thinking about the history of the spreadsheet, two important men stand out. In the early 1960s, Richard Mattessich of the University of California at Berkeley pioneered computerized spread sheets for business accounting. As the forerunners of today's spreadsheet programs for PC's such as Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, etc., these spread sheets contained use of matrices, (budget) simulation, and, most important, the calculation to support each matrix cell."4 Although Mattessich's work was mentioned in economic and computer literature as well
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Alzheimer’s Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays
Alzheimer’s Association (2010) explains that Alzheimer’s disease is a brain’s disease which affects the way people think, remember and behave. Finally, people living with Alzheimer’s do not know themselves; do not able to perform everyday activities, which means that they always have to be under control. All of these are caused by improper function of the brain. This disease leads to the death. Nowadays, the 7th cause of death in United States of America is Alzheimer’s disease. There is no method of curing yet, but it was proved that life of people living with the disease and caregivers can become better if good care and aid are provided during the whole period of the illness (Alzheimer’s Association, 2010). It is obvious that Alzheimer’s disease has financial and psychological impact on individuals, caregivers and society. Nowadays 35.6 million people are sentenced that they have this disease. It is predicted that this number will increase to 65.7 million by 2030 and to 115.4 million by 2050 (Anders Wimo and Martin Prince, 2010, 4). There are direct and indirect costs which are spent on people with such kind of disease. The first one includes expenditures in social services such as treating at hospital. In other words, it requires a lot of money. According to Alzheimer’s Association (2008) the Medicare such as hospital services and the care of medical man to person with dementia is three times more than the money which is spent on someone without it. Indirect cost involves unpaid service of caregivers; many active days that the sufferer has lost, physical and psychological challenges with which a person living with Alzheimer’s disease and his family have to struggle (Fox and Max 2009,... ...rtant point to consider is providing support for caregivers. More attention must be paid in order to assist them in coping with problems which occur over time. Overall, it is obvious that Alzheimer’s disease is a problem that requires much attention from government and investors. One of the problems is supporting caregivers. In my opinion, in order to find solutions more researches have to be undertaken, also it is important to keep in mind that each of them is unique; their challenges are not the same and problems vary during the illness. Another major problem is increasing amount of money which is spent on dementia. It is mostly caused by increasing number of people with Alzheimer’s. Solutions for this problem are complicated. However, I think more research in pharmacology will obviously assists to find them, so huge amount of money can be saved.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Band of Brothers and Eagles Nest. Easy Company
Military strategists in the 1920s thought that soldiers could surprise their opponents by jumping out of planes flying over enemy territory. Germany, Britain and the U. S. formed their own airborne divisions in the early 1940s. E Company known as Easy was one of four companies within the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army. All of the members in this company volunteered to be trained in parachuting, a risky operation. Paratroopers were paid bonus and had greater honors than other soldiers.The â€Å"Band of Brothers†is the name acquired by these members and they played a vital role during World War II. They came together in the summer of 1942 and they suffered together in hunger, cold, and foreign lands. This brought about a special camaraderie that lead to the name â€Å"Band of Brothers†. The major exploits of the Band of Brothers include the story of how they routed two full companies of Germans and thei r night rescue of British paratroopers. They were known for their bravery in parachuting into France early on D-Day morning, fighting in the Battle of the Bulge and capturing Hitler's Eagle's Nest at Berchtesgaden.They were also a unit that suffered enormous casualties, and whose lives became legend. The leading authorities of the 101st Airborne Division were Major General Maxwell D. Taylor (101st Airborne Division CO), and Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe (101st Airborne Division XO). Herbert Sobel was the first man assigned to Easy Company (Time, 2001). At approximately 1:30 a. m. on June 6, 1944, the commander of the 101st Airborne Division landed heavily in a French pasture near the village of Ste. Marie-du-Mont in Normandy.Major General Maxwell Taylor had no time to reflect on the fact that he was the first United States general ever to parachute into combat, as well as the first American general on enemy soil in Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of France. The 101st w as one of three Allied airborne divisions supporting the amphibious assault on Normandy. It was planned that the 101st was to secure the exits of four causeways behind Utah Beach, Exits 1, 2, 3, and 4; destroy bridges over the Douve