Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Homosexuality Nature or Nurture - 1209 Words
Abstract The quest to achieve ultimate unity has become quite the hot topic in present years. In Ryan D. Johnson’s online research article, Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture, an explanation of homosexuality is broken down so the world has a better understanding of homosexuals. As referred to in the title, the origin of homosexuality has been debated to be because of nature or nurture. Basically, are people gay because it’s their personal choice or is it just who they are? The idea behind nurture is that the way one was raised can eventually affect a child’s sexual preference. In the first paragraph of this study, Johnson travels back to ancient Greece claiming that homosexuality has been around for ages, yet the root of the question†¦show more content†¦If there was a weak father figure and a strong motherly figure then homosexuality is said to be more common because the child was unable to overcome their ‘Oedipus syndrome.’ Also the certain roles that are given to children at young ages have a common effect on sexuality, whether they follow a male and female stereotype that is. How a child is raised, what they witness and experience as they grow up all come together under the idea that nurture over nature has a bigger influence on a person’s sexuality. Therefore this article was quite informative about all the research that has been done over the years to determine the nature verse nurture question dealing with homosexuality. The article was not as descriptive with calculations and didn’t go too in-detail about what each experiment entailed but the outcomes gave enough data to let the reader establish their own opinion. Kinsey’s findings claimed that many men were not comfortable with the idea of two men together, but another same-sex relation, being women, didn’t bother them. These ‘facts’ were pretty irrelevant since the experiment was very outdated and didn’t mention wheth er nature or nurturing were involved but just the appeal of being gay. Also it never mentioned how homosexuality came to be, as Kinsey claimed was one of the reasons for the experiment. Hooker did a great analysis to prove that homosexuality was completely not a mental disorder yet a decision of the heart. Swaab’s focus was on how theShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality: Nature or Nurture811 Words  | 3 Pageswith development across the human lifespan is the theory of â€Å"Nature versus Nurture†. It is an unsolved debate that has been around for centuries. It covers a broad spectrum of topics from intelligence to emotions, or in this case homosexuality. Although homosexuality is often thought of as a trait that is â€Å"genetically determined†, many others disagree and argue that it is rather a learned behavior (Lathe, pg. 20) Is it nature or nurture that causes this so-called â€Å"abnormality†? Or does it depend onRead More Homosexuality, Nature or Nurtur e? Essay1911 Words  | 8 PagesHomosexuality, Nature or Nurture? Homosexuality has become a large issue in our lives today. Gay Rights activists have been making their voices heard; this has attracted the attention of the population making them take notice of their cause. The church has not been able to get away from the powerful political and social pressure of homosexuality. Some churches have accepted homosexuality but many still do not accept homosexuals, saying it is unnatural and not what godRead MoreHomosexuality - Nature or Nurture Essay2535 Words  | 11 PagesHomosexuality Nature or Nurture Have you ever wondered what creates a persons sexual preference? Is it possible that their social influences and environment can lead them to certain sexual practices and same sex relationships or could it be that some people have a genetic makeup that makes it completely natural to be attracted to members of the same sex? These questions lead us to the long-lived debate of nature or nurture. Some scientists believe that people behave as they do accordingRead MoreNature vs. Nurture: Homosexuality2002 Words  | 9 Pagescause of sexuality. The whole subject is hidden in darkness’; this is a quote by Charles Darwin which illustrates the fact that your sexual orientation is unknown- this suggests that homosexuality is evolved through the upbringing and personal experiences. Many Social Theorists agree with this and they argue that Nurture is the main factor when considering the reasons behind human sexuality. They also suspect that upbringing and parental and family dy namics has a direct effect on a child s sexualityRead MoreEssay on Homosexuality as Nature or Nurture1936 Words  | 8 PagesHomosexuality as Nature or Nurture Human sexuality has been one of societys most interesting, controversial, debated, and misunderstood topics. It has been the topic of numerous books, essays, documentaries, websites, and television magazine segments. More specifically, homosexuality is probably the most misunderstood aspect of human sexuality. This is mainly due to lack of education, exposure, or just a general close mindedness. Homosexual tendencies are genetically caused, but actingRead MoreHomosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture Essay1208 Words  | 5 Pagesthat people hear about daily in the news, media, and daily lives of others, especially when it comes to the field of psychology and the nature versus nurture debate. For being as commonly debated and discussed as it is, there are many questions that come along with it: what is sexual orientation, how do people know their sexual orientation, what causes homosexuality, is it normal, is it possible to change, and can wanting LGBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and tra nsgender, youth to change lead to suicideRead MoreEssay about Homosexuality: Nature Versus Nurture2099 Words  | 9 PagesHOMOSEXUALITY: NATURE VERSUS NURTURE Nature; all things belong to Mother Nature; the trees, the flowers, insects, the great waters, animals, and even the human race; all following the laws of nature that we are instinctively born with. However somewhere along the line something or someone defies those laws and go against what nature intended. Whether or not this rebellion is fostered by nurture, or if there is an exception to the laws that Mother Nature has set forth is a question that psychologistRead MoreEssay about Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?1275 Words  | 6 Pages Homosexuality is one of the most hot button issues in America today. Everyone has an opinion, some based on religious views others based on other external factors. People are afraid to talk about it because it’s something we don’t actually fully comprehend. This is because it scares people to admit they don’t know something. We need to find out if being a homosexual is something we are born with, or is it something we learn over time. Review of the Research There have been many research studiesRead MoreHomosexuality : Nature And Nature871 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality: Nature or nurture By: Clifnie francois Advance Placement Psychology Mr. Cuetara June 4 2015 Abstract The nature and nature of homosexuality is heavily debated. Some people believe that homosexuality is biologically determined and others believe it’s base on ones environment. This topic can be argue to be base on both nature and nurture. Studies conducted in the past decades support both the biological and environmentalRead MoreDifferences Between Homosexuality and Homosexual Behavior Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality (the tendency to be more sexually attracted to the same sex) is often confused with homosexual behavior (acting on homosexuality by engaging in homosexual acts), but the two are distinctly different. Even though homosexual behavior, especially in more recent years, has become an acceptable standard in our society it is a voluntary act and a sin, but the church has the ongoing responsibility and God-given call to love our neighbors, regardless of their sin because we too are all sinners
Monday, December 16, 2019
Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty - 1348 Words
The United States justice system uses many methods of punishment on lawbreakers and criminals. These include jail time, community service, paroles, fines, and the most shocking, the death penalty. The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, was first introduced in the form of hanging hundreds of years ago when America was first established. Now, the most common way of execution proves to be death by lethal injection. For hundreds of years, people have argued over whether or not the general idea of capital punishment stands morally correct. Many have also debated if anyone holds the right to end another’s life. The death penalty, morally wrong and faulty, does not save lives but unnecessarily ruins and ends them. Everyone†¦show more content†¦Ringo, who committed his crime July of 1998, was executed on September 10, 2014. Ringo, along with an accomplice, previously robbed a restaurant and fatally shot Joanna Baysinger and Dennis Poyser. In his conclusion, Muhlhausen states the execution of Ringo â€Å"may just save the lives of several innocents†(Muhlhausen). He fails to mention, however, exactly how this death prevented more. Ringo already spent about sixteen years in prison without problems, so prison contained him his murderous ways just fine. Lives can be saved in absence of execution. The containment of criminals, rather than the death of, still prevents innocents from losing their lives. Execution may prevent deaths just as well as jail time, but only with the heavy cost of another human being’s life. The nation of America divides when it comes to capital punishment. Just thirty-one of fifty states still use the death penalty. Two years ago, August 13, the state of Connecticut ruled the death penalty unconstitutional. The court discussed the morality and the discriminatory cases of capital punishment (Caplan). Race can be a big factor when it comes to capital punishment, as a minority is about six times more likely to receive the death penalty than a white defendant. Many also argue against capital punishment because they feel the death penalty gives criminals an easy way out. Death can be easier and quicker than a life sentence or communityShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of The Death Penalty789 Words  | 4 Pages Death Penalty The death penalty has been a debated topic for decades. Many people believe that it serves justice to the person being executed, while others think that it does no good for either party. However, I believe the three most outstanding topics surround the death penalty are the cost of death vs. life in prison, attorney quality, and irrevocable mistakes. The first topic surrounding the death penalty is the cost of death vs. life in prison. This is a bigRead MoreDeath Penalty Pros and Cons1636 Words  | 7 Pages Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty The death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. The death penalties are usually carried out for retribution of a heinous murder committed, such as aggravated murder, felony killing or contract killing. Every state handles what method they want to use to put a person to death according to their state laws. The death penalty is given by lethal injection, electrocution; gas chamber firing squad and hanging areRead MoreDeath Penalty Pros Cons2512 Words  | 11 PagesTop 10 Pros and Cons Should the death penalty be allowed? The PRO and CON statements below give a five minute introduction to the death penalty debate. (Read more information about our one star to five star Theoretical Credibility System) 1. Morality 2. Constitutionality 3. Deterrence 4. Retribution 5. Irrevocable Mistakes 6. Cost of Death vs. Life in Prison 7. Race 8. Income Level 9. Attorney Quality 10. Physicians at Execution PRO Death Penalty CON Death Penalty 1. Morality PRO:Read MoreDeath Penalty