Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Lamentation by Ludovicco Carracci Research Paper
The Lamentation by Ludovicco Carracci - Research Paper Example The figure’s pose invokes the dead Christ. It shows Christ’s right hand as being distorted. His left hand which is cradled by Mary Magdalene appears dislocated. The virgin has fainted at the sight of her son lying across her lap. In this artwork, the Virgin Mary is shown as a middle-aged woman instead of young and beautiful. Saint John is shielding Christ’s feet by a raised winding sheet and falls with increasing strength on his chest and head. The Virgin Mary, the other three Maries and Saint John are used to bring out a striking effect on the artwork with a neutral background (Wolk-Simon, Bambach & Alsteens 127). Mannerist was used to make the painting. The artwork is associated with the 15th century in the year 1582. The artwork’s origin is in Italy in Bologna. The artwork fits in the category of the 15th-century Italian printers. The technique used to make this artwork was painting using oil on canvas material. Traditional oil painting often began with sketches onto the canvas with charcoal, chalk or thinned paint. The oil paint was then mixed with linseed oil or other solvents to create a faster drying paint. Generally, solvents thin the oil in the paint. Moreover, each additional layer should contain more oil than the layer before it, to allow proper drying. If the additional layer contains less oil, then the final painting will crack and peel. The quality and type of oil determine whether the paint film is stable and strong. Oil paint does not dry fast it remains wet for long. This enables the artist to revise their work if any correction is needed. An artist can change the color , texture or the form of the whole artwork. Earlier works were panel paintings on wood but around the 15th century canvas became more popular. Canvas was preferred by artists because it was cheaper than wood and easy to transport because it was light. Painting using oil on canvas spread through Italy from
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cover Letter Prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cover Letter Prompt - Essay Example As mentioned earlier, Most of the tasks in the class were completed in groups. The group members learned from the group and also helped other members of the group also to learn. The group members worked until each member of the team understood and completed the task thus creating an atmosphere of the achievement. The collaborative learning created situations where the student were required to discuss various perspectives and thus they obtained greater understanding of the concepts. This cooperative learning helped the student to acquire critical thinking skills. In the group setting, student gave and received explanation often from their group members. In the group discussion, student received answers feedback and explanation about their ideas and could quickly formulate responses. The discussion and debate were therefore great. The class and group discussion helped to improve the oral communication skill. At some instance during the group or class discussion, members from other groups questioned the statement made by the group members. This prompted the members to calcify or explain their statement. From this student could learn to present their ideas in a clear manner. Again the discussions within groups brought out the conflicting viewpoints, from different individuals. According to Good, and Brophy, (2009), the awareness of conflicting viewpoint is necessary for collaborative groups to engender cognitive growth. Finally, the cooperative learning helped to improve the writing skill. The group discussion and other class activity helped the student to write better on the topic at hand because it gave an opportunity to rehearse and internalize the appropriate language. In a number of cases, student was required to write some essay or reports. This helped to improve the student writing skills. My favorite’s skill that I would like to focus on is oral communication skill. When student are working in-groups one member talks, while other listen,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Relationship Between Nubia and Egypt
Relationship Between Nubia and Egypt Art 327: Egyptian Art Dr. Sara Orel November 20, 2014 Throughout the history of ancient Egypt, Egypt had been in contact with numerous cultures near and far from their home. Each of those cultures provided some sort of contact and relationship; whether that was political or economic or even as an enemy. One culture in particular, Nubia (later known as the Kushites with the development of the Kingdom of Kush) had been in contact and had a relationship with Egypt since as early as the first century B.C. The term ‘Nubia’ is defined as a geographic region located in the northeast corner of Africa. It straddles the Nile River and is sometimes referred to in two parts, according to the flow of the river, Lower Nubia in the North and Upper Nubia in the South.[1] For upper Nubia, the most common term was Kush. Kush was located in what is now known as Nubia, near the third cataract in ancient times. The relationship between Egypt and Nubia as stated in the beginning was mainly trade and at times dealt with military aspects. However, as time progressed the relationship became more complex. It had changed depending on the political and economic climate of the time. To the Egyptians, the Nubians represented a trading partner, an enemy, a military asset, a conquered colony, and at times a conqueror. The beginning contact or relationship was not as complex as the end. The Nubians relied on their northern neighbor for some time. However towards the twentieth century that relationship soon changed. Egypt had control over Nubia for nearly five-hundred years. However, towards the twentieth century Egypt lost control due to the decline of the Egyptian government at the end of Ramses II. That lost control would be devastating to Egypt due to the gold deposits found in Nubia and opened up the door for Libyans to take control. However, it would give chance to Nubia to make a stance and take control themselves. The relationship between Egypt and Nubia changed drastically in the years from 750-730 BC when the Kingdom of Kush and the Nubian prince, Piankhy (also known as Piye) pushed northward to capture Egypt from Libyan control and establish their capital at Thebes. Just as a note, King Piankhy of Dynasty XXV reigned in Nubia for nearly thirty-one years (747-716 BC). We have archaeological evidence pointing to this through a large granite stela known as the ‘Victory Stela of Piy’ found in 1862 at Gebel Barkal in the Temple of Amun at Napata.[2] The stela measures 1.80 meters by 1.84 meters. It is inscribed on all four sides, with a total of 159 lines of hieroglyphs.[3] It now currently resides in the Cairo Museum. The relief at the top shows Amun enthroned on the left with Mut standing behind him and Piankhy before him. It is a narration of Piye’s conquest of all of Egypt. [4] It is much like the New Kingdom Annals of Thutmosis III in factualness but is much more vivid. It paints the portrait of a Nubian king who was â€Å"forceful, shrewd, and generous†.[5] â€Å"Hear what I did, exceeding the ancestors, I the King, image of god, Living likeness of Atum! Who left the womb marked as ruler, Feared by those greater than he! His father knew, he mother perceived: He would be ruler from the egg, The Good God, beloved of gods, The son of Re, who acts with his arms, Piye beloved-of-Amun.†[6] Piye always meant to rule Egypt but he had preferred treaties over warfare, unlike his later adversary the Assyrians. It states that he was extremely pious and especially devoted to Amun. Egyptians rather welcomed the Nubian prince, preferring him over the Libyans, scholars attest this to the cultural similarities between Egypt and Nubia and also the physical similarities as well. The Nubians ruled from Nubia to as far as the Delta, they portrayed themselves not with the Egyptian crown with one cobra uraeus but with two cobras. Nubian rule over Egypt was short lived, lasting less than a hundred years. The end came with an attack by the Assyrians, pushing them further south and relocating their capital from Thebes to Meroe. The Nubian rule was succeeded by a vigorous Egyptian dynasty coming from Sais in the XXVI dynasty. During this time the Egypt was rebuilt as a strong centralized and prosperous state.[7] The relations with Nubia at this time were at first peaceful, but in 592 BC, Psamtik II attacked Nubia and claimed a victory. However, he did not gain control. What prompted this attack is still not known, but is recorded on the ‘Victory Stela of King Psamtik II’ and is viewed by many as an act of revenge when Nubia controlled Egypt. â€Å"The troops your majesty sent to Nubia have reached the hill-country of Pnubs. It is a land lacking a battlefield, a place lacking horses. The Nubians of every hill-country rose up against him, their hearts full of rage against him. His attack took place, and it was misery for the rebels. His majesty has done a fighter’s work.†[8] The relationship between Nubia and Egypt remained strained with the Saite power in Egypt but improved in the Ptolemaic period with the Meroitic Kingdom. There were, as usual, times of trouble between the two nations during this period. There was one occasion were the Meroites invaded Egypt in the upper kingdom. However, trade between Egypt and Nubia appeared to have increased considerably. [9] The wealth and stimulation from this trade helped initiate a cultural renaissance in the Meroitic heartland with the border remaining near Maharraqa in the middle of Lower Nubia.[10] The cooperation between the two is symbolized in the temples at Dakka and Philae. As time went on, the relationship between the two continued until around 350 AD when the Axumite Kingdom attacked and completely destroyed the Meroe Kingdom. After this time Nubia became a Christian nation. From the beginning contact to the end, the relationship between Nubia and Egypt was very complex. The contact and relationship between the two always seemed to go back and forth from a peaceful relationship to one with hostility. However complex their relationship was, Egypt and Nubia both developed through political, economic, and cultural means depending on who held power at the time. It is no secret that Nubia played an important, however brief, in Egyptian history. What we know of them largely comes from the texts and inscriptions from Egyptians. However, with excavations still being pursued in Nubia there is still much to be discovered. Works Cited BBC. The Story of Africa: Nile Valley. 2014. accessed November 15, 2014. Harkless, Necia Desiree. Nubian Pharaohs and Meroitic Kings: The Kingdom of Kush. Bloomington: Author House, 2006 Lacovara, Majorie Fisher and Peter. Ancient Nubia: African Kingdom on the Nile. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2012. Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature: The Late Period. Vol. 3. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980. Redford, Donald B. From Slave to Pharaoh: The Black Experience of Ancient Egypt. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Shubert, Steven Blake. Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient. Edited by Kathryn A. Bard. London: Routledge, 2005. Smith, Stuart Tyson. Wretched Kush: Ethnic Identities and Boundaries in Egypts Nubian Empire. London: Routledge, 2003. Trigger, Bruce G. New Light on the History of Lower Nubia. Anthropologica (Canadian Anthropology Society) 10, no. 1 (1968): 81-106. Accessed 13 November 2014. url [1] Majorie Fisher and Peter Lacovara, Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile, (Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press) 5. [2] Donald B. Redford, From Slave to Pharaoh: The Black Experience of Ancient Egypt, (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press) 101. [3] Ibid, 101. [4] Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, v.3, (Los Angeles: University of California Press) 66. [5] Ibid, 66. [6] Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, v.3, (Los Angeles: University of California Press) 68. [7] Ibid, 66. [8] Ibid, 85. [9] Bruce G. Trigger, â€Å"New Light on the History of Lower Nubia†, Anthropologica (1968): 95, access 15 November 2014, url: [10] Ibid, 95.