northwest of Carentan; and capture two bridges northeast of the town.These objectives were quite ambitious especially in the light of the fact that the plans for air attacks were made at the last minute. The main airborne advocates were Generals Matthew B. Ridgway, James M. Gavin, and Taylor. Sixty-six hundred men in three regiments had to paratroop to land in darkness and secure the four causeways leading inland from Utah Beach. The 101st Airborne Division was one of them. It was a vital assignment, for the Germans had occupied most of the low lying areas along the coastline. Overlord would be primarily a parachute operation for the 101st.In this context, it must be remembered that Army airborne divisions were elite units, and paratroopers were voluntee rs. Most officers were in their twenties, and many enlisted men were no more than seventeen or eighteen. The 101st Division was fresh and inexperienced. During the first hours of D-Day, many paratroopers were dropped wherever it seemed most convenient. American paratroopers were directed that if a unit did not reach its drop zone, it should carry out those missions assigned to the area where it found itself. The men of the 101st had had little time to get to know their commanding general.Forty-three years old and a graduate of West Point, Taylor was given command of the division in March. He had told his men: â€Å"All paratroopers are hell-raisers. During the first 24 hours after you jump, raise all the hell you can†(Taylor, 2006). The initial German reaction to the airborne landings was confusion and uncertainty. By quickly securing the invasion causeways, the 101st had made a major contribution to the success of Overlord. Moreover, they helped the 82nd force to capture St e. Mre-Eglise shortly after dawn on D-Day.The 101st's role in Operation Overlord was over and then, on June 29 the division was withdrawn from Carentan and moved north for occupation duty near Cherbourg. Since D-Day the division had suffered more than forty-six hundred casualties, over one-third of its strength. Bradley, who had told Eisenhower that he could not order landings at Utah Beach without the airborne operation, was elated. As for Eisenhower, asked many years later what had been his most satisfying moment in the war, he replied that it was when he heard that his two airborne divisions had reached Normandy (Taylor, 2006).Thus we find that the most visible benefit had been the 101st's contribution to the almost bloodless landing at Utah Beach. D-Day showcased the courage of the brave young soldiers who brought with them the innocent belief that all things were possible. After being in France for 33 days, they returned to Aldbourne, England where their replacements came in. A fter 3 months, they paratrooped into Holland by Operation Market Garden. It was a successful jump with no casualties, but after coming out of Eindhoven they came into the town of Nuenen which was full of Germans and their armor.They ended up retreating with many casualties. Then they came to Bastogne in Belgium where they went into the woods with inadequate ammunitions, food and warm clothes. They were attacked by German artillery and there were some casualties. Later General Patton's men broke through behind them and they got their necessary resources. As the Battle of the Bulge continued, Army press releases described the great bravery of the 101st Airborne soldiers and the press named them the â€Å"Battered Bastards of the Bastion of Bastogne†(Time, 2001).Easy Company then moved into the woods near the town of Foy where they eventually made their assault on Foy. Easy Company moved back into France and then pushed the Germans into Germany where they came across a concentr ation camp. Later, they reached Hitler's Eagle Nest which had been previously captured with little resistance. Finally, they moved into Austria where the war in Europe and against Japan ended. Easy Company was said to be one of the best units in the history of the US Armed Forces.Like all units in the American airborne divisions, they had been trained as a light infantry assault outfit. Hence the men in Easy Company were trained to move quickly, maneuver fast and fire small arms. During the World War II, from the beginning of October until almost the end of November 1944, however, there were involved in static, trench warfare. The achievements of the Band of Brothers of Easy Company stands out in history mainly because they achieved success in military actions that they were not trained in.They relied upon their courage and strength.Bibliography:Taylor, M. John (2006). World War II: 101st Airborne Division Participate in Operation Overlord. http://www. historynet. com/air_sea/airbor ne_operations/3036676. html.The Battle of Bastogne. http://www. army. mil/cmh-pg/books/wwii/7-8/7-8_19. htm#p473.Parachute Infantry Regiment in Normandy Drop. Regimental Unit Study: Number 3. http://www. army. mil/cmh-pg/documents/WWII/506-Nor/506-nor. htm.Time (2001). Band of Brothers. http://www. time. com/time/teach/brothers/pdfs/magazine. pdf.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Communication Worksheet Essay
