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Decision Making Case Study Essay - 1189 Words
Decision Making Case Study Nadine Ranger Week 3 HCS/514 August 23, 2010 Sara Brown Decision-Making Case Study Effective decision-making is a major component in managing an organization, resources, and staff members. Managers make important decisions daily that affect the operations, quality, and success of their organization. Instituting evidence informed decision-making is a growing concept among health care organizations, but managers face several challenges including time pressures and lack of resources to determine quality information. The use of adequate decision-making tools and resources help managers make strategically important decisions as well as develop and improve†¦show more content†¦The Toolbox Rundall et al. developed a tool they call the Informed Decisions Toolbox or IDT, which they suggest will help make better evidence-informed management decisions. Evidence-informed decision-making is the process of gathering and analyzing the best evidence available and making an informed decision based on that knowledge (National Collaboratin g Centre for Methods and Tools [NCCMT], n.d.). The process of evidence-informed decision-making involves six steps. Each of these six steps can be used as a tool for improving decision-making which help the manger to overcome the barriers experienced in using this decision technique. The six steps include defining or framing the question, searching for relevant evidence or source of information, appraising the quality of the data, determining the relevance or applicability of the data, analyzing actionability, and evaluating the possible outcome of the decision (, n.d.). Essentially, organizational support of the managers’ use of the tools assists in the decision-making process, making the manager less reliant on anecdotal evidence and consultants (Rundall et al., 2007). The IDT suggests thatShow MoreRelatedDecision Making Case Study1281 Words  | 6 PagesDecision-Making Case Study HCS/514 Decision-Making Case Study The current state of the economy has had a significant impact on health care across the country. Recipients of Medicaid services have especially been hit hard in the health care arena with budget cuts and reduced services. The Maricopa County Clinic is not different when it comes to budget cuts. The department providing outpatient services to Medicaid clients has received a 15% budget cut. The current budget constraintRead MoreDecision Making Case Study Essay893 Words  | 4 PagesDecision Making Case Study Stefanie Parker HCS/514 June 24, 2011 Kendra Slatton Decision Making Case Study The standard definition of decision making is; the process of mapping the likely consequences of decisions, working out the importance of individual factors and choosing the best course of action to take (Definition of decision,). 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