Friday, October 25, 2019
imbedded journalists Essay -- essays research papers
The embedding of journalists in Iraq has opened up many doors for the profession of journalism and for the United States military. Not only could the general public view the war from inside the battle, they witnessed the dirt raining on the troops as a rocket propelled grenade hits close to a battalions position and the soldiers wince as they are stung by a violent sandstorm. During the conflict, the United States military permitted news organizations to have a reporter travel with the ground troops in Iraq. This not only allowed reporters to record the battles from an up close and personal persepective, but it also allowed the public to see a the human side of the troops. Theoritically, this practice is an incredible opportunity for the military and the news organizations to mend their historically troubled relationship; however, in application it undermines everything that a journalist must do in order to accurately report the news, subjecting themselves to censorship and getting involved with a conflict. It is an ethics nightmare to think of all of the codes of the journalistic profession that are violated with this practice. Although it is better then the relationship between the press and the military has been for many years, it is still flawed and in desperate need of refinement. Â Â Â Â Â During the Vietnam War, censorship was at a minimum. War correspondants traveled freely through Vietnam, often with a military transport. The government was very...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Computer Security Examination Essay
Healthcare companies, like ABC Healthcare, that operate as for-profit entities, are facing a multitude of challenges. The regulatory environment is becoming more restrictive, viruses and worms are growing more pervasive and damaging, and ABC Healthcare’s stakeholders are demanding more flexible access to their systems. The healthcare industry is experiencing significant regulatory pressures that mandate prudent information security and systems management practices. Furthermore, the continued pressure to reduce cost requires that management focus on streamlining operations, reducing management overhead and minimizing human intervention. The regulatory focus at ABC Healthcare is on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). Both pieces of legislation highlight the need for good systems administration and controls, but focus on different aspects of the business. The main focus of HIPAA is to protect personally identifiable health information while SOX is concerned with data that impacts financial reporting. Violations may be met with both civil and criminal penalties. Therefore, the company must be ever watchful of new threats to their systems, data, and business operations. The most prevalent security related threat to on-going business operations is the continued development and propagation of viruses and worms. Virus and worm prevention or containment is a vital component to the overall risk mitigation strategy. Virus and worm outbreaks have multiple cost aspects for the company including lost patient charges due to system unavailability, lost productivity because of recovery efforts due to infection, and potential regulatory impacts depending on the virus or worm payload. However, the company must balance risk with opportunities in order to serve the stakeholders and grow the business. ABC Healthcare’s stakeholders include multiple groups that depend on or need access to clinical and/or financial systems in order to help support and grow the company. The access requirements and associated risk model varies by user group. The main access groups are internal only users (i.e. nurses, hourly employee, etc.), internal/remote users (i.e. salaried employees, doctors, etc.), and business partners (i.e. collection agencies, banks, etc.). Risk mitigation solutions must be developed for each user group to help ensure that the company recognizes the benefit that each group brings and to minimize the risk to business operations. The high-level management goals of the network design implementation are as follows: Support the business and balance security requirements without introducing significant overhead and complexity; Maintain and enhance security without significantly increasing management overhead or complexity; Implement systems that are industry supported (standards where appropriate), scalable, and fault-tolerant; Ensure that the design is implemented to help ensure compliance with any and all applicable regulations; Proper management of access control for legitimate users and malicious users is of the utmost importance for the security of the ABC Healthcare management system. The threat is not limited to outside malicious users but also legitimate users engaged in illegitimate activity. Based on the above description you are to provide a recommendation of how you would address each of the following ABC Healthcare’s computer network security requirements. Note, whereas cost is typically an important factor, this is not a consideration for this case analysis. Therefore, you do not need to include cost estimates. Your solution should have the â€Å"right feel†, despite the lack of depth or details necessary to be accepted by upper management. Be specific in your answers. Write them as if you were writing a proposal to your boss. Since you are developing a solution to a specific circumstance, material that is copied from an outside source will not likely fit so everything should be in your own words. 1. Describe your technical recommendation for addressing the security requirements in the overall technical design of the ABC Healthcare network. This should include both internal and external (untrusted and trusted) aspects. Untrusted would include user connectivity to the Internet. The â€Å"trusted†network has the main purpose of supporting the business functions of known entities (i.e. partners, suppliers, etc.) which have a business relationship with the company. Note that you are to concentrate on the physical and logical level, including the type of hardware and software, however you are not expected to provide specific low level details in terms of equipment suppliers or model numbers, etc. for your recommended design. (30 points) 2. 3. Discuss the way you will address requirements for system monitoring, logging, auditing, including complying with any legal regulations. (10 points) 4. Describe how the system will identify and authenticate all the users who attempt to access ABC Healthcare information resources. (10 points) 5. Discuss how the system shall recover from attacks, failures, and accidents. (10 points) 6. Discuss how the system will address User Account Management and related security improvements. (10 points) 7. Complete the Cyber Security Action Plan (see attached spreadsheet) (30 points)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Buisness Environment
The business environment of candy wrapping is lively and quite encouraging for start-ups to commence and operate business. There are always emerging candy companies with new flavors and tastes covering the entire age market of children, youth, men and women and even elderly. Specially lolly pops, lozenges, eclairs, are all time favorites for all group of ages and wrappers are everywhere. Especially after the launch of Internet technology, candy-wrapping business has emerged as a specialized business with profit making margins.In fact stay at mom candy wrapping business have been inviting individuals to take up candy wrapping business. Candy wrapping is an excellent ebusiness which can be in small volumes as well in large volumes whereas the demand for candy wrapping can never be halted. Candies are 24Ãâ€"7 business which are available at every occasion beginning from birthdays to wedding celebrations. The strengths that are required in candy wrapping business is to possess skills of designing software of graphics to extend colorful view on candy wrappers.Lot of creativity and imaginary work that must work in designing of wrappers which will prove beneficiary for business. There are no particular weaknesses in the business of candy wrapping without the concern of entrepreneur such as poor customer relation management, untimely deliveries, poor quality paper, spoilt / broken candies, poor packing are some of the keen areas where business will be lost. Website is no guarantee proof that business will be developed at a fast pace whereas it must be advertised through proper channels.A wide variety of opportunities are available in candy wrapping business. The business includes multinationals such as nestle, Cadbury Schweppes, and service oriented organizations viz. , wedding planners, birthday parties, florists, toy stores, infant and children shops, can be undertaken. Equipment that is required for designing candy wrappers is, a computer, ebusiness kit, software f or designing wrappers, color printer and paper. It is also a fact competitors can never be taken a back as loss except to the fact that the quality of paper must be excellent with attractive designs.Timely delivery of goods must be undertaken with utmost care and neatly packed to gain brand image of ebusiness. There are many successful companies which are involved in candy wrapping business. (1) candywrapper lady (2) custom candy wrappers (3) CJ’s Candy Wrap-ups (4) Party411. com (5) chocolatecovers. com. Although there is a stiff competition in the market, each company is specialized with a particular design which is the quality work according to the requirement and liking of a client.Each company is specialized in a particular software and design and focuses only those areas of clients. This also extends lot of benefits for companies and clients who are offered with variety, wide choice and with quality work. Conclusion For every ebusiness owner, a complete and thorough kno wledge of candy wrapping, internet research to build client base, market analysis and finance control is required while the basic skill of top quality designs must be focused.There can also be another alternative to work for a candy wrapping company before starting an own business, in order to gain sufficient knowledge, experience and guidance to avoid a novice experiments in ebusiness. References Start your own business get the bizymoms candy wrapper career kit Accessed 20 June 2007 http://www. bizymoms. com/cart/careers/candywrap_kit. html The candy wrapping business Accessed 20 June 2007 http://www. talewins. com/homepreneurs/candywrapping. htm
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Common Grammatical Errors Passover Readings and the Singular “Theyâ€Â
Common Grammatical Errors Passover Readings and the Singular â€Å"They†God and Grammar This week I am spending Passover with my family. Perhaps inspired by the season, I picked up the newsletter that comes from Kolot Chayeinu (â€Å"Voices of Our Lives), the synagogue I used to attend in Brooklyn, New York. I read it cover to cover for the first time in months. It won’t surprise you that a grammatical issue leapt up at me from the pages of the newsletter. Kathryn Conroy of Kolot Chayeinu writes about the open nature of this progressive congregation: â€Å"The person who prays because they believe that God will personally make a difference in their daily life is not the least bit threatened by the person standing next to them who does not believe in God at all.†The Singular â€Å"They†Did you spot the issue in Kathryn’s sentence? It has become common for writers to refer to a single person, who could be of either gender, as a â€Å"they.†This â€Å"singular they†construction is grammatically problematic. Clearly one person does not qualify as a â€Å"they,†â€Å"their†or â€Å"them†(all of which were used in Kathryn’s prose). Yet we refer, perhaps lazily, or even sloppily, to singles as multiples – because it would be challenging or awkward to be grammatically rigorous. My uncle once created a neutral pronoun for just this situation: fub. It didn’t catch on. So at least for now, we’re still stuck with a lack of a non-gendered singular personal pronoun in the English language. Given the current state of affairs and my discomfort with the use of the singular â€Å"they,†I’ve decided to take on the challenge of improving upon the sentence from Kolot Chayeinu’s newsletter. How would I write this sentence to avoid grammatical detention? Rewriting the Sentence One possibility is: â€Å"The person who prays because he or she believes that God will personally make a difference in his or her daily life is not the least bit threatened by the person standing next to him or her who does not believe in God at all.†Hmmm†¦Ã‚ not so great. Stilted, right? This is exactly the type of sentence Ms. Conroy was avoiding. Next option: Gender the language. Here’s what it looks like: â€Å"The woman who prays because she believes that God will personally make a difference in her daily life is not the least bit threatened by the man standing next to her who does not believe in God at all.†I was surprised to discover that this sentence is much more powerful than the original – poignant even in addition to being grammatically sound. An image is conjured of an actual woman and man standing next to each other praying, rather than of some vague or possible scenario. Third option: Make it Plural â€Å"Congregation members who pray because they believe that God will personally make a difference in their daily lives are not the least bit threatened by those standing next to them who do not believe in God at all.†This sentence is grammatically correct, though in my opinion it doesnt pack the punch of the gendered option. The Essay Expert is a Traditionalist My vote for Kathryn’s sentence is to use a gendered version. And I prefer even the somewhat stilted language of the rigorously neutral option to the grammatically incorrect original. However, I am a traditionalist. The grammar books don’t necessarily agree with me. Not every situation lends itself to gendered language as well as does Kathryn’s sentence. Sometimes our choice is between the â€Å"singular they†and a stilted â€Å"he/she†in order to avoid politically incorrect gendered language. And sometimes making the subject plural does the trick quite gracefully. My practice in these situations is to pluralized the subject or to use â€Å"he or she†rather than â€Å"they.