Pros And Cons1501 Words  | 7 Pagesthe death penalty. What laws have the Supreme Court recognized that warrant the death penalty as being cruel and unusual punishment. What are the pros and cons of the death penalty, death penalty vs. life incarceration from a financial standpoint, the death penalty is it a deterrent where crime is concerned, states that have the death penalty, the state with the highest number of death row inmates the state with the lowest, mentally ill and mental retardation, juveniles, women and the death penaltyRead MorePros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1435 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The Death Penalty (DP), being also known as capital punishment, capital offence and corporal punishment, is a sentence of death imposed on a convicted criminal (1); this essay will use all the terms interchangeably. The DP breaches two fundamental human rights, namely the right to life and the right to live free from torture; both rights are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nations in 1948, which contains a list of each human rightsRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty915 Words  | 4 PagesThe Death Penalty is the punishment of execution to someone who legally by court of law convicted a capital crime. In the United States of America this is mainly used for aggravated murder. Additionally this means that the murder has circumstances that are severe. For instance it was planned murder, intentionally killed below the age of 13, killed someone while serving term in prison, killed a law officer, and killed someone or ill egally terminated a person’s pregnancy while in the process of committingRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1331 Words  | 6 PagesThe death penalty has always been an issue or debate in the United States, typically being asked if it should be illegal or not. As of right now there are thirty-one states, including Ohio in which I live, that still use the death penalty as it is illegal in the rest. There are many supporters of it, there is also a huge amount of opposition. There are things included in both sides that can make the argument harder to be one-sided but I believe that the death penalty should be legal throughout theRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty844 Words  | 4 PagesThe death penalty takes the saying of â€Å"An eye for an eye†to a whole new level. From a very young age, everyone has been taught the undeniable truth that murder is wrong. So what makes capital punishment alright? Just because someone did something wrong, t hat doesn’t mean that person can legally be killed, as we are all human, and we all make mistakes. In the United States, 31 states allow this punishment (Sherman). Christopher Wilkins, Terry Darnell Edwards, and Rolando Ruiz are some of the manyRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1939 Words  | 8 PagesThe death penalty is a serious problem that has the United States very divided. While there are many supporters of it, there is also a large amount of opposition. Currently, there are thirty three states where the death penalty is legal and seventeen states that have abolished it . I believe the death penalty should be legal throughout the nation. Crime is all around, Wherever we look we find criminals and crime. Criminals have become a part of peoples daily lives,Some criminals commit a crimeRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty948 Words  | 4 PagesDeath is something that a lot of people think about, but do people think about the Death Penalty? Having been given the death penalty means that someone is going to be put to death by a lethal injection or an electric chair; There are more ways, but the injection and the electric chair are the most used. There are many different opinions surrounding the idea of death penalties; which some people think the death penalty should be used more and some believe the complete opposite. There are two main
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Principles of Nazism free essay sample
Opposition to communism and democracy e) Militarism. Principles of fascism †¢Absolute power of the State: The Fascist state is a glorious, living entity that is more important than any individual. All individuals are part of the State, but the State is greater than the sum of its parts. All individuals must set aside their own needs and supplicate themselves to the needs of the State. There is no law or other power that can limit the authority of the State. Survival of the fittest: A Fascist state is only as glorious and powerful as its ability to wage wars and win them. Peace is viewed as weakness, aggression as strength. Strength is the ultimate good and ensures the survival of the State. †¢Strict social order: Social classes are strictly maintained in order to avoid mob rule or any hint of chaos. Chaos is a threat to the State. The States absolute power and greatness depends on the maintenance of a class system in which every individual has a specific place, and that place cannot be altered. We will write a custom essay sample on Principles of Nazism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Authoritarian leadership: To maintain the power and greatness of the State requires a single, charismatic leader with absolute authority. This all-powerful, heroic leader maintains the unity and unquestioning submission required by the Fascist state. The authoritarian leader is often viewed as a symbol of the State. 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of need. The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause  The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. 4. Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. 5. Rampant Sexism The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution. 6. Controlled Mass Media Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. 7. Obsession with National Security Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the governments policies or actions. 9. Corporate Power is Protected The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. 0. Labor Power is Suppressed Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to b e censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked. 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
An Interpretation of the Money Tree Essay Example
An Interpretation of the Money Tree Paper Visually, the money tree was unique and distinct, compared to other Han Dynasty art pieces clay models of mythical and real animals, lead-glazed earthenware canteens, reamer vessels, tile and brick decorations found in tombs, and various models of houses, stoves, mills, and farmyards. Its elaborate detail and delicacy was unlike not only the Han pieces in Gallery 15, but any art I had seen in Chinese history. However, the money tree was not love at first sight. As I researched and learned more about the tree, I became increasingly drawn to the piece. The money tree represents the synergy of Taoism and Buddhism during the Eastern Han Dynasty- a guide to heaven, and the hope for good fortune In the afterlife. Money trees were placed In tombs found mostly In the Chuan province of China during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). The money tree Is made of bronze and can be delved Into two sections: the base and the branches of the tree. The ceramic and bronze base is covered with an amber lead glaze and contains three levels, which portray lively scenes rarely found in Chinese art, such as hunting (Rigger 11 . 10. 05). We will write a custom essay sample on An Interpretation of the Money Tree specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An Interpretation of the Money Tree specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An Interpretation of the Money Tree specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Whole surviving money trees are rare, since the solid base of the tree endure longer than its delicate branches. The branches of the tree are thin, wintertime bronze pieces that are divided by six levels. Each level has four branches facing opposite directions that are divided by ninety degrees. The branches thrive with magical creatures (such as winged immortals called Asian), disk shapes, birds, and coins that literally hang from the bottom of the branches (museum description). Each coin Is similar to those used during the Han Dynasty (a square cut out off circle) and Is Interconnected, forming what looks Like a chain. At the top of the tree the Queen Mother of the West (Aqualung), an Important Taoist deity, Is dated on her throne supported by a dragon and tiger. Between the topmost branch and the Queen Mother of the West is a small figure of a seated Buddha surrounded by coins. The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BCC to 220 AD and followed the short-lived Sin Dynasty from 221 to 206 BCC. China flourished domestically during the Han dynasty and expanded geographically, politically, and culturally to neighboring lands. Han art made frequent references to spirits, portents, myths, the strange and powerful, the death-defying and the dazzling (Byre 71). Art pieces like the money tree show the attempt of Han emperors to contact the Immortal world of gods and the Importance of the fate of the dead (Byre 71). This desire for life after death and Immortality during the Han Dynasty Is portrayed through the Taoist deity the Queen Mother of the West. Her paradise Is filled with deathless trees, lucky charms, and auspicious animals such as the dancing toad, the three-foot crow, the nine-tailed fox, the hare Tanat produces ten laxer AT Immortality, Ana magical Dallas, wanly are placate In ten upper edge of the branches (Byre 71, Bagley 54). People of all social classes reshipped her and believed in her power to provide immortality. The History of the Han from 3 BCC explains, People were running about in a state of alarm, holding stalks of hemp that they passed from one to another, saying they were delivering the wand the edict of the Queen Mother of the West They also passed around texts reading The Mother tells the people that those who wear this talisman will not die (Byre 73). Taoism emphasizes themes similar to those of the Queen Mother of the West, such as immortality, longevity, and wealth. Towards the end of the Han Dynasty, otherwise known as the Eastern Han, specialists of immorality, called famishing and their beneficiaries Asian (Rigger 11 . 7. 05). Other Taoist features are also apparent on the decorations on the base of the money tree, figures with elongated heads called the Taoist Immortals (Chipper 6). The Immortals refer to the cult of immortals or transcendent (in Chinese, Asian) in which believers practiced the arts of physical cultivation to make themselves into spiritual beings (Rigger 1 1 . 14. 