In your own words, please answer the following questions. Each response should be written as an academic paragraph of at least 150 words. Be clear and concise, and be sure to explain your answers. If you cite any sources, use APA format. Paragraph QUESTIONS 1. WHAT IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF COMMUNICATION? WHAT DOES COMMUNICATION MEAN TO YOU PERSONALLY? GIVE AN EXAMPLE. (150 WORDS) Answers will vary. †¢ The textbook definition of communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment (â€Å"West-Turner: Introducing Communication Theory,†2004). With that being stated, communication is more than just speaking, typing, or texting and even signing. Real communication involves listening and paying attention to what the other person or group of people are expressing. Real communication is about response, give and take. In any real conversation we are all both teachers and learners. Real communication entails being open and honest. It shows the other person something about â€Å"who I am†on the inside. But if I really want the other person to pay attention and understand my message, I need to speak peacefully and quietly and directly. No one can really hear and understand anything when people are angry and shouting and looking all over the place. 1. Describe the differences between linear, interactional, and transactional. (150 words) Answers will vary. †¢ When it comes to communication, the differences between linear, interactional, and transactional communication are very different but are also required for one another to work properly. Linear communication is a one-way street used for communication. It consists of the sender encoding a message and channeling it to the receiver in the presence of noise. There is an assumption that there is a clear beginning and end to this type of communication with no feedback from the receiver (â€Å"West-Turner: Introducing Communication Theory,†2004). For example sending an email, text message, or giving a lecture. Interactional communication builds upon the linear communication model. It is a two-way street in which the sender channels a message to the receiver and the receiver becomes the sender and channels a message back to the original receiver(â€Å"West-Turner: Introducing Communication Theory,†2004). This model has added feedback and field experience. Cultural b ackgrounds, ethnicity, location, and personal experiences play a major role in interactional communication. For example sending a text message to a receiver and the original sender having to wait for a text message back. Finally, transactional communication notices that each and every one of us is a sender and a receiver combined. It also notices that all parties involved in the communication are affected in some shape or form. The transactional communication method shows that communication is fluid and simultaneous (â€Å"West-Turner: Introducing Communication Theory,†2004) and that most conversations are alike. It takes into consideration how each and every one of us interprets the data from the conversations, thus both parties being able to share the same meaning. For example friends talking and listening. While one friend is talking the others are constantly giving feedback on what they think or feel through facial expression or verbal feedback without stopping the original friend from talking.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
America is not a better country than it was in the 1950s
There are many people in the United States that claim the country is better today than it has ever been. The country has undergone two centuries of transformation, as people have increasingly gained more and more rights and freedoms, technology has made the lives of all Americans markedly easier, and its citizens have elected its first African-American president only a century after slavery ended. However, despite all this progress, it comes with a significant cost as people are forced to deal with threats like terrorism, unchecked scientific experimentation, and the dissolution of the American nuclear family.It seems that much of the current line of thought in the American public came during the social revolution of the 1960s, when sex, drugs, and rock and roll were used in conjunction with far more important social issues. The social rebellion of the 1960s, along with the unpopular war in Vietnam, gave way to the depressing decade of the 1970s, and the selfishness of the 1980s, whi ch still seem to have the public in its grasp in the quest for empty consumerism. For a look back at a time when America represented the ideals that country was founded upon, one would have to look all the way back to the 1950s.During this decade, America took its place as a respected world leader, family values were still strongly in place, consumerism and technology were used to advance the country and humanity in general, and while there were still threats to the safety and well being of American citizens, there were far fewer threats than each American is forced to deal with today. In evaluating the position of the United States in the world today, it is still a world leader. However, many of the events of recent years have only made the country a target of derision, criticism, and worse, even from its allies.In the 1950s, the world was still reeling from the horrors of the Second World War. America emerged from the turmoil as one of the world’s great superpowers, along w ith the Soviet Union. America was seen as the champions of democracy, responsible for allowing the Allies to win the war and bringing freedom and peace to millions around the world. However, much of this good will and power have been slowly eroded in the decades since, and almost completely removed after the events of the past decade.After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, America had the good will and support of the entire world. However, poor leadership