†Or, if there are repeated references to a non-gendered â€Å"person†or â€Å"someone†in a piece of prose, I might alternate between the masculine and feminine pronouns. When in doubt, I err on the side of feminine pronouns. After all, there are hundreds of years of usage of the traditional â€Å"he†to balance things out. Wikipedia Speaks Here’s what Wikipedia reports on the acceptability of the singular â€Å"they†: There has been considerable debate as to the acceptability of singular they. Regarding usage, The Chicago Manual of Style notes: On the one hand, it is unacceptable to a great many reasonable readers to use the generic masculine pronoun (he) in reference to no one in particular. On the other hand, it is unacceptable to a great many readers either to resort to nontraditional gimmicks to avoid the generic masculine (by using he/she or s/he, for example) or to use they as a kind of singular pronoun. Either way, credibility is lost with some readers. With the 14th edition (1993), the Manual briefly revised its neutral stance to actually recommend singular use of they and their, noting a revival of this usage and citing its venerable use by such writers as Addison, Austen, Chesterfield, Fielding, Ruskin, Scott, and Shakespeare. However, regret regarding that printing is expressed at its website; and with the current 15th edition (2003), it has returned to its original neutral position. The 2011 translation of the New International Version Bible utilizes singular they instead of he or he or she, refelecting [sic] changes in English usage. The translators commissioned a study of modern English usage and determined that singular they (them/their) is by far the most common way that English-language speakers and writers today refer back to singular antecedents such as whoever,anyone,somebody,a person,no one, and the like. Your Turn What’s your opinion about how to handle the â€Å"singular they†? Do you have any sample sentences to send me as a challenge? Do you see any other ways to write Kathryn’s sentence? And wouldn’t you love to be part of a community where the openness Kathryn describes is a reality? Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinApril 18, 2011 14 Comments Nancy Anderson says: April 19, 2011 at 8:04 am Happy Passover Brenda, I have always stumbled with the singular they and have used the he/she instead. It would make it so much easier to use Kathryns version as it would save all the rewrite time. I like how you are going to use feminine pronouns because he has been used for so many years. I think I will do the same. Its about time! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 19, 2011 at 8:47 am Happy Passover to you too Nancy! What I really am getting from this conversation is that there is no true right or wrong way to do it. We can choose the way that works best for the situation! I always like it when this happens. Log in to Reply Kristin Johnson says: April 19, 2011 at 10:00 am Happy Passover! Thank you for tackling this irksome subject! Ive grown up believing the singular they was just wrong. Back in high school, which was awhile ago, I was taught to use one in these situations, but evidently this in now passe. I miss it! It was such a convenient solution to the dilemma. Can we create a movement for its comeback? Hope I see you around town when you get back! -Kristin Log in to Reply Linda says: April 20, 2011 at 4:48 pm Happy Passover Brenda! Great post! I, too, am often troubled when I see they used for one person. My resolution has been to insert s/he or refer to him/her as you have done in a sense. Or to rewrite a sentence to make they and them fit better. I like the way you address this topic. Another grammatical issue I was taught when in school was the use of there when starting a sentence. My professor hated it and adamantly taught us to rewrite a sentence to prevent such construction. Since college, however, it seems this has become passe as I have seen many editors begin sentences with There without second thoughts and often justify it. Instead of debating the issue, I merely ensure my writing does not include such usage. What is your thought on this? Also, since we are talking grammatical, I noticed a typo in the second sentence of the second paragraph. Looks like the third word was not omitted upon a rewrite of the sentence. Enjoy your time with family and have a great weekend! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 21, 2011 at 4:06 pm Hi Nancy, thank you for raising the issue of starting a sentence with there. I am comfortable with that usage, e.g., There are many things to be grateful for in life! Sometimes using there to start a sentence is superfluous, e.g., instead of There are many people who disagree with that rule, say Many people disagree with that rule. Thank you for catching my proofreading oversight. It has been corrected! And thank you for the holiday wishes. Im having a wonderful time and look forward to attending the Clearwater Generations concert tomorrow night! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: April 22, 2011 at 10:59 pm Hi Brenda and Happy Passover! I never had this problem until I came to the U.S. and was doing phone research. The questionnaires were full of grammatical errors and this one, in particular, using they to refer to a singular stuck in my throat. I tried to substitute it verbally with he/she or him/her, but if it looks stilted in writing (except for business letters/reports), it sounded worse when spoken. I love the solution that you gave above, which may require a bit more consideration, but as you said, makes the sentence much more powerful. I have several other grammatical peeves that are becoming more common such as using a instead of an and that instead of who. My English teacher must be turning in her grave at the way the English language is being distorted and rules flagrantly dismissed. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 1:12 am Thanks Penelope. Another solution is to use plurals, since we do have a gender-neutral plural third person pronoun. I am with you on the who vs. that issue, though there is debate about whether it is incorrect to refer to people as that. Definitely a topic for me to tackle in the future. The use of a instead of and occurs more in speech than in written communication, as far as I can tell. We live in a constantly evolving world of language and things that were not acceptable even a couple of years ago are now the norm. Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: April 22, 2011 at 11:02 pm Gosh, did I make a mistake when I wrote, Hi Brenda and Happy Passover, as if the latter was also a person! Obviously, it should have read: Hi Brenda. Happy Passover! A mistake in my very first comment about grammatical correctness. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 12:53 am Hi Penelope, I would not have noticed that mistake if you hadnt pointed it out! Good catch. I saw one other thing in this recent post, however: I would suggest writing as if the latter *were* also a person. This is an example of the subjunctive tense and I will put it on my list for blog articles in the future! Heres one site I found that addresses the issue: Thanks so much for your comments Penelope! Log in to Reply Ann Mullen says: April 23, 2011 at 4:39 pm Good afternoon, I would also suggest the following: People who pray because they. . . are not the least threatened by the person standing next to them . . . . I struggle with the singular they when I read it so I often use he or she, or vary the gender of the person in different sentences or different paragraphs. I dont do it consistently because then I appear too worried about the sex of the subjects and not as concerned about my topic. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 6:49 pm Hi Ann, yes Ive been thinking that I should add to my article the option of making the subject plural. In this particular example I still like the gendered language because of the picture it draws. I agree that in many instances, however, pluralizing is the best solution! Log in to Reply Paula Lee Bright says: April 25, 2011 at 4:14 am As I mentioned earlier, I am a sinner to the -nth degree! Yes, using they and their bother me when referring to a singular person But Ive decided that readability and the comfort of my readers is more important to me than being grammatically correct. It still galls me. But I go with it! My blog for parents of kids who cant read is as conversational as I can make it, and my personal blog is truly me to you in its style. So even though the purist in my still lives!- I have adapted and accept what people feel most comfortable with. Because quite honestly, none of my readers choose me for my grammar. They choose me because what I have to say resonates in their (!-hey, but it was plural!) lives. Ill always grimacebut then Ill write just as I would speak to them. And the English perfectionist in me be damned! (Did you notice how many incomplete sentences I used? I feel sure you did. 😉 ) Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 25, 2011 at 10:08 am Great comment Paula, and it reminds us that we write for our audience. If the audience expects a particular type of language, it is our job as writers to give it to them. When Im on the streets of Brooklyn, I ask people if they know where the laundromat is at. Anything else would just sound weird. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 30, 2011 at 4:58 pm Thank you for your additional option of using the second person. In the example at hand, it would not work in exactly the language you offered since the author is describing a scenario that occurs in a congregation. However, it could read, â€Å"At Kolot Chayeinu, if you pray because you believe that God will personally make a difference in your daily life, those around you will not be the least bit threatened even if they do not believe in God at all.†Log in to Reply
Monday, October 21, 2019
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Essays
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Essays Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Paper Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Paper Soon enough the child ended up in the household of the childless king and queen of Corinth. As a young man he learned of his fate to kill his father and marry his mother. Fleeing his family and seeking refuge from his terrible future in a distant city-state of Thebes only brought the actualization of the forecast. Unbeknownst to Oedipus, he had killed his father on his journey and entered the bed of his mother. He lived In his relationship and as King of Thebes for many years until at last he painfully revealed the blinding truth over the course of one shocking day. Realizing what he had done, he blinds himself with the olden pins of his wardrobe and has himself banished to a far away land where he will cause nobody harm. Death of a Salesman is a modern day tragedy based on the life of Wily Loan, a New England traveling salesman in the mid sasss. Wily, the average American Joe is married to Linda Loan, a deep and caring woman, who he had two sons Biff and Happy with. The play starts out when Biff and Happy are in their twenties, and Willis sales career is on a downward spiral, with his whole family there to watch it. Wily has never had a great relationship with either of his sons, especially Biff. Wily feels he is failing his family. Wily lives his life in a series of illusions of the past. All of these illusions are of great family, and career memories. Wily stays In these Illusions because I feel he Is too afraid to live in reality where he would be forced to examine his affair In Boston, his philosophy and all of his family and financial debts. Wily loses his Job and Is on the brink of suicide and forever failing his attempts to make his family better than average. Wily commits suicide so his family can receive the insurance check and so Biff can live a successful life without worries. I feel that both these characters life came crashing down on them, and I feel for each man and play, but more for Wily and Death of a Salesman. Wily had his reason to die, but even in the end his plan didnt work as expected. At his funeral no one except for his family and best friend Charlie showed up. He worked so hard to accomplish so little. The impact of this play was amazingly strong. I feel for this man because his life Is so common, unlike the strange and horrible life of Oedipus. He was an ordinary working Joe with a family and wife to support. As any man, Wily had big dreams, but to see them come crashing down upon him left me tit a sense of pity for the man. He seemed Like a crazy man who had lost his mind. But we all know he was Just a guy whod had It all rough and simply couldnt take It any more. Death of a Salesman hit home with us all, and that is why I feel it is the more tragic play. Aristotle and Arthur Miller have theories of tragedy in which they can be somewhat compared and contrasted. Aristotle believes that the tragic hero should be one of higher society, in which his downfall and emotions effect the lives of many people around him. Miller on the other hand believes that the tragic hero should be en of the common man, some sympathetic character that everyone can relate to, someone stuck deep in the virtues of society. Both men though feel that the character either in their mind, or publicly have a supreme pride in which must be abolished, adding to the tragedy of the tragic heros life. Both once again, feel that the tragic hero must have a sense of vigorous protest. Both Oedipus and Wily know their pain and situation but try not to realize it until it is too late. Oedipus by never believing he killed Luaus until he was shown with evidence. Wily, by never really accepting the fact he was failing his family and Job. Aristotle