05). Another important figure present in the money tree is a seated Buddha placed low the Queen Mother of the West. Mahayana Buddhism originated in India where Shamanic, the historical Buddha lived, and spread to China through the Silk Road (Byre 95). The hierarchical position of the Buddha on the money tree, below the Queen Mother of the West, but above the Queens attendants and earth, portrays the emergence of Buddhism, specifically Mahayana Buddhism, at a time when Taoism was considered the dominant religion. In fact, many Chinese first viewed Buddhism as a variation of Taoism, since early translators used Taoist terms to express Buddhist ideas. For example, the Mahayana concept of the fundamental emptiness of phenomena was identified with the Taoist notion of non-being (Byre 96). Therefore the synergy of Buddhism and Taoism is represented by important religious figures, the seated Buddha and Gaming. Not only does the money tree symbolize a religious orgy, but also a guide to heaven from earth for the dead. The base of the tree represents the divine mountainous realm of the Queen Mother of the West, called Mount Kuhn. Geographically, Mount Kuhn is associated with the West, specifically in Chuan Bagley 318). Meanwhile, the peak of the tree represents Coxswains paradise or heaven. Therefore the stem of the money tree represents a world-axis that links heaven and earth. The Buddha, positioned Just below the Queen Mother of the West, symbolizes a guide to the Queens paradise. Money trees were placed in tombs, so that the deceased within would enter the Queens paradise directly and easily in the afterlife. Once the deceased reaches the afterlife by following the path laid out through the money tree, the Chinese hoped that happiness and prosperity, attributes f the Queen Mother of the West, will continue in the afterlife. In addition to the money tree representing the union between earth and heaven, it also represents the hope for the entombed to have good fortune in the afterlife. During the Han Dynasty, the money tree was called a shush or coin pillar, hence the interlaced coins on the lower edge of the branches (Bagley 54). The thin plates of filigree openwork of the branches suggests that the coins on the money tree were cast in flat two-piece molds similar to the technique once used to cast Han coins. During ten Han Dynasty, cools were producer a cozen at a time In a moll winner each coin was Joined to each other by the pouring channels (Bagley 274). The interconnected chain of coins on the branches of the money tree symbolizes eternal and continuous wealth. Furthermore, as the entombed ascended from earth to heaven by following the path laid out on the money tree, the entombed would collect the coins on their way to heaven. Therefore, the path to the paradise of the Queen Mother of the West is filled with riches. Through the study of the money tree we can conclude that it symbolically presents a map that directs the entombed to heaven. The Buddha acts as a guide to lead the deceased to the Queen Mother of the West, while the abundance of coins shows that the path to her paradise is littered with wealth. Furthermore, the appearance of both the Queen Mother of the West and the seated Buddha shows the intermingling of Taoism and Buddhism. As these interpretations of the money tree unfolded in my mind, I became increasingly passionate about the money tree.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
10 Things to Know about Dating Your College Classmate
10 Things to Know about Dating Your College Classmate 1. You Change Throughout College Whether it’s the kids that come in fresh out of high school or those that wait until later in their twenties, four years of undergraduate studies changes a human being. You’re one way when you arrive, and another way when you leave. Think about how much you’ll have learned! With that said, it makes dating somewhat more difficult for most students. There’s so much going on. So many deadlines. So many choices. Typically a large dating pool where everyone’s hooking up with someone. Just remember that if you hook up with someone early on in your freshmen year, the relationship must be able to adapt as you both change as people. 2. Many Different Shades of Grey You’ve got to be precise when it comes to college dating. Let’s look at the four most common types or definitions: Courting: You’re both digging on one another and it’s obvious to everyone there’s something going on, but it’s not serious yet. You’re still getting to know both yourselves and each other. Exclusive: It’s official, everyone else has to keep their hands off of both of you. Social lives can easily begin to suffer here, which isn’t necessarily a great idea in college where you’re supposed to be getting out there and involved. Temporary: You’re exclusively dating but there’s no illusions. Once the graduation dates come you’re both going your separate ways. It means you won’t have to deal with being single, but there isn’t a post-college long-term commitment either. However, there are still some ways to save your relationships after graduation. Fling: Also known as the fresh, sophomore, junior and senior year fling. Yeah, they can happen every year. Typically around spring. You’ve been eyeing one another all year in college or passing by in the halls or whatever, and finally you’re hooking up for the summer. 3. A Long Term Question In America, more than half of the ladies walking around campus everyday secretly or publically hope to meet their spouse while in college. As you might have guessed, that number tends to be a bit lower with college guys. Most of them aren’t thinking much farther ahead than mid-terms, or this coming Friday night. 4. Dating can get Expensive! Unfortunately, for the vast majority of college students out there today, dating isn’t really a viable financial prospect. Not serious dating anyhow. Going out get be pricey enough. When possible, keep dating as humble as possible. 5. Grades Could Suffer Once people begin throwing the â€Å"L†word around, things could get complicated. What if there’s a pregnancy? If grades are a high priority, then keep it that way and make sure that dating doesn’t cause you to completely divert from your long term goals. 6. Guys and Girls Are not at the Same Page While most girls think of relationships as committment to the other person and love, most guys dont strive for anything serious in college and approach relationships as fun. This is about not about good or bad its just the fact caused by differences in gender psychology. Both boys and girls should find balance between having fun and serious commitment and discuss their expetations from the relationships before jumping into things too quickly. 7. Be a Yes Person It’s college. If someone asks you out you nod and say, â€Å"yes.†Simple. Obviously there are exceptions, but as a general rule you should be taking every single opportunity that comes your way to make friends, learn about new people and set up college networks of friends. Give people a chance you normally wouldn’t. Remember, after college it’s all about who you know. 8. Expectations are Poisonous When dating in college it’s best to keep the expectations at a minimum for the first few months. Is it a fling? Are you expecting a relationship from someone who is in a transitional phase of their life? Are they expecting you to wait and be faithful while they’re in Europe for six months without you? It’s best to keep your priorities in line and go with the flow. 9. Date Outside Your Major Whenever possibly try to dating someone in finance or marketing. If you’re in finance or marketing, go for a philosophy major. I’m kidding. But honestly, try not to get yourself stuck inside a little bubble where you never leave your own area of study. Date someone from a completely different major. Mingle! Get to know and make friends with people in as many different majors as possible. 10. Online College Dating? Is it really even online dating if you go to the same college? Hey, these days if you have issues with going to parties or trying to ask out people in your classes, then hop online and reach out to them that way. At this point, there’s nothing abnormal about it. â€Å"Hey, aren’t you in my 9am English class?†You can engage people in texting conversations and Facebook updates without having to get up close and personal. Overall, dating in college can be tricky for some, and easy for others. Make sure to live it up! Have you ever dated someone in your class? What that easy or not? Share your experience in the comments section!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Spanish Words Without a One-Word English Equivalent
Spanish Words Without a One-Word English Equivalent Here are some Spanish words for which there is no good one-word English equivalent: Amigovio/amigovia This word is fairly new and has various meanings dependent on context, but it often refers to a live-in girlfriend or boyfriend, or a friend with benefits. Katrina era mi amigovia, pero desde que estoy con Belà ©n no la vi ms. (Katrina was my friend with benefits, but since Ive been with Belà ©n I dont see her any more.) Anteayer The day before yesterday, formed by combining ante (before) and ayer (yesterday). Ese es el restaurante al que fuimos anteayer. (That is the restaurant we went to the day before yesterday.) Aprovechar Although this verb can often be translated simply as to use, it often carries a strong connotation of getting the most out of something. No pude aprovechar de la piscina del hotel porque prefiero la playa. (I couldnt take advantage of the hotels swimming pool because I prefer the beach.) Bimestre As a noun, a bimestre is a period of two months. El ahorro en un bimestre fue de 2,500 euros. (There was a savings of 2,500 euros in two months.) As an adjective, bimestre means bimonthly (every two months). Cacerolazo A type of protest in which participants bang on pots and pans. Los cacerolazos comenzaron ayer temprano en Buenos Aires. (The pots-and-pans protest began early yesterday in Buenos Aires.) Centenar A group of 100. The word is often used as an approximation for a large group. Un centenar de inmigrantes de origen subsahariano han intentado saltar la valla de Melilla. (About 100 sub-Saharan immigrants have tried to jump the fence at Melilla.) Concuado/concuada Someone married to a sibling of your spouse is a concuà ±ado or concuà ±ada. La esposa del hermano de mi esposa is mi concuà ±ada. My wifes brothers wife is my concuà ±ada. Consuegro/consuegra If you have a child, his or her spouses parents are your consuegros. For example, your sons wifes mother would be your consuegra. No sà © si mi consuegra es mi amiga or mi enemiga. (I dont know if my childs spouses mother is friend or foe.) Decena Just as a docena is a dozen or group of 12, a decena is a group of 10. Puedes comprar flores por decena. (You can buy flowers 10 at a time.) Desvelarse This reflexive verb refers to not getting sufficient sleep. Cuando nos desvelamos, el cuerpo obtiene energà a de una fuente ms accesible: la comida. (When we dont get enough sleep, the body gets energy from the most accessible source: food.) Someone who is sleep-deprived is desvelado. Empalagar To be excessively sweet, either literally (as of some candy) or figuratively (as with personality). Te voy a enseà ±ar mi receta particular, por causa de que la original me empalaga. (Im going to send you my own recipe, because the original is too sweet for me.) Entrecejo The area above the nose, below the forehead and between the eyebrows. Quiero quitarme sin dolor los pelos del entrecejo. (I want to painlessly remove the hairs between my eyebrows.) Estrenar To wear, use, perform or display something for the first time. Estrenà © las zapatillas que mi marido me habà a regalado. (For the first time, I put on the slippers that my husband had given me.) A noun form, estreno, can refer to a movie or play premiere or similar events. Friolento Sensitive to cold. Era friolento y se cubrà a los hombros con un suà ©ter. (She was sensitive to the cold and covered her shoulders with a sweater.) Friolero has the same meaning. Estadounidense From or of the United States. American is a common equivalent but is sometimes ambiguous as it can also refer to someone or something from the Americas. La cultura estadounidense est construida por la clase media. (U.S. culture was built by the middle class.) Internauta Internet user. Internauta is not capitalized and can be masculine or feminine. El acceso a Internet para la poblacià ³n mexicana representa al menos 55.3 millones de internautas. (Internet access for the Mexican population is available to at least 55.3 million Internet users.) Manco Having one arm, either from birth or as an amputee. Un dà a conocà una muchacha manca. (One day I met a one-armed girl.) Quincena This is a period of 15 days or two weeks. British English has fortnight, which is seldom used in American English. Esta quincena es la ms tranquila del aà ±o en Pamplona. (This two-week period is the quietest of the year in Pamplona.) The word can also refer to the 15th of the month, when many workers in some countries get paid. Sobremesa After-meal conversation, from sobre (over) and mesa (table). Con poco tiempo para la sobremesa volvemos a la carretera. (With little time to chat after eating, we went back to the highway.) Trasnochar To stay up all night or put in an all-nighter. Nos trasnochbamos jugando juegos como Islander y Super Mario. (We would stay up all night playing games such as Islander and Super Mario.) Tuerto Having only one eye, or seeing with only one eye. Se llama Pirata por ser tuerto. (He was called Pirate because he had one eye.) Tutear To speak to someone using tà º, the familiar form of you. A cultural equivalent might be to speak with someone on a first-name basis. Nunca habà a llegado al punto de tutear a alguien. (I never have reached the point of using tà º with someone.