quickly led these same supporters to accuse America of being imperialistic and ignorant. President George W. Bush did little to help dissuade this view, and in fact contributed to America’s decline more than any president since Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace. Though the election of Barack Obama has brought a fair amount of good will back to America, the damage done by Bush is long and lasting.While Christian conservatives supported Bush, his personal beliefs seriously held up scientific discoveries in the way of stem cell research by refusing to support federal funding; he denied social advancements to people fighting for equal rights; he spearheaded a renewed campaign to take away women’s rights; he also was instrumental in creating a new paranoia over immigration, despite being the president of a country made of immigrants; and, the gap between the rich and the poor continued to grow until the country found itself poised on the brink of depression.But, his greatest shortcomings were concerning the war on terror, which needlessly expanded, and his flippant abuse of federal power concerning the privacy of U. S. citizens. For a president that used the word â€Å"freedom†so frequently, he did more than most presidents to take it away from his fellow countrymen. A man who avoided serving in Vietnam, Bush learned none of the lessons and started a war in Iraq that has been compared by many as the Vietnam War of this generation. For someone that touted simple American values and hard work, Bush and his administration did a great deal to hurt America and make it weaker.This is very different than the strong leadership of Dwight D. Eisenhower who used his military experience and knowledge to make sure that America remained strong and vigilant in the postwar world. Additionally, Eisenhower’s presidency also saw the emergence of a modern American system of strong family values that have all but disappeared in recent years. American family values have certainly fallen off since the 1950s, and things like divorce as well as drug use have grown to epidemic numbers.One of the key differences is the fact that couples are no longer staying together, divorce rates have gone through the roof, and the traditional nuclear family no longer seems to exist. According to an analysis of new census figures by The New York Times, married couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have slipped into a minority in the Uni ted States. The American Community Survey, released in October by the Census Bureau, found that 49. 7 percent, or 55. 2 million, of the nation's 111.1 million households in 2005 were made up of heterosexual married couples  with and without children  just shy of a majority and down from more than 52 percent five years earlier (Hurley). This trend shows that less and less heterosexual couples are choosing to get married, instead preferring to cohabitate and have children without marriage. These figures do not include divorce rates. In the United States, it is widely believed that one in two marriages will end in divorce, though these figures are debatable.This rate has since been revised downward to roughly 43% by the National Center for Health Statistics but was moved back up to around 50% by the Census Bureau in 2002. Most recently, according to the New York Times, it has been revised downward to just over 40% (â€Å"Divorce Rates†). This lower figure could b e due to the fact that less people are getting married, but it cannot be denied that in a society of increasing equality and civil rights, less people are getting and staying married than ever before.This is quite different than the 1950s, when the nuclear family was something that most people aspired to create: â€Å"Nearly all accounts of the 1950s stress the great importance attached to home, family, and children†¦ Indeed, widely read authors and commentators and well-known political leaders in the 1950s all extolled the virtues of a traditional family life. Women’s magazines published a steady stream of articles praising the homemaker and warning women of the perils of trying to combine marriage and childbearing with work outside the home†(Cherlin 35).Today, usually just to make ends meet, parents are often both forced to work, leaving very little room for the simple family activities that were so valued in the 1950s. This leads to a society that is increasin gly more isolated from each other and living with more fear and anxiety than ever before. This has also led to an increase in the amount of drugs that Americans consume, something which was virtually unheard of in the 1950s. The war on drugs was started in the 1980’s helped along by Nancy Reagan’s slogan, â€Å"Say no to drugs.