feels that the turning of the Gods on the characters life is what causes his downfall. Miller believes that the heros fall is blamed on something superior, not the Gods, but society in which case is like a god to Wily. The tragic hero should not be perfect, nor should he be so dull and stupid or so young as to be incapable of understanding what is happening to him, stated by Aristotle, in which Miller agrees greatly. They also both believe that the protagonist may be a victim, but he must also know and bow in total acceptance of his destruction. Aristotle believes that the tragic figure makes choices and takes actions that result in his consequences. You can strongly feel that Miller believes that some, if not most of the figures downfall is caused by his words towards others (This also is where most of the irony is in his play, why Sophocles relies mainly on dramatic irony). I feel that Millers approach to tragedy and the tragic hero prove to be most valid. I think that Aristotle approach is somewhat outdated. I believe that in the times of his life, society and the arts were based mainly on the lives of the noble, therefore never reflecting the lives or emotions of the common man. Miller gets Mathew a little of both worlds into his theories. He still follows some basic rules formed by Aristotle (as noted above), but yet changes the view of the tragic hero in ways that the common mans life is tragic, and needs to be recognized in all that it is. I enjoy that. Although societys outlook on people do change over the years, Miller was very well able to produce theories in which any man, from any time would be able to relate to. To sum it up, I feel overall tragedy must preach revolution, and that is exactly what Miller does. Both plays have a sense of true tragedy other than that of Just the tragic hero. The plots of these two plays is a good example. The very complex plot in Oedipus The King is both filled with horrible views of incest and disgust, while it also delivers a sense of pity for the character. This play includes a complete reversal in the situation of the play. This occurs in Oedipus when he begins to feel that he is the one that murdered Luaus and slept with his mother, after trying to tell himself and the country that he was not that man. That shows a sense of recognition also, in which Aristotle believes is a true element of tragedy. I feel though the more affective plot, although impel, is that of Death of a Salesman. The story starts off with the reader already realizing Wills downfall and his losing life, which brings the pity to the play. This play I think is very strong because it is full of drama all the way through, not consulting AT a reversal or recognition. Recognition Is not snows In tons play Decease Wily is Just ignorant to realize his life, in which no change occurs. That dramatically effects the plays strength. The structure in these two plays is a key element in their tragic effects towards the reader. In both Oedipus and Death of a Salesman. Leasebacks play an important role in the play. In Oedipus The King, it is through flashbacks that Oedipus realizes he is the murderer of his father, bringing the downfall on him. The flashbacks in Death of a Salesman are a lot stronger in effect towards drama, because the Wily lives his life in them. It is through flashbacks that the reader realizes the true drama and irony of both the present day actions and words of Wily. The play is illusion vs.. Laity. If this play wouldnt of been structured around Wily Living his life in the past, it would not be considered one of the greatest dramatic plays. The reader realizes the downfall of Wily and his Family through them. The transition from time periods in a lot more obvious in Death of a Salesman and a lot more important than that of Oedipus, in Oedipus The King there is a are a few scenes in which he vis its the past, while the text clearly shows the transition. In Death of a Salesman, Miller shows the transition of the past and present by a few notable things. In the present, Millers writing and tone is more serious and dark, while in the past, the tone becomes a lot more brighter and optimistic. Irony plays another key role in the success of these dramatic plays. Most of the power of Oedipus derives from dramatic irony. The reader is clued in on this in the prologue, in which is the richest in dramatic irony. In that scene, everyone concerned is still in complete darkness to the truth and their ignorance therefore causes their words and actions to carry much greater weight. In Death of a Salesman, it is that of situational irony that brings the reader closer to Wills downfall. The entire play is carried almost completely by the dialog, which is vital to the plays success. One such incident is Wills views of Biffs career track. Biff is a lazy bum! , shortly after, Wily states: Biff Loan is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with such -personal attractiveness, gets lost. And such a hard worker . Theres one thing about Biff-hes not lazy. (Death of a Salesman 16). Another example is when Wily wishes that cars today would have fold down windshields, They Just dont make them liked they used to Wily said. Linda soon reminds him that he told her he was driving with the windshield down on the way home from his trip. Situational irony drives this play to greatness, without it, the plot would be lost. Oedipus The King is weaker in the irony part, compared to Death of a Salesman, because in Oedipus it Just answers the questions, doesnt tell the story. The tragic man is the key role in both of these plays. Oedipus in Oedipus The King, and Wily Loan in Death of a Salesman. Through Oedipus a man is presented whose good side causes harm and whose bad side works good. Oedipus himself is one vicious irony, for his virtues devolve into virulent vices that wreak his complete destruction. Oedipus main tragic flaw was that he had a lack of knowledge, and because he thought he was doing good only to find out that what he was doing was ad. His power fell Just as quickly as he got it. Oedipus was born a helpless pawn of fate. Wily on the other hand is a far more tragic hero in Millers eyes, and somewhat in Aristotle eyes. According to Arthur Miller, The tragic feeling is invoked whenever we are in the presence of a character, any character, who is ready to sacrifice his life, IT need De, to secure one thing, Nils sense AT personal Locally Wily Loan was willing to do that no matter what the cost. This makes Wily an excellent example of Aristotle tragic hero also. Wills one tragic flaw is his lack of a grip on reality. He oldest differentiate the difference between the current time and the past. His flashbacks are a part of his everyday lifestyle, only he doesnt know that he is experiencing them, because he lacks awareness, bringing on his downfall. He died for money and most of all for the love of his family. That is where I feel the word hero in Wills life comes from, and tragic comes from the everyday struggle for Wily Loan to do two things, achieve the American Dream and be known as a great man like his father was, with everyone knowing your name. To finish it off, I feel that the common man, Wily Loan, In Death of a Salesman exceeds the tragic greatness of King Oedipus in Oedipus The King. Throughout my research on both of these Tragic plays, I have realized that the common man and his everyday struggle Just to make it through society and the changes brought by industrialization is a viewpoint that more people can really hit home with, instead of a play that seems like an episode of Jerry Springer. Death of a Salesman was filled with pity for Wily, the weak, old, struggling family man. Oedipus the King was plainly just filled with disgust. Wily Loan, the average American family Joe, and his lifestyle and family make Death of a Salesman the superior tragedy.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Fact Sheet About Poisoning From Ricin Toxin
Fact Sheet About Poisoning From Ricin Toxin Ricin is a potent toxin extracted from castor beans. There is a lot of fear and misinformation associated with this poison. The purpose of this fact sheet is to help separate fact from fiction regarding ricin poisoning. What Is Ricin? ). It is so powerful a poison that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate the lethal dose in humans is about the size of a grain of salt (500 micrograms injected or inhaled). How Is Ricin Used as a Poison? What Are the Symptoms of Ricin Poisoning? InhalationSymptoms from ricin inhalation would include coughing, shortness of breath, and nausea. Fluid would begin to accumulate in the lungs. Fever and excessive sweating would be likely. Low blood pressure and respiratory failure could lead to death. IngestionEating or drinking ricin would produce cramping, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea leading to extreme dehydration. Bleeding from the stomach and intestines would occur. The victim may experience hallucinations, seizures, and bloody urine. Eventually (usually after several days) the liver, spleen, and kidneys could fail. Death would result from organ failure. InjectionInjected ricin produces swelling and pain in the muscles and lymph nodes near the site of the injection. As the poison worked its way outward, internal bleeding would occur and death would result from multiple organ failure. How Is Ricin Poisoning Detected and Treated? How Does Ricin Work? What Should You Do If You Suspect Ricin Poisoning? If you believe you have been exposed to ricin you should move away from the location of the poison. Seek immediate medical attention, explaining to the medical professional that you believe you were exposed to ricin and the circumstances of the event. Remove your clothing. Cut off clothing rather than pulling it over your head, to minimize further exposure. Remove and discard contact lenses. Glasses may be thoroughly washed with soap and water and re-used. Wash your entire body with soap and water.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Compulsory Land Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Compulsory Land Acquisition - Essay Example By the term public uses means, it can be for setting up educational institutions, health centre, widening roads or site for airport construction, etc. The issuing authority generally is central government but if motive is restricted to only particular state then state government handles the matter. Through government, sometimes societies registered under societies registration act2 or co-operatives under co-operative societies act also can participate for land acquisition. Before going into detail it is better to get acquainted with some important terms. "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. ... "Date of acquisition" is the date on which a notice of acquisition in relation to land is published in Government Gazette. Or, if an interest is acquired by agreement, the date on which the interest vests in the Authority pursuant to the agreement3. Notice of acquisition, according to this act means a notice regarding an interest in land publishing in the Government Gazette. Notice of intention to acquire is a notice that authority must serve upon each person who has an interest in the land, or is empowered by the purpose of special act to sell and convey or grant and release or lease such an interest4. Notice is not required in certain special cases like, if interest has been publicly advertised for sale and authority is sure about its availability by the time they want to acquire it. 3) Land Particulars Property is located at General Holmes Drive, Botany and owner of that is Nice Corner Pty. Ltd. That specified area measures 1 Hectare. Site is mostly commercial. Commonwealth has found interest on this property after seeing its best location nearby airport which can serve the purpose of recent airport and planned runway extension. Owner has Development Consent approval (DA) for a building. Before lodging DA, stage 1 of the building was leased by Cool Parachutes Pty Ltd. for an initial duration of 15 years with two 5 years options. As per the tenders received it is expected that commencement of this agreement will be from 1st November, 2007. 4) General Description The site on General Holmes Drive, Botany joins a rail corridor on the edge of land which is favorable for airport uses. Land has several improvements. Stage one is a steel framed building of 1500 square meters, he purpose of which is to accommodate lessee's
Friday, October 18, 2019
Customer Relationship Management at Ford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13
Customer Relationship Management at Ford - Essay Example According to the management, the success or failure of our business depends upon the client problem solving and maintaining sound customer relationships. Ensuring customer satisfaction is the key principle for making the business a success because satisfied customers are the ones’ who will come again to buy the products, they are less receptive to the competitor's advertisement and they will increase the credibility of the firm by viral marketing (Importance of Customer Satisfaction). On the other hand, customer problems will cost the company in terms of lost sales; it will also hamper future purchases by the customers. And will cause a negative word of mouth behavior. Once a customer is dissatisfied and is lost in a competition it becomes exceedingly difficult to get him back to the brand again. Customer retention is the key to a prosperous business and according to the Pareto’s Principle, 80% of your business will come from the 20% of the customers. Therefore, it is i mportant not only to retain customer but also to instill customer satisfaction. So Ford needs to address the customers’ issues and problems effectively and efficiently to make sure they don’t lose out their customers to the competition.  As a result, the traditional philosophy that says a customer is a king is still applicable to modern-day business practices. Customer relations at Ford are comprised of two different channels, namely, end customers and dealers (Cisco).