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Burning Man outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Burning Man outline - Essay Example ve such a large number of individuals across the world spending so much of their efforts and their time to construct something that will only last a few weeks? Why would the same people spend a junk of their resources on things that do not have any monetary gains? What compelling force was behind the formation of the Burning man and what powers make it possible to spread as fast as it did soon after its foundation? The last question is what importance does the festival of burning man have on our lives? The answers to such issues relate to the creativity of the founders of the movement, who developed an idea that replicated and extended on itself to form one of the strongest movements. As such, the founders of the ceremony talk of the importance of the ceremony on the sensitization of humans on the need for identity. The body of this work will discuss a number of implications of the ceremony of burning man on the lives of people. For instance, there will be a demonstration of how the whole idea of the ceremony developed in relation to propaganda. As such, the work will describe the usefulness of idea novelty in the manipulation of the minds of individuals. There are those people who participate in the without understanding the needfulness of the same. Essentially, the creative extremities that the ceremony holds are a result of its differentiating ethos (Johnson 20). The ceremony could be one that satisfies the truthfulness of the quotation that what matters to the lives of people Is not what happens to them, but what they remember as well as how they remember it. What people do in life in relation to the burning man ceremony is, therefore, an emphasis on the usefulness of propaganda in the development of life-binding ideologies. The movement is now among those that inspires people across the world on the need for identity and personality. McRae, Kateri, et al. "Context-Dependent Emotion Regulation: Suppression and Reappraisal at the Burning Man Festival."Â Basic
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Tesco in Chinese Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Tesco in Chinese Market - Essay Example Question 2: To consider the risk and additional difficulties involved when a UK based retail supermarket expands its outlet to include wider Europe and Central Asia. The aim of the question is to get suitable answers that will aid in the reduction of some particular risks. The discussion will flow in the direction by first providing evidence of research which inform regarding the implications of expanding business in the said geographies and especially expanding in foreign markets. An analysis of the possible risks and steps involved to mitigate such risks will also be mentioned. Question 1: The proceedings of the RICS foundation construction and building research conference stated the following with regards to the client and stake holder briefing during the pre design phase of construction. "Client briefing is considered to be one of the most important stages in the life of a project .. Research in the UK has identified the need for the clients and advisers to be aware of the importance of what can be commonly termed, the strategic level of decision making."(Smith 2002) The research resulted in indicating that client briefing at the strategic level had the most potential for cost savings in the project. The outcome of the briefing can be maximized positively if client advisers at the time of meeting place high priority on: 1. Understanding the project priorities and business objectives 2. Providing advice which assist clients to gain competitive advantage. 3. Being client oriented rather than focusing too much on the details of the project to the detriment of the broader issues and objectives. (Hapanova et. al 2005) The briefing at the pre design stage should no doubt be one that is wholesome and involve all the participants in an active manner. This can be achieved only if the needs and concerns of everyone are addressed. Eventually there arises a need for the development of a process that will systematically solve issues and clarify doubts raised. The process must be useful well organized and sensitive to client and stakeholder needs. Thus any briefing process designed must have the following essentials in order to improve outcomes for the client, the stake holder and the members in the design team. 1. Create various strategic options for the future direction of the organization 2. Actively involve a range and number if different types of stake holder; 3. adopt fair and rigorous means of decision making 4. To allow each participant (the client, stakeholder and the members in the design team) to contribute to the decision making process irrespective of their position and their role in the organizational hierarchy. 5. Involve external stakeholders so that they can contribute to the development of a strategic decision. 6. Provide commitment to decisions made to improve their chances of implementation. 7. be supported by senior management in the process and through the decision makin
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Failure Of Materials Essay Example for Free
Failure Of Materials Essay Failure of materials is an analysis in engineering world, to approach and determining about how and why a materials has failed, like iron bar, why it can crocked or porous. Some general causes of failure are structural leading, wear corrosion and latent defects. Failure of materials must be known by an engineer, safety is the first word when engineer working building structure. They can not take random about materials that is used. They must know strength, flexibility, and endure of materials. For adding, with developing and updating software or research that had be done by company, we’ll more easy to know the characteristic of materials that we use. TYPICAL OF FAILURE OF MATERIALS Fatigue Failures Metal fatigue is caused by repeated cycling of the load below its static yield strength. It is a progressive localized damage due to fluctuating stresses and strains on the material. Metal fatigue cracks initiate and propagate in regions where the strain is most severe. The process of fatigue consists of three stages Initial crack initiation, Progressive crack growth across the part, and Final sudden fracture of the remaining cross section. Corrosion Failures Corrosion is chemically induced damage to a material that results in deterioration of the material and its properties. It is most coming from environment. Corrosion is normal, it is can not be removed, but can be minimized with several strategy like proper choice of material, design, coatings, and occasionally by changing the environment. Various types of metallic and nonmetallic coatings are regularly used to protect metal parts from corrosion. If corrosion can be minimized, materials be able to use and more advantage. Ductile and Brittle Metal Failures Ductile metals experience observable plastic deformation prior to fracture. Brittle metals experience little or no plastic deformation prior to fracture. At times metals behave in a transitional manner partially ductile/brittle. Ductile fracture is characterized by tearing of metal and significant plastic deformation. The ductile fracture may have a gray, fibrous appearance. Ductile fractures are associated with overload of the structure or large discontinuities. High Temperature Failures In physics theory, when a materials is being warm, they will expand than original size. We know about boilers, gas turbine engines, and ovens are some of the systems that have components that experience creep.  An understanding of high temperature materials behavior is beneficial Failures involving creep are usually easy to identify due to the deformation that occurs. Failures may appear ductile or brittle. While creep testing is done at constant temperature and constant load actual components may experience damage at various temperatures and loading conditions. in evaluating failures in these types of systems. High temperature progressive deformation of a material at constant stress is called creep. High temperature is a relative term that is dependent on the materials being evaluated. Liquid Metal and Hydrogen embitterment Failures  Liquid metal embitterment is the decrease in ductility of a metal caused by contact with liquid metal. The decrease in ductility can result in catastrophic brittle failure of a normally ductile material. Very small amounts of liquid metal are sufficient to result in embitterment. The liquid metal can not only reduce the ductility but significantly reduce tensile strength. Liquid metal embitterment is an insidious type of failure as it can occur at loads below yield stress. Thus, catastrophic failure can occur without significant deformation or obvious deterioration of the component. Hydrogen embitterment failures are frequently unexpected and sometimes catastrophic. An externally applied load is not required as the tensile stresses may be due to residual stresses in the material. The threshold stresses to cause cracking are commonly below the yield stress of the material. Very small amounts of hydrogen can cause hydrogen embitterment in high strength steels. Common causes of hydrogen embitterment are pickling, electroplating and welding, however hydrogen embitterment is not limited to these processes. There are causes of materials failure, but not disease that not have medicine. Every materials that we use have a protection, protection come from our knowledge about characteristic of materials as chemical composition, using guide or calculation and appointment the materials for our structure. Addition, many factory, metal – producing majority, also publish list of their product that have content about characteristic ( strength, elasticity, endure and treatment). Bibliography Omens, J. H., MacKenna, D. A., and McCulloch, A. D. Measurement of Strain and Analysis of Stress in Resting Rat Left Ventricular Myocardium.  J. Biomech Press,1993. TCR Engineering Services Technical Team. White Paper: Investigating Material and Component Failure.  TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. India, 2004. Haut Donahue, T. L., Gregersen, C., Hull, M. L., and Howell, S. M. Comparison of Viscoelastic, Structural, and Material Properties. ASME, 1994.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions Essay