†While this continues to apply to illegal drugs, in the years since Americans have answered with a resounding â€Å"yes†to legalized drugs. This displays how the war on drugs is not really how it sounds and is really a hypocritical creation. Drugs have become a part of the American fabric, and that is no more apparent than the recent explosion of popular legal drugs. Today, Americans use drugs to remedy everything from receding hairlines, to erectile dysfunction, to the boredom of everyday life.Federal regulations are strict in regards to advertisements of such legal drugs like cigarettes and alcohol, but not pharmaceuticals. Ads for various legal drugs seem to be all over the television, print media, and the internet. In America, the war on drugs could really be renamed â€Å"the war on drugs deemed undesirable by the government,†because there remain many, many potentially harmful and addictive drugs in the public marketplace. In 1998, Americans spent $66 billion on these drugs, including $39 billion on cocaine, $12 billion on heroin, $2.2 billion on methamphetamine, and $11 billion on marijuana (ONDCP). During that same year, Americans spent more than $120 billion dollars on legal drugs, not including the staples alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine, and this number has only continued to grow. And while America is fighting a war on drugs that was not even a concept in the 1950s, it is also fighting an open-ended war on terrorism. Few things show the differences between today and the 1950s as the state of international terrorism and the fear it invokes in people. Even in the 1950s, where the U. S.fought i n Korea and there was a constant threat of nuclear annihilation, the level of fear that American citizens felt during that decade pales in comparison to what it feels in the post-9/11 world. The entire country has been in a frightened and angry state, with the threat of terrorism going hand and hand with government intrusion, religious hatred, and economic failure. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, â€Å"fear of terrorism became something of a way of life for government, first responders, and many citizens, even though no additional attacks on the American mainland have occurred†(Smelser 124).The threat of terrorism has not only affected the American psyche, but it has also led to the deaths of thousands of American soldiers who are busy fighting the long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And, unfortunately, there appears to be no end in sight for either war, and casualties only continue to mount on both sides. Despite all the international turmoil that followed the Second W orld War, there was always stability and confidence in America.Now that the confidence is eroding, one can only hope that stability can continue to be achieved. The United States was far better off in the 1950s than the country is today. While it had the Soviet Union to contend with, there was hardly more fear than there is today over the faceless and suicidal terrorists that threaten the very fabric of everyday life. In addition to all the added fears, there are not even the traditional support systems to help alleviate any of the anxiety, as family values are at an all-time low.People are choosing to no longer get married and when they do get married, they are getting divorced at a pace that continues to grow each passing year. With the drug epidemic, war, moral decay, and fear in the current America, one can only think back on the simpler and more stable times that marked the 1950s. Works Cited: Cherlin, Andrew. Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981 â€Å"Divorce Rates. †Divorce Reform Page. 2009. Americans for Divorce Reform. 12 July 2009. . Hurley, Dan. â€Å"Divorce Rate: It's Not as High as You Think. †The New York Times. 19 April 2005. 13 July 2009. . Office of National Drug Control Policy. â€Å"What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs 1988– 1998. †ONDCP Publications. 4 March 2002. 13 July 2009. . Smelser, Neil J. The Faces of Terrorism: Social and Psychological Dimensions. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2007
Media Example
Music and Lyrics is a film featuring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant (Music and Lyrics, 2007). Hugh Grant plays the role of Alex Fletcher, who was a famous pop star in the 1980s and Drew Barrymore plays Sophie Fisher, a frustrated literary writer. In the movie, Fletcher was constrained to use the medium of a song in order to communicate his apologies for saying awful things to Fisher (Music and Lyrics, 2007). In so doing, Fletcher demonstrated his knowledge of interpersonal skills in winning over Fisher. Communication skills refer to a person’s ability to effectively articulate a specific message through written, verbal, or graphic means (Floren, 1998). These skills include the ability to present an idea clearly, resolve conflicts skillfully, and utilize technologies as means to put a message through (Floren, 1998). In the scene in the movie Music and Lyrics where Flectcher sang a heartfelt song of apology to Fisher, the former was able to exhibit all the abovementioned communication skills. He had a specific message in mind; he meant to apologize to Fisher for saying awful things. He also intended to, and succeeded in, expressing his true feelings for Fisher (Music and Lyrics, 2007). Fletcher was successful in presenting his idea clearly (Floren, 1998). He used carefully chosen lyrics that could put his message through, even using rhyme and music for artistry. In such a short period consisting of less than five minutes, Fletcher was able to mention Fisher’s specific endearing habits. He was also able to sing about the way that Fisher was able to make him feel better. Finally, Fletcher’s song served a major purpose of communication, which is conflict resolution (Floren, 1998). The song was so honest that there could have been no other ending for the story but to have Fisher accept Fletcher’s apology. References Music and Lyrics. (2007). Warner Brothers. Retrieved February 22, 2007 Floren, G. L. (1998). Marketable Skills and Attitudes. Retrieved February 23, 2007  Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Chapters 4-6 of The Great Gatsby