Study on the Internet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Study on the Internet - Assignment Example PhD is most likely a level that a researcher must examine any subject of choice in details, for a number of years in his or her course. In this sense, it was decided to study the matter of sample size in PhD studies’ context. The two major concerns of this study were to find out the number of participants who make use of qualitative interviews in their PhD studies, and if this numbers differ depending on the procedural approach. The method of the study A PhD database content analysis was carried out on the â€Å"Index To Theses: A comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716†. This research was performed between the third of August, and twenty forth of August, 2009 (Mason, 2010). In the collection, 532,646 abstracts were used to discover PhD studies, indicating that they had utilized qualitative interviews to collect information. To find out any dissimilarity between diverse research t echniques, a classification of 26 varying qualitative research techniques from different disciplines were used. The methodological traditions were classified into four groups, namely: discovery of regularities, reflection, language characteristics, and comprehension of action or text meaning (Gravetter & Forzano, 2011). The researchers used a â€Å"standard search†with a number of parameters applied: if â€Å"any field†entailed â€Å"insert methodology†; if â€Å"any field†entailed interviews†; and if â€Å"Degrees†entailed PhD. The study looked solely at the use of individual to individual personal interviewing, meaning that focus groups were excluded from this analysis. The outstanding studies were collected using samples. A search on the abstracts was carried out and the following details were recorded on each: category of qualitative research; the methods used; and the number of interviewees who participated (Mason, 2010). Findings Th e findings by the authors indicated that in general, the range of the participant numbers used was between 95 and 1. Of the 560 studies examined, the mean and median were 31 and 28 respectively, perhaps suggesting that the central dispersion measures were consistent in general. It was clear that some approaches used interviews in their methodologies than others. Out of the 26 qualitative methods, 9 returned over 10 studies. The most popular techniques utilized in PhD studies as per this analysis were: life history, grounded theory method, discourse analysis, case study, phenomenology, content analysis, hermeneutics, action research, and symbolic interactionism. Case study projects were the most frequently utilized interviews; 1,401, while the grounded theory accounted for 429, with an inclusion criteria of 41%. On the other hand, qualitative evaluation accounted for the highest mean in the number of participants at 42, while ethnography communication recorded the lowest at 34. Discu ssion The most popular sample sizes were 30 and 20. Forty, ten, and twenty five followed the sequence. The considerable high proportion of studies using the multiples of ten to act as their sample stands out as the most vital finding of this analysis (Rubin & Babbie, 2009). There is no hypothesis-driven or logical reason why samples that end with any single integer would prevail than another in qualitative PhD researches that uses interviews. If the directing concept for qualitative resea
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Reflection on Research Interview Schedule Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reflection on Interview Schedule - Research Paper Example In this step, one gives an opinion of what should have been done to obtain better results. Finally, an action plan is stated. Specifically, an action plan includes recommendations for changing the situation if it occurs This report is a reflective essay examining the process of developing and conducting an interview. An interview is a data collection mechanism often used in conducting qualitative research. The primary aim of conducting an interview is to comprehend an interviewees perception or experience (Gillard et al., 2012, p. 26-1137).The interview was carried out to collect data from students in the health promotion top-up degree. The three types of interviews are a structured interview, unstructured, and a semi-structured interview. The study used a semi-structured interview in conducting the research. Specifically, a semi-structured interview involves both planned and unplanned questions. For this reason, it is preferred to other methods as it is open and enables the researcher to gather maximum information possible during the interview. Furthermore, it does not limit a person to what they can say. Therefore, it promotes interaction and creates a room for clarification. The interviewee can ask questions that are not included in the manual or plan (Markel, 2013). The semi-structured interview includes different forms of questions covering the same topic. Notably, the questions can be framed in varying formats but still cover the research topic. I felt comfortable dealing with a semi-structured interview because it gives one the freedom to modify questions to suit different contexts (Galletta and Cross, 2013). The Gibbs reflection model was utilized to reflect on the interview. The following questions helped in gathering information about the progress The research topic seemed very particular. The target population was limited to students pursuing the health promotion top-up degree. Proper preparation and implementation were essential
Ptr 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ptr 100 - Essay Example Australia, on its part, has played the role to a certain extent, and also has its own share of challenges to counter, as a Middle-Power, especially as part of the United Nations framework. This paper is an attempt to outline the status of Australia as a Middle-Power and its role in the United Nations' framework of Diplomacy. In the aftermath of the Cold War, Australian Foreign Minister, Gareth Evans strategically placed Australia as the 'middle power' that would eventually play an important role in coalition-formation and thus, frame some kind of leadership initiative of activist nature. "In a book co-authored with Bruce Grant, Evans sought to resuscitate an idea which he believed had fallen into disrepair since the 1970s. "Middle power diplomacy" had "regained some currency as the most useful way of describing the kind of role that some nations like Australia have been playing in recent times, or to which they might reasonably aspire"." (The Australian Journal of Politics and History, Dec, 2007 by Carl Ungerer ). Thus, the concept of a middle-power, is one that has gained momentum in today's world that no longer suffers solely from the dichotomy of the small powers and big powers. Ever since, Australia's foreign polic... The Australian government has been trying to build up cooperation in forums like the ANZUS, APEC, ASEAN, etc, with not just its regional neighbours, but also other influential players in the larger criteria of the region, like China and India. As the fifth largest economy in East Asia, Australia has indeed an important role to play. While this is the effect in the regional for a, Australia has been playing a rather active role in the United Nations, as well. The website of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade outlined this aspiration of the country. The country's aspirations to secure international peace, security and cooperation, to work for humanitarian cause et al, has been outlined. "On coming to office in December 2007, the Australian Government made clear its commitment to the multilateral system as one of the three fundamental pillars of Australia's foreign policy. Australia is determined to work through the United Nations to enhance security and economic well-being worldwide, and to uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Australia is determined to help address serious global challenges including conflict prevention, international development, climate change, terrorism and the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction The Security Council plays a key role in addressing many of these challenges, and we stand ready to take on the responsibility of helping to address these
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Student Achievements - Global Revisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Student Achievements - Global Revisions - Essay Example The research concludes that all these factors play a major role in determining a student’s achievement in school. All educational institutions have the aim of promoting student achievement. There are different factors that positively or negatively affect the achievement of students. These include social, economic, environmental and political factors. In students’ achievement, different individuals have to pull forces to ensure that the process is successful. These individuals include teachers, parents and students. This paper analyses the positive effects of different factors that affect students’ achievement. A student’s achievement is influenced by several factors such as class size, family, motivation, teacher’s attitudes, a school’s culture and gender and therefore teachers should put these factors into perspective when teaching. Gross (2009) argues that student engagement in learning is an important factor in their success (Gross, 2009). Students can engage in the learning process through submission of assignments and agreeing to teachers instructions. Another form of students’ engagement in the learning process is class attendance. A teacher acts as a guide towards students’ engagement in class. The teacher should, therefore, design a strategy through which students can continuously participate in the learning process. One way through which a teacher can ensure student’s participation is by identifying individual differences among his learners. Use of questions and answers has been identified as one of the best method of engaging students in the process of learning (Capel & Whitehead, 2010). This method targets improving the learning capability of students and, teachers are encouraged to focus more on open ended questions. Such questions encourage thinking and hence enable students to achieve better results even if the students do not answer the questions (Kim, 2010). Teachers who ensure effective
Ptr 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ptr 100 - Essay Example Australia, on its part, has played the role to a certain extent, and also has its own share of challenges to counter, as a Middle-Power, especially as part of the United Nations framework. This paper is an attempt to outline the status of Australia as a Middle-Power and its role in the United Nations' framework of Diplomacy. In the aftermath of the Cold War, Australian Foreign Minister, Gareth Evans strategically placed Australia as the 'middle power' that would eventually play an important role in coalition-formation and thus, frame some kind of leadership initiative of activist nature. "In a book co-authored with Bruce Grant, Evans sought to resuscitate an idea which he believed had fallen into disrepair since the 1970s. "Middle power diplomacy" had "regained some currency as the most useful way of describing the kind of role that some nations like Australia have been playing in recent times, or to which they might reasonably aspire"." (The Australian Journal of Politics and History, Dec, 2007 by Carl Ungerer ). Thus, the concept of a middle-power, is one that has gained momentum in today's world that no longer suffers solely from the dichotomy of the small powers and big powers. Ever since, Australia's foreign polic... The Australian government has been trying to build up cooperation in forums like the ANZUS, APEC, ASEAN, etc, with not just its regional neighbours, but also other influential players in the larger criteria of the region, like China and India. As the fifth largest economy in East Asia, Australia has indeed an important role to play. While this is the effect in the regional for a, Australia has been playing a rather active role in the United Nations, as well. The website of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade outlined this aspiration of the country. The country's aspirations to secure international peace, security and cooperation, to work for humanitarian cause et al, has been outlined. "On coming to office in December 2007, the Australian Government made clear its commitment to the multilateral system as one of the three fundamental pillars of Australia's foreign policy. Australia is determined to work through the United Nations to enhance security and economic well-being worldwide, and to uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Australia is determined to help address serious global challenges including conflict prevention, international development, climate change, terrorism and the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction The Security Council plays a key role in addressing many of these challenges, and we stand ready to take on the responsibility of helping to address these
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Example for Free
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Purpose: Purpose: To determine and execute the separation of mixture of solids through different means. Examples are magnetisms, evaporation, and filtration Procedure: I used a measuring device such as a scale, funnel, beaker, magnet, saucer, and graduated cylinder to determine the values for each measurement. Data Table: Experiment data Grams Percent of Mixture Iron filings 1.4g 1.4/4.5*100 = 31.1% Sand 1.3g 1.3/4.5*100 = 28.9% Table salt 1.0g 1.0/4.5*100 = 22.2% Benzoic Acid 0.8g 0.8/4.5*100 = 17.8% Total 4.5g 100% A. I would have used the magnet to separate iron fillings as suggested in the lab. But I would have used the filter paper second to separate sand from rest of the solution rather than evaporation. B. Major disadvantages would have been not all the benzoic acid would pass through the filter paper which would make our procedure more difficult. C. Contamination of the other substances left in the sand.D. I feel there are four errors;1. Not thoroughly moving iron out with magnet.2. When pouring acid salt mixture into funnel some of the acid crystals stuck to the cup which made it difficult to get all sample out.3. Some of the benzoic acid might have passed through the filter paper into the salt water mixture. 4. Not proper dissolving the salt when separating it from the sand leaving salt in the sand mixture. Conclusion: When using various means of separating a mixture (magnetisms, evaporation, and filtration) it is possible to get accurate measurements of each particular material. However there is a high chance of error if care is not taking due to several reasons enu merated above.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The feature of inequality in modern society