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions Who would have ever thought the way a radioactive particle decays would relate to whether or not we have bad attitudes towards life? Who would have ever suspected that the structure of space-time would be so closely linked to whether or not we would marry rich wives? And who indeed would have ever expected that the properties of light might affect whether or not we go on homicidal rampages? Perhaps Kurt Vonnegut did. Could it be possible that a writer known more for his pictures of assholes than his knowledge of advanced physics actually centered some of the deepest concepts in his works on the philosophical implications of general relativity and quantum mechanics? Two of his greatest novels, Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions, both seem to hint at the relationship between modern physics and an idea philosophers call determinism. Vonnegut readers might well scratch their heads and flip through their copies of these books, searching the stories of the fragmented life of a war veteran and the deranged antics of a mad car salesman for a chapter on the Schrà ¶dinger wave equation they may have skipped. I freely admit that their search will be in vain, and that no truly concrete proof exists that Vonnegut based the ideas in these books on the latest discoveries of science. But I also contend that the parallels between Vonnegut’s work and advanced physics are a little too perfect to be a series of very lucky accidents. From this perspective, it seems likely that Vonnegut used ideas based on physics to support the idea of determinism in Slaughterhouse-Five and destroy it in Breakfast of Champions. But perhaps before arguing about the ways Von... ...e and what he saw made him more optimistic. Or maybe it was all due to copious consumption of the â€Å"little pill[s]†he takes to â€Å"cheer up†(Vonnegut, Breakfast of†¦ 4). Even Vonnegut might not know for certain. All that can be said with confidence is that Vonnegut’s idea of truth evolved between Slaughterhouse-Five and Breakfast of Champions, just like the theories and concepts of physics do even now. In the end, so too must all human knowledge die and be reborn. As Vonnegut might say (Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse†¦ 34), â€Å"So it goes.†Works Cited Rachels, James. Problems from Philosophy. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005. Vonnegut, Kurt. Breakfast of Champions. New York: Dell Publishing, 1973. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York: Dell Publishing, 1969. Zukav, Gary. Dancing Wu-Li Masters. New York: William Morrow and Company, inc., 1979.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lascelles Chin …. the Journey of a Jamaican Entrepreneur
Lascelles Chin is founder, chairman and Chief executive officer of the Lasco Group of Companies in Jamaica. The Lasco group is made up of Lasco Distributors, Lasco Foods Successors Ltd, Lasco Foods Ltd, Lasco Barbados Ltd, Lasco Financial Services Limited and Lasco Remittance Services. The range of products and services delivered by the companies is diverse. Lasco Foods Successors Ltd is responsible for the manufacturing and exporting of soy based products while Lasco Foods Ltd is responsible for the packaging of milk powders. Lasco Distributors Ltd is responsible for the local distribution of the ever expanding range of consumer and pharmaceutical products that has made Lasco a household name in Jamaica. These companies currently run by Lascelles Chin marks the present milestone on an entrepreneurial journey by Lascelles Chin that has stretched for more than forty years, Mr. Chin intends to continue this quest for another forty years and beyond. His entrepreneurial journey started in 1961. According to Mr. Chin, he started business with ?175 and was at a great disadvantage as many prominent families were dominating the commercial landscape in Jamaica at the time. He persevered, did his research and learnt as much as he could about manufacturing and distribution practices, importation and various related fields. His policy was to deal honestly with his customers, work very hard and most importantly, avoid spending more than he earned, (Observer 2009). Accordingly this helped him to achieve success. He also realized quite early in life that the only way to maintain success as a business entrepreneur was by honing his skills, hard work, determination, perseverance, clarity of vision and the ability to see obstacles as challenges, (Observer 2009). After graduating from high school in the 1950s Lascelles Chin worked as a lab technician for a short period before taking up a job as a salesman. He did well, and focused on saving portions of his earnings which he later used to start National Trading Company. This principle of not spending more than you earn or saving as much as you can from your earnings would set the stage for his development as an entrepreneur. With this business he sold peas and powdered pepper on a commission basis. He later became a distributor of Henkel products upon recommendation from a visiting representative. The business did well by targeting furniture manufacturers with the Pattex brand of adhesive. Later, during the 1970s, when people were leaving Jamaica in droves, Mr. Chin decided to stay and expand his warehouse and factory. Here Mr. Chin demonstrates the strength and resolution to move against the tide and lay foundations for the future when others were packing up and calling it quits. With time the business moved from Orange Street, downtown Kingston to East Street and then to its current location on Red Hills Road, (Gleaner 2006). He later went on operate other lines of business, Kingston Heirlooms, manufacturing and exporting furniture, Datrex Limited, computer supplies and parts, Triple A Car Rental, Zenith Insurance Brokers, Soft Sheen and Exotic Farms Limited to name a few, (Gleaner 2006). It was however the LASCO branded businesses LASCO Foods Limited and LASCO Distributors Limited operated by Mr. Chin from the 1980’s which made him and his businesses household names within Jamaica. The motivation behind his businesses†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. the unfulfilled needs identified A journey which started with a man selling peas and powered seasoning on a commission basis had now developed into a number of businesses driven by the same man fuelled with a passion to deliver the best value for money to its customers. According to the company’s website, Lascelles Chin founded LASCO in 1988; its initial operation included the importation of bulk skimmed milk powder and repackaging of sachets for distribution within the Jamaican market. Chin’s intention was to provide a source of milk protein which was affordable for all. Since then Lascelles Chin business has grown from packaging and distributing skim milk to the corporate entity it is today providing a wide range of pharmaceutical, food, household and personal care products to Jamaica the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and England, (LASCO website, 2010). Lascelles Chin apparently influenced by his daily and close interaction with the grass root people on the streets of Kingston during his earlier days as a Salesman, having seen their need for an improved nutritional intake sought to source and deliver products at prices which could be afforded by all. By doing so he has made valuable contribution to the development of the Jamaican society and its labour force with his delivery of nutrition or nutritious products within the reach of the poor and needy. His drive in this area has lead to the pioneering of a number of soy based protein products again with an emphasis on nutritious value and affordability. Procurement of resources Lascelles Chin was able to start his first business, National Trading Company with a few pounds, an accumulation of his savings from his job as a lab technician and sales person. Along the way his business grew due to his timely and astute business decisions which included ventures some of which were risky at the time. Some of those businesses have failed due to changes in the Jamaican landscape, for instance Kingston Heirlooms, his furniture business which was a good earner of valuable foreign exchange at the time suffered from changes in government policies which made conditions difficult for manufacturers. In order to deliver affordable products LASCO has gone to great lengths to source raw materials, consumer and pharmaceutical goods from cost effective sources. LASCO has formed allegiance with major international manufacturers. One of those searches led LASCO to Solae Incorporated, a subsidy of the DuPont Group. With their help LASCO was able to pioneer its current and growing range of soy protein isolate products, facilitating the delivery of highly tasty, nutritious products at an incredible low price to consumers across the Caribbean, (LASCO website, 2010). According to LASCO’s website, â€Å"the popularity of their soy based product has made LASCO the Number One customer in the world for soy protein isolate from Solae Incorporated. Additionally, the American Soybean Association has hailed the LASCO Food Drink line as the tastiest soy product in the world†. Bolstered by this success, LASCO continues its global search for the most affordable, best quality products and have branded corned beef from Argentina, mackerel from Chile, ketchup from the Eastern Caribbean, and vitamins from an outstanding US supplier, whole milk from Ireland, and Corn Flakes from Germany†(LASCO website, 2010). LASCO Distributors has also formed an important strategic alliance with Johnson & Johnson (Jamaica) Limited on April 2, 2001. As a result of that arrangement, LASCO Distributors handles the distribution of all Johnson & Johnson products while LASCO Pharmaceutical Division is esponsible for Lifescan, Contact Lens, and Pharmacy sales. (LASCO website, 2010) According to an interview conducted by Gleaner Lifestyle Editor, Barbara Ellington with Lascelles Chin in 2006 and published in May 2006, a lot of effort is placed in sourcing by the LASCO group. Approximately 50% is purchased locally, 15% within the CARICOM countries and the rest from international firms. According to Mr. Chin in that interview, part of his strategy lies in the fact that he sources well and is not greedy for huge profit margins, this strategy facilitates giving the customers value for money, considering the poorest in the society at all times. He effectively reaps the benefits of the eventual sales volume by keeping his prices one tenth, one fifth or even half of others, (Gleaner, 2006). Lascelles Chin takes pride in the LASCO team who support and execute the corporate strategy on a daily basis in their respective roles. According to the Gleaner Article, May 2006, he indicated that his team is a hard working and dedicated one which operates like a family; they are treated well and are willing to go beyond the call of duty. He believes he has some of the best workers in Jamaica. Challenges faced and overcome The challenges faced by Lascelles Chin during his entrepreneurial journey have been as varied as each of the over forty years since he started National Trading Company. He has faced numerous challenges with financing, security cost, government regulations, changing technology, and the ever changing Jamaican economic landscape to name a few. According to Mr. Chin in his interview with Barbara Ellington, â€Å"In the early days, he wanted a line of credit of ?1,000, and the banks would not give it to him. They thought he was crazy, he eventually got it from Scotia bank†. His problems with pilferage downtown forced a movement of his earlier operations from East Street to Red Hills Road. Today his operations on Red Hills Road and those at his expansive distribution plant at White Marl Central Village, due to their location in two troubled communities have created high security cost. The LASCO team in a bid to mitigate this cost at these locations takes steps to â€Å"work with the communities, establish good relationships and avoid going home late†. Faced with the high manufacturing cost of the 1990s Lascelles.Chin was forced to shut down and bear the losses associated with his furniture and data processing companies. Mr. Chin has however graciously accepted the philosophy that â€Å"failure in a business is an opportunity to learn†. In his bid to He has fought and loss battles with the government pertaining to government regulations geared towards protecting the local milk industry by its imposition of tax levies on powdered milk. LASCO imports a lot of its raw materials and finished products, this creates a demand for foreign currency to service those foreign accounts. In a bid to lessen this strenuous demand compounded by the ever depreciating Jamaican dollar