Chapters 4-6 of The Great Gatsby revealed a lot about Jay Gatsby to the readers. The first thing to jump out at me was that Jay Gatsby’s real name is actually James Gatz. Also, Gatsby revealed that his parents were originally from the mid-western city of San Francisco. It became clear that Gatsby was living a life of uncertainty and that he was a mystery who chased wealth and greatness. The relationship between Gatsby and Nick changed a lot over these chapters. It is apparent that Nick lost some respect for Gatsby, once he began finding out some key details about his life and where he actually came from. When attending college, Gatsby dropped out after two weeks because he couldn’t handle the hard-working career as a janitor to support himself and make it through college. When Gatsby asks Nick to go to Coney Island, Nick declines his offer. Immediately after, Nick is asked by Gatsby to go swimming, he says that he just needs to go to bed. Now that Nick is finding out about Jay, he doesn’t really want all that much to do with him. Another developing relationship is the one between Gatsby and Daisy, who previously had a thing for each other. Despite being married, Daisy falls in love with Gatsby after Nick sets up for them to see each other in secrecy, without Tom finding out. Gatsby tells Daisy about how he always dreamt about having her love, and being together. Unfortunately for Gatsby, who wants Daisy to leave Tom, Daisy doesn’t have a good time at his next party. Tom, who doesn’t like or trust Gatsby, joined Daisy for the next party to keep an eye out. Obviously, Daisy and Gatsby were unable to connect in the way that they wanted to, and things became awkward and bad. As each chapter unfolds, we are learning more and more about Jay Gatsby, or James Gatz, and who he really is.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Big Switch Network Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Big Switch Network Design - Assignment Example All the above require completion of very complex tasks; these are information gathering, planning as a task, designing and modeling. While building a network, the designer focuses more on three layers of the OSI model. Although there are many technologies available for network construction, it is extremely important to be aware of the implications of selecting a technology over the other, the network devices or equipment to use, and in which layer the device can function, and lastly have knowledge on the functionality of the device by conforming to the network architecture requirements. Implementation of VLAN segments in a network (Keith, 2011) VLAN is Virtual Local Area Network. VLAN is a logical LAN segment that pair different physical LANs by creation of logical subnets. In VLAN, we involve different physical LAN segment to enable communications between them. This infrastructure enables functional separation of the departments, for example, separating the HR department from the pr oduction department by two different LANs without a router. Creation of workgroups enables communication of two different VLANs even though there are in different buildings physically. VLAN improves performance increasing available bandwidth according to how many VLANs are created to share the bandwidth being consumed. This infrastructure eases network maintenance; this can involve removal, changing and addition of network users and equipments. In LANs, a designer needs to re-configure the routers, servers and the work stations if a user moves, and this leads to reconfigure the switch, hub and arrangement of the cables. This can be avoided in a VLAN on the work station and the involved router however; they bring additional administrative complexity which in the other hand increases security by management of virtual workgroups by the administration. Generally, this type of networking reduces every type of cost from implementation cost to maintenance cost by minimizing the network adm inistration (Krzysztof, 2008). We can also use multiple VLANs per switch port. This is using of shared hub off of the switch ports. Also, the designer can introduce a wireless VLAN. In implementing this, the designer introduces a wireless access point that can be located by more units from one administration centre so that we avoid a lot of cabling and use of routers. At each access point contain mapped SSIDs of a maximum of 16 membership units. Then the access points is assigned a 802.11 standard called a primary SSID, broadcasting with beacons to all wireless clients on that segment. Membership is assigned for each wireless client on the VLAN by considering the specific company department, the security rights and which servers are most accessed. Then VLAN 1 is considered as the default native VLAN, so it does not tag traffic. This native VLAN number given must then watch all the attached access points assigned VLAN on that network segment. To filter traffic and enable secure manag ement VLAN traffic, this company will implement access control lists on every network switch. The introduction of the RADIUS SSID control will require wireless clients with an authenticated configuration of 802.1x, to have a RADIUS server that is already configured with mapped SSIDs on every wireless client. The list is sent to the access point where the client is a member by the server. Here, the employee cannot be a member of just any wired VLAN except to the assigned specific VLAN, and all this is done during authentication. The VLAN defines its own policy group filters, so all infrastructure devices are denied membership to a
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