The feature of inequality in modern society Inequality is an inescapable feature of modern society. Inequality affects modern society in a variety of ways. It is an inescapable feature of the world we live in. The most common inequality is gender. Men and Women are treated different in a number of ways such as in wages and in sports. This has been the same for centuries. Social class also plays a very big role in inequality. 89% of People are still judged by their class. (Glover 2007) Gender inequality is a huge problem in modern society today. One of the most common issues is wages. It is a known fact that men receive higher wages than women. According to a report by the government in 2006 there is a 13% pay gap between men and women. (The Financial Times 2006) The Office for National Statistics website (2008) says that this statistic has risen to 17.1% in 2008 for full time workers and 36.8% for part time workers. The Equal opportunities Commission published an article Facts about women and men in Great Britain 2006 It stated that 66% of mangers and senior officials are men, while women hold 81% of administrative and secretarial jobs. In the finance sector women are just over half the workforce, yet the average hourly pay for a woman working full time in finance is 41% lower than men. Jenny Watson, the chair of The Equal Opportunities Commission states that: Jobs traditionally seen as womens work such as early years care and education are undervalued and underpa id, and later in life many women are forced to take a pay cut for the flexibility they need to raise their own children Men and women usually have an equal start with their career, but when womens childcare responsibilities kick in, this is where the problems start. Most companies and organisations blame maternity leave and childcare responsibilities for the pay gap between men and women. Women are allowed up to six months maternity leave. Recently men have been able to take just as much as women. So why is there still a gap in wages? Women have always been seen as the nurse the teacher or the secretary. The International Labour Organisation website (2010) claims that women only hold 34% of mangers jobs in great Britain. They only receive two-thirds the pay of their male counterparts. According to the International Labour Office Women and men in lower-paid non-manual jobs such as clerks, shop assistants are closest to being equal. Growing up we all had the idea of mens work and womens work. Men were builders and doctors while women were teachers and nurses. This idea hasnt changed much as we grow older. We will all automatically look twice if we see a female bus driver, a male nurse or a female foreman. Its a natural reaction. From birth we see inequalities immediately in boys and girls. Blue is the colour for boys and pink for girls. Girls have their own toys that society deemed appropriate for girls and so do boys. It seems wrong or unnatural in some way to see a boy playing with a Barbie doll or pushing a toy pram. We have all grown up with these perceptions of what colours each sex should wear and what types of toys they should play with, that its no wonder men and women are treated differently when they grow up. It is what is natural to all of us. Gender inequality also exits in the education system. In same sex schools the subject choices concentrate on the gender of the school. For example in a girls only school it is rare that they would offer subjects such as construction studies or woodwork studies, the same for boys schools, they would rarely offer their male students the choice to take home economics. These subjects can only be taken for both boys and girls in mixed gender schools. Another area where gender inequality is present is Sports. Women are in a male dominated world when it comes to sport. The ancient Olympic games website (2009) claims that Women have been fighting to gain equality in sport since 776 B.C. at the Olympic Games, originally known as the Games of Hera. Women were not allowed to play nor watch the games. Although women play the same sports as men do, women receive little or no air time. It is very rare that you would see a womens soccer or rugby match being shown in a sports bar. The media has largely contributed to false stereotypes regarding men, women and sports. They see women as inferior to male athletes. Tennis especially has seen many centuries of gender inequality. Women only play the best of three sets whereas men play the best of five. Im sure any female tennis player would be more than capable to play five or more sets if given the opportunity. There was also a dramatic difference in prize money up until 2006. There was a big di fference in prize money between men and women in Wimbledon. Men were being paid a lot more money than women. A spokesperson for Wimbledon said that the difference in prize money was due to the fact that mens tennis was more exciting than womens. The Wimbledon website (2006) said this all changed in 2006 when both the ladies and mens winners were paid the same amount of prize money. This is a step in the right direction for gender equality in tennis. On the other hand soccer needs to follow in the same path. Women soccer players do not receive the same recognition or the same money that their male counterparts receive. Wayne Rooney earns  £90,000 a week being a professional soccer player for Manchester United and is world famous. I dont think many people would be able to name one professional female soccer player. Men get all the fame and all the recognition. Golf is another sport where females are treated unequally. In most golf courses, women can only play on ladies day and are not allowed to play alongside the male players. Professional Female golf players just like professional female soccer players, do not receive as much money or recognition. These are some of the many inequalities which women are trying to challenge and overcome today. It has stopped women from advancing as fast as their male counterparts. In my opinion women have been neglected in sports just as they have been in many other areas of life such as education and work. More often or not people are judged by their social class. They are discriminated against by where they come from. 90% of 18-24 year olds say people are judged by their class (Glover 2007). This has been happening for centuries and I do not think that it will change in the near future. As suggested by Macionis and Plummer (2008) Gordon Therborn has suggested that social class is one of the key features of modern Europe, as Europe was the first major arena of industrialisation. All the main political parties in Britain are trying to work against social class. Gordon Brown claimed recently that a class free society can become a reality in Britain. There are three shapes of class: The upper classes, the middle classes and the working classes. According to Glover (2007) the upper class is almost extinct with only 2% claiming to be part of it. The Middle class used to be the group between rich and poor. In 1998, 41% of people thought as themselves as middle class, exactly the same proportion as today. (Glover 2007) The Working Class is the lowest of the classes. A few centuries ago working class people were miners. They are known as the poorest of society. Glover (2007) said, Of people born to working class parents, 77% say they are working class too. One one fifth say they have become middle class. The fact that we still have a structure of class shows that people are discriminated because of their class and where they come from. They are discriminated against in the workplace and in schools. As Hutton (2007) described in his article, pupils from schools from middle class or working class areas are receiving little to no places in prestigious schools such as Oxford, even though they have received excellent marks. Their marks sometimes were better than pupils at Upper class schools. This just proves that there is inequality in social class. It obviously depends on where you come from and which school you attend that shapes your future education. No matter where we go in life we will be judged by our class and where we come from. Karl Marx and Max Weber have different views upon social class. Macionis and Plummer (2008) said that Marx defined class in terms of those who own the means of production and those who do not with a residual class in between He says that the owners or the means of production exploit those who produce goods and services, while the working class become alienated consumers. Marx focuses more on the economic side of social class, especially the labour force. Weber and Marx have similar ideas. In Webers view, a persons class status is a determinant of how they will turn out in later life. People will have a better life if they are higher up in class. He thought that a persons possessions and the way they lived was the cause of class conflict. Although Weber believed as Marx did that the economic side of social class was important and caused most of the conflict, he didnt believe that this was the only cause of the conflict between social classes. He saw society back then as having many st atus groups who held a vast amount of power. For example teachers do not own their schools they work for people, but they may be higher up in status than a mechanic who owns his owns and runs his own business. Weber thought that people in politics had more power in society. Weber said that conflict between the classes was a result of many different inequalities. Inequality is definitely an inescapable feature of our society. There are still gender inequalities present in modern society and some that have been around for centuries. I think there will always be inequalities between men and women. It has been around for centuries and nothing has changed, so I do not see it changing in the near future. There will also always be inequalities in social class. It was around in Karl Marxs era and is still here to the present day. People are being judged and criticized by where they come from. Even though the government is claiming that social class will not exist in years to come, they have not backed up their claims yet.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Peter Rabbit and Voices in the Park Essay example -- Literary Analysi
The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Voices in the Park were published at either end of the twentieth century, a period which witnessed the creation of the modern picturebook for children. They are both extremely prestigious examples of picturebooks of their type, the one very traditional, the other surrealist and postmodern. The definition of ‘picturebook’ used here is Bader’s: ‘an art form [which] hinges on the interdependence of pictures and words, on the simultaneous display of two facing pages, and on the drama of the turning of the page’ (Bader, quoted in Montgomery, 2009, p. 211). In contrast with a simple illustrated book, the picturebook can use all of the technology available to it to produce an indistinguishable whole, the meaning and value of which is dependent on the interplay between all or any of these aspects. Moebius’s claim that they can ‘portray the intangible and invisible[†¦], ideas that escape easy definition in picture s or words’ is particularly relevant to these two works. Potter’s book is, beneath its didactic Victorian narrative, remarkably subtle and subversive in its attitudes towards childhood, and its message to its child readers. Browne’s Voices in the Park, on the other hand, dispenses with any textual narrative; by his use of the devices of postmodernism, visual intertextuality and metaphor, he creates a work of infinite interpretation, in which the active involvement of the reader is key. Although The Tale of Peter Rabbit is not a ‘modern’ picturebook, and was written to a different concept of childhood than Voices in the Park, it certainly falls within Bader’s description. Susan Hill has described the events of the book as reflecting ‘the world of the Victorian nursery†¦ Naughtiness may be understood... ...h the message is conveyed. Potter’s juxtaposition of picture and word also rewards the reader for trusting the evidence of his or her eyes, rather than simply submitting to the authoritative voice. In comparison, Voices in the Park is infinitely complex and layered with meaning and symbol, wherever the reader should choose to find it. Moebius’s statement is fully realised here as Browne combines all of the technology of his medium - the words as text and picture, use of symbol, intertextuality and space - to portray ideas that remain intangible, and concepts that are infinitely open to definition. In this he displays the complexity of his and his readers’ experience, in the way that Potter, in her own way, did of hers.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Flood of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible :: Epic Gilgamesh essays