LASCO has leverage its business with the inclusion of LASCO Financial services, a licensed cambio and LASCO Remittance Services a Money Gram representative in Jamaica. These two businesses along with LASCO Successors, which manufactures and exports soy-based, products helps to generate the foreign exchange needed by the LASCO Group. Financial Performance and Customer’s Perception of the business To date LASCO has been doing well. Lead by its founder’s philosophy of giving back from the profits made, the corporation has made numerous and continuous sponsorships and contributions to various areas of nation building, The National Policeman, Nurse, Teacher and Principal and Pharmacist of the Year Awards, are just a few of the many such programmes that LASCO has been associated with over the years. It contributes to various school feeding programmes, school related competitions, it makes donations to various government programmes, mothers and various charities. In return LASCO has gain customer loyalty which keeps the wheels of their business turning. The LASCO brand is currently a household name, synonymous with the provision of healthy nutritious and affordable products and services. According to its website, â€Å"LASCO is renowned for its quality beverages, cereals, canned meats and sauces, personal care items, household products and pharmaceuticals. The company has pioneered a range of products, which utilizes soy protein and delivers to the consumer a highly nutritious product at an incredible low price†. Future Outlook In the earlier operations of his business, Lascelles Chin was supported by is then wife Audrey Chin and other family members at different points along the journey. Today, his eldest daughter holds a senior position in one of the divisions. The LASCO business is a going concern and will remain that way whilst it continues to offer and deliver the kind of products and services that has led to its significant growth over the last two decades. The core business has grown from offering three products to ove r an hundred items. Its consumer and pharmaceutical lines continues to grow with the addition of a range of products each year. The LASCO brand now includes the LASURE, LASCARE and LASMED range of products. Its focus is still on the provision of â€Å"best quality for the consumer’s money†. Steps have been taken to expand their warehouse and distribution plant in White Marl. They have also invested heavily in a new information technology system. Their distribution network continues to spread across the Caribbean, Latin and Central America, The UK and Canada. Though it is dogged by constant competition from major players in the respective markets, LASCO continues to carve out a niche for itself by being the low cost, and value for money supplier of consumer and pharmaceutical products within Jamaica. Conclusion and Opinion of the entrepreneur’s journey Lascelles Chin journey has been one that strongly demonstrates the power of determination mixed with consistent effort in spite of adverse circumstances. Though he has won numerous awards and worn various civic hats including, The Order of Jamaica, The 2001 Business Leader of the Year, The 1997 Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Jamaica Institute of Management, The President of the Jamaica Exporters Association and is considered to be one of Jamaica’s leading philanthropists, he remains humble in his quest to make â€Å"Living Affordable â€Å"for the Jamaican people. He is an inspiration to all; he has in no uncertain way demonstrated that much can be gained, even with a small start. His entrepreneurial prowess were not garnered in academia, but were nurtured nonetheless by a quest to understand the business landscape and environment ensuring that he understood clearly what he was shaping and the factors that would ensure a successful execution of those ventures. He was unsuccessful in some of his ventures but was not deter from his quest to make a valiant contribution to the development of Jamaica. If I were to have taken the journey taken by Lascelles Chin, before I understood his process and his strategy for success, I probably would have stopped from the 1970’s and become a part of the massive tide of migrants leaving the island for a better opportunity elsewhere. I believe I have a bit of persistence and perseverance but probably would have been deterred from pursuing ventures geared towards improving the quality of life of the Jamaican society by the negative elements within the same society who would have pilfered by business place. The challenges presented by the lack of effort from the different governments to preserve manufacturing or keep the exchange rate stable or exercise the measures needed to curb crime and criminality would have probably led to my â€Å"locking shop†and leaving Jamaica. However, based on the lessons learnt from the journey of Lascelles Chin who started out with his savings, made prudent decisions, braved the economic times and conditions, focused on his goal of improving the quality of life of the poor and needy, through various economic, governmental and technological and social changes, I would take up the mantle of entrepreneurship, having the understanding that success can be achieved, through perseverance, determination, clarity of vision, whilst taking one step at a time, spending less than I earn and treating each failure challenge or obstacle as an opportunity to advance. References Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview: Lascelles Chin – Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview: Lascelles Chin – Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview: Lascelles Chin – Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Ellington Barbara May 22, 2006, The Monday Interview: Lascelles Chin – Brand Domination at its Best. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www. jamaica- gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html Kumar, S (June 2003), Transformation: A Journey. Retrieved on April 26, 2010 from http://www. caibinc. org/files_custom/3176_2350. df National Commercial Bank Annual Report 2009, Retrieved on May 04, 2010 from http://www. jncb. com/docs/NCB_Annual_Report_2009. pdf http://zenithbrokers. com/about_us. html https://www. jamaicaobserver. com/news/161017_Question-Time Ellington Barbara, The Monday Interview: Lascelles Chin – Brand domination at its best http://www. jamaica-gleaner. com/gleaner/20060522/business/business1. html http://www. lascojamaica. com/site/company-profile. htm
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Banana Sap As Natural Ink Essay
Banana (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca) is a very common plant in Malaysia and in the Philippines. Often the banana trunk is thrown away after harvesting the fruit. The waste material is biodegradable. Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the Genus Musa, and is also the name given to the fruit of these plants. It is a native plant found in the tropical region of Southeast Asia, the Malay Archipelago, and Australia. Today, it is cultivated throughout the Tropics. The banana was mentioned for the first time in written history in Buddhist texts in 600 BC. The stalk is the stem of the banana plant. The banana stalk produces one huge flower cluster and then dies. The stalk is usually cut off the plant when the bananas are plump and ready to ripen. Before it dies, there are a number of things the banana stalk can be used for. The use of banana sap, as a medium for artwork has never been explored in Malaysia. Banana sap is used in other countries such as Indonesia as textile dying and Latin America as Medicinal uses. Banana sap from some parts of the tree contains pigment and dyes, thus not aware of this potential medium is a waste. This material is biodegradable and this research is conducted to test the potential of banana sap as a pigment and dye to be used as an alternative natural ink. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers wish to extend their most sincere appreciation to the following people who helped make this research. They are the people who helped and contributed for the success of this endeavor. To God, for his gift of wisdom and understanding, and for answering our prayers in their times of need. To their Science teacher, Ms. Avrylle Corpuz for teaching the researchers the fundamental of research and investigatory writing and for showing a great deal of patience though at times the researchers tends to be naughty and wild. To their parents and family members, for the unending love and support that they gave. To the observer/respondents, for their integrity and cooperation. And lastly, to all those who were a part of this work, they thanked themselves for being cooperative and hardworking throughout the investigatory project. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study A banana is an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants of the genus Musa. (In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called plantains.) The fruit is variable in size, color and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Along with this edible fruit is saps: extremely sticky and can be used as a practical adhesive. Sap can be obtained from either the pseudostem, the fruit peelings, or from the flesh. Ink is a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design. Ink nowadays, are used by many people around the world. Nowadays, ink is getting much more expensive. An average of 22$ (880pesos) per quarter ounce. Ink is mostly made out of comprising solvents, pigments, dyes, resins, lubricants, solubilizers, surfactants, particulate matter, and fluorescers. Thus the experiment is all about recycling banana saps and making ink more affordable. There have been many experiments ahead of this. Others have tried using berries beet juice, orange, and many other more. But, these fruits that are used, needs the juice, skin, and the likes. The researchers chose banana because they are using not the fruit itself but the saps. Also, most fruits that are used for the making of the ink. The researchers think that this will help them attain a better quality of life because it will cut down the prices of ink. All these set aside the question on everyone’s mind is: Will this natural ink be as effective as the ink people are using today? Statement of the Problem This study determines the effect and practicality of banana sap in making a natural ink. The banana stalk, where the researchers got the banana sap, was biodegradable. It specifically seeks to answer the following question: 1. Will the product really work as an alternative natural ink? 2. Is the natural ink from the banana sap better than the commercial inks? 3. Does the natural ink from the banana sap require a preservative? Significance of the Study Nature can provide for everyday needs such as writing ink. Traditional ink sources include flower petals and tree bark, and though fruit sources are less traditional, they also make for useful ink. Berries and cherries, with their high juice content, are ideal for ink making. Unlike other juicy fruits such as watermelons, citrus fruits or peaches, berry and cherry juice are dark enough to show on writing paper. On this study, the researchers chose a banana sap as an alternative natural ink so that they will be able to know and discover other natural alternative inks aside from berries, which is commonly used. Scope and Limitation The study of comparing banana sap as a natural ink to a commercial ink is limited only on the use of banana sap, dye and commercial ink. For the study, the researchers just emptied the unused pens or pens that won’t function well. The researchers were also careful in doing this because ink might be harmful if swallowed and it may irritate the eyes. The group will only use banana sap with powdered dye (diluted with water) and an empty invisible pen to perform the study. The researchers will not use any other substance or chemicals as enhancer to the natural ink. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca and Its Pseudostems Bananas (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca) are native to tropical Southeast Asia, but have long been cultivated in many countries from Asia to Europe for its fruit and to a lesser extent for its fiber. Banana is commonly mistaken as a tree but it is actually a large perennial flowering herb with leaf sheaths that form trunk-like pseudostems that grows from a corm. Banana can grow up to 7 meters in height that has about 8 – 12 spirally arranged leaves that are up to 2.7 meters long and 0.6 meter wide. Banana sap is among the most sticky and stubborn substances on earth. You will never get it off your clothes, some people say. Banana sap is extremely sticky and can be used as a practical adhesive. Sap can be obtained from the pseudostem, from the fruit peelings, or from the fruit flesh. Banana Sap as Dye for Fabrics Banana sap is used as a medium to dye fabrics in Indonesia and Philippines. The color of banana sap is brownish and it’s substance on the fabrics well. Dried banana peel contains 30 to 40% tannin content; it’s used to blacken leather. The ash from the dried peel of bananas and plantains is rich in potash and used for making soap. While that of the burned peel of unripe fruits of certain varieties is used for dyeing. In the Philippines, the Pinatubo Negritos cut off a banana plant close to the ground, make a hollow in the top of the stump, which then fills with watery sap is drank as an emergency thirst quencher. Central Americans obtain the sap of the red banana in the same manner and take it as an aphrodisiac. Making Berry Inks (Huckleberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Pokeberry) Ink making is a wonderful way to use up some of the berries that you can forage for outdoors or grow in your garden. With a berry ink, you can do wonderful water washes, use a dip pen and write great letters, or use it for various drawings and sketches. You can also use your ink for spiritual journaling or magical work. Having an ink you’ve made yourself allows you to be creative while making use of sustainable materials that are locally harvestable. Berries should be ripe (never under-ripe) or slightly over-ripe. Berries that have a nice dark stain when you cut it open are effective. Berry inks are going to be a little more watery and lighter than a traditional synthetic or processed ink. Banana Sap in Medicine All parts of the banana plant have medicinal applications because banana sap has the properties of antifungal and antibiotic. Found in the peel and pulp of fully ripe bananas, the antibiotic acts against Mycobacteria .The inside of the peel has anti-septic properties as it can be wrapped directly around wounds or cuts in an emergency. The flowers of banana can be used for treatment in bronchitis and dysentery and on ulcers; cooked flowers are given to diabetics; the astringent plant sap in cases of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, fevers, hemorrhages and acute dysentery, however it is also applied on hemorrhoids insect and other stings and bites; young leaves are placed as poultices on burns and other skin afflictions; the astringent ashes of the unripe peel and leaves are taken in dysentery and diarrhea and used for treating malignant ulcers. The roots are administered in digestive dysentery and other ailments; banana seed mucilage is given in cases of catarrh and diarrhea in India. Banana sap is also used to reduce high blood pressure; serotonin inhibits gastric secretion and stimulates the smooth muscle of the intestines. Alleged hallucinogenic effects of the smoke of burning banana peel have been investigated scientifically and have not been confirmed. Charcoal Briquettes from Banana Peels These days there is increased pressure on forests as people cut trees for firewood and other purposes in the last 30 years, for example, Uganda has lost half of her forest cover. Local people are being encouraged to adopt energy saving technologies that put less pressure on natural resources. One example is the use of banana peelings, commonly referred to as banachakol (banana charcoal), to A woman from a group of community workers known as Bakyala Tweyune (â€Å"Women in self-help†), responsible to make the banachakol, and the production process for the briquettes. The technology that will save many trees is started in Lungujja near Kampala, where a woman named Namusoke Immaculate, the founder of Bakyala Tweyune women’s group, has innovated a new method of alternative fuel by turning banana peelings into charcoal briquettes. They just used one-half basin full of fresh banana peelings, a quarter basin of charcoal dust, and a quarter basin of fine sand. They chop the fresh banana peelings into small pieces. Once the banana peelings are chopped, and then mix the three ingredients together – the banana peelings, the charcoal dust and the sand. The demand of the banana briquettes will make people sort banana peelings from garbage in areas where they are thrown. Conceptual Framework This study primarily focused on the banana sap as an effective natural ink and to be able to compare the natural ink from commercial ink. The dependent variable is the banana sap while the independent variable is the powdered dye (diluted with water). In this study, the dependent variable is the banana sap (extract) because the researchers extracted it with their materials. The independent variable is the powdered dye because it is pre-manufactured. Hypothesis Banana sap is extremely sticky and it stains your clothes hideously and immediately. The natural ink from the banana sap will be effective but it will be a little more watery than a processed (commercial) ink and it won’t last long. The product is also natural so it will be removed easily. Definition of Terms Musa Ãâ€" paradisiaca – Banana; It is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit Pseudostem- It is a false stem made of the rolled bases of leaves. Mycobacteria- It is a bacterium of a group which includes the causative agents of leprosy and tuberculosis. Banachakol- It is a banana charcoal. Banana Sap- It is among the most sticky and stubborn substances on earth. You will never get it off your clothes. Tannin- It is a yellowish or brownish bitter-tasting organic substance present in some galls, barks, and other plant tissues, consisting of derivatives of gallic acid. Commercial Ink- Ink that has been used by people these days. Cloth Thread- It is a kind of thin yarn, thin fibers spun together, for textiles and sewing. Musa- It is one of three genera in the family Musaceae; it includes bananas and plantains. Ink- It is a colored fluid or paste used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating. Invisible pen- It features invisible ink that can only be revealed using the UV black light in the cap. Rinsable- Capable of being rinsed. METHODOLOGY Materials The materials that were used in this study were the banana sap from the banana stalk, container, cloth thread, a casserole, wooden stick that will be used for pounding, powdered dye, water and an empty invisible pen. Collection A medium sized banana stalk was collected from one of the researcher’s backyard. The empty invisible pen was collected from one of the researchers’ house. The container, cloth thread, casserole and the wooden stick were collected from one of the researchers’ kitchen. Procedure A. Measurement of the Materials Needed Four (4) table spoons of powdered dye (diluted with water), one (1) invisible pen, and the extract of a medium sized banana stalk. B. Preparation of the set-up Four (4) set ups were prepared; set-up one (1) was made up of the preparation and production for the banana sap, set-up (2) was made up for the preparation of the powdered dye, set-up three (3) was made up of the preparation of the empty invisible pen and set-up four (4) was made up of the mixture of the banana sap and the diluted powdered dye. C. Preparation of the Mixture The banana sap and the diluted powdered dye were mixed in container, boiled and put inside the invisible pen. D. Disposal The non- biodegradable and biodegradable materials that were used were segregated. Methodology Flow Chart Preparation of the Materials Needed Getting the Banana Sap (extract) from the Banana Stalk Preparation of the Dye (Diluted with Water) Mixture of the Banana Sap and Dye Observation of the Finished Product Disposal of Used Materials Evaluation and Comparison from a Commercial Ink The table shows the inks’ effect when used to write on paper. For the natural ink, the researchers chose a black dye (diluted with water) then, mixed with the banana sap extract. From the researchers’ observations and comparisons, the natural ink is more pale in color compared to the commercial ink. From the data above, it clearly states the effectiveness of the natural ink. The researchers chose the banana sap as a mixture with the dye because the its extract is sticky and it stains clothing. Lastly, there are no significant effect to the skin of the researchers who mixed and the banana sap and dye which may be interpreted as allergy or irritation. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based from the results gathered in the experiments, the researchers conclude that using Banana sap (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca), in the form of a decoction, is an effective alternative natural ink. Banana saps are free and the other materials needed in making the decoction can be easily found in any household. Furthermore, the researchers conclude that the banana sap is environment friendly because it is organic and safe to use for humans because there are no side effects in using it aside from the stickiness of it and it might stain their clothing. Compared to the commercial ink, the natural ink is a little watery and it’s easier to wash off your hands. Recommendations Based from the drawn conclusions, the researchers further recommend the following: a. Conduct more experiment using varied conditions and method of preparation. b. Use different sub-specie of banana tree. c. Use applications on different types of paper as ink. d. Use or add other sticky substances. e. Conduct an experiment on a longer span of time. Bibliography Mimosa Pudica and Its Pseudostems Landmeier, P., Plants of Eastern Guatemala, December 16, 2012, What Is Banana, 2011 Banana Sap as Dye for Fabric Ahmad, H., ALTERNATIVE MEDIUM FOR ARTWORKS, October 2007 Making Berry Inks Willowcrow, Making Berry Inks (Huckleberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Pokeberry, Etc.), August 29, 2012
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on My House
The somewhat small, yet livable, country home is filled with the inviting fragrance of delightfully scented candles in the afternoon and the delicious aroma of my mother's secret recipes in the early evening. Each person who enters is immediately greeted by the fragrances and finds themselves staying a little longer than they planned. The delicate light from my mom’s recently bought lamp beckons sleep and the faded gray cushions on the worn living room couch holds many a drowsy head. The inside of the house consists of rooms that are small and barely separated so that you always knew what is going on in the next room. From the living room, you often see my mother giggling at one of my father's corny jokes as she prepares supper while he piddles about. In the living room, I sit watching reruns of my favorite shows as my brother constantly teases me by frequently changing the channels. He begs me to play games of checkers and â€Å"go-fish†as we wait for dinner to be ready. We always eat dinner together in the dining room that barely separates the kitchen from the living room. The dinner table is a small wooden oval that has wobbly legs and shakes when one of us laughs. Sometimes trivial arguments take place when my brother hurls mashed potatoes from his spoon at me or I chew with my mouth open one too many times. After dinner, my brother, my dad, and I quickly race to see who can make it out of the house long enough to be excused from kitchen duties. My mom and dad read stories to my brother and often my dad tells us stories from when he was a boy. It is a warm house. It’s warm even in the icy winter months when the heat is turned off at night to save money. During the winter, elevator music from the weather channel echoes from every room in the house as we all watch restlessly anticipating the new season’s blizzard. The outside of our house looks much ... Free Essays on My House Free Essays on My House The somewhat small, yet livable, country home is filled with the inviting fragrance of delightfully scented candles in the afternoon and the delicious aroma of my mother's secret recipes in the early evening. Each person who enters is immediately greeted by the fragrances and finds themselves staying a little longer than they planned. The delicate light from my mom’s recently bought lamp beckons sleep and the faded gray cushions on the worn living room couch holds many a drowsy head. The inside of the house consists of rooms that are small and barely separated so that you always knew what is going on in the next room. From the living room, you often see my mother giggling at one of my father's corny jokes as she prepares supper while he piddles about. In the living room, I sit watching reruns of my favorite shows as my brother constantly teases me by frequently changing the channels. He begs me to play games of checkers and â€Å"go-fish†as we wait for dinner to be ready. We always eat dinner together in the dining room that barely separates the kitchen from the living room. The dinner table is a small wooden oval that has wobbly legs and shakes when one of us laughs. Sometimes trivial arguments take place when my brother hurls mashed potatoes from his spoon at me or I chew with my mouth open one too many times. After dinner, my brother, my dad, and I quickly race to see who can make it out of the house long enough to be excused from kitchen duties. My mom and dad read stories to my brother and often my dad tells us stories from when he was a boy. It is a warm house. It’s warm even in the icy winter months when the heat is turned off at night to save money. During the winter, elevator music from the weather channel echoes from every room in the house as we all watch restlessly anticipating the new season’s blizzard. The outside of our house looks much ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Write A Good Definition Essay, with Topics
How To Write A Good Definition Essay, with Topics How to write a definition essay (Writing Guide) How to start How to write a main part How to write conclusion Outline example List of topics There are quite a number of essays that students are supposed to learn in high school and in college. Most of these skills are not just crucial for class work and exams, but rather they are also when it comes to daily activities at the place of work. As such, these are skills that go along the way into helping students tackle career chores with more ease. The definition essays tend to be long and thorough. Though it is not as popular as most of the other essays, it can prove to be a challenge. As such, where given a choice, students are advised to choose those words which have plenty to write about. This is relative to the lengthy nature of the essay and could mean that the student may run out of ideas before they can meet the length threshold. There are those words that have a definite meaning, such as book, tree or even glass among others. However, there are those that have a more abstract meaning depending on the person giving the definition. In an example, a word such as honor, love or honesty will have a personal and an academic meaning. As such, the word choice for a definition essay is crucial, relative to the determination of the amount of content a student can write about the same. The essay is written in the best choice of words for the readers to understand what the writer is trying to explain. It is important that the writ er does not use jargons to explain a word as they are trying to get the audience to understand. As such, simplicity and clarity are the keys when writing a definition essay. As such, the definition essay elicits a debate among the readers and between the readers and the writer, with regard to what the definition of a certain word is. It is important the writer is able to engage the audience in a battle to determine the true meaning of a word from a personal and academic point of view. Structure of a definiton essay Like most of the other essays, the importance of the outline cannot be underestimated. This is relative to the fact that the outline acts as the framework within which all the ideas in the essay are organized. It is also among the baselines which help the writer brainstorm on the ideas to include, check for weak links in the content development, reduce the time it takes to write the essay and refine the ideas outlay for the audience. Below is an example of what the outline of a definition essay will look like. Introduction Attention getter Thesis statement Body Body paragraph one: History and origin of the word Body paragraph two: Dictionary explanation and use of the word Body paragraph three: Personal definition Conclusion Following the definition essay outline guide stipulated above, it is crucial to understand the various aspects which go into making a good definition essay. Each of the sections on the outlines play a crucial role to help the audience engage the mind of the writer and vice versa, in the debatable explanation of what a word will mean to either of the parties. Introduction for a definition essay The introduction of the essay is crucial, as the writer uses it to help the audience connect with the debate and the ideas floated in the essay. The first part of the introduction is the attention getter. This is also referred to as the hook, as it is developed in a manner to get the attention of the readers. There are quite a number of articles that can be found online, among other mediums and thus it is upon the author to make sure they get the attention of the readers for them to engage with the article beyond the topic. The writer has to make sure they have the best start for the paper to keep the readers going further into the text. Even for the teachers, it is important that the student is able to keep them interested, which translates into better grades. Thesis The other part of the definition essay is the thesis statement. Like the attention getter, it is important for the writer to have the ability to develop a thesis statement which draws the readers to wanting to know more about the word. The trick here is to make sure the thesis statement is framed as an argument. In an example, the word patriotism does not mean that citizens have to blindly follow the values of the government, but those the nation was founded on. This creates an element of debate, where the author may argue, the sitting government does not inspire patriotism among the citizens. This is a topic likely to spark a sharp debate and makes sure the audience is eager to get to the bottom of the debate. The thesis statement in this case is clear, which means that the writers should always avoid being vague. At the same time, when writing a definition essay, the writer should ensure the thesis statement is short and precise. It also has to be a complete sentence, not just a ph rase that leaves the audience hanging, while identifying the purpose of the paper. Like an outline, the thesis statement is a guide, but one that defines the structure of the paper more than the outline does. The bottom line is that, other than the thesis statement being interesting, it should also be relevant to the debate developed in the paper. Body paragraphs The body of the definition essay articulates the debate established in the thesis statement an elaborated in the introduction. The first paragraph of the body paragraphs debates the issues regarding the history and origin of the paper. The first paragraph is associated with introducing the word to the audience and helping them to better understand the baseline of the word and what it to be discussed in the paper. The first paragraph also helps to prepare the audience for the debate in the definition essay. The second paragraph of the paper is associated with defining the word according to dictionary meaning. The author may choose to select a number of reputable dictionaries to use, in the definition of the word. The second paragraph is a section that relates to getting the meaning of the word with an academic approach. The third paragraph of the definition essay is associated with the personal definition of the word. How to write conclusion for a definition essay The last part of the definition essay is the conclusion, where the writer summarizes the main points building the argument and then closing with an attention getter, by referring to the introduction and thesis statement. Finalizing definition essay To make sure the definition essay meets the academic and professional threshold, it is important to proofread the essay. This is to make sure there are no mistakes which could lower the integrity of the essay. When choosing the right word for the perfect essay, there are some elements to consider which include using a word that is abstract and has a complex meaning. It is important that the word is debatable and one which is familiar. The other important aspects include reading up on the dictionary meaning of the word and then researching on the origin of the word. List of topics for a definition essay: Love Success Honor Honesty Patriotism Hate Terrorism Farming Technology Laziness Cheating Marriage Relationship Family Rudeness Respect Sacrifice Boyfriend Wife Husband Girlfriend Home Fashion Beauty Privacy Rights Heroism Courage Fear Poverty Masculinity Feminism
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human Resource Management - Independent Study Essay
Human Resource Management - Independent Study - Essay Example First, they must integrate human resource policies and practices across a number of subsidiaries in different countries so that overall corporate objectives can be achieved. At the same time, the approach to HRM must be sufficiently flexible to allow for significant differences in the type of HR policies and practices that are most effective in different business and cultural settings. This problem of balancing integration (control and coordination from HQ) and differentiation (flexibility in policies and practices at the local subsidiary level) have long been acknowledged as common dilemmas facing HR and other functional managers in global corporations. Although some argue that IHRM is not unlike HRM in a domestic setting, others point out that there are significant differences. Specifically compared with domestic HRM, IHRM (I) encompasses more functions, (2) has more heterogeneous functions, (3) involves constantly changing perspectives, (4) requires more involvement in employees’ personal lives, (5) is influenced by more external sources, and (6) involves a greater level of risk than typical domestic HRM. When compared with domestic human resource management, IHRM requires a much broader perspective on even the most common HR activities. The number and variety of IHRM activities are daunting. International HR managers must deal with issues as varied as international taxation; international relocation and orientation; various other administrative services for expatriates; selecting, training and appraising local and international employees; and managing relations with host governments in a number of countries around the world. Even when dealing with one particular HR function area such as compensation, the international HR manager is faced with a great variety of national and international pay issues. For example, while dealing with pay issues, the HQ-based HR
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