The Flood of Gilgamesh and Genesis  The Epic of Gilgamesh records a story of a world-wide flood and pre-dates Genesis. So some claim that this invalidates the Genesis record. But P.J. Wiseman presents an interesting theory in this regard in his book Ancient Records and the Structure of Genesis (New York: Thomas Nelson, 1985). He believes that Moses did not write Genesis but rather translated it from ancient stone tablets written in Cuneiform script. The tablets each would have been originally written by eye-witnesses of the particular events, or those who received their information from eye-witnesses. He breaks Genesis into parts according to the phrase "These are the generations" (KJV; "This is the history" - NKJV; "This the account" - NASB; NIV; Gen 2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10; 11:27; 25:12,9; 36:1,9; 37:2). He compares the use of this phrase and the structure of each section to the stone tablets written in cuneiform script. Many of these tablets have been discovered and they date to the third millenium BC. Wiseman's theory is that Genesis is translated from individual tablets which would have contained the material before each occurrence of the above phrase. So the narratives of the creation of the universe (Gen 1) and of the Garden of Eden (Gen 2) would have been written on one tablet by Adam as these events were revealed to him by the only Eye-witness of the events, God Himself. The narratives of the Fall and subsequent events would have been written on another tablet by Adam as an eye-witness of the events. Adam then passed each of these tablets on to his descendant Seth. Seth then recorded the events of Gen 5 and passed the tablets to his descendant Noah. Noah then recorded the events of Gen 6-9 and passed the tablets to his descendant Shem, and so one until Joseph. Joseph then recorded the final chapters of Genesis and placed all of the tablets in the library of the pharaohs. Moses then, while in pharaoh’s court, would have had access to these tablets. He then translated them into his native Hebrew. The above theory "fits" with various evidences in the Scriptures. For instance, it would explain such passages as Exod 6:3: "I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, LORD [YHWH], I was not known to them." But the Tetragrammaton appears in Genesis, making for an apparent contradiction.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Hotel and Marketing Mix
B629- Managing 2: Marketing and Finance EMA Problem related to marketing mix and performance measurement By Yennifer Pereira (PI: A8407709) August 2012 Contents Word count: 2415 Section: 1. Description of my organisation 2. Description of the marketing mix 3. Identify, analyse and summarise a problem relating marketing mix 4. Solution 5. Identify, analyse and summarise a problem relating performance management 6. Solution 7. References 1. Description of my organisationTravelodge is budget hotel brand that was launch on the UK in 1985 and currently operates more than 450 hotels in Ireland, Spain and the UK. The company is growing very fast and is planning to operate more than 70,000 rooms, approximately over 1000 hotels by 2020 and be the biggest hotels operator in London by the 2012 Olympics. Around eight million people stay with Travelodge every year, booking the rooms online at the company’s webpage. The chain employs more than 6000 staff and is currently owned by Dubai inte rnational Capital which acquires the chain on 2006.I had been working in Travelodge for three years, working my way through from chambermaid, receptionist to assistant manager, currently been in position lest that 6 months and still learning the company targets and focus in the market. Currently Travelodge is undergoing their biggest remodelling in their hotels in order to gain back the customers lost to Premier Inn their biggest competitors in the low budget market, due to the poor quality in customer service and the quality of service in the previous years. . Description of the marketing mix Marketing mix is refer as creating the right product that will attract the attention of their customers and this can be done by creating the right product, at the right price, in the right place using the appropriate promotions. Travelodge uses the marketing mix technique on their daily basics as part of the revenue team to generate the savers prices that we use online.Travelodge proud itself from providing low prices and clean and fresh rooms to our main stakeholders which are our customers, but in order to achieve that they must have a revenue team in charge of controlling the prices and promotions put online according to the location of the hotel, time of year and other issues, our revenue team works in this by using the 7 Ps of marketing. To start of they focus in the: Product: Our product will always be de same in all the hotels a clean and fresh rooms Price: This is taking into consideration after the hotel is analysing depending the time of year, location, size and other features.For example to book a room in February during the week in Bournemouth will cost you if book in advance as little as ? 19 per night, the same hotel also book in advance for the same day of the week will cost you as much as ? 80, due to the location and the season, in the other hand if you book a hotel in Bournemouth town centre will normally cost you around 20% more that a road side hotel near Bournemouth. That is why is crucial to analyse all the perspectives before setting the prices.Place: This is crucial when planning the revenue of the hotel as a road side hotel will not be as busy as a city centre hotel, or a seasonal hotel is not as profitable in winter as a London hotel in the main shopping street in the same period. Promotion: Travelodge on the daily basic our coming out with promotions to encourage customers to stay with us, a good example of this is that if you book online or by phone on the day, you will get a 10% discount rather that booking direct over the desk.We also encourage guest to purchase food and beverages by always making sure we have promotions available. People: Travelodge focus on hiring the correct team to ensure that our customers has the best service as possible from the moment they book all the way to the moment they check out. This can only be achieved by providing the right training and developing the right skills to ensure customers receive the best customer service. Processes: Travelodge nsures that all our hotels provides the same process across all the company, by ensuring that customers are deal correctly, that layout looks fairly similar, that we provide same services across the hotels and that we always are providing the correct service. Physical evidence: This is the evidence that our customer sees when he comes into a Travelodge and sees that staff all in uniform, everything branded, currently this is our main problem that not all the hotels look the same due to the layout and most of then require a brand update. . Identify, analyse and summarise a problem relating marketing mix Identify Our main focus in Travelodge is pleasing our customers by providing affordable, clean and fresh rooms, but as Travelodge been open since 1985, is difficult to provide the same standard in every hotel, the main problem that we currently have is that our hotels look completely different due to the different refurbishment that we had have over the years, as Travelodge opens a new hotel a new trial runs in that hotel and is use for a few years.Currently when a customer walks into a room in Travelodge they never know what to expect as no all Travelodge’s look the same. Analyse As a customer you expect when you walk into a hotel that will look as similar to the other hotels of the same brand, but when a company has been open for more than 26 years is difficult to maintain the same standard across their hotels. Travelodge is currently having an issue with the Physical evidence in his marketing mix, which is affecting the corporate image in overall.This issue has arise due to cost issues, the company main target in previous years was to spend revenue in building and opening new hotel, as new building arise new refurbishment ideas follow, and different layout happen without been concern on the image and standardization of the brand. Even though Travelodge has been very good in maintaining a set a st rict rule about the advertisement provide in each hotel, all the leaflets and brochures were the same and similar supplier use, the actual hotels rooms due not comply with the corporate image. This in overall affects the perspective not only of the customer, but the staff members.This links with the concept that there are four critical areas of success, the customer perspective that if is currently no been meet, the internal process perspective which are no satisfying customer needs as we are providing in some cases old, out of date and damage rooms, the innovation and learning perspective, also no been accomplish as the repeats customers keeps using this Travelodge’s but no does not sees any improvement or change and the financial perspective which is also no been meet due to having to spend more money in opening hotels and not focusing on refurnishing the old ones.Summary To summarise the problem Travelodge has spend too much money focusing in building new hotels, that focu sing in the corporate image, due to the different layouts in rooms, location of hotels customers expectations are no been meet and this is affecting the perspective no only of their customers but also they employees. 4. Solution Travelodge has realise that this is a major issue and after 26 years has started to listen to our customers complaints and request to update the brand image and improve the rooms.Travelodge has decided to fight back and restructures the image of the company by spending ? 57 million pounds in refurbishment, which 80% of hotels should be completed by autumn, they are planning to change the room design by updating the colours, curtains, acquiring to of the range beds, updating the bathroom to a state of the art power shower, and repaint and redecorate all of the hotels in the company. 5. Identify, analyse and summarise a problem relating performance managementIdentify Travelodge Bournemouth Seafront is currently facing a major problem in performance that is aff ecting the hotel overall and is that due to a fall in cleanliness of the rooms we are receiving a considerable amount of complains on the daily basics that are affecting the way the customer sees the hotel, due to this issues are WYR is not as target by the company. Analyse Every Travelodge receives at the end of the month a scorecard in which it ill inform the hotel what is expected from us, there are targets sets on how many rooms are sold and how much is sold over the bar, but one of the most important things that we look for in the score card is the WYR (Would you recommend), this are the rating that are customers gives us after they have stay with us. Unfortunately there has been a significant drop in are WYR that is affecting us dramatically. SummaryAfter investigating and speaking with our customers we have draw to he conclusion that this is due to the poor standard of cleanliness in the hotel, this was due to the manager been promoted to a new hotel and the hotel had to run through a period without manager on site, due to been the period the hotel was all the time fully book resulting on the staff having to work 6 days a weeks or overtime during all the summer period and the housekeeping department did not have the amount of staff that was needed on the daily basics, as a result they had to clean everyday between 12 to 18 rooms plus there were many issues of not having the right equipment to work. To summarise the problem when the new manager took over he had to face with a big challenge, the performance of the hotel and the targets are not been meet. As a company we use a scorecard (figure 1) that helps us measure the performance of the hotel this divides the hotels into different areas and is clear for as to know that areas that we are failing from the scorecard, if we are doing well a green scorecard can be seen and if is moderate performance will be amber and bad performance will be show in red which is what we are facing in the WYR.Are WYR is spec ifying that room cleanliness is not what customers are expecting this is a result of the issues seen above but also poor management for the last few months as there is not set of measurements in place in the hotel at that moment to see or compare to what is a good room to what in reality we are offering, we did not have the appropriate budget to buy the materials that we require in the hotel or is not been manage appropriately in order to last the time that is require to last. In overall due to poor management during the last month as the consistent of the hotel cleanliness are not been meet and as there was not a manager to be responsible for the hotel or to set targets, the hotel performance drop. 6. SolutionThere are many solutions to resolve this issue the best way possible but it has to be a solution that will benefit the hotel performance and quick and effectively as possible so to improve I come out with a list of effects that can be taking place to start improving the cleanl iness of the rooms. The first issue that the manager should so is decentralise the hotel into areas and give different areas for the assistant managers to focus on, for example one to be responsible for food and beverage, one for health and safety and one for housekeeping area, with the manager overlooking all the department and making sure that everything runs smoothly.The assistant manager or person responsible in the housekeeping department will have to implement the following plan in order to success in the task set firstly is crucial to start by re training the entire housekeeping department in order for then to know what is expected of then and the standards that we need to achieve, secondly an order of products will need to be process in order for housekeeping to have the materials needed to clean the rooms and get the cleanliness up to date, retrain the staff in effectively using the products that they have available without wasting anything, next step will be to make sure t hat a set of task are in place of the linen porter such as cleaning the public areas and making sure that linen and materials are in hand to be use by housekeeping so they do not waste any time having to find then, extra cleaning activities must be set for housekeeper to carry out then every month that can be from a range of task such a kettle discalers, changing shower curtains, mattress protectors and making sure that all the rooms have all the high level dusted done regularly, to top it all daily room checks will have to be carry out by the managers, housekeepers and staff to make sure that every room that is given to a customer is clean as is expected not only by the customer but also by the company. If all of this issues are been done as instructed there such be a difference in the rooms in a short period of time that will help the WYR that in overall will help not only in getting a green scorecard but will make customers satisfy with their stay and willing to repeat their stay with us.Is important to notice that to be able to achieve this a considerable amount of money will have to be spend in getting all the cleaning materials that are require in order to turn around the state of the rooms and a lot of time will be needed to retrain all the housekeeping department in achieving the task but all the managers and hotel staff in making sure the correct rooms checks are carry out daily. 7. References Open University (2009) B628, Managing and managing people; OU: Milton Keynes. www. travelodge. co. uk B629 Understanding Marketing and Financial Information EMA Part 2 Activities and outputs (weeks 15-19) Week 15, Activity 1 Table 15. Advice on outsourcing parks and gardens maintenance operations |Problem identification |Outsourcing parks and gardens maintenance in order to be in | | |budget for the next three years | |Analysis (investigation) |The company has the option to either try to outsource or to | | |maintain the team they already have and try to save the money if | | |possible. Analysing what their currently expenses are and what | | |the company is offering then is better to outsource as the | | |company will run why all the extra costs if they are needed such | | |as extra staff, equipment and other materials. |Conclusion to the analysis (results of the investigation) |To conclude is a better idea to contract the maintenance company | | |for 3 years as they will maintain the same price for the three | | |years and the council will be already aware of how much is | | |expending | |The solution, listed as a set of SMART recommendations |It may take time to adapt to the changes to a new company and as | | |a result staff will suffer from downsizing and being transfer but| | |in overall will result in a profitable result for the council | Week 15, Activity 2 Activity 2- Comparison of absorption and marginal costing The major difference between one and another is that the marginal costing will take into consideration all the variable costs that take to get the product which as a result will always vary from the absorption costs as this will only show just the percentage that the person that wants to sell will want to add on MARGINAL COST = |VARIABLE COST DIRECT LABOUR | | |+ | | |DIRECT MATERIAL | | |+ | | |DIRECT EXPENSE | | |+ | | |VARIABLE OVERHEADS | Week 15, Activity 3 Activity 3- 1. Why organisations prepare budgets: To control better the resources they have and make the company profitable 2. Differences between direct and indirect costs? Both costs should be represented in the financial report to make a clear picture of the reality of the financial situation of the company 3. Fixed and variable costs?Fixed costs are those that will never change and variables can change at any time so is important to present both clearly in the financial reports Week 16, Activity 1 Activity 1 Smallville accounts The differences between creating a income and expenditure account rather that receipts and payments account is that the income and expenditure will explain all that goes on in the business including the loss and profits, will show any outstanding payments from creditors and provides a clear understanding of what is expend and in what areas as how much of the stock is being use. Week 16, Activity 2 Activity 2 Balance sheet for Musical instruments Business Sources ? 000 Resources ? 00 Owners capital 750 Fixed assets 970 Loan 500 Stock 300 Creditors 300 Cash 280 1550 1550 Week 16, Activity 4 Table 16. 2 Advice on maximising reported profit figure |Problem identification |Maximising the report profit figure in order to finish the end of| | |year with a favourable performance | |Analysis (investigation) Robin Williams the owner and chief executive of a catering | | |service business is interested in getting new assesses to his | | |company but in order to do that he needs to provide all the | | |information available to get the financial support he needs, his | | |purpose is to i mprove the financial report by either postponing | | |or going ahead with a few transactions, The focus of this report | | |is to provide as much support in order to make the correct | | |decision. | | |1. First transaction with is spend ? 50. 00 in advertising which | | |will increase in sales by 20% in the next financial year- Perhaps| | |way is a lot of capital that will be invested and will only | | |result in increase in sales for next year. | | |2. Take out goods for his own use- this has to be postponing as | | |will show a lost in goods and not an increase in income. | | |3. Sell goods in credit- this is a great investment as will show | | |in the financial report still as sales but in account. | | |4.Replace a motor van that will cost ? 6000, even though this | | |cost will be divided in 6 years it will still show an investment | | |of ? 1000 this financial year | | |5 . Purchase stocks at a lower price- can be done as will show | | |that we have that quanti ty on assets and has not been a loss to | | |the company. |Conclusion to the analysis (results of the investigation) |To conclude I think that by investing in purchasing goods for a | | |lower price, sell to a customer in credit will help his financial| | |report as even though he will losses in stock he will gain the | | |sales in credit and even though he will lose the capital that we | | |will use to buy stock, will increase his stock | |The solution, listed as a set of SMART recommendations |By making this changes and at the beginning of the financial | | |year invest in advertisement which will help him sell the stock | | |purchase at discount and buy a new van will provide him with a | | |very profitable end of year report and a target for beginning of | | |next financial year. | Week 17, Activity 1 1. Companies hold some assets in form of cash to be able to pay for the expenses they are incurred in the hotel, for example to pay for suppliers, pay bills and other expe nses 2. Holding too much cash in a business can be risky as it is not providing with any investment either in the bank or as stock for the business. 3. The costs of having too little stock is not making the business look very profitable and there is the risk that when stock is needed there is not any cash available to purchase what is needed for the business Week 17, Activity 3 Table 17. Solution to a working capital problem in my organisation |Problem identification |Working capital stock taking too long to be deliver | |Analysis (investigation) |Due to the policy that we have to order food products to be | | |deliver next day, confirmer delivery and process payment which | | |takes 30 days to be pay to the company, there are major problems | | |with the items that are not being deliver to the hotels as it is | | |taking too long for the company to get the payment and realise | | |which item has not been deliver | |Conclusion to the analysis (results of the investigation) |To conclude is crucial that a way is set in which the company is | | |aware of any item that has not been deliver in order to speed up | | |the process of redelivery | |The solution, listed as a set of SMART recommendations |Both companies must agree in the desire idea to resolve the | | |problem which is time consuming | |Strengths and weaknesses of the recommendations |Time consuming, staff needs to be re train which will be cost | | |effectively | Week 18, Activity 3 Financial performance For the hotel that I work for, is required a set of financial reports on the daily basics to be able to get the banking done. These reports consist on the daily trial banking which will explain in detail how much was taking on the daily basics on the different method of payments from example how much was taking in cash, visa, MasterCard, American express and also how much was taking as a prepay before the guest arrive in the hotel.The other report that we use and is very important for us is th e credit cards reports as we need to compare the credit cards against what is showing in the pdq slips reports that are printed 3 times at day at the end of any shift, this will conform that staff is taking the corrected amount of money and reporting it on the system that we use. Third set of reports that are use are the guest on house which explains to use how many guest are in house, which room number are the staying, rate pay and any extra packages, the vacant and occupy rooms which are the reports use in case of a fire and to conclude the arrival list with a list of the guest arriving, rate pay and any packages or special requested. Week 19, Activity 2 |Problem identification |Advice MD about ways in which he can restructure Spellman in | | |order to improve performance. |Analysis (investigation) |Currently Spellman is a very profitable company that focus on | | |buying and selling machinery for ice cream manufactures and also | | |is focusing in providing repairs to their m achinery. | | |The problem that they are facing is that there is one person in | | |charge of making all the decisions and coming out with all the | | |solutions, resulting in problems within the company as there is | | |de motivation, lack of product information and other issues. | |The best propose idea to resolve this problem is for the MD to | | |hire a group of managers that will focus in different areas of | | |the country, in order for every employee to have a manager to | | |respond to and get support, and this managers to have the | | |responsibility of making decisions and solving problems, in order| | |to improve the slow decision problem that the company face before| | |and provide the support needed. |Conclusion to the analysis (results of the investigation) |By having this group of managers available the MD will have more | | |time to focus in improving the business and will have to focus on| | |dealing with this groups of managers rather that all the compa ny. | |The solution, listed as a set of SMART recommendations |Is important to understand that this is a time consuming activity| | |that will require and investment to hire this managers and the | | |time to hire and train the correct staff, and will take time to | | |get the managers train correctly and aware of the business. | | | | |But this will result in staff motivation restore and customers | | |will get the support and solutions quicker. | Week 19, Activity 3 The critical success factors and key performance indicators for airline scorecard The balance scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that focus on the current business activities and compares this to the vision of strategic of the organisation, and it focus in looking at four different perspectives of the business and see how they are performing , this are the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process and learning and innovating.Focusing in Ryanair a low cost airline which operates with over 300 airlines with over 30 destinations, their strategic focus in having the low cost in the market and their entire major decisions and focus on this making this their success factor. In order to achieve this they had to take into consideration what do they customers expected for them as a company, which are a cheap, straight forward flight, as they are not expected to get any luxuries in their flights, another key performance indicators apart for their customers’ expectations, is the financial perspective which focus in making sure they are still been profitable, this is achieve by Ryanair by always cutting the luxuries and making sure everything is to their basics.For example charging customers for extra luggage, making sure they print their own boarding pass or pay the penalty which is up to ? 60, offering services such as seat selection and priority boarding for an extra charge, these techniques helps the company reduce costs and increase profits . Focusing in the internal business perspective this can be providing customer support when any issues arise and making sure that their flights are meeting their schedules and as innovation perspective Ryanair is very clever with this as they innovate by finding new routes for their customers and competitive prices in order to maintain market position. Week 19, Activity 4Hospital cancer unit performance indicators of each of the E’s Economy: One performance issues that I’m sure must be important is to maintain cost to certain quantity when referring to getting new beds or material because the other ones are too old, this affects the patient comfort and the staff will have to deal with this resources that can be unsafe to use due to no having a reasonable budget, another one is no having the resources to innovate the drugs, no enough financial support to investigate and get new drugs that can help their patients. Efficiency: Referring to using the minimum amount of reso urces specially when referring to drugs can affect the patient health and the time of recovery, also no having the laboratory services available due to maintain the performance measurement can affect the quantity of patients treated and the staff motivation.Effectiveness: No having the time or resources due to maintain the performance can affect the health of any patient, in the other hand no having the resources to hire and train staff that can deal and provide this treatment is very concerning Equity: Proving access to everyone is crucial, due to the lack of resources and staff this is not always possible and this affects many life’s, is crucial to provide the treatment as soon as possible and often as needed to the patients to be able to save as many as possible. Personally I believe that a performance indicator in a hospital should not be the amount of money spend in treatment, in drugs, in innovating new treatments, training staff or proving comfortable atmosphere to the ir patients but the